View Full Version : wiki week: dheathain

01-23-16, 07:26 AM
i wanted to start a weekly activity with everybody on the site. nothing too intense or involving, because who needs that. but it is something i enjoy: adding stuff to the wiki. my plan is to post a topic every single sunday. then throughout that week we work together to add to and improve the wiki's content for that particular topic. i decided to start with dheathain for the first week because that is, to me anyway, one of the most interesting parts of althanas--new, exotic, less well explored, so on and so forth. the topic won't always be a location, it could be anything. i've thought about abstract stuff like love in althanas or stuff as technical as weaponry, all kinds of stuff. also, please make suggestions for future topics for wiki week!

anyway, i wanted to share what i've done for dheathain to start with.


Dheathain Pantheon

Dheathain Humans

Rascal Snake

Heaven Goose

Rainbow Sparrow

Reptilian Riverpike

Kissing Carp

Marble Wexfish

please share anything you do, even if it's adding some extra detail to an existing article. sharing will make it more fun for everybody. i really hope the players who helped get dheathain added to althanas to begin with get involved in this since the continent is their baby and what they think is v. important to me ^_^'; a big discussion would be mad fun. and by the end of the week once we're all mega familiar with dheathain and everything we've all worked on together, maybe we can get some threads for dheathain started?

ty for reading all.

p.s. tell me if this is a lame idea totes promise my ego isn't that fragile that i'll be mad >_>

Max Dirks
02-01-16, 09:11 AM
I think it's a great idea. I've asked Gnarl for some help designing a banner and a template for wiki entries. When it's completed, we'll run an official Wiki drive based on your suggestion :)

02-01-16, 09:33 AM
Gum, I'll have something up by Thursday. and will try and post something each following Thursday.

02-01-16, 11:45 PM
we'll run an official Wiki drive based on your suggestion :)
that sounds awesome, thanks for the official support dude. i really appreciate it.

Gum, I'll have something up by Thursday. and will try and post something each following Thursday.
thanks bard! i can't wait to read your entries