View Full Version : Accessories [unresolved]

02-06-16, 08:45 AM
The expected little bell rang when she opened the door and sauntered in. This place held an assortment of nick-knacks covering everything she could imagine, and quite a few things she hadn’t. It was perfect for her needs.

Instead of perusing the shop’s dragon-horde of wears, an action that would take her hours, which she didn’t have, she sauntered over to the counter, and blithely asked the being behind it,

“I’d like to buy a blow dart gun, something concealable, and not at all fancy, some darts, and some sort of throwing blades.”

This was followed by a long pause, in which she finally asked,

“Do you also happen to have something that will make someone sleepy? That I could coat the darts in?”

And then after an even longer pause she finally asked, just as quietly, "do you carry bows?"

Cards of Fate
02-29-16, 01:56 PM
A door in the backroom opened, yet noone seemed to walk from it. The soft pitter patter of footsteps alerted Eylana to another presence, and soon she was greeted with the chocolate brown eyes of Spud the Otter glancing at her from barely over the counter. The furry scoundrel hopped up and pulled himself onto the counter and then glanced at the elf before him.

"Holy cow Lady, that's alotta questions for a mannequin." The otter said gesturing to the decoy shopkeeper. Standing next to him was an incredibly uncanny depictions of an old man. The otter fished around in a pocket in the "old man's" shirt and pulled out a tiny crystal and flicked it. The woman's questions played back in an eerily distorted manner before the young mammal nodded for a moment.

"Hrrrm..." he mused aloud. "I has all that and more in the back..." he chewed his lips. "The question becomes materials! What do you want this stuff to be made of? Are we looking at the cheap stuff the make in Akashima? Or do you want good Aleran quality?"

02-29-16, 07:16 PM
A faint bit of color appeared on the elf's cheeks at the realization that she was speaking to a mannequin. Given the elf’s natural pallor, what would have been the faintest of blushes came across as obviously as a scarlet cloak in a forest on a summer’s day.

“Good day Master… Master Otter,” a slight curtsey was given to the beastman, as respectable as any lady would give to a full merchant, “perhaps for the bow I could trouble you with something in either oak, or Salvarian white pine, if oak is not available. I was hoping for a short bow, since I lack the strength of a longbow, perhaps a composite?”

A pair of dainty fingers rubbed across the counter, while her other was raised palm outward, in that typical gesture of one that needs a moment to think.

“As for the blow dart gun anything but cherry wood will do, and I would prefer steel for the throwing blades… do you have those bladed stars that I have heard of by chance?”

Cards of Fate
02-29-16, 07:41 PM
The otter hopped off the counter and immediately began to rustle through several incredibly large cabinets, each filled to the brim with drawers of all shapes and sizes. The small furry merchant quickly pulled out two decently sized steel shuriken and set them on the counter before diving back in to the drawers. After a moment he rose once more with a blowgun made or a dark mahogany and set it on the counter and scrambling to the top.

"On a scale of one to ten...how strong would you describe yourself as? Also, does what I've pulled out look good do far?"

02-29-16, 07:55 PM
The elf glances down at her arms in almost comic fashion as she considers the question. Still stairing at her arms as if some great mystery of the universe is held there she says distractedly "those items are fine, yes, fine."

Another long silence follows, before she finally says in a rather quiet murmur, "let's say two."

Cards of Fate
04-25-16, 02:51 PM
The fuzzball vanished behind the counter and began to dig around. Clearly this was not the most efficient way of storing products, but it was the only way he'd ever known. Finally he whipped out an oak short bow and set it on the table. He glanced at eveything and chewed his furry lip.

Okay, lets go down the list here...

Two Steel Shuriken at 75 Gp a pop, 150 Total
One mahogany blowgun at 50 Gp
One oaken Shortbow at 50 Gp

"As for sleepytime darts?..." The otter trailed off. "I'm gonna need to check the back on that...let me know if these prices work for you first."

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
09-19-16, 03:04 AM
Moving to the archive as unresolved.