View Full Version : The Chronicle - January 30th

01-30-16, 12:22 PM
January 30, 2016

Althanas Points

The Althanas staff is excited to announce the official release of the Althanas Points (or AP) program. Beginning on Monday, February 1st, all members will have the opportunity to start collecting these points, which can then be exchanged for various types of judgments. If you’re not interested in having your threads judged, you may trade in your points for both EXP and GP. The list of actions that earn AP is quite extensive, ranging from participation in workshops to appearing on podcasts. For complete information on how to earn these points, as well as how to use them, check out the Althanas Points Guide (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30487-Althanas-Points-Guide).

If you are interested in refreshing your knowledge on Althanas’ many judgment types, you can also visit the new Althanas Judgment Guide (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30491-Althanas-Judgment-Guide).

February Recruitment Drive

During the month of February, Althanas will be hosting a huge recruitment extravaganza. In an effort to attract and retain new members, the staff has compiled a list of perks and events that will rival last September's Althanas Day celebrations. Here are a few of the many things that you will have to look forward to:

A series of new forum games in the Flying Stone Tavern.
A recruitment contest, with a one-of-a-kind badge to whoever recruits the most new members.
Double EXP for any threads started and finished with a recruit during the month of February.
100 EXP to the recruiter when their newbie has their first profile accepted, and another 500 EXP if they complete their first thread before March 1st.
The reveal of a special New Members area, which will bring new lore, and new opportunities for all members.

Power Group Changes

Recently, many members have come forward with ideas on how to breathe some life back into Althanas' PG system. The staff has taken these suggestions into account, and come up with a series of changes that we think you'll be very excited about. Keep an eye out for these rule changes, which will be posted in the coming weeks.

2016 Althy Awards

Earlier this month, we wrapped up our annual awards ceremony, which draws attention to various achievements, both in and out of character. Categories included Best Comeback (Storm Veritas), Best Newbie (Redford), Best Creature (Hawl), Best Villain (Madison Freebird), and many others. Special shoutouts to Max Dirks, Redford, Logan, BlackAndBlueEyes, Hawl, and The Mongrel, who all walked away with more than one Althy this year.

Congratulations to all winners, and thank you to all members who participated in the nomination and voting process! For a complete list of the winners, see the 2016 Althy Winners (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30568-2016-Althy-Winners) thread.