View Full Version : Battle

black shadow
01-28-16, 06:45 AM
I am in one thread and have a few solos, so I actually have enough time to write again! Woo! sooooooo it's been quite some time, heck probably close to a year, since I have done a battle thread! anyone interested?

~Black Shadow~

03-07-16, 08:26 PM
Yo brother Black Shadow, do you still want to fite?

I can throw down with you with Elthas as a matter of fact PRE his Wraith form stuff.

And down the road once his Wraith form is approved (Assuming I do get it all approved lol) yeah bro let's make a series out of this!

I can use my current level 5 or even my level 4 profile for you cause you're a homie and I want things to be fair.

Let me know what you think dood!!!

Should definitely be a Elthas and Black Shadow throw down!!!

~Throws the gauntlet at Black Shadow~ I challenge you to a duel!!! lol!!!

black shadow
03-08-16, 06:41 AM
*Catches Gauntlet* Challenge accepted!

03-08-16, 09:38 AM
I'll challenge you!

It doesn't have to be Rev, if the power difference worries you. I also have a bunch of characters.

Of Two Minds
The Phoenix

If you want to do something other than a traditional straight up fight I have the following.

Herald of the Storm

black shadow
03-08-16, 11:23 AM
Power doesn't matter to me, Shadow is pretty weak compared to most characters anyway.

03-09-16, 06:50 PM
Yo Brother Black Shadow!!!

~It's ON!!!~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30858-The-Forgotten-Secrets-of-Ruild-Closed-to-Black-Shadow)

He's so dramatic!!!

But yeah bro thread is ready let me know if you want to add anything to this crazyness :D I'm open to any and all ideas.