View Full Version : Elijah

02-14-16, 06:27 AM

Name: Elijah J Alucard
Nickname/Alias: Elijah, The Noble One
Age: A Few Centuries (Appears to be in his mid/late twenties)
Race: Vampire (Undead)- Raiaeran
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 170 lbs.

Elijah can be very charismatic at times. He often uses this charisma in tandem with his vampiric powers to get what he wants from others. He is shown to have great restraint over his emotions; as well as the ability to control himself and his urges in nearly any given situation. He takes pride in who he is, despite knowing he's what most would coin 'a monster'.

In combat, he is as intelligent and analytical as he is ruthless, but not without mercy. Best demonstrated by the fact that he prefers to kill his victims by snapping necks, as opposed to other vampires, who use more inhumane methods like heart extraction, decapitation, and staking, however; he is not above using the aforementioned methods.

Born into the Aggression Period (roughly 1788), Elijah Alucard, the son of Alij Alucard and an unknown male, was brought into the world of Althanas. His mother, a Bladesinger of Raiaera, cared for him as a single parent due to the absence of his father. Given the era he was brought up in, from young age, Elijah was forced to learn the ways of combat and study all four of the schools of song magic. Highly adept in combat, the boy lacked the magical capacity to proficiently use song magic.

As time progressed, Elijah himself grew to be a formidable soldier within the Tel Aglarim ranks. Quickly becoming a name whispered among ranks as he helped push back the rising army under Xem'Zund's command. As the Corpse War began to take shape, Elijah was assigned to the main force of the Obsidian Spire Raid team in the summer of 1812. Proving successful there, he became increasingly popular as a reliable soldier on the battlefield. His rising fame in conjunction with the success of driving Xem'Zund back, was becoming a story within itself. One that began to reach past Raiaera, and into the ears of enemies to come.

The spring of 1813 was a lively one, an amazing ambush led by Nalith, proved to be the stepping stone for the final fall of Xem'Zund. Re-assigned to a minor militia set to over take land being held near Xem'Zund's latest spire, Elijah and his army set out to claim what was theirs. This however, was a grave mistake. Due to miscommunication among messenger and those messaged, the land they were to acquire was well behind enemy lines. Whether intended or not, the mistake was costly as everyone from the group was either enslaved or murdered on site. Much to his own dismay, Elijah was captured.

With his name being ushered from all around Xem'Zund's empire, the necromancer was intrigued by the man who seemed to be rather larger gear in the machine tearing his rule apart. Rather than killing him, Xem opted to make the soldier one of his own. One that could potentially change the tide of war due to the nature of the transformation he was to undergo. Using a necromancy not yet seen to others, Xem plagued Elijah with the gift of immortality at the cost of his humanity and will. Pain and blood-lust seemed to go hand and hand as the effects of turning began to eat at him. This was the beginning of something unseen in Raiaera, this was their Original Vampire.

Although he was sired to Xem, his loyalty still sided with that of Raiaera. However due to the effects of the curse inflicted upon him, despite his desires, he was at the beck and call of the necromancer. This servitude lasted for a while. Forcing him to kill soldiers he once fought alongside of. With superhuman strength, speed , and the prowess to match, the newly turned vampire was a wrecking ball among the buildings know as Raiaera's army. This lasted until Xem's ultimate and rather untimely downfall. No sooner than had is sire fell, Elijah succumbed to the effects of having his connection severed. Comatose welcomed him with open arms as his consciousness slipped away from him. This coupled with his lack of blood, severely weakened the vampire for centuries to come.

Present day:
Centuries later, a body lay still within the rubble of what used to be Xem'Zund's final spire. Eyes blinked open as dust settled into his lungs and caused him to inhale sharply as fits of coughing racked his frail frame. Once the fits subsided, he slowly uncovered himself, removing debris that should've killed a man of his build, yet he remained unscathed save a few nicks and cuts. Dragging himself from the rubble, Elijah began to travel back to what he thought was his Raiaera, however, he was in for a shock upon arrival as everything he once knew was now gone.

Confused, alone, and lost, he wandered to a nearby settlement. This settlement was close to what is now known as Minas Teradryn. Upon entrance he took a seat in with the tavern. Unsure of what to do, he listened to those around him. Though their tongue was different, he could still understand most of what was said. Overhearing a band of mercenaries talking about the undead, he listened intently. Throughout the conversation, they laughed about how they wished they could burn all the undead here like those troops in Lavinya did to all those Vampires. One of the members made mention that he heard they missed a few of them and they've become incredibly difficult to weed out from the living.

Considering what he could remember (virtually nothing aside from the fact that he craved blood, his name was Elijah, and that he was a Vampire), he figured Lavinya may be a as good as a place as any to learn about these Vampires. With his mission set, Elijah decided he would need to learn about this 'new world' he now inhabitated before he could set out for Lavinya. But first, he needed blood...



(Borrowed from here: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?18678-I-m-one-step-ahead-gonna-leave-you-for-dead&highlight=

[4] Language: Literate in Tradespeak and High Elven. Learning Alerian and Salvic.
[3] Persuasion: The ability to cause people to do or believe something.
[4] Hand to Hand Combat Proficiency: Having studied various forms of martial arts when the opportunities presented themselves, as well as being a product of an environment that thrived in chaos and violence, Elijah absorbed and retained the knowledge gathered while taking extended time to master various styles and techniques.
[4] Dueling Weapon Mastery: Proficiency in the use and maintenance of weapons used primarilyy for dueling one another. This includes: Straight swords, Rapiers, and Estocs. While capable of using other traditional weaponry like daggers, polearms, axe, staves, and the like, he is more adept at using the aforementioned types of weapons.

This is on a scale of 1-6 the scale works as follows:

1: Basic knowledge, enough that you won’t be caught easily in the act. However, someone that knows what to look for will blatantly catch him performing the act. Major fundamental problems with the user's technique.

2: Fine tuning of some of the more obvious errors, mastery at this point is such that the person can see where the mistakes are and figures out where to focus in order to improve. Basic fundamental errors some finer techniques elude them.

3: Mastery of most of the fundamental techniques involved with the skill. Most often at this point if a problem occurs it is usually associated with a situation that the person using it isn't familiar with, or in an area where the person is uncomfortable.

4: At this point even the more unusual circumstances will not faze the user. Problems may occur when the user is either anxious or cocky. Most problems are with the attitude of the user at the time of use.

5: At this point any mistakes are minimal. Only someone who is as experienced as the user can catch them in the act. At this point there is little more to master on the skill, but there are still some flaws.

6: You are the master of this skill. You can effectively teach and produce counters to the ability. Practicing is no longer of use to the user as it is pointless. The only way they could learn more is to actively use the skill constantly.

(With help and wording from Lye!)

Basic Mind Compulsion- He is able to control and influence the actions of NPCs, Humans and Vampires. While most effective against NPCs, others may only be influenced based on their will. Some may be able to resist entirely, but those of weaker will may find themselves swayed by his suggestions. Limited to three compulsions a day (thread).
Immortal- He is unable to physically age and is unbound by death. Should he fall in combat, no matter the severity of damage, on the next night he will arise anew.
Super Strength- His strength can been seen as about twice that of the average human. Able to easily dislocate appendages, or even break them given the right circumstances.

Iron Daggers

02-16-16, 08:54 AM
Basic Mind Compulsion- He is able to control and influence the actions of humans and vampires. Limited to three compulsions a day (thread).

In its current form, this mind compulsion really has no means of being blocked or countered by anyone of any level if they are human or vampire. I think the 3 times per day is a good start, but if it has no counter or no means of being blocked, for a first level ability it is a bit much. Perhaps if you can add some form of either that would make it a little easier to digest for a first-level ability.

Immortal- He is unable to physically age and is immune to all illnesses, toxins, poisons and human diseases or physical conditions.

As I see it currently, immortality also means he cannot die. Can you outline if death is possible, and if so what it would take for him to die? Also, this is a significantly high-level type of counter to anything related to illnesses, toxins, poisons or disease, or any physical conditions, and thus Elijah would need some form of significant weakness to make it a plausible first-level ability. While Althanas does have other vampires, they rarely, if ever, are totally immortal.

Super Strength- His strength can been used to break necks and spines, and break and move heavy objects. His impact can send most flying, and his strength is also enough to rival that of his own kind.

The force necessary for the spine of a human to be broken is pretty substantial. Also, since there is no reference to what the strength of a vampire of Elijah's kind is in relation to that of a human, there is a lot of room to interpret it as well beyond 4 or even 5 times that of a normal human. At first level, we generally prefer strength modifiers to be limited to roughly 2 or 2.5 times that of a normal human.

You may contact me via PM, hit me up in Chat, or reply here with any questions or edits/modifications. I am more than happy to work with you to build this character out to match the Althanas character build first-level limitations. Also, welcome to Althanas!

02-19-16, 12:01 AM
Edited and thank you for the kind welcome!

02-19-16, 10:26 PM
I walked him through the profile. He's good to go. I'll confirm with Logan shortly.


Welcome to Althanas.