View Full Version : The Keeper

02-11-16, 11:00 PM
Name: The Keeper
Race: Human

Little is known about the Keeper’s pre-acolyte history. What was known was that he, like all other acolytes, was an unwanted child left in the acolytes’ care. He was raised a scholar and burned with the same inquisitiveness that all acolytes were touched with. He was known at the time as Alphom, though when the old Keeper’s time was through, Alphom was chosen by the touch of destiny to give up his name and assume the role as the new Keeper. No one but The Keeper knows exactly what his role entails, but like every Keeper before him, this Keeper has been tasked, and once that task is complete he will choose a chosen successor from the ranks of the acolytes to give up their name and become the new Keeper.

In his actual form, The Keeper appears to be a human of indeterminate age, with dark hair and knowing blue eyes. A slight smile is often played out on his lips. He wears a featureless dark hooded robe of simple design, though obviously of high quality and comfort. Unless he is formally using his powers, the hood remains down, but when acting in his formal capacity as The Keeper, he pulls it up, leaving his face completely lost to the shadows, his voice taking on an odd resonant quality.

While acting in his official capacity, The Keeper is neutral and emotionless, as if it is simply time and fact using him as a vessel with which to replay themselves. When he is not at work, The Keeper is a soft-spoken individual who is knowing and patient. A light, pleasant smile can often be seen lightly on his lips.

The Keeper has many skills, but the first and foremost of these is knowledge. Knowing how to do something and actually doing it are two very different things though.

Transference – By using The Tome and The Eye, The Keeper can send a fully formed mental projection of himself to anywhere at any time. He determines what form he will take at that time, but it is always human or something similarly equivalent (ie. Elf or orc, no trolls or dragons), and is always clothed in functional if not spectacular clothing. This form is fully solid and functions like a real body, up to including the need for food, water, and sleep. It can also be damaged and has no special healing properties of its own. If killed, the projection’s corpse slowly fades over the course of one day, leaving behind any objects that did not form with it. If the projection is killed, The Keeper suffers mental backlash and is rendered unconscious for a length of time that disallows any further participation in the thread. The Keeper can end his projection at any time, causing his projection to fall to the floor as a lifeless husk which will slowly fade over a day as if it had been killed. Doing this similarly incapacitates The Keeper, removing him from the current thread.

Transferred Knowledge – Not all knowledge that The Keeper has is transferred into a projection. When projected, The Keeper knows the goal of why he sent himself and basic skills to complete that task. Basic in this sense means that he can do minor things (ie. as a thief he can pick simple locks, as a fighter he knows rudimentary combat skills, etc.). Magic is beyond his ability to transfer at this time and he cann’t transfer knowledge of any special abilities, only mundane ones.

The Tome – Though no one can read The Tome but the current Keeper, it is said to contain the knowledge of all things in its seemingly infinite pages. The Tome seems to have a mind of its own about some things however, and even The Keeper cannot peruse it at his will. No known force can destroy the tome or move it from its reading pedestal in The Keeper’s chambers.

The Eye – The Eye is a crystalline orb which dances with an ever-changing mix of colors and pictures which are chaotic and beautiful. To all but The Keeper, this seems to be the extent of The Eye’s capabilities, but with it The Keeper can look out into the world of past, present, and future. Like the Tome, The Keeper can only see what The Eye shows him, and it too cannot be harmed or moved from its place atop the plinth in The Keeper’s chambers.

Cards of Fate
02-12-16, 03:25 PM
Hello and welcome to the site! So to be clear, the Keeper is incapacitated while controlling a copy? And the Copy does not have any abilities?

02-12-16, 04:04 PM
Correct on both accounts. Though The Keeper's actual body can be hundreds or thousands of miles away and is located in his office within the massive fortress-like structure of his order's headquarters. It is possible that someone can infiltrate during one of his transferences to mess with him. He's still aware of his surroundings and can always abandon his copy to at least present a stunned reply, I suppose. And his projections have no special abilities, simply the basic level of skills that would be required for them to function. I envision his ability to project more power through them growing as he gains in experience.

Cards of Fate
02-12-16, 04:49 PM
Approved! Welcome to the site! If you have any questions please feel free to ask!