View Full Version : Shopping Abroad - Clothing

01-31-16, 07:42 PM
"Hey Azza, how about we go shopping for some clothes of your own?" Azza looked up from the large tome she had open upon the dining table and the tiny wilted plant sitting inside the soil of a small clay pot. She blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted to watch Erieai tighten the screw on her own left forearm. The petite woman had spent the greater part of the morning fixing the mechanical replacement limb at a nearby workbench. Azza, in an effort to keep silent company while Erieai focused, practiced restoring the neglected plants in Erieai's home. Now that the woman was done however, she was eyeing the chestnut brown robes of the girl with her usual grimace of disapproval. "I mean, as flattered as I am that you prefer to borrow mine, I'm pretty sure they don't really fit anymore. It's why you've been wearing that robe a lot more, right? Sister what's-her-name gave you those, yeah?"

Azza gave an uncomfortable laugh as she reached behind herself to rub at the nape of her neck. Looking off to the side to avoid Erieai's gaze, she managed a quick, "The robes Sakuya gave me are pretty comfortable though."

Erieai's grimace turned to a grin as she replied, "Oh? I didn't hear a no."

Quickly, Azza waved her hands in front of herself defensively. "I shouldn't trouble you with something like this. I mean, where's Jon? The little one usually gets hungry around now."

The grin upon Erieai widened as she listened to the girl grasping at excuses. "Pell took him to visit everyone's graves." Standing, the short woman approached Azza. "So that means you and I have some time."

One last attempt and one excuse that Azza had been saving. With a deep breath, she managed, "I don't have any mana shells though, only some gold coins from Corone. Somewhere."

Erieai laughed as she took hold of Azza's arm and lead her away from the plant and tome. "I'll cover and you can pay me with the coins instead. I can always use it for wiring."


Within an hour of walking, Erieai had steered Azza into one of the many clothing stores in Seoyruun upon Se'lutia. Another few minutes and Azza was accosted by different outfits and as fast as she tried them on, new ones would appear immediately. After what seemed like eternity, Azza found herself carrying two sets of clothing made in the traditional style, a pair of leather boots with steel on the inside, undergarments and socks. Lots of socks.

"Erieai," Azza began as the two waited by the counter of the store, "why are there so many socks?"

The eluvian woman laughed. "Dry feet are important and if you need extra bandages you can boil the socks in water and they'll do well enough."

"But why do these boots have steel inside over where the toes would be?"

Erieai patted the girl on the shoulder and grinned. "Just trust me okay? Wait here, I forgot something."

Before Azza could object Erieai had already ran to the far end of the store to inspect several bags. The woman returned quickly with a canvas satchel and placed it upon the counter as well. "What's that for?"

"I remember you mentioning that you're heading back to Corone soon and last I checked your old pack went missing somewhere didn't it? And we'll need to get those tailored for your wings later."

"Yeah, I guess." A small moment of silence passed with only the ticking of a nearby clock on the wall to disturb it. "Thanks Erieai."

Erieai smiled. "Just promise to visit us someday, in case people start to forget what happened two years ago."

Here is a list of mundane items I would like to purchase for Azza:

Traditional Seoyruun Style Clothing - Two sets of clothing made in traditional Seoyruun fashion, they are as follows: Two tunics with blended blues and green that are made of layered cotton with flowing sleeves, tailored with her wings in mind. One loose fitting pair of white pants made of sturdy cotton. One long linen skirt dyed a light tan. Two sets of white soft cotton undergarments. And cotton socks. Lots of socks.

Durable Canvas Satchel - It is made from tough canvas and treated to be water proof. Mainly used to carry extra clothing, trinkets and other odds and ends. Dark green in color.

Leather Boots - A pair of brown, steel-toed hard-leather boots.

Also, the following because I forgot to request them as a spoils. Can tack on the gold cost here.
Farinman Order Robes - Plain heavy cotton robes of a chestnut brown color. They are tailored with Azza's wings in mind.

03-01-16, 09:00 AM
I don't have the time to RP out an exchange, but I'll give you pricing and let you write out your interactions or details:

Traditional Seoyruun Style Clothing (Two sets) - 200 GP

Durable Canvas Satchel - 75 GP

Leather x Steel Boots - 75 GP

Farinman Order Robes - 75 GP

No enchants, no rare materials, slight discount made for the pants in the sets since there's no real pricing schema for leg coverings aside from boots. Charged a wee bit extra for the steel toe on the boots and the treatment to the canvas bag. Let me know if you have questions.

Total: 425 GP total for clothes shopping

03-01-16, 09:23 PM
That's alright~ Just happy to have clothing! Everything looks to be in order!

Max Dirks
03-07-16, 08:13 AM
Transaction complete. 425 GP removed from orphans.