View Full Version : The Three

01-25-16, 06:19 PM
Group Name: The Three

Summary: Lye, after failing to run the group known as The Crimson Hands, has left them to their own devices. Per his decree, they are to disband. Criminals, however, never truly follow orders. Now removed from his ties to that underground world of filth, the white-haired assassin has once again taken to the open world as a nomad - wanderer. This time, he seeks to take matters into his own hands, but not without a few key chosen to aid his dark vendetta. So, before he puts his plan in motion, he walks, searching for two others which share his ideals, motives, and skill. People to which he can trust with his life, legacy, and secrets. These men and/or women will be agents of chaos, anarchy, death, and deception. They will be individuals of rumor, legend, and mystery. They will leave only a few chosen witnesses to tell their exploits. When all three gather, they leave a path of devastation in their wake. They are The Three.

Purpose: Their true purpose is unknown to the world. Many believe it is to bring ruin to great nations. To destroy kings, corrupt governments, and murder innocents. Any city that knows of their faces have ordered their guards to kill on sight. Yet, there are some fanatics and supporters who find value in their work. People of the underworld, the gutters, and the forgotten. Those whose voices are not heard and are assumed to have no worth. Those people view The Three as heroes, vigilantes, and avengers. Among them stand criminals, rapists, and murders, but not all are tainted by sin. Many are simply neglected by Lady Fortune and rejected by the gods they worship. To them, The Three are their hope for change - a new world.

Structure: There are only three members to The Three. However, since the only standing member is Lye himself, he has ventured out to find those who he calls "The Marked". The Marked are people who he has shown an interest in - those that may prove themselves worthy of his cause and loyalty. These "Marked" are in fact marked by the assassin. Whether it occurs in combat or simply in a passing street, the white-haired phantom will find a way to cut his targets with his Three Horsemen Blades of Death. It could be a grievous wound or something as light as a paper cut. However, those who are "Marked" will exhibit a small three pronged star tattoo no bigger than the common gold piece. Those who bare this symbol are either one of "The Marked" or they are targets for elimination. Only time will tell which of the two they may be, and only two will be chosen to join him.

Members:The Three are equal in rank, but hold Lye in the highest of respect. They are a team, and equally share burden and responsibility. Once The Three have been chosen, the remaining Marked are to be killed or released from their curse. The decision of which will be left to Lye and Lye alone.

01-25-16, 08:58 PM
Oh, right. Approved.