View Full Version : Bard's price request II

01-27-16, 10:47 AM
I would like to know the price of three and a half pounds of steel, one pound of copper, half-a pound of zinc, a third of a pound of oakwood, and an enchantment that allows a weapon to catch fire that burns however is hit by the weapon.

said item is to be crafted, which is why I'm asking it this way, but can easily state finished item if that will make it easier. Please excuse all errors.

Max Dirks
01-27-16, 12:53 PM
The material cost would be 334 GP, but I'd have to know what you're crafting to determine the enchantment cost.

Also, to simplify things, we use "pieces" as the size of raw material.

01-27-16, 02:17 PM
Thanks Max. it will be a kind of battleax, sometimes called a Wakkobba, or a hammerax; if specifics on size and shape are needed I can provide details, and as always, my thanks.

Max Dirks
02-29-16, 08:51 AM
Sorry for the delay Bard. The enchantment cost is 250 GP.

03-13-16, 01:35 PM
I want to buy the materials now, if that's all right, so you can take the GP amount out of my holdings, and close the thread. I have it saved when it comes time for the craftin part.


Max Dirks
03-14-16, 09:30 AM
Transaction complete! 334 GP removed from Bard.