View Full Version : [UNAPPROVED] Breathe In the Flame (Level 11)

02-04-16, 12:48 AM
Name: Elijah Belov

Level: 11

Age: 26

Race: Human

Hair Color: Brown with hints of red

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 6' 0"

Weight: 175 Pounds

Occupation: Former chef, aimless wanderer, former Pagoda Master, and freelance sorcerer.

Appearance: Elijah’s mop of thick brown hair is wavy almost to the point of being curly and his strong chin and soft brown eyes curiously accent clean facial features. At least, it does when he's clean-shaven and well rested, neither of which happens often. ((On the whole his face looks Germanic with Slavic cheekbones.))

Elijah always had a certain noble look when he asserts himself, one that contradicted his former culinary occupation. However, where he used to most often look the part of a scruffy, frustrated chef with an unnerving habit of talking to himself, hard years and the growth of power changed him. His many travels and trials scoured away his baby face and left him whipcord lean, sturdy. He combines vigorous youth with a fair number of scars and the eyes of an older man.

History: Elijah’s grandfather was brave knight and a rich and powerful noble. Elijah’s mother spoke of few other redeeming features, and only when telling the story of how his grandfather engaged in an extended affair with his grandmother before running off with another woman. He had left Eli’s grandmother and newborn daughter to fend for themselves. Elijah’s mother followed in her mother’s footsteps in many ways. She, too, fell in love with a wealthy man who vanished and left her with a young child, Elijah.

Fortunately, Elijah’s mother showed greater foresight and saved enough money to open the Golden Grass Inn. Eli spent much of his youth working there as a talented chef and charming young bartender, and both he and his mother prospered modestly from his efforts.

Elijah first went out into the world for the sake of business at 17. He sailed to Scara Brae first, where he met some random people, engaged in some rather satirical brawls, and nearly got pummeled by some angry sailors. Luckily, he'd managed to meet with some warehouse owners there and worked out a number of shipping contracts for his mother's tavern, thus saving them the huge expense of purchasing pricy Salvarian grain. After almost a month, he left Scara Brae for Corone, where he found many perilous adventures and gained his first fleeting spark of fame in the Citadel. He also took full advantage of the nation’s acceptance toward magic to research and learn, furthering his arcane knowledge and understanding.

After two years, he finally managed to return to Salvar, only to find the huge nation on the brink of civil war. After finally reaching his hometown and finding his mother executed for witchcraft because of books he had hidden in their home, he set off again to extract vengeance against both the church and the witch hunter responsible. He played many key but often overlooked roles in the conflict in the following years.

After a long, tragic campaign that ranged across the entirety of Salvar, Elijah washed his hands of his home country and traveled south on the back of Cirothe, a fierce reptilian mount. He reached Alerar friendless and penniless, with only his remaining books, small collection of potent magic items, and his various formidable skills in magic, combat, and academics. Fortunately, these proved more than sufficient to begin a new life, frequently sailing between Ettermire, Scara Brae, and Radasanth. Since then, he has worked as a private “arcane contractor”, selling his sorcerous abilities to pay the bills.

His notoriety in the region grew further when he fought his way to a Master’s position in the famous Dajas Pagoda and participated in numerous high-profile Citadel battles. His displays of immense magical might combined with rapidly-surfacing rumors of his exploits during the Salvar civil war have earned him the praise of being “one of the most powerful sorcerers in the known world”. Having discovered his taste for fame, Elijah spent the next four years building a reputation in these regions.


Swordplay -- Legendary
Arcane Theory -- Master
Unarmed Combat -- Expert
General Academics -- Expert
Military Tactics -- Expert
Mathematics -- Adept
Sailing -- Novice
Horse Riding -- Novice
Oratory -- Master
Stealth -- Novice
Metalworking -- Apprentice
Culinary Arts -- Expert
Linguistics -- Adept (Tradespeak, Salvic, Elven, Dwarfish)
Critical Thinking -- Expert


"My mind is a razor."

Mental Reaction Speed -- Elijah wits are exceptionally quick, allowing him to react to changes effectively instantly. He can mentally react faster than a crossbow bolt fired from fifteen feet. This does not increase his physical ability to react, but can affect the speed of defensive spells, for instance.

Perception -- Elijah's eyes and ears are keener than average, as is his ability to decode what he perceives. He can read words on a page from across a room, make out very fine details up close and count branches on trees from a hundreds of meters away. He can make out wide ranges of sounds, including soft snowfall, and can parse out the sound of a drawn sword in a bustling marketplace.

"My body is tempered steel."

Physical Strength -- At full potential, Elijah is as strong as an average active adult male. He can deadlift 1,600 pounds and throw a haymaker punch at up to 2,400 pounds of force, with pushing strength, sword swings, and other actions proportionately powerful. Drawbacks: Eli's immense strength comes from his magical abilities and he can't maintain it all the time. Without magic, he suffers a -8 strength penalty (bringing him to x2) He must focus his powers for one second per two levels of strength to raise it toward or to his full potential. Even then, he can only maintain his full strength for about five minutes (or five posts in most battles) at a time before it wears off.

Physical Dexterity -- x10. Elijah can juggle knives by their blades, catch arrows, dodge bullets, and slash crossbow bolts while riding on horseback. Drawbacks: Eli's immense dexterity comes from his magical abilities and he can't maintain it all the time. Without magic, he suffers a -7 dexterity penalty (bringing him to x3) He must focus his powers for one second per two levels of dexterity to raise it toward or to his full potential. Even then, he can only maintain his full dexterity for about five minutes (or five posts in most battles) at a time before it wears off.

Physical Endurance -- His natural toughness twice the punishment of an average active adult male before becoming incapacitated. He is also able to endure most weak and moderate toxins and hold out five times longer than average against those strong enough to kill him. Elijah can jog for 50 miles without rest (and much longer with rests), can maintain a hard daily march for two weeks, and can wrestle for fifteen minutes straight before succumbing to exhaustion.

"My will is the deep ocean."

Force of Personality -- Elijah can intimidate barroom braggarts, deeply unnerve even veteran soldiers, and earn the respect of orc warlords. He does not flinch under pressure. He can calmly remove a venomous spider from his face and keep himself from flinching when a musket fires right next to him. He can shrug off insults, seduction attempts, and provocation. When he is moved to anger, he is as cold and implacable as the coming winter. Elijah is also highly resistant to mental influence, both mundane and supernatural. He could endure the betrayal of a lover or close friend and keep it from hindering his actions. He can resist an arch-demon's corrupting influence long enough to sit down for mead and small talk.

Raw Pyromancy – Elijah possesses godlike mastery of the raw essence of fire. He can unleash a variety of fiery attacks as varied as his vindictive imagination. At max exertion, he can perform up to the following: torso-sized fireballs every three seconds, rapid-fire fist-sized bolts at two per second, 100 cubic feet fire streams lasting up to ten seconds half as many seconds in between, fifteen feet wide fire waves, and every ten seconds, 360 degree fire shock waves that hit everything within ten feet with searing heat and enough force to knock over armored knights. All of these attacks can, if he wishes, impact with kinetic force equaling a crude gunpowder explosive over an area double the fire attack’s size. They can burn hot enough to turn sand into rough glass (with prolonged exposure). He can sustain max exertion for up to ten minutes a day before succumbing to exhaustion. Decreasing the rate, heat, explosiveness, or area of effect of his attacks will proportionately decrease the rate of exhaustion. When needed, he can focus his power into a small area, allowing him to blast holes through reinforced stone walls or melt delhar. Finally, up to ten times her day, he can summon a fiery aura around himself, with flame tendrils lashing out at nearby opponents within ten feet, causing severe burns (even more so when grappling).

Refined Pyromancy – With a more refined approach to pyromancy, Elijah can perform the following three feats.

Heat Resistance -- With effort, Elijah can walk through white hot infernos or submerge himself in boiling water without injury. This effect is magical in nature and he can only maintain it for up to thirty seconds at a time with thirty seconds in between, for a total of five minutes over the course of a day.

Fever Cleanse -- Eli's only real healing ability allows him to superheat his body (or someone else's, though others are more likely to suffer serious harm as a result), cleansing toxins, poisons, and diseases from his system. The process requires ten seconds in total and causes mild fatigue if used more than once in a day.

Witchfire -- Harnessing the Old Magic, Elijah can infuse any of his fire spells with cosmic energy, making it burn with supernatural heat and tenacity. Doing so is 50% more draining than normal, but it changes the nature of the fire so that it no longer needs air or fuel and can burn underwater. It no longer counts as a fire attack and causes damage similar to radiation burns. There is no limit on this feat beyond the significantly increased drain on the affected magic category.

Flame-Forged Prowess -- Three times per day, for ten minutes each time, Elijah can harness his pyromantic powers to perform spectacular martial feats and empower his weapon. His movements flicker as swiftly and unpredictably as a dancing candle, making him three times more difficult to target and hit, while also making it three times more difficult for his foes to predict, dodge, or parry his attacks. Every ten seconds, he can launch into a blinding flurry, his blade blazing orange and moving twice as fast. Each cut inflicted this way bursts into supernatural flames, boiling blood and charring flesh.

In addition, while Flame-Forged prowess is active, Elijah may perform the Magma Slash twice per Prowess activation. For this technique, Elijah plants both feet on the ground, aligning his aura with earth and fire. His sword glows a molten gold. This setup takes two to three seconds and is obvious to anyone watching. His next sword strike that connects cleaves through stone, bone, and even heavy armor, capping out at a quarter inch of mithril. Even tougher targets still take increased damage, but can withstand the blow. This technique fizzles out if he fails to strike his target within ten seconds.

Brilliant Flight of the Raptor – Twice per day he may conjure forth a great fiery eagle with a wingspan of forty feet. It will fly in constant circles around him (at a radius of fifteen feet and a speed of ten miles per hour), deflecting incoming projectiles and burning enemies it comes in contact with. It lasts for five minutes, but at any point, Elijah can choose to launch the apparition up to five hundred yards at 150 miles per hour. It intelligently seeks out its target, changing course as needed. Alternatively, Elijah can control the raptor directly. It strikes with enough force and heat within five feet of its center to melt delyn and shatter four feet of solid granite. Its overall radius is twenty feet, its power decreasing by half for each five feet from the center.

This spell requires five seconds to cast – the action is obviously powerful magic to any onlookers.

Alchemical Sorcery – Elijah can use spellcraft to alter and transmute earth-based materials, including but not limited to rock and metal. He can leech the strength from materials, decreasing them by roughly one material tier in strength per second of physical contact, double that for mithril or higher. He can also make them stronger, though typically at the cost of making them more stiff or brittle (though this cannot increase the strength of adamantine or icemold).

Additionally, with several seconds of concentration (roughly one second per five cubic inches, twice as much time for solid rock), he can transmute rocks, sand, and dirt into a volatile alchemical substance that explodes with the force of gunpowder and burns like oil when ignited.

Charms -- These are quick, simple utility spells that serve as Elijah's arcane Swiss Army Knife. Each can be cast instantly, with varying durations. He can cast fifteen of these charms per day, in any combination. These charms are learned through rote and always function within the same set parameters.

Feather-fall -- This charm reduces any fall of 50 feet or less to a harmless velocity. Longer falls will be lessened, but will still do damage as though they began 50 feet closer to the ground. When stacked, each casting adds another 50 feet to the charm’s effect.

Levitate -- Casting this spell gives Eli three minutes of telekinesis, allowing him to lift up to sixty pounds, whether as one object, several smaller ones, or even piles of sand. He can fling objects up to twenty feet, but not fast enough to cause damage. He can stack this charm up to three times, increasing its weight capacity by sixty additional pounds each casting. If used simultaneously with Feather Fall, Levitate allows Elijah to levitate himself, hovering up to fifteen feet above his starting position and moving at the speed of an average jog.

Mage Sight -- Elijah infuses his senses with magical energy, allowing him to sense auras and the flow of magic. With this charm active, he can detect living creatures, undead, and constructs, and immediately know the difference, without being able to see them. He can sense enchantments and other magic and discern their function with some study (time required depends on the enchantment's complexity).

Arcane Defensive Matrix – Elijah can create protective fields to ward off single attacks. It works by dispersing and grounding the force/energy of incoming attacks. Kinetic and electric attacks have 95% of their power redirected into the ground (sometimes causing damage to the ground beneath his feet). He can cast this spell five times in one hour (and ten times total per day), and each shield lasts ten seconds.

Precognitive Parry – This spell allows Elijah to predict the nature and timing of the next attack exactly half a second before it occurs, within ten seconds of casting.

Wind Feet -- Upon casting this spell, Elijah bursts forth in a gale of supernatural wind. His forward running speed is quadrupled and his jump height and distance increased tenfold. This charm lasts for up to half an hour or until Elijah stops running for longer than two seconds. When active at the same time as Levitate and Feather Fall (see above, under Charms), Elijah's hovering speed increases to twenty miles per hour (still following Wind Feet's movement requirements at all times)

Iron Skin – This spell enhances his resilience by making his skin as hard as iron, while keeping it as supple as regular skin and flesh. This spell takes three seconds to cast. He can cast it up to four times consecutively to stack effects. The second casting increases it to the strength of steel, the third to Delyn. Up to this tier, the spell lasts for five minutes. When cast a fourth time, his skin gains, the strength of mithril for fifteen seconds. He can cast this spell a total if eight times per day.

Ritual Magic – With proper research and preparation, Elijah can achieve a variety of effects through arcane rituals. These advanced spells require hours or even days of preparation. These spells are typically story-oriented and will always require permission from opponents or questing partners. Below are some examples, but if he can find the right instructions, he can perform most rituals given the time and materials. Instructions and materials always acquired in the thread, in some capacity.

Spell Meditation -- By spending hours in quiet contemplation, Elijah meditates on a chosen set of spells, writing them into the tapestry of creation ahead of time. This allows him to cast up to five spells twice as quickly and at half effort.

Dreamstrider -- Elijah can achieve a variety of dream-oriented effects, including protecting his dreams from intruders and venturing into someone else's dream. Entering another person's dream requires some form of sympathetic link. A memory of the target's appearance is a weak but usable link (resulting in an unreliable dream connection), whereas a personal belonging, or better yet hair or blood, provides a much stronger link.

Firestorm -- Building a massive bonfire, Elijah binds it to the very sky, conjuring forth a great storm to rain fire and brimstone upon his foes. The magical drain is enormous (though other mages can aid him), steadily draining his pyromancy, charm, and shaping pools.


Steel dueling sword, two chef coats and hats, apron, a small library of books, a small collection of chef knives, a pair of enchanted Prevalida claw gauntlets (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?12985-Slashy-smashy-stuff.), and the Abyssal Blade.

The Abyssal Blade:
Master craftsmen of unknown origin forged this sinister and mighty blade from rare Prevalida. Elijah took it from a powerful vampire lord, lured by the promise of its power. Ever since, he has become more and more convinced that a malevolent presence lurks within the evil sword. The weapon is covered in arcane runes, glyphs, and sigils, each one binding a different enchantment. Currently, Elijah has only been able to activate two runes. One is an enchantment that charges him with magical energies up to twice per day, each use restoring five minutes of max exertion pyromancy, five charm uses, five defensive spells, one use of Flame-Forged Prowess, and ten shaping spells. Each activation also increases the strength of his fire spells by 20% for one hour. The second rune helps to protect him from extreme elements by keeping him warm when it’s cold and cool when it’s hot

In addition, the blade emits a constant flow of magical energy that Elijah has yet to fully tap into – its potential for raw power output rivals the magitech reactors of Alerian airships.

((Abyssal Blade acquired here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?7155-The-Lords-of-the-Night%22). Second rune activation awarded here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?10528-MQ-When-Blood-Runs-Cold). Some adjustments were required to fit within current RoG rules.))

Cirothe, the Ashkore War Lizard

Cirothe is a terror to behold, standing taller than most warhorses and weighing far more. This beast has the stamina of a pair of oxen, the speed of most horses, and the stealth and agility of a forest predator, despite its huge mass. Its scales are as hard as stone and its jaw is filled with sharp, dagger-like teeth. This creature was purchased at the largest and oldest bestiary in Salvar and has served as the former chef’s mount ever since.

Cards of Fate
02-12-16, 03:35 PM
Could you please highlight what has been changed please?

02-12-16, 06:52 PM
That wouldn't help you much because I haven't updated since before the current RoG system was implemented (almost five years ago). As a result, I had to completely restructure his skills and abilities to fit the new rules.

I'll highlight the abilities I added new from stratch (as opposed to those adjusted or reorganized), though I don't think that would help much. Especially since some other abilities were weakened a bit for this update.

Max Dirks
03-14-16, 12:50 PM
Hey Christoph. Sorry for the delay and thank you for highlighting changes.

Before Cards or I get too deep into your profile, as it's written the "Pyromantic Conjuration" ability, even with it's limits, is going to take you far beyond the allowed ability number for Level 11. The way that we handle clones, or abilities where the conjured "shadow" is a mirror of the character, is by counting the ability to conjure as one ability, then including each ability the clone has as a separate ability. So, that ability alone would take up 19 slots (1 conjure ability + 6 attribute/pyromancy ability x 3 clones). Keeping this in mind, I'll need you to edit or remove the ability, so we can progress on the rest of the profile.

03-14-16, 06:58 PM
What if I rewrote them to count as more "standard" summoned creatures with their own separate attributes rather than mirroring Elijah's? Where is the line, there? I'm okay if they have to get weakened a bit. I just don't want to get hosed points-wise on a technicality, haha.

Max Dirks
03-14-16, 09:31 PM
That's fine by me. Each summoned creature will be treated individually though. If you want a tank, you can make shadow with 10x endurance. That would only be 2 abilities (the conjure and the endurance) with other traits as equal to a normal human. You could do a fast attacker with 10x agility and 10x attack and that would be only 3 abilities (the conjure, the attack and agility). It's up to you really.

03-14-16, 10:16 PM
Edited. I gave decreased the number to two, gave them static agility and listed their attacks as burning. I also more clearly defined their duration, so they only last a couple posts in battles.

Max Dirks
07-11-16, 10:12 AM
Christoph, I'm going to archive. Let me know when you return and we can revisit it.