View Full Version : The three blind people and the website.

02-13-16, 08:00 PM
So you’ve all probably heard about the three blind men and the elephant (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_men_and_an_elephant#The_story) although sometimes it seven, but that’s not overly important, and since Eylana’s not a man, I had to use people, since we can’t use man or men in a generic sense any more.

Anyhow, we all share that in common, blindness I mean, and we all joined the site thanks to Bard.

A little about me:

You can call me Lance, I’ve been blind since seventeen, my sister is Diana, AKA Eylana, who has been blind for four years, and that’s pretty much that. She should be introducing herself here at some point.

02-14-16, 01:28 AM
Welcome to the site, great to see more people able to connect!

02-14-16, 02:54 AM
Welcome! Hope you enjoy it here.

02-14-16, 08:06 AM

02-14-16, 12:27 PM
awesome to have you guys on althanas

02-14-16, 01:30 PM
As the blind woman in the trio, and the second blind woman to join Althanas, I can say its great to be here.

I also can't thank the admens enough for giving me another locale where I can taunt my little brother. *grins*

02-14-16, 06:54 PM
And now we come to the end of our marchers, or at least in this motley band of three. At last we come to we who come single file; at last we come to me. I’m not related to Diana, nor lance, brother and sister they be, but have met them both you see, while in Bard’s company.

And if you have any questions of the lot of us, or for merely me, PM works best, or place here yee request, whenever the fancy strikes accurately, and answers we shall bring, at first comes the opportunity.