View Full Version : Those Interested in The Three

01-25-16, 09:45 PM
Info [HERE] (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30617-The-Three).

Those interested in The Three must apply OOCly here, but fill out the questions with your character in mind. I will let you know if you are marked or not after reviewing your application. After you have been marked, I will start reading your threads. If I have taken interest, I will contact you by PM and carry out the rest of your review. At the end, I will have my decision and explain the purpose of The Three.

Give me your name.
Give me your reason.

Show me your power. (Profile)
Show me your skill. (Best Thread)

Who do you rely on?
Who do you hate?

What do you live for?
What would you kill for?

Love or power?
Money or freedom?

Can light exist without the dark?
Can life exist without death?

Can you bear the mark?

01-26-16, 02:03 PM
Sure, why not.

- Her name is Madison Freebird
- Fated to be one of the three because everyone needs a nuclear option.

- The scanner says this about her power levels (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30419)
- Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society: The Monsters We Are (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28443-The-Monsters-We-Are)

- Madison relies on her own wits and stubbornness, and the skills of her friends and allies
- Madison hates those who use and abuse their power without understanding the consequences of their actions

- Madison lives for order, balance, and the furtherment of knowledge
- She would also easily kill for those same things

- Through love, power may be achieved; but neither must be abused to achieve the other.
- Freedom (but money is nice)

- Light cannot exist without the dark
- Nor can life exist without death

- Yes

01-26-16, 02:53 PM
You have been marked, Freebird.

01-27-16, 01:06 PM
His name is Elijah Belov.
The world tears itself apart and he can not hold it together alone.

His power is the sky and earth and the sea at storm. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?23281-Why-Do-I-Keep-Calling-Him-a-Chef-%28Level-9%29&p=188377&viewfull=1#post188377)
No spark can hold back the night (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?20860-Red-Stained-Night-%28Solo%29), but that never stopped him from trying.

Belov relies on his personal power and what few capable allies he can find, as well as the iron will and vast vision to see his goals made real.
He hates, more than those who actively perpetuate centuries old barbarism (IE: the Church of the Ethereal Sway), those who allow it to happen out of fear or complacency.

Elijah lives to see the day that his homeland of Salvar unites under a single banner of strength, self-reliance, and human progress.
He is willing to kill any who force others into bondage or servitude, but will also expect the freed to make good use of their hard-won freedom.

Power may fade, but love can betray you.
Freedom. If money does not allow freedom, then it is but another chain to break.

Yes. In fact, both light and darkness are equally fragile, equally necessary things that must be preserved through great effort and never taken for granted.
Death is a construct of the gods to hold mortalkind down. Perhaps it is too ingrained into the fabric of Creation to undo, but that requires further study...

What’s one more mark going to matter?

01-27-16, 01:32 PM
You have been marked, Belov.

Storm Veritas
01-27-16, 02:50 PM
Storm Veritas.
Seeking a true challenge in a land that has grown too weak for him.

Profile in Sig.
One of My Favorite Dances. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?95-To-expedite-explore-and-extract)

He relies on none, and loves few.
He hates few, but doesn't need hate to kill.

He lives to thrive, grow, and expand his power.
He will kill anything that stands in his way, particularly if killing is the easiest path.

Love if ephemeral; power is legendary.
His freedom is never negotiable, so money drives him.

His darkness makes the light grow brighter; without dark there is no light.
Without death, life is meaningless.

There are no marks left to damn him with.

01-27-16, 02:58 PM
You have been marked, Veritas.

01-27-16, 03:10 PM
Her name is Valintra Ilphiira Hlandar.
She is pushed to greatness by the whispers of Aesphestos. He has shown her a future of glory and death.

She will hold the power of undeath. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30591)
She walks in the shadows of other accomplishments, eager to create her own. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?6441-The-Sacrifice)

She relies only on herself.
She holds no hatred, only an unwavering faith in what must be done.

She lives for power.
She murders for thrill.


Light and Dark are bond brothers, and only denoted through perception.
Life cannot be appreciated without Death

She is willing to bear a mark, should a mark be available to be given.

01-27-16, 03:21 PM
Hlandar, you have been spared the mark.

05-10-16, 05:51 PM
This nonsense has been 86'd. If a admin or the like would please Pit this, that'd be grand.