View Full Version : Building a dream [Logan]

02-12-16, 10:03 PM
(ooc: This is a series of threads in which Cain with the help of Logan will acquire a ship. A 24 gun frigate 12, 12 pounders, 12 9 pounders, with bow and stern chasers. For this I will be forgoing gold and XP throughout the series in lieu of the end reward.)

Cain was tired, incredibly tired of constantly being out gunned, out numbered, and out weighed at every turn when on the sea. He was a good tactical captain and when it came to ship to ship actions he could give ships twice the size of the Peregrine a run for their money and with luck on his side he could win, but every time he won it was a costly hollow victory, he lost men, supplies and parts of his own ship. It was too costly sometimes. To that end he wanted a larger ship.

Cain had spent a considerable amount of time searching through the different docks hoping to find a deal. No matter where he went he found the same basic story either get a smaller ship or get a larger one that was cobbled together with rotted knees, twice laid rigging, threadbare sails and robber bolts with great guns that would erupt at their first run. His other option was to have a ship write build it but even the least talented, write that would infest a potential ship with robber bolts was still a touch out of his price range. He had found the write he wanted, a fairly honest one that was used to dealing with merchants more than most others.

"Look sir, I know this is asking quite a bit. But I assure you that I am in good faith and would not offer you a lee shore. If you were to build this ship I would guarantee the safety of any cargo you may wish me to transport and with the kind of ship you would be building it would get from point A to B with a quickness." Cain was trying to make a deal highly in favor of the ship write in the long run.

How ever the ship write didn't bite "No sir, I don't do charity, and I don't run my business on credit. You either pay or your ship doesn't get built plain and simple."

Cain furrowed his brow a touch "How are you even in business if you're not running on credit? Ships are incredibly expensive no one but barons and rich merchant kings could afford one and even they would rather pay on credit rather than empty their coffers for a single ship."

The ship write shook his head "Those are my terms, heavy as they may be they are my terms. If you want credit go to a bank."

Cain wasn't done though "There must be some sort of a deal my crew has some highly talented carpenters, boatswains and able seamen that can work with your builders quicken the pace of the build, not only that but they may even volunteer to assist in building another ship or two to cut the cost down even more."

This made the ship write pause now he was intrigued "That will cut some of the cost but you still need a powerful lot of supplies, hard wood for your keel, knees, and hull. Tall trees for your masts, manila or hemp for your rigging, acres of sail cloth, not to mention brass or preferably bronze for your cannons. If you can get that plus enough surplus to build another ship, and have your crew assist in the building of the ship you want we just may have a deal."

It was probably the best deal Cain could get and the ship write knew it. Cain would get his ship and the ship write would get enough supplies to build another frigate sized ship. Something worth their while.