View Full Version : Character repository for the Pens of Pescolus

01-31-16, 07:54 AM
Author’s Note:

this thread is for PCS & NPCs crafted by Bard, Mixed-blood, Eylana, & Mythweaver, along with writers approved by them for stories they will be writing. Writer commentary on said characters and the like should go elsewhere, and other writers are strongly encouraged not to post characters here without permission of the four to whom this thread was initially created.


Cast & Writer

01-31-16, 07:57 AM
The Loud Warrior

Name: Lothar Onnenvi
(Loud Warrior born in)

Age: 28 human years (looks to be in his middle to late teans).

Sex: male.

Race:Alerian Elf, Raiaeran half-elf mix (identifies as Sel Darthirii)

Hair color: leaf Brown.

Eye color: Emerald

Height: 6’1 ( Tall & athleticly built).

IQ: 112

Alignment: Lawful neutral, mostly.

Personality: EFTJ.

Description: If you took a Raiaeran high elf’s face, all sharp and angular featured, died it an olive hue, then stuck it upon the frame of an Alerian Sel Darthirii; gave it close cropped leaf brown hair, and luminous Emerld eyes, than you would have Lothar. Well at least it would be more him than his twin. If you added plain grayish garb to the mix, Alerian military load bearing equipment, a face that was more-or-less devoid of expression to be the perfect poker face; eyes that were practically never blinking, but seemed to drink in everything at a glance; and a voice that seemed to be flatter than a carpenter’s plain, then you would have Lothar for sure.

History: Perhaps you have heard of the old Alerian yarn about the twins Adaldert & Albrecht? No, well let me you enlighten you. It goes like this, that an Alerian merchant happened upon a Raiaran lass in Corone’s market one day. The Alerian being a regular seller of finished clothing and dyes on Corone, and this Raiaerans father being a regular buyer and living on Corone they happened to meet. On that first encounter she was as scornful as a she devil and he was as gracious as a Thayne’s Maian.

Still his manners intrigued her.

For a second time they met by chance, and the interactions were much the same. At which time she found him perhaps a little more charming than the first. The third time she a little less vehement in the verbal barbs she sent his way, and by the forth they were exchanging curtesies like old friends. After a year of such they were wed, against the she elf’s father’s wishes, and she bore him twin sons.

Of course the tale turns tragic as such tales do. The father dies at sea, and the mother sold to pay his debts. The sons spend their childhood in bondage, abused and tormented, but managed to learn much all the same. They devise a daring escape attempt one night, and manage to make a break for freedom, but are tracked down to the harbor, by bounty hunters. One brother, stories never agree which one, manages to buy time for the other to escape, but is captured for his efforts. Life turns brighter for the one and darker for the other, until he is finally bought by a kind master. The stories always turn brighter after that, to a point.

Now, if you alter the names just a bit; if you alter the beginning just a tad, change it to the mother being sold into slavery by an uncaring and unscrupulous raiaeran husbund in Salvar; and if you say that the brother that was captured to let his twin could get away was named Lothar, then that old Alerian yarn, would be the core of my life until today.

As for the kind master, his name is Faust.

My loyalty to him is absolute.

His will is mine, his desires mine, his allies mine, his enemies are my enemies.

Do you want to find out why my mother called me loud warrior?


Skills: A life of slavery, punctuated by a brief period of time on the run, combined with his current service to Faust as allowed Lothar to be somewhat skilled in a wide variety of differing domains., Unfortunately Lothar has exchanged expertise in most, for broadness.

Acrobatics. Practiced, Lothar could work in a circus somewhere, given his level of skill, but his not good enough to even try out for the Olympics, let alone win a medal.

Animal Ken. Basic, Lothar has rudimentary knowledge of most animals, their habitats, and where they are found; he has read about it extensively. Still there is nothing quite like actual experience, which for more than a handful of animals Lothar is sorely lacking.

Animal Training (specialties, dogs, horses, and Alerian drake mounts). With respect to those animals he is specialized in, Lothar is considered practiced can teach them basic commands

Archery & Projectile Weaponry. Competent, put a bow, crossbow, sling, or firearm in Lothar's hands and he can hit a stationary bullseye about half of the time, and more likely than not hit a moving target, if not exactly for where he was aiming.

Artillerist. Novice, Lothar knows he isn't trained more than to do exactly what the master says with regards to alchemical agents that explode, or have the potential to explode.

Blacksmithing. Novice, he can work the bellows, and keep the fire going to the right degree necessary to keep it at the correct heat, but beyond making nails and horseshoes, its likely to turn out wrong.

Brewing. Novice, it’s drinkable, but that's all one can say for it.

Camouflage. Practiced, Lothar has both the knowledge and experience to blend in with most surroundings, which means he can hide from those that aren't particularly skilled at finding such targets.

Carpentry. Novice, Lothar can make basic repairs to most kinds of wooden objects, but that is the extent of his current knowledge.

Climbing. Thanks to his training with one of Faust’s servants, Lothar has basic military training when it comes to climbing; meaning with the proper equipment he can scale most types of surfaces. He is not as skilled in this area as his brother, and is definitely no natural climber.

Cooking. Practiced, Lothar will do fine at common fair, either indoors or out, but in the kitchen of a Lord, he would be regulated to a low position.

Debate. Novice, Lothar knows how to put logical arguments to gather, but has little practice in their use.

Dodging. Practiced, Lothar can dodge both a wrench & a ball, but he's not so good that he could dodge a bullet, or survive a food fight unscaved.

Escapology. Practiced, Lothar knows how to escape rope and typical arm restraints. He first learned this skill while devising an escape for himself and his brother; he has had some practice since, and is learning more under Faust.

Fast draw. Novice, Lothar has great reflexes.

Gambling. Novice, Lothar knows the rules, to most games of chance, but that's as far as anyone can go with his skill.

Game-playing (i.e. strategy games). Novice, Lothar knows the rules for some, but has little experience at actual play.

Hunting. Practiced, Lothar could put meat on the table from this skill alone, about half the time, given the presence of sufficient game.

Leatherworking. Novice, able to maintain and make basic repairs to leather items.

Martial Arts. Novice, Faust has had a man who has just started teaching him.

Navigation. Practiced, Lothar can navigate by the stars and is pretty handy with a map; he can keep from getting lost most of the time, as he moves from point A to point B.

Research. Novice, he's just started learning the art.

Ride. Practiced, can easily stay in the saddle of a tamed and somewhat trained beast.

Swimming. Novice, Lothar can keep himself afloat, mostly.

Throwing. Novice, he always hits the dart board.

Tracking. Novice, Lothar can identify most animal tracks and can follow them under fair conditions (i.e. anyone with a bit of sense can hide their tracks from him).
Weapons: A three bolt repeating crossbow, a pair of iron long knives.

Armor: iron breast plate and back plate, studded leather jacket and leggings.

Items: rope, backpack, spare boots, climbing gear, changes of clothes, and other common sundry effects, mostly purchased by Faust, or while in his service.


Thermographic vision: the ability to perceive objects and beings based on their heat signatures; essentially the IR spectrum.

Keen Senses: Lothar’s vision and hearing is 2 times sharper than the average human’s. That means on a clear day on flat terrain, where an average human can see about 3 miles, he can see about six. He can make out vague detail up to about 7 miles, and fine detail up to about 5. Distance decreases according to terrain/condition. He can also hear the direction of a sound more accurately than a human can, pinpointing even garbled and misdirected sounds within a few seconds at max. Lothar can hear up to two octaves higher and one octave lower than a human can, giving him clear hearing on a wider range of sounds than most people have and the ability to weed out noise interference.

Broad Awareness: Between a life of peril, avoiding parel, and his keen elven senses, Lothar has a sense of what is going on around him. This might let him pick out a good mark or spot a liar, but it can also give him a split second’s warning before trouble goes down.

Cuen Onnenvi, twin brother.
Elyana Onnenvi, mother.

Acknowledgements: Bard for a lot, and the Mongrel for allowing me to borrow her write up for abilities.

03-09-16, 03:28 PM
Name: Antheruin Daerleon (Lady of gifts of the Mist)

Age: one hundred and thirty five years ( Appears to be in her late 20s to early 30s)

Height: sixfeet & one inch

Body weight: 171 LBS

Hair: leaf brown

Eye color: Dark Blueish green

Body type: Amazonian Beauty meets elf.

Alignment: Lawful evil.


Antheruin is a take-charge individual by nature. She has such a clear vision of the way that things should be, that stepping into the leadership role seems absolutely right.

Self-confident and aggressive, she is extremely talented at devising systems and plans for action, and at being able to see what steps need to be taken to complete a specific task. While she doesn’t mind not being the “one in charge”, she will always strive for a position of authority, and support her selected superior with all the resources she can bring to bare.

Antheruin finds considerable satisfaction in helping others find their proper social niche, in ascertaining their skill set and innate propensities, and determining how they can best use those skills and abilities to serve society or a smaller social group. While she sometimes sees’s non-elves as tools, rather than actual living entities, even tools have a certain value and shouldn’t be squandered needlessly.

Antheruin lives in a world of facts and concrete needs. While she considered both past experiences, and takes future outcomes into consideration, she is firmly grounded in the present, with her eye constantly scanning her personal environment to make sure that everything is running smoothly and systematically.

While she understands the presence of magic, what elf doesn’t after all, and that there exists a universe of complexity that the senses aren’t always able to capture, she prefers concrete thinking, as opposed to pondering possibilities. She is not one that wastes time considering how a situation made her feel, or on fanciful reveries.

Antheruin is the kind of individual that sticks to her principles and push an unclouded vision of what is and is not acceptable both for herself and for subordinates. Her opinions aren’t just empty talk either, as she is more than willing to dive into the most challenging projects, improving action plans and sorting details along the way, making even the most complicated tasks seem easy and approachable, most of the time.

She expects reliability and work ethic to be reciprocated – she is a woman that meets her promises, and if partners or subordinates jeopardize them through incompetence or laziness, or worse still, betrayal, she will not hesitate to show her wrath.

Antheruin is a steadfast conservative, strongly holding to those ancient traditions that she thinks made Raiaera great, and could make it great once more. She feels that the abandonment of many elvish values, a tendency towards isolationism among the elves in recent decades, the failure to reintegrate the Aleran elves back into a joint elvish society, and the unchecked rise of other nation states, has all lead to the weakening of Raiaera. The Forgotten had a part to play of course, but the inability to respond to the crisis was, in Antheruin’s mind, merely a symptom of a much larger and pervasive issue.

Many of her actions, even if at times a bit exacting both personally and on others, can be better understood if seen through this lens of understanding. Everything she does is, in her mind, an action that will improve Raiaera.


For those who care, it is commonly known that the House of Daerleon has been one of the pillars in Raiaeran society, and in Tor Elythis especially. Members of this illustrious house have served in roles great and small, from political leaders, commanders of the deadly elnaith horsemen, White Spire magi, as well as bureaucrats, scholars, tutors, and farmers. Still what the line is most notably known for is for its bladesingers. The bulk of the House is currently situated in the ancestral holdings at Tor Elythis, as those branches that lived elsewhere were wiped out during the latest war with the forces under Xem'Zund.

Antheruin Ullume was the first and only daughter born to Edhelharn and ithildin Ullume. The reason for this is simple enough, ithildin was slain by buccaneers when the merchant ship The Star Born was attacked and boarded. The loss of her mother was particularly difficult to Antheruin, as she was the only one that knew and supported the girls burgeoning psionic talents.

Antheruin’s father was, and remains, chiefly concerned with Bardic magic, and for this, among other reasons she has never told him of her abilities. He remains rather disappointed in his first born, given her lack of interest in the one kind of magic he holds most dear.

She remains disappointed that he remarried within three months of ithildin’s death.

These childhood occurrences, and the regular duel of words that accompanied them, gradually created a rift between them. The two pointedly avoided each other and even refused to talk to one another unless absolutely necessary. Despite these stormy experiences with her father Edhelharn & a cold connection that exists between Antheruin and her stepmother Vanlanthiriel, she has a warm and loving bond with her step sibling’s: Alassiel; Meldamiriel; Urúvion; and Suiadan.

She is as close to each of them as their own mother, perhaps even closer.

Those were the good years. Looking back on them, for many of them, after Antheruin and her father stopped speaking to one another, they could even be said to be peaceful years. Like all good things, they did not last.

Academy life

What caused Antheruin to leave her family home is not widely known, but it is suspected to have something to do with her dalliances with the swordmage Silontol, second son of Ingmir Ullume, a line of celebrated warriors, soldiers, smiths, and enchanters, whose ancestry is as old as Raiaera itself; and whose only blight upon their name is that half of it split with the Great Departure. One of the few great ship builders not to wholly depart with the fathers of the Alerians, those ship makers of the House Eternal hold a degree of notoriety not enjoyed by many other houses for this trade alone.

Still Antheruin’s father was a traditionalist, and as rumor has it, couldn’t stand the thought of his daughter spending time with a member of a family that was a staunch political rival, and who practiced policy of equity between elf, man, & dwarf alike.

Having already built a reputation of exceptional skill at arms, winning nearly every competition she entered from the age of twenty two, Antheruin applied for, and was most eagerly accepted into the dÃ*rnaith military training academy northwest of Trenycë. Here she taught the arts of marshal combat both mounted and dismounted, as well as the nearly forgotten art of Neuromancy, to those who would serve as the rank and file soldiers of the Raiaeran military for the next sixty years. Here to, would she and her lover, Silontol Ullume, along with a small cabal of trusted allies begins experimenting with ancient blood and soul magic, referred to as Mechor Angol & Phayā Angol respectively.

Of this initial group only Foros Rheeve, Gilgalion Searabonnen, & Vingilótë Meliane still live, as the other seven all perished during the Corpse War. According to official military records, the half-elves Gilgalion Searabonnen & Vingilótë Meliane was slain during the takeover of Trenycë. This is in truth a falsehood, as both joined with Haraldur Rekajaven, before the cities take over, and both currently serve under the spellsinger Elmirah.

She intends to use these two, along with an assortment of other tools, to reshape Raiaera to how she thinks it ought to be.

The War

It should come as no surprise that Antheruin was transitioned from out of training duties to combat duties during the Corpse War. Given the fact that she was already in active military service, and already an officer, if a low ranking one, it was not long before responsibilities began to increase steadily, as casualties began to mount. By the time of the Siege of Eluriand, she had been promoted from under lieutenant to high lieutenant, and the fact she managed to get a third of her forces off the field intact is something that her superiors would note later. By the time she was assigned the less than desirable task of defending Golonan, she had been promoted to the rank of captain, although this was as much a consequence of there being few trained officers, as it was due to Antheruin’s skill and abilities.

Much happened there that will never be recorded in any history book.

At present Antheruin remains at Golonan, training and preparing, and most importantly waiting to unleash the next phase of her plans. She intends to reshape Raiaera into something stronger, greater, more closely aligned to her concept of the Elvin ideal. The only question that remains, will she succeed?

Skills:Astrology, Novice
Alcohol (types & production), Trainee
Arms Dealers (Alerian, Salvarian, & Raiaeran), Adept
Alchemy, Expert
Animal handling(general), Trainee
Animal handling (horses), Mastery
Armor fabrication (knowledge), Expert
Armorsmithing, Adept
Art (knowledge of), Expert
Athletics (Climbing), Trainee
Athletics (Swimming), Adept
Athletics (gymnastics), Expert
Biology, Trainee
Blacksmithing, Trainee
Botany, Trainee
Body language, Adept
Combat (Clubs), Adept
Combat (Blades), Adroit
Combat (Archery), Adept
Combat (Pole arms), Adept
Combat (mounted), Adroit
Cooking, Adept
Dancing, Expert
Dragons (knowledge on habits, tactics, magic, & culture), Trainee
Economics, Adept
Etiquette (Raiaeran), Mastery
Etiquette (Salvarian), Adept
Etiquette (Alerian), Trainee
Enchanting (Talismongering), Trainee
Engineering, Trainee
Escape artist, Trainee
Gambling Card Games, Trainee
Healing, Trainee
History (Raiaera ), Mastery
History (Alerian), Novice
History (Corone), Novice
History (Salvar), Novice
Law (Raiaeran), Adept
Law (Salvarian), Novice
Lock picking, Trainee
Marshal arts, Adroit
Military tactics (infantry), Adroit
Military tactics (Calvary), Adroit
Military tactics (Naval), Novice
Military signaling (flags, lanterns, smoke, etc), Trainee
Military signals (hand), Expert
Politics (Raiaeran ), Adept
Subduing combat, Adept
Small unit tactics, Adroit
Stealth, Adept
Throwing, Trainee
Tracking, Novice


Antheruin is capable of employing psychic lines and anchors, while she can have multiple lines active at one time (quest only), she can only manipulate one mind at a time (combat with permission of player only, with defenses being taken into account). At present time she can currently manipulate senses, and emotions, and while she can read surface thoughts, she cannot probe, nor implant thoughts.

This ability is a psychic means for enhancing one’s own senses and abilities. Five times a thread, Antheruin can temporary boost (two posts per activation), her abilities, or her senses (one ability or sense per activation), to twice that of the average human.

Soul catching:
Antheruin is knowledgeable in the ancient art of Phayā Angol, or soul magic, and is thus capable of capturing souls (NPC only), and utilizing them in the construction of enchanted items. Those encountering said items will not automatically know that they are powered by souls, or soul energy (this is non-battle related only, and will require separate threads for item construction, approved by a judge, as in keeping with quest obtained items).

03-14-16, 11:37 PM
Anther (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30656-Character-repository-for-the-Pens-of-Pescolus&p=262096&viewfull=1#post262096)