View Full Version : Althanas HARDCORE RULES Tournament

02-15-16, 12:52 PM
What would the rules in a "hardcore" Althanas tournament be? By hardcore I mean things like no editing, having to post within a certain timeframe, requiring that posts be under or over a certain wordcount, etc... What do YOU think?

02-15-16, 01:19 PM
I'm down.

You'd definitely have to have a word count and no edits. Not sure about time limits, but that might be cause I have no time nowadays.

Cards of Fate
02-15-16, 01:51 PM
The first two sound like a regular tourney :P

A wordcount would probably be the best bet, and maybe some gnarly prompts

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
02-15-16, 02:51 PM
1. No edits.
2. No buff or healing abilities (pure combat).
3. Word count rules apply

02-15-16, 03:09 PM
4. Someone, at some point, has to go though the Raiaeran Announce Table in a high-risk spot.

Rayse Valentino
02-15-16, 04:58 PM
Two unique players join as a team and must collaborate to write a fusion of their characters in battle.

Storm Veritas
02-15-16, 09:26 PM
4. Someone, at some point, has to go though the Raiaeran Announce Table in a high-risk spot.

'By Gawd! That's Madison Freebird's music!!!

6. All characters have a particular weakness to folding chairs, stop signs, and mousetraps.

02-15-16, 10:15 PM
Ok here's a question... should rule infractions be punished with elimination from the tournament, a subtraction of points from the final score, both, or something else?

02-16-16, 01:04 AM
Ok here's a question... should rule infractions be punished with elimination from the tournament, a subtraction of points from the final score, both, or something else?

If this is a HARDCORE Tourney, you is out!

02-16-16, 02:42 AM
having to post within a certain timeframe

tony or manda can tell you how fast paced ayenee was. we would post back in like 15 minutes--that was usually the max amount of time. a lot of it was garbage as a result, but there were some people there who could post exciting shit fast af. combat in ayenee was fun as a result.

Not sure about time limits, but that might be cause I have no time nowadays.

same red. as a grown ass man idk if i can block an entire evening to post back and forth at 15 min intervals any more. i call that a boys of summer scenario: those days are gone forever i should just let them go... BUT

but yeah this sounds really fun and exciting. all positive vibes from me for sure.

02-16-16, 05:26 AM
The time intervals I'm talking about are more like 24-48 hours

Rayse Valentino
02-18-16, 12:21 AM
All of those things sound like stuff already in normal tournaments?

I'm actually not following how any of this can be considered HARDCORE. Word counts, no editing, time limits, these things make a tournament easier, not harder. I think a real hardcore tournament would eschew silly restrictions and instead strive to promote the most quality through unique circumstances, trying to get the best out of everyone. It's like replacing a mountain with an escalator for a mountain climber and calling the new task HARDCORE!

02-18-16, 06:19 AM
If there's a tournament that imposes a word restriction or a no editing policy, I'm unaware of it. Gonna ignore the rest of the trolling.

Rayse Valentino
02-18-16, 06:58 AM
Pretty sure some iterations of The Cell disallowed editing once someone else has posted. And most tournaments have had time limits. I'm not sure how adding a word count to The Cell for instance would fundamentally alter anything, other than punishing anyone who wanted to be detailed.

What you're originally describing are just speed battles, which are historically fast, low effort romps. You're removing the things that produce quality - time, length, and revision, so naturally you're making things easier for people who don't bother with that stuff anyway.

Rayse Valentino
02-18-16, 08:26 AM
Actually, a speed battle tournament would be hilarious. Both people set up a time to start and have 15min per post. No edits, no stopping. It's ez mode but at least it would be the shortest tournament in history.