View Full Version : [Pending] Going Rambo with a crossbow

02-05-16, 04:53 PM
Fancy & fine Fletching’s, the sign outside said, you could see that clearly. The name of the places owners, well… that would require the ability to see into the past to notice. Three of the letters looked like they’d been burned in a fire, and two were gone all together. Looked as though the wood had rotted in those places.

Still he’d heard that this shop catered to bowmen of all sorts, even having rare and unusual ammo in stock. He came and looked for one of the shop’s owners.

He was here to buy some exploding crossbow bolts.

Max Dirks
02-29-16, 09:02 AM
The shop owner peered up at the elf. "Can I help you," he eyed the customer up and down. "We've got some good deal on shoes, if that's what you're in for..."

03-16-16, 05:41 PM
Shoes. Was that some sort of a joke?

He took one last longing glance at a repeating crossbow, fashioned in the form of a dragon, and turned to the shops owner.

"I have been told that you happen to deal in specialized ammunition.” Leaving the crossbow that he was almost certain he couldn’t afford, he made his way closer to the counter as he spoke, “I am looking for explosive crossbow bolts, as my employer is interested in hunting a particularly large and powerful creature that has been antagonizing agricultural production.” A simple explanation, which was also true. A number of the massive farms had reported seeing a massive creature with glowing eyes near the boundary lines of their land, and half eaten corpses that were believed to be missing agricultural laborers had been turning up with increasing regularity.

It was past time to do something about it.

Still one didn’t go to battle ill prepared if one could help it. So, here he was.

09-26-16, 08:47 AM
"Explosive you say..." mused the shopkeep, his fingers twiddling a stub of a cigarette he had been puffing on all day, "aye, I know of such a thing. These won't be cheep, and you'll be paying by the dozen. Lets see...."

The shopkeep made a point in counting his nicotine stained fingers.

"That'll cost you 50 gold for a dozen."

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
10-14-16, 07:33 AM
Thread moved due to inactivity. If you wish for this to be re-opened at a future date, please contact a member of staff!