View Full Version : Cry of the Dragon Mother

02-21-16, 05:34 AM
Where do monsters come from? Do they simply come from nothing, bursting forth from the darkness like some nightmare? Or, just perhaps, the nightmare is real. A thing that birthed the monsters, a thing that feels the death of its child just like a human mother would. What would such a mother do if her child was cut down before maturity?


Greetings all. Sunwing has been slain by a bunch of jerks, and something is pissed off. This will be a modded boss battle, with said mod being yours truly. I’ll be opening this up for registrations for the next week or so (with a caveat that I might start earlier if I get enough people signed up).

Like the other boss-battles I’ve run, if we get more than five people interested, we’ll do the normal system where if someone gets killed, someone else can come in. Likewise, posting slower than 48 hours will get you knocked out and another person can come in.

Storm Veritas

Alyssa Snow
Artifex Felicis

Rewards will be:
Specialist bazaar materials of a value of 1000gp for anyone alive at the death of the creature.
Quest Score based exp

Special rewards:
Biggest Jerk – Magic item, value of 250gp
The Hero – Magic Item, value of 200gp
Lame Duck – Magic item, value of 50gp
The Villain – Magic item, value of 300gp
The Nice Girl/Guy – Magic item, value of 250gp

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
02-21-16, 05:57 AM
Goes without saying that Shinsou would be dumb enough to not have learned his lesson from the Sunwing battle.

I'm game.

02-21-16, 06:54 AM
I'm always up for a spot of light murder.

02-21-16, 09:04 AM
John volunteers.

Storm Veritas
02-21-16, 10:40 AM

02-21-16, 10:42 AM
Ah, what the hell? I'll join.

Les Misérables
02-21-16, 11:21 AM
Phyr Sa'resh will be the fist replacement, if I've understood correctly.

02-21-16, 03:08 PM

Alyssa Snow
02-21-16, 07:22 PM
My Rifle is Ready.

02-21-16, 08:35 PM
19th reserve.

02-22-16, 11:43 PM
Roster and reserves have been added. I'm going to start on the intro post with an aim to have it up tomorrow. I'll give a bit more leeway with the first post time frame given we will be starting earlier. People can still register with one account for the reserves, sometimes it's surprising how many people we work through.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
02-23-16, 02:34 AM
Roster and reserves have been added. I'm going to start on the intro post with an aim to have it up tomorrow. I'll give a bit more leeway with the first post time frame given we will be starting earlier. People can still register with one account for the reserves, sometimes it's surprising how many people we work through.

Awesome. Any chance you could post a link in here when the thread is up mate?

Also, to all the other participants, I reckon we streamline posting order to the order of the roster. That way we know who is due to go next. Any objections?

02-23-16, 04:30 AM
Yep, shall do.

02-23-16, 05:40 AM
Also, to all the other participants, I reckon we streamline posting order to the order of the roster. That way we know who is due to go next. Any objections?

Objection: we all have a hard 48 hour deadline from Hysteria's post to make all of ours. I don't want one person to be unable to make his post and then have a bunch of us DQ'd because we had to wait. (Storm, for instance, travels a lot for work and Red is busy with classes and homework). If someone has a great idea, they can drop a post into this thread saying something like, "guys, I'm writing my post right now, give me an hour and I'll have it up."

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
02-23-16, 05:52 AM
Objection: we all have a hard 48 hour deadline from Hysteria's post to make all of ours. I don't want one person to be unable to make his post and then have a bunch of us DQ'd because we had to wait. (Storm, for instance, travels a lot for work and Red is busy with classes and homework). If someone has a great idea, they can drop a post into this thread saying something like, "guys, I'm writing my post right now, give me an hour and I'll have it up."

Edit: actually, i'm going to need Hysteria to clarify this. This rule would assume that he, as GM, would also have to post at the same rate to ensure the thread has enough momentum to handle us all posting every 48 hours. Hysteria, please can you clarify? In previous boss battles it was the thread itself that needed a post rather than each person. If it is the case that it is each of us individually that needs to post every 48 hours, please can you clarify what happens if you can't catch up and we are left waiting longer than that for a post from you (for arguments sake?)

02-23-16, 02:33 PM
This is faster than some others, I'll be aiming to post every 48 hours, giving all active players two days to get a post up.

Artifex Felicis
02-23-16, 03:10 PM
I'll toss Leon onto the reserve list.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
02-24-16, 11:15 AM
I'm pulling out of this challenge for now. I can't guarantee my posting times so it's better that someone else who can gets a shot.

02-24-16, 11:58 AM
We are fighting sun wing's mom right?

02-24-16, 02:24 PM
That is correct. I come up with another name, but for now it's Big Mama Sunwing.

Sorry to hear that shin!

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
02-24-16, 04:35 PM
That is correct. I come up with another name, but for now it's Big Mama Sunwing.

Sorry to hear that shin!

Yeah, sorry about that mate. Just got an important exam coming up and I don't want to take any chances. It's a shame because I would have been all over this challenge otherwise but there's a good level of interest so at least you can get someone else in!

Les Misérables
02-25-16, 09:45 AM
Apologies but I also must withdraw, spreading myself a bit thin with this. Best of luck to all involved.

02-25-16, 11:26 AM
I'm switching accounts for this. Sub Alphard for Ioder.

02-25-16, 09:00 PM

Thread is up! Starting roster is up (less Shin) and with Ioder as first reserve in. You have 48 hours to post, the dragon shall appear in my next post!

02-25-16, 09:11 PM
Just confirming, I'm the first to sub in correct?

Storm Veritas
02-25-16, 09:16 PM
Nice opener Hysteria, way to set the table. Hoping to post tomorrow; based on timing no need for anyone to wait. First come first served here.

02-26-16, 01:04 AM
That is correct Ioder. I've added you in the first post, taken out Shin and Les and put Art in the reserves.

Thanks Storm, I'll be sure to keep the atmosphere going as best as I can :D

Storm Veritas
02-26-16, 06:54 AM
I got a post up; I'll try to edit later but need to get to work. I won't have any significant functional changes planned unless I screwed up.

02-26-16, 09:08 PM
My post is nearly up and will definitely be posted by tomorrow morning.

02-29-16, 03:29 AM
Post is up! no attacks were directed at anyone in particular, except perhaps Ioder (as he is inside the crumbling church). I'll specifically name people if I launch an attack as you, otherwise you can be as close to, or as far from, the air shockwave and fire as you desire.

02-29-16, 07:03 AM
Hyst, are we allowed to bunny this dragon? If so, how much?

Storm Veritas
02-29-16, 07:39 AM
Responded. Backed up so I can hide and shot a medium size bolt at the big bitch. Happy hunting!

02-29-16, 02:33 PM
Hyst, are we allowed to bunny this dragon? If so, how much?

Let me know what you want and I can Yay or Nay it (or slightly modify it).

02-29-16, 02:37 PM
Let me know what you want and I can Yay or Nay it (or slightly modify it).
I want to have Karu yell at her to the effect of "seriously?! How does this make anything better?!" And Moonwing to go "insolent fool!" And blast at her. Except better put.

And maybe bounce a phoenix off of her.

02-29-16, 03:07 PM
Helping out Moonwing.

02-29-16, 05:15 PM
I want to have Karu yell at her to the effect of "seriously?! How does this make anything better?!" And Moonwing to go "insolent fool!" And blast at her. Except better put.

And maybe bounce a phoenix off of her.

That's similar to what will happen, however (and this applies to everyone) there are a few weaknesses and strengths that I'll make more apparent soon. I'll need to respond to attacks for one of them.

At the moment she's pretty angry, she'll unlikely respond to anyone not carrying part of her child. Until her rage subsides her telepathy is very uncomfortable for all those present. Just bordering on debilitating.

02-29-16, 08:39 PM
Are we allowed to toss in notable NPCs? Even a small town like Jormungstadt has its fair share of war veterans and strong blacksmiths able to swing an axe or hammer.

02-29-16, 10:58 PM
William has acted!

Not that he's done much yet, but still.

03-01-16, 04:13 AM
Are we allowed to toss in notable NPCs? Even a small town like Jormungstadt has its fair share of war veterans and strong blacksmiths able to swing an axe or hammer.

Sure. Make 'em too strong and I'll smoosh them :D

I was hinting that there'd be some notable NPCs around. You wouldn't be the only ones that came seeking the dragon.

03-02-16, 06:32 AM
John is out, it's been 50 hours! (fool of a took!)

Alyssa Snow is in!

Storm Veritas
03-02-16, 09:07 AM
Jesus Hys, catching, absorbing, and returning blasts of elemental power? That's some sort of noise.

03-02-16, 11:56 AM
I'm pulling Snow out. I haven't been able to keep up on the thread. I was looking to deal some sniper damage, but for the sake of preserving thread momentum, the next in line is fair to post. I'm sure Hyst would be fine with that.

Storm Veritas
03-02-16, 12:17 PM
Sorry to hear it, Lye. I think Ozoric is next up?

03-02-16, 12:34 PM
I messaged him on FB to let him know he's in.

Also, Karu ain't messing around here.

03-02-16, 04:27 PM
Post up, doing a lot more this time. Hopefully.

03-02-16, 07:32 PM
That's a shame Lye. Oz is up. No need to get in this round, so either this one or the next.

And yes storm, she ain't no cake walk.

As a hint, the first attack each round will, in most circumstances, not be effective.

Edit 2: *the first elemental attack. *

Storm Veritas
03-02-16, 08:46 PM
Ah, gotcha. Sounds phase-changeish, like some old school Final Fantasy bosses.

03-02-16, 09:19 PM
You have to knock off her ablative armor first. Turns out she's not a mirror dragon, she's a regular, plain ole' raspberry pie dragon.

03-02-16, 09:21 PM
I wanted cherry tart. Bleh, raspberry.

03-02-16, 09:37 PM
You'll have raspberry and like it! *Moonwing shoots jam at Karuka*

So far it's ice and fire, nice (lucky?) choices :p

03-02-16, 10:17 PM
“Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire,
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.”

― Robert Frost

03-05-16, 01:02 PM
With Cyd leaving Althanas, does that put Arti in?

03-05-16, 01:28 PM
Looks like it. I wonder if that's why Hysteria has been waiting to post.

03-06-16, 08:17 AM
Waiting is a strong word, unable to get to a computer is more like it :p

Arti is up!

03-06-16, 09:55 AM
Apologies master Hysteria. Just to confirm Iodee was hit by a shock wave and then the air began to freeze around Moonwing.

03-06-16, 03:09 PM
Yep, nothing too major unless he stays in the air. Otherwise there is significant cold radiating from her.

03-06-16, 03:36 PM
Blagh. I tried to break her wing in my last post, but it didn't work.

Artifex Felicis
03-06-16, 05:50 PM
Just posting to acknowledge that I am now in this. I probably won't until tomorrow though.

Also, some advice for Moonwing.


03-06-16, 06:07 PM
Post up.

William hates buildings.

03-06-16, 06:14 PM
Aww yiss, the redhead and the cat meet again against the dragon.

Bring forth the shiny bells!

Storm Veritas
03-07-16, 06:17 AM
Revenant, you're in good company; Storm hates buildings, too. If your fire doesn't take that big thing down, his lightning will.

Writing post now.

03-07-16, 01:13 PM
Poor building. Everyone hates it. :cool:

Artifex Felicis
03-07-16, 10:34 PM
I'm just dying tonight. I'm going to have my post up early tomorrow.

Artifex Felicis
03-08-16, 08:21 AM
With one minute to spare, post is up.

Leon's Roar is literally able to be heard for miles, and is louder than even Moonwing unless I read something wrong.

03-09-16, 06:55 AM
Sorry Arti, with the water and building crashing Moonwing didn't have time to focus on your roar!

The water will subside during my next post, for now you need to survive. If you can strike as Moonwing go ahead :D

I have no idea how Mr Arcus is supposed to strive being inside a collapsing building and under a dragon, and then filled with water (Karuka's actions, not mine!).

03-09-16, 07:05 AM
Rats. I hit her with fire first in hopes of avoiding this. >_<

Storm, Tao is only ablaze when attacking, so if he hits you, he'll only knock you off course a bit. Karu is standing on a roof, but... hmm.

Hyst, does the town have walls?

03-09-16, 11:37 AM
I will point out that I exited the buiding through the back wall at the end of my last post. So Im not under the tons of rubble/dragon/whirlpool, Im just next to it. Still in a bad position but a definite distinction.

03-09-16, 12:56 PM
Okay, one question.

How quickly does this dome appear? Say a minuet or longer?

03-09-16, 02:42 PM
You've got about a minute before the entire dome forms. The initial water is quite quick however. A few seconds before it comes up high enough to pull someone away.

To reiterate, the dome of water is higher than all the buildings in town. It's basically turned the town into an ocean (fresh water however).

03-09-16, 03:53 PM

Also, halp!

03-09-16, 04:43 PM
I could not help you, rather I'm pressing the assault.

03-09-16, 05:18 PM
That's ok, Ioder. I always hated you the most. And now I have a reason.

A win for everyone!

Except Moonwing. She can choke on it.

03-09-16, 05:24 PM
I'll try to get a post up tonight. I might be able to help you.

03-09-16, 05:43 PM
That's ok, Ioder. I always hated you the most. And now I have a reason.

A win for everyone!

Except Moonwing. She can choke on it.

fite me.

Storm Veritas
03-09-16, 07:15 PM
I'll be writing one up early tomorrow.

03-09-16, 08:33 PM
fite me.

Oh sure, wait till I'm drowning and being tossed around to challenge me. Glub glub.

Artifex Felicis
03-09-16, 09:30 PM
I'll be posting around noonish EST tomorrow if thing go according to plan.

Leon will make Moonwing-senpai notice him...

Artifex Felicis
03-10-16, 10:34 PM
Midnight is ALMOST noon.

03-10-16, 11:00 PM
There's a 12 in there somewhere.

03-10-16, 11:27 PM
Just claim Opposite Day, Arti. You're good.

Storm Veritas
03-13-16, 07:50 PM
So on this thread... are we charging forward through the LCC? I'll be traveling for two days so it might be hard to keep everything up 100%. Either way, let me know.

03-14-16, 07:15 AM
Sorry about the delay, I broke my own rule of posting within two days (assuming two days after ya'll posts).

The dragon is pretty much down for the count. With the LLC, we'll push this out to 4 days for the next post. I would say there are two left, this one and then one more as a final wrap up for your characters.

In regards to the rewards I've made these:

http://orig08.deviantart.net/bf4a/f/2016/074/9/5/bone_short_3_by_harlequinhues-d9v6pet.png http://orig14.deviantart.net/4ab0/f/2016/075/b/a/glut_10_by_harlequinhues-d9val7e.png http://orig00.deviantart.net/be83/f/2016/075/d/9/wrath_5_by_harlequinhues-d9val5d.png http://orig15.deviantart.net/249c/f/2016/074/b/8/bone_3_by_harlequinhues-d9v6pdz.png

I haven't quite got ability lists for them, but they will be potential rewards in exchange the resource from defeating the dragon. A bone short sword, polished dragon bone club, dragon bone axe (with three floating balls of dragon bone behind it) and dragon bone cleaver.

03-14-16, 06:32 PM
Are these items crafted from Ancient Drangonbone?

03-14-16, 08:26 PM
That would be correct.

03-14-16, 11:54 PM
Nice. So nice.

03-15-16, 01:09 PM
Can it be a dragon bone glaive instead of an axe?

Artifex Felicis
03-15-16, 01:22 PM
Are the special spoils for everyone who wants them, or can only one person get a short sword/axe/club/cleaver?

03-15-16, 03:23 PM
I'll call for spoils closer to the end, people will be able to pick which ever one they want and can double up. There is no requirement to take the offered spoils, you can take the bone (or scale) and make your own item.

I'll see about making a glaive Karu, however pole arms don't always translate well for tiny pixel items.

Storm Veritas
03-15-16, 03:52 PM
Amg poastid

03-15-16, 04:07 PM
What elemental nature was Moonwing?

03-16-16, 05:53 AM
That's a good question. I guess her pure form was light, which would be resistant to shadow or dark elements.

03-21-16, 09:31 PM
Well done all, Moonwing is dead*. I won't submit the thread yet, i encourage you all to post enough to wrap up your stories. That might be one or two post. You can handle the reconstruction (or abandonment) of the town. However, the dead are staying dead.

I'll post up some rewards shortly, you may want to include receiving them in your post (or not).

*or is she??

03-21-16, 10:26 PM
I understand that you have designed a few weapons already we may claim. Say I'm not looking for a regular short sword and want a variation like a katana. Is that permitted?

Secondly are we to sieze these ancient dragon bones from her corpse in character?

03-21-16, 11:48 PM
You can take the items yourself, or have so.e Alerar army regulars turn up and hint that it'll be paid in course.

The items are just examples, you can take your resources to the bazaar and have whatever you like made. (As long as you have enough of the resource.)

Artifex Felicis
03-22-16, 08:05 AM
Well done all, Moonwing is dead*. [. . .]

*or is she??

You are sending mixed messages D:

I'm going to post sometimes tonight or tomorrow. I'm going to work off the plan that there's very few (maybe no) survivors around Moonwing's body, maybe more on the outskirts of the town. Close to literal decimation though.

Storm Veritas
03-22-16, 08:53 AM
There's at least one survivor near that big lizard! ;)

I'll try to post tonight.

03-22-16, 09:06 AM
Storm, if you're grabbing your dragon bone, could you also grab some for Karu?

Storm Veritas
03-22-16, 11:10 AM
Sure! Anything else while I'm shopping? We need butter? 1/2 lb of turkey? Eggs?


03-22-16, 11:15 AM
We need milk and flour. :P

03-22-16, 11:20 AM
A dragon egg has got to make a mighty fine omelet, grab some of those too.

03-22-16, 11:30 AM
A dragon egg has got to make a mighty fine omelet, grab some of those too.
! Taische needs a pet. A dragon is good as any.

Storm Veritas
03-22-16, 11:35 AM
How big is a dragon's egg? Are we talking like the ones Dany Targaryean carried around? Also, do I have to cut those out? I'd expect to see them in a nest/eyrie/cave of some sort.

03-22-16, 12:11 PM
Raid the dragon cloaca, Storm. Raid it!

03-22-16, 01:10 PM
So just to clarify. A small portion of Moonwings was left for me to harvest, correct?

03-22-16, 05:00 PM
If you so desire. I wanted most of her life force to escape, but for your story you can absorb the residual. You can get yourself some dragon based attacks next update :p

03-30-16, 08:45 AM
Hi All,

Soooooooo…… lets finish this!

Cosmetic spoils are all fine, things like the dragon heart you can take as you wish. In regards to dragon parts, and in reference to what I said at the start of this thread in regards to spoils, you can choose one of:

Ancient Dragon Bone (2 Pieces) - Value 500 gold each
The bone of Moonwing the Mirror Dragon still echoes with magic. Weapons crafted from this material will have innate damaging light magic attacks. (Considered moderate enchantments)


Ancient Dragon Scale (2 Pieces) - Value 500 gold each
The scales of Moonwing the Mirror Dragon are more vivid than even the most polished silver. They carry with them the magic of a light dragon, providing unique resistance to shadow, dark or necrotic magics.


Ancient Dragon Bone (1 Pieces) & Ancient Dragon Scale (1 Pieces)


One of these items. You can change the flavor text if you desire, just not the magic effects. But if you wanted to change the bone from a finger to a talon (for example), that’s fine.

Dragon Finger - Dragon Bone Short Sword
The Dragon Finger has been cut down and carved from ancient dragon bone taken from one of the fingers of Moonwing. Dragon Finger’s hilt was made of the joint, and the smooth ball at the base originally joined the finger with the rest of the hand can still be seen. The magic of Moonwing has been channeled into two unique abilities, each drawing on the Dragon Finger’s original use.
Flicker - Dragon Finger, as well as being exceptionally hard and sharp, is able to channel light energy of its original form, sending bright white energy from the tip in an extraordinary fast strobe, blinding all but the wielder for five seconds. The light takes a full post to charge before it can be used again, and a full day is needed to recharge after three uses.
Claw - For a moment the large claws of Moonwing appear in bright white light, delivering four simultaneous slashes parallel to the ground, each a metre long and spaced half a metre apart. The effective range is five metres from the wielder and the strength equal to that of prevalida. Only one slash can be called upon a day.

Dragon’s Bane
This single sided axe was crafted from one of the vertebra of Moonwing. The axe was once part of the system channeling magic through her core, and its ability to create and channel magic remains as one of its key traits.
Lasting Trace - the bone axe still remembers the magic that was used in the final moments of Moonwing death. At the start of each day the Player picks one of four elements, lightning, fire, water or ice. The three floating bone balls behind the head are able to be flung at a target (by hand), exploding and doing the corresponding elemental damage. Only three balls can be used a day, and they must be the same element.
Lighting - an area of ten feet is electrified, causing intense pain and muscle spasms to anything caught within. The weakening effect lasts for two posts during which time the person could have their speed reduced by half.
Fire - a large explosion fills a full ten feet, burning anyone caught within. The fire itself inflicts second degree burns, but those caught within the middle two feet will also experience a the force of the explosion. A normal person will suffer broken bones in addition to the burns.
Water - Causes a burst of water, knocking anyone within twenty feet backwards. Those caught within the initial 10 feet will suffer the brunt of the shock wave (enough to break bones of a normal person). Within five feet, the person could suffer several severe injuries. The water itself drains away the next post after use.
Ice - freezes an area of five feet solid with ice. Anything or anyone caught within will be encased within. From the frozen core ice spikes shoot outwards a further five feet, impaling anything within reach. The ice lasts three posts, but weakens dramatically after the first.

The Carver
Made from ancient dragon bone of Moonwing, this large sword has a long flat blade with a cruel curve. Along the back of the blade runes have been used to try and contain the power held within, but they are only partially effective.
Size doesn't matter - the carver changes size so that it is always a two handed sword, the same length as from the wielder’s shoulder to the ground. Be it giant or dwarf, this blade will change size to suit.
Scrub - by running a finger across the runes that line the blade of the Carver, the magic held within is released. A dozen blades of light, replicas the same shape as the Carver, are released around the wielder. The blades twist and curve through the air, cutting through anything that they come in contact with. The effect at close range is catastrophic, with nearly everything surrounding the wielder exposed to the blades. Ten metres out, the blades start to separate, making it easier to dodge or avoid. After twenty metres, the blades disappear. Scrub can only be used twice a day, with a minimum of three (of the wielder's) posts between. The blades are considered the strength of prevalida, and are not able to be directed or controlled once released.

Little Thumb
A large chunk of ancient dragon bone was taken from Moonwing’s thumbs and smoothed down. The natural dents along the bone were smoothed and polished, leaving twelve equally spaced dents along each. It is from these dents that the magic of Moonwing still flows, and in order to seal it within, green caps of mythril were used.
Light - Not so much an ability as a state, the weapon reminds amazingly light for it’s size. Most maces this size would need to be used two handed, but Little Thumb is light enough to be used with one. The magic that causes this ‘lack of weight’ doesn’t apply to those being struck by it however. To others, the mace is still the large, heavy, two handed weapon it appears to be. Even with using the other ability, Little Thumb is easy to hold and use.
Blast - Raw energy is one of the easiest ways to channel the magic of dragons, and the Little Thumb is able to release it through the mythril caps. Across the surface of the club energy blasts outwards, causing a huge release of force equalling two hundred kilograms. This is enough to send most men flying backwards. The Little Thumb can do this four times day.

In regards to the original bonus rewards I mentioned:

Biggest Jerk – William Arcus
Jerkiest Beef Jerky - A small length of Dragon Meat, jerked to perfection. An unusual side effect of jerking magical meat, it regrows into it’s original form a day after eating. If the eater wanted to be a jerk, he or she could also spit the meat at someone. The spices and chili used erupt upon spitting, causing a small foot-sized chili-cloud that causes considerable irritation to eyes and nose should it reach someone’s face.

The Hero – Storm
The Cool Guy Badge - A small badge, taking the shape of a star with a circle around it (although no one knows what that refers to in Althanas), this badge has a strange calming effect on people around the wearer. By flashing this badge, people are more likely to listen to what the wearer is saying, and slightly more likely to do what he or she is saying.

Lame Duck – Ioder (despite trapping Moonwing’s jaw at the end!)
Rubber Dragon Ducky - Made from the finest Corone rubber, this duck is extremely buoyant. While this might seem useless, if one has this in their pocket and is caught under a large amount of water, one will rise up quite quickly to the surface.

The Nice Girl/Guy – Tie! Leon & Karuka
The Seed - An unknown stow away from the sudden blooming of life after the death of Moonwing, this seed can bloom and grow into a straight vine reaching twenty feet into the air. After a moment at that height, small branches sprout along its length making it easy to climb. After growing it lasts four posts before it rots away. Somehow, it always manages to seed again, leaving you carrying a new seed.

Well done all, I enjoyed burning down a town, and I hope you enjoyed slaying dragons! If you post your final choice here for spoils, I’ll summarise it at the end of the thread with a final bit of story from me.

03-30-16, 10:08 AM
Edited my last post with choice of Carver.

Thanks Hys and everyone else, this was a lot of fun.

Storm Veritas
03-30-16, 11:55 AM
How big are the scales? If I could get two that could be then crafted into an hand/wrist guard, I'd happily take that one!

Thanks for running this and seeing it through, Hyst; great job!

Artifex Felicis
03-30-16, 01:53 PM
I edited my post into asking for the Carver as well. Thanks again for running!

03-30-16, 02:06 PM
Ill take the Dragon's Finger.

03-30-16, 06:20 PM
Per a conversation with Hysteria, reflavoring the axe as a halberd and requesting that.

03-30-16, 08:48 PM
Pieces relates to items size, so two can make:

Gauntlets, most one handed swords, small sheilds (kite sheild are three), quite a lot of pole arms and chest armour (like a breast plate).

If you want to make something that is 3 pieces, I suggest questing for a third (rather can settling for something smaller). Maybe a more drawn out version of Revenant's last post and going back to Moonwing's body.

04-02-16, 08:55 AM
Give me a holla if any of the spoils are incorrect.

Also, get in early to this:

04-02-16, 09:38 PM
Can I ask that the icon of the weapon I was awarded be made into a badge?

04-03-16, 07:32 PM
That would be cool, but unfortunately no. You can use those icons in your profile or however you want, but no badge for this battle :p