View Full Version : The Cog Misplaced

01-29-16, 02:06 PM
Name: Isenn Kahfdal.
Gender: Male.
Age: Twenty, nearly twenty one.
Race: Human.
Height: 1,72cm, give or take.
Weight: 55kg, give or take.
Occupation: Former Knight/Paladin. Currently, a stablehand.
Personality: A mildly fickle disposition, mentally fragile in certain situations and more often than not, downright skittish. Despite this, Isenn truly is a community person, extroverted and when able, rather boyish. Quick to join social groups, but instead of a friend-group's leader, often takes the place of (a surprisingly assertive) underdog who voices his worries aloud with ease. Having served as a knight in his city's military did wonders for his maturity, but never has this quite been in the way for Isenn to enjoy his youth. Humble at the first meeting, a bit more sassy and a friendly deadpan snarker around the people he is able to warm up to, which he does rather easily and willingly.

Appearance: Nothing in particular stands out about this young man: His complexion, fair but healthy, betrays his northern origins. His build isn't quite muscular or necessarily built for physical activity, nor too slender to lack the affinity. His hair holds dark shades borderlining black and brown. However, its true, shady red hue is only visible in strong glints of light. Dull grey eyes hide and hold, despite their shifty quality, a certain military discipline.
His attires change often and according to the weather but in general, dark colours are avoided. Keeping the fashion of his homecity in mind, one will often find Isenn dressed in light, natural colours, with dominating white shades and flattering greys. Often may he be seen with open longcoats reaching to his ankles of knees. Furthermore, his outfits consist of mostly practical articles, comfortable but not too much in the way in case of errands.

Basic Swordsmanship: Isenn has received military training with the sword for a year; he lacks experience in real combat though.
Parrying: Isenn never really had an interest for shields. Instead, he practiced his swordsmanship along with handling a parrying gauntlet on his left arm. However, with most of his experience coming from sparring, using said gauntlet in a life-threatening situation won't quite feel the same.
Horsebackriding: Isenn has a certain weakness for the powerful, sturdy animals. Ever since he was young, he occasionally took out the horses of his friends out for a ride.
Horse Care: along with his interest for the animals, he picked up on some tips from acquaintances regarding their care.
Calligraphy: Isenn used to help his father out in the business of merchandise. Specifically, he occasionally checked the records, kept track of the ledger and numbers of the stock. As practical as writing was, interest for the art of writing itself grew into a casual hobby.
Mimicking Handwriting: With his practiced control over a pen, Isenn is capable of loosely copying writing styles and faking signatures after some practice, as long as the complexity of the style is within reason and clear to read.
Appraising: Besides helping out with the records of his father's shop, Isenn helped out with moving or loading the merchandise. Without a lot of interest in the wares yet handling them often, he has a very basic skill in recognising obvious fakes and valuating various, common goods.

Light absorption. Unrefined and rarely, if never, used. Infact, Isenn will most probably deny the ability's existence at this point in time. By keeping his arm in a horizontal position across his chest, focusing and playing his fingers, Isenn is able to 'suck' the light from his direct environment. Unpracticed, this area is currently limited to a small radius of a metre around him, and pitch-black darkness will not quite be reached yet. Candles and lamps in the vicinity do not actually go out, but the fire and light of their centre will, at best, be very dimmed. From a distance, the happening appears like a local, unnatural blackout. He is unable to use the energy he absorbs, but the more light he attempts to 'pull' in, the hotter his arm becomes. Intensive use will result in burns. Currently, he is limited to using the ability once per day. When he breaks his focus, the light will slowly 'fade' back into the area.

A simple, iron elegant longsword.
An iron parrying gauntlet.
Iron, lightweight greaves.
The three pieces are branded with a simple emblem from his homecity, and occasionally worn during his free time.

History in a nutshell:
Son to a merchant, Isenn hails from the mountainous regions beyond the kingdom of Salvar. He calls the City Of Llyne his home, an independent settlement of several thousands which has never sworn loyalty to any kingdom. Simply said: The city is an anarchy, the social order and community sustained by countless individual contracts between parties and voluntaryism. Above everything, the community is held together by the collective mentality and religious beliefs. Built upon the slope of a low mountain in the highlands, the City Of Llyne's wealth comes from its soils rich with minerals. This has always attracted merchants, traders, craftsmen and miners from around, for the city is, however isolated, well reachable. If people do not come for the opportunities, they come for the local religion and unique ideals...
To reach beyond humanity, to ascend, to take the place in a flawless Clockwork to complete the Theory. This is the sort of eccentric place Isenn grew up in, a community he loved and loves. Miles from home, its local faiths, social structures, ideals, morals and mentality reach him still.

Yet, this young man finds himself a deserter at this point, left behind his responsibilities against orders. Contrite, afeared, ashamed to return, and a lot to think about: he has found his loyalty experimentally shifting close to what he once despised. Thus, for now, in the land of Salvar he spends his time, working as a stablehand and errand boy for a meal and a roof over his head for the time being. Trying to clear his head, seeking to find his place, attempting to find his path and debating the next steps; When to return to his family, how to repent, how he should retake his place as a cogwheel to contribute to his people.

Even in the lands beyond his city, Isenn considers himself a sword for his land and a tool for his beliefs. How being out of that environment will affect him in the long run is yet to be seen, however.

Doubtless, this young face has known brighter smiles.

01-31-16, 01:44 AM

Go have fun!