View Full Version : Azza Ambrose ( level 7)

02-22-16, 02:50 PM
This profile is being posted in preparation for level 7. Here is the previous profile. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22858-Azza-the-Heretic-%28-level-3-%29&highlight=)

Changes will be highlighted in Blue.

Race profile has been removed to reduce clutter.

This first post will contain Azza's character sheet

Second Post will contain a list of changes in this profile.

Character Profile

Name: Azza “Sophia” Ambrose or Azza of Farinma
Age: 17
Race: Dovicarus
Hair Color: White to gray
Eye Color: Maroon
Height: 5’2
Weight: 119lb
Occupation: Cleansing One

The once frail-looking child that ran freely through the forests of Underwood and splashed in the streams during the summer has grown and blossomed into a young woman. While her curves are not as defined as others nor is she very well endowed, there is a definite feminine touch to her features now. The Mark of Heresy is still clearly marked and "inked" black between her shoulder blades. The hair of the girl has also become longer to the point where it is about a hand's length past her waist.

Her pair of horns begins above each ear and contour along the side of her head towards her face with the points of each horn a single inch apart in front of her forehead. The points of her horns are blunt. Each horn is solid with a spiral design that continues until it reaches the tip.

The wings that adorn her back are fully grown with a maximum two-foot wingspan. The color is a soft russet that fades to a dove white at the tip of each "feather." The composition of the wings is akin to a blend of material that feels and resembles fur and feather.

While having experienced the horrors of war and the loss of several friends in the recent conflicts of Se'lutia, Azza has been able to maintain an air of hope for the future. With her memories returned, she knows well enough that misery and conflict will forever exist regardless of what happens. The eternal law must forever hold in the name of balance.

There comes a strange comfort knowing when one's time will end and for Azza she knows that within a century, her life upon Althanas will expire. Until then, she is determined to make the most of it. Whether it is experiencing joy or sorrow, hope or fear, gratitude or anger, Azza continues to move forward.

The timid girl who was uncertain of her place in the world has been replaced by a young woman who has grown confident by accepting who she was and what she has become. The joyful smile has returned to her lips with a slight hint of mischievousness reminiscent of her earlier years. Life, she has come to realize, is mysterious and that is perfectly fine.

On the cusp of her fifteenth year of life upon Althanas, Azza suffered through the death of her adoptive mother Stephanie Odara and a deeply rooted betrayal within the Ixian Knights orchestrated by Cassandra Remi and her cult. That single night of helplessness and having to watch those she cared for hurt, maimed, or killed, left a scar of anger and uncertainty in her heart. It was during this time of recovery and the rebuilding that Azza was encouraged by Sakuya, a fellow Dovicarus posing as an Akashiman seer, to head to Radasanth to board a white ship with black sails. With the promise of answers of what and who she was Azza chased after the only thing she could.

What began as a simple journey for the girl to find answers became an ordeal that lasted months upon the veiled continent of Se'lutia - a land that had been plagued with a bloody history and steeped in secrets. Eventually, Azza came to understand that the inhabitants of the continent both worshipped and feared her as a figure of divinity. Despite that, she served as a mercenary alongside a man named Artemis Eburi where the two them and their newfound allies were soon dragged into events that quickly spiraled out of their control. In the end, Azza was just a single piece in a plan set in motion long ago by the Matriarch of her kind.

With the completion of the ritual and the instability within the land healed Azza once more found herself burying friends. Even so, with the discovery of who she was and what she has become, Azza is now able to keep her head held high with a new found confidence that would have made her older self jealous. A new path awaited her and she stepped forward, willingly, into the unknown with the decision to stay behind on the island for a time. The Restoration, as the events would later be called, was only the beginning to the long road of recovery for the war-torn continent.


Languages – With her mind, body and soul now in synchronization, Azza has a full understanding of her native language, the dialect variant spoken on Se'lutia, as well as Tradespeak (common)

Herbology – The beginning of Azza’s knowledge of herbs, their uses and looks came mainly from the kindly orphanage keeper of Underwood, Holly Ciders. Holly herself was only skilled enough to gather herbs and make poultices to guard against the common colds or to treat minor injuries and scratches on the children. After the events upon Se'lutia, and choosing to stay, Azza has dabbled more in the pursuit of helping to heal and treat those around her. Azza is now an adept with Herbology and its applications.

Weapon Proficiency Swordplay – With her mind now restored, Azza is accomplished with her swordsmanship skill. She employs modified techniques taught to her from her past life. The muscle memory is shaky though.

Adoption – Jensen Ambrose and Stephanie Odara have adopted Azza into their home. The little girl officially gets all titles and rights as befits her station as daughter to the Ixian Knight’s prime bodyguard. She also unfortunately inherits all of Jensen’s not so good monikers, ideally the eternal hassle of dealing with stories of the Noodle Incident.

Mana Firearms - Azza's time on Se'lutia has introduced a strange world of technology to the girl. Mana firearms function by utilizing the internal mana of the operator in concert with the supplied ammunition to discharge the bullet. Azza's skill and familiarity with such things are that of a novice, having little interest in the weapons at this point. That and her first experience firing one had it explode in her hands.

Mechanical Engineering - Azza's time spent with Erieai and assisting the eluvian woman with her duties aboard the Leviathan and in the years following The Restoration has awarded the girl with the fundamentals of machinery and engineering along with a love for grease. Her skill with this is at an average level.

Mana Weaving - Azza is able to draw upon either the mana in her body or in the world around her to "weave" wispy blue shapes and figures to have them act or play small scenes in her palms. The figures and shapes that manifest cannot interact with or affect the real world. Azza must have both hands free to be able to perform this. Azza's ability with the skill is excellent and serves little purpose other than for amusement.

Racial Traits:

Adult Dovicarus – A Dovicarus reaches adulthood when his or her horns have finished growing. Age has no relevance. This brings changes in physical and mental traits as well as some associated abilities.

“Lies Cut My Tongue” – Whenever Azza lies, or is thinking about lying, she will begin to fidget about or play with her hands, usually poking her two index fingers together while her face reddens. Those who are observant will be able to notice the oddity and change in her behavior.

Landbound Habits – The act of eating, sleeping, and other things normally associated with normal humans, or life in general, are no longer need to be performed out of necessity for adult Dovicarus, but will be done out of habit. As such, Azza will still want to eat on a regular basis and will want to sleep on a regular basis, despite the fact that she no longer needs to.

Horns of the Dovicarus – Azza’s horns are now fully grown, starting from above each ear and contours along her head towards the girl’s forehead. The blunt points face each other and are exactly one inch apart. The strength of each horn is akin to titanium, however, they cannot be used as effective weapons and cannot be used to gore someone at all. If the horns were to be damaged, all of Azza’s racial related attributes, except regeneration, will be reduced depending on the extent of the damage. The loss of one horn will reduce her racial attributes by half, and the loss of both will reduce her to an average human, all with the exception of her regeneration. Azza is aware of this.

Wings of the Dovicarus – The once small tuffs of feathers on each shoulder blade have now grown into wings. Their color is a soft russet that fades to a dove white at the tip of each “feather”. The composition is something that feels like furred feathers. The wings, while having no specific use, are sensitive to touch. Azza has a two-foot wingspan. If severed, they will incapacitate Azza for one hour. Unlike the rest of a Dovicarus’s body, the wings will not regenerate on their own, and must be “willed” back after two days, if the Dovicarus wishes. When the wings are “willed” to regenerate, they will burst forth fully grown to their previous size and Azza will experience another hour of incapacitation. Azza is aware of this.

Blood of the Dovicarus – If one was to drink Azza’s blood, the individual will gain increased regenerative abilities, however, will also experience a period of both insanity and dementia in direct relation to how much blood they have consumed. Dovicarus blood has no effect on creatures with an artificial mind (constructs), non-sapient undead and simple creatures without brains (slimes/jellies/amoebas). A Dovicarus’s blood and horns also prevents their kind from turning into were-creatures, vampires or other types of creatures that have the option of procreating by spread of their blood or sickness. Azza is aware of this.

Unmasked Aura – Azza still does not know how to mask her aura, and as such, she is easily detectable to those who are sensitive to strong magic and spiritual forces. Those who are able to see magical auras will see Azza as brightly as a walking magnesium flare. Azza is aware of this.

Dovicarian Healing – Dovicarus cannot be healed by magic other than that from their race. Conversely, the Dovicarus must use a different spell if they wish to heal others not of their kind. This means Azza cannot be healed by the majority of Althanians, including the technique used by the Ai’Brone monks. Medicinal and natural herbs can assist in healing, as long as there are no magical components mixed into the potion/draught consumed. Azza is aware that others cannot heal her.

Magic Incompatibility – If someone not of Azza’s race tries to teach her magic, Azza will be able to emulate a similar effect. However, because of the differences between how a Dovicarus casts spells and how Landbound (humans, elves, dwarves, etc.) cast spells there is an infinitely great chance, at this point, that Azza will cast a spell that is ineffective or completely different in effect, (for instance, a fireball that heals.) Azza is aware of this issue.

Enchanted Equipment Rejection – Like those of her race, Azza is unable to use any enchantments on equipment, and all equipment that Azza uses will function as mundane equipment unless it is forged from the Rolntaurn metal from her home realm. The other exceptions are equipment imbued with a spirit. While spirit imbued equipment will retain their enchantment in Azza’s hands, they will only function at one tenth of their normal power. Enchanted equipment, when used against Azza, will function at their full ability. Azza is aware of this issue.

Enchants that Crumble – Equipment that is enchanted or augmented by Azza are good for a limited time use before they either crumble to fine dust of the material they are forged/made from, or are in a such a state of wear and tear that the equipment must be repaired for effective use. Living creatures or plants enchanted or augmented by Azza do not experience this effect. Azza is aware of this issue.

Water's Embrace – As a Dovicarus and now whole of being, Azza will not outright drown when submerged for an excessively long time. Instead, she will slip into a deathlike stupor until her head is no longer underwater. After six hours of no longer having her head submerged, Azza's normal regenerative abilities will take over. Azza is aware of this.

Toxin's Malice – As a Dovicarus and now whole of being, poisons will rampage through Azza's body more quickly with full effect. Poisons now have a maximum duration of 1 hour with all of its effects compacted down to that time frame. Faster acting poisons will function as they are. Azza is aware of this.

Anti-Magic Overload - Areas or attacks that nullify or suppress a magic user's ability to cast spells are resisted and can be overpowered by Dovicarus Type Magic. Currently, the Azza's first attempt to cast Dovicarus Type Magic while suppressed under anti-magic effects will result in her current spell being lost. The next Dovicarus Type Magic will succeed and overload the suppression affect while physically manifesting Azza's "Unmasked Aura" for her level in minutes. Azza is aware of this.

Daughter of the Forests – When Azza is barefoot and her feet are in contact with the world where vegetation can take root, common, small non-toxic vegetation appropriate to the region will grow rapidly within a half foot radius from where she stepped upon. If the plants cannot sustain themselves naturally upon the spot they grew, they will wither within seconds. Azza is very aware of this. This trait will not manifest in areas where the light of the sun has not touched.

Tolerance to Natural Conditions – Weather conditions do not hinter a Dovicarus physically, so much as mentally. Most comfortable in their frozen mountain home, Dovicarus can function in extremely hot deserts, but will most likely complain a lot. Azza, while never having experienced the frozen steeps of her natural home, feels most comfortable in winter and dislikes heat in general. However, whichever of the two extremes she is in, Azza will not succumb to their effects. Her comfort will be in question though.

Racial Abilities:

Regeneration (Dovicarian) – With the horns fully grown, Azza’s regeneration ability reflects that of how her race normally functions. Wounds that are received by physical and/or mental means will regenerate within six hours, regardless of their severity. That is not to say that the wounds won’t slow down the Dovicarus. Very specific methods must be used to kill a Dovicarus. Azza is aware of her regenerative abilities and their extent.

Endurance Fortification – Fully grown and now with her being no longer fragmented, Azza's abilities are progressing to what they should have been. Azza now has x6 the endurance of an average human, able to withstand things that would make a bear cry!

Strength Fortification – Azza’s strength, while no longer fragmented, has progressed differently from her previous life and is making progress slowly. Azza, when compared to an average human, is about x2.5 stronger.

Speed Fortification – Much to her surprise and glee, Azza is now much quicker with her movements and reactions to the point of being equivalent to x5.1 faster than an average human.

Natural Flight – Azza is now fully aware of her innate ability to fly. However, because she has spent the majority of her current life with both feet upon the ground, flying for long periods of time will make Azza very uncomfortable. Whenever possible, she will prefer to walk even at the expense of time. Besides, it's hard to interact and seek the journey of life when floating above all of it.

Bastion of the Mind – With her being no longer fragmented, Azza is now innately immune to telepathic influence and telepathic attempts to harm or glean information from her mind. When there is an attempt to open a telepathic channel with Azza, Azza will be able to discern the location and identity of the individual attempting contact. Azza can then decide whether or not to allow communication. Along with this, attacks upon Azza's mind from magical sources have their effects dampened to half their usual effectiveness. Non magical sources are not affected (drugs and poisons as examples.)

Active Abilities:

Restoration Specialization (Dovicarus Enchantment Magic) - Azza is able to either draw mana either from herself or the world around her to rejuvenate and regenerate organic matter over a period of time depending on the severity of damage. Light to moderate damage can be treated within a matter of seconds while heavy or mortal wounds require several minutes of concentration. This ability can apply to vegetation and land. While this ability is capable of restoring dead land and vegetation, it is unable to bring deceased beings that previously had a soul back to life. This ability requires channeling and cannot currently be used while in direct combat. Due to specialization Azza will be able to use this ability on those not of her race. While this ability can be used indefinitely, Azza will currently require a rest period of at least two minutes between each use no matter the severity that was treated.

Elemental Augmentations (Dovicarus Enchantment Magic) - Azza draws upon her internal mana and must have the chosen element present to produce either a beneficial augmentation or harmful one. This ability can be applied to organic, non-organic, and barrier targets. Some elemental augmentations have no effect on certain targets. Azza at this time has a limited use of four augmentations a day, two in the Citadel as the magic of the Citadel directly interferes with this ability. Currently, Azza must be in contact with the target and the element required. Azza cannot target herself with elemental augmentations. Activating an augmentation does not consume the reagent. Azza's specific augmentation options are as follows:
Wood - Beneficial Effect boosts the target's morale for one hour. Negative Effect enfeebles target's Endurance to x0.75 of their normal state for one hour.
Fire - Beneficial Effect amplifies target's Strength by x1.5 for one minute. Negative Effect plagues target with visions of their worst nightmare/fear for one minute.
Land - Beneficial Effect calms target from an excited state. Negative Effect sends the target into despair for one hour.
Water - Beneficial Effect boosts target's concentration for one hour. Negative Effect robs the target's coordination for one minute.
Metal - Beneficial Effect increases the target's pain tolerance by x1.5 of their endurance for one hour. Negative Effect causes the target to become brittle for thirty seconds.
Air - Beneficial Effect increases target's speed by x1.2 and refreshes the target from exhaustion for three minutes. Negative Effect robs the target of their breath for thirty seconds.

The First Barrier (Dovicarus Barrier Magic) - The First Barrier is a shielding technique that those of among Azza's kind first learn and master. It cannot be shaped or augmented. The barrier is projected away from Azza to a maximum of a three meter radius, will expand at the rate of Azza's Speed modifier and will collide with the surrounding environment, with the exception of terrain, as a solid blunt object with the force of Azza's Strength modifier. Azza's specific manifestation of The First Barrier will prevent all foreign entry up to a maximum of her Endurance modifier in minutes. This ability can be deployed instantaneously and then must be channeled by Azza for the barrier to stay active. Azza may not move or perform other actions, with the exception of talking, while channeling. This ability may currently be used indefinitely with ten minutes between each use.

Purge (Dovicarus "Other" Magic) - Upon touching a living target, Azza is able to purge all hostile foreign entities and negative effects afflicting the target instantaneously by burning the affliction away with pure mana. This ability can currently be used indefinitely while requiring a five minute rest between each use.

Farinman Song Weaving (Story Only) - After the events of Se'lutia, Azza has picked up and trained her understanding of the traditional song magic of her kind under the tutelage of Sakuya, a fellow Dovicarus. After nearly two years, she is able to grasp the technique at the level of a novice. As such, Azza is able to amplify her Enchantment Magic by one hundred fold across a one mile radius from her position. Currently, Azza must rely upon at least one other singer to accompany her who also knows the words to the song. Prior to the singing ritual Azza must also spend 168 hours consecutively drawing external mana into her body. During the preparation time Azza many not use any of her other active abilities or the Song Weaving will fail. Extra singers will currently boost the song's effect by x0.01. Azza can currently only weave one effect into her song affecting only one target source. Target sources may be as specific or as broad as desired for example, all plants or all crops, or all carrots.

Notable NPCs (Cannot be used without permission of other writers and never in the Citadel):
Holly Ciders (Holly Ironmane) - Azza formerly knew the woman only as Holly Ciders, the kindly old woman who was the matron of an orphanage in Underwood. After the events upon Se'lutia during Azza's Exodus Storyline, the girl has come to learn that Holly's former life was much more violent than she imagined. In fact, the woman was a hero during her prime within Se'lutia on par with even perhaps the fabled Letho Ravenhart - a man who Holly was always willing to tell tales of to the children. With the conclusion of events, the woman has returned to Underwood and taken up her mantle of orphanage matron once more.

Sakuya of Farinma - After the events of Azza's Exodus Storyline, the woman has volunteered to tutor and instruct Azza despite Azza never asking the woman to. Azza never had much interaction with Sakuya when she alive in her home realm and thus knows little about the woman. What Azza does know is that the woman is terribly fond of odd directions and is seemingly oblivious to events that happen - which Azza knows isn't true. Just from practicing magic with the faux Akashiman, Azza can discern the woman to be of unfathomable power, setting into perspective just what kind of being her Matriarch is. There also seems to be a history between Sakuya and Holly, one that Azza isn't sure that she should pry into.


Unnamed Long Sword - An above-average steel long sword with scabbard, the long sword is 3 and a half feet in total length. Blade length is approximately 2 feet and three quarters. The hilt is three quarters of a foot. The inside of the scabbard is lined with soft fur coated with mineral oil to prevent rust and to allow for a faster draw. The weapon is carried on a shoulder belt. Acquired here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22756).

Traditional Seoyruun Style Clothing - Two sets of clothing made in traditional Seoyruun fashion, they are as follows: Two tunics with blended blues and green that are made of layered cotton with flowing sleeves, tailored with her wings in mind. One loose fitting pair of white pants made of sturdy cotton. One long linen skirt dyed a light tan. Two sets of white soft cotton undergarments. And cotton socks. Lots of socks. Acquired here. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30658-Shopping-Abroad-Clothing)

Durable Canvas Satchel - It is made from tough canvas and treated to be water proof. Mainly used to carry extra clothing, trinkets and other odds and ends. Dark green in color. Acquired here. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30658-Shopping-Abroad-Clothing)

Leather Boots - A pair of brown, steel-toed hard-leather boots. Acquired here. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30658-Shopping-Abroad-Clothing)

Farinman Order Robes - Plain heavy cotton robes of a chestnut brown color. They are tailored with Azza's wings in mind. Acquired here. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30658-Shopping-Abroad-Clothing)

Small Knife/Sheath - Much to Holly's disapproval, Azza was given a small bronze knife from one of the older boys when she was 10 years old. The blade is 3 1/2 inches long (9cm) with a handle that is 3 inches long (7 1/2 cm.) The only use she has for the knife is to trim the stems of flowers and to assist in gathering herbs. The sheath and knife is tied onto the right side of her belt.

Dream Catcher – Made from vines and branches, it was given to Azza by some of the orphan children. It now adorns her right wing.

Length of Blue Ribbon – It is the same length of blue ribbon used by the orphanage keeper to tie Azza's braid. It is made of cotton, about 11 inches in length, and slightly scented with lavender.

Copper Hairpin – After remembering that she had been given a gift, Azza unwrapped the present, which was a small brass hairpin. It has three prongs and a carefully, but crudely made flower decoration in the shape of a lily. Azza would never sell it.

Piggy Bank – Give to her by her Uncle Sei, she keeps it in her room at the Ixian Knight's Headquarters.

02-22-16, 02:55 PM
Things in blue are completely new

Changes to the Profile in the Following Sections:
Removal of Race Profile - for more streamlined look and feel

Languages, now knows her native tongue and the dialect spoken on Se'lutia
Herbology -> added name of who taught Azza and changed in proficiency
Swordplay, average -> accomplished
Mana Firearms -> new - novice
Engineering -> new - average
Mana Weaving -> new - excellent

Horns of the Dovicarus – is aware
Wings of the Dovicarus – is aware
Blood of the Dovicarus - is aware
Unmasked Aura - is aware, but still does not know how to mask
Dovicarian Healing – is now aware of why
Magic Incompatibility – is now aware
Enchanted Equipment Rejection - is now aware
Enchants that Crumble - is now aware and clarified
Water's Embrace - new trait and is aware
Toxin's Malice - new trait and is aware
Daughter of the Forests – new trait and is very aware
Anti-Magic Overload - new trait and is aware

Racial Abilities:
Regeneration (Dovicarian) - is aware
Endurance Fortification – no longer fragmented, expanded from x2.25 to x6
Strength Fortification - no longer fragmented, expanded from x2 to x2.5
Speed Fortification - no longer fragmented, expanded x2.1 to 5.1
Natural Flight - aware, but still uncomfortable.
Telepathic Resistance changes to Bastion of the Mind

Active Abilities: - new section
Restoration Specialization (Dovicarus Enchantment Magic) - new
Elemental Augmentations (Dovicarus Enchantment Magic) - new
The First Barrier (Dovicarus Barrier Magic) - new
Purge (Dovicarus "Other" Magic) - new
Song Magic Weaving (Story Only) - new

Notable NPCs: - new section
Holly Ciders (Holly Ironmane) - added
Sakuya of Farinma -added

History - older history removed to lessen clutter
Skill - Parent's Instruction - lost due to growing up
Trait - Memories of Another Time - lost due to becoming whole
Trait - Fragmentation - lost due to becoming whole

Items Gained/Lost/Changes:
Plain Straw Hat – lost, left it behind with a note for her adoptive father, Jensen Ambrose.
Set of Training Clothing – lost, no longer fits
Plain white dress – lost, no longer fits
Old leather belt – lost, don't know where it went
Sandals – lost, no longer fits
Cloth Satchel – lost after arriving upon Se'lutia
Dream Catcher - wears on her right wing now
Piggy Bank - change in description
Unnamed Long Sword - acquired
Traditional Seoyruun Style Clothing - acquired
Durable Canvas Satchel - acquired
Worker Boots - acquired
Farinman Order Robes - acquired

03-01-16, 03:01 PM
Howdy, I have a couple of questions.

With Magic Resistance Duality, it sounds as if items, equipment and characters with defensive magic or abilities become useless. Is this the case? If not, I'm not sure I understand how it works.

In regards to Elemental Augmentations, can you expand on what 'causes the target to become brittle for thirty seconds' would do to a person and a weapon?

03-01-16, 04:04 PM
Howdy, I have a couple of questions.

With Magic Resistance Duality, it sounds as if items, equipment and characters with defensive magic or abilities become useless. Is this the case? If not, I'm not sure I understand how it works.

In regards to Elemental Augmentations, can you expand on what 'causes the target to become brittle for thirty seconds' would do to a person and a weapon?

Certainly! I'll do my best to explain it in more with numbers. I will do my best to translate it into writing as well.

Magic Resistance Duality:
Items/equipment/characters that are are resistant against magic/use defensive magic, when confronted with magic specifically from her race, become flipped while items/equipment/characters that are weak to magic are flipped the other way. For example:
Resist Fire Equipment/Spell/Being - Normally increase resistance to fire by say 25%. When confronted with Dovicarus Magic, it becomes flipped to -25%.
Weak to Fire Equipment/Spell/Being - Normally weakened to fire by say -25%. When confronted with Dovicarus Magic, it becomes flipped to 25%.
Certain things/beings are the exception, for example a fire elemental or beings that are made of fire, are going to stay resistant no matter what. A creature of ice would still melt.
A creature is impervious to magic, normally created to guard a wizard's tower (like a golem), would find their resistance flipped when confronted with spells from her race.
Using materials in Althanas for example, Delyn, while normally magic-resistant, will not be when subjected to magic of her kind. Unenchanted mythril, normally weak to magical assault, would be resistant to magic from her kind.
By magic of her kind I mean if the abilities are labeled with "Dovicarus _________ Magic"

Regarding Elemental Augmentations -
Metal Element Augmentation (negative) - It causes the target to become brittle for 30 seconds. For a weapon, it would harden and become easier to break/shatter. In Althanas terms: A sword made of steel is touched and enchanted with the negative effect. The area which her hand touched would for 30 seconds become more brittle as if the steel in that area was subjected to extremely low temperatures (DBTT (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ductility) as kind of an example). Taking into the example above about Magic Resistance Duality however, an unenchanted mythril blade would be able to resist this effect.

If used on a person, that part of where Azza touched would harden and become brittle like graphite in terms of tensile strength.

03-14-16, 04:25 PM
Sorry for the delay bud.

I've been mulling it over, I think Magic Resistance Duality is outside what we allow for abilities. The main reason is because most people have resistance in some form or another, while weaknesses are rare. In a battle this might not have an effect, in which case you can simplify it to something a bit broader along the lines of '.... magic tends to work in opposite of normal Althanas magic causing some very odd side effects'.

What do you think?

03-14-16, 05:44 PM
Hello Hysteria! I know you guys are busy and will be even more so soon with the LCC coming up. On to the topic at hand~

I did not realize that it was outside of what was allowed for abilities and I am willing to modify. I wish to still keep some semblance of what the original intent was, though I'm not sure if that is possible. Your suggestion interests me, but I'm not entirely sure what you mean by it. Could you give me an example?

03-15-16, 06:23 AM
Well, if you're doing a thread with one or more people, you can all decide to draw on your character's uniqueness and play around with the effects of different abilities when they collide. This might mean your magic works exactly as you describe it at the moment. That is fine, but it's up to you and the other participants of the thread to decide if such liberties are going to be taken.

For the purposes of your character sheet, we write down what is allowed in competitive threads. You might have a battle with someone and your magic works like any other magic on althanas. (Of course, you can describe why it seems to be working the same however you see fit.) Then you have a thread with some other people in a more casual sense and your magic works just as you describe it at the moment.

In order to capture that and allow you to set up whatever stories and struggles you desire, you might have a skill that says something like:

Magic Duality – Dovicarus magic is a polar opposite of most other magic on Althanas. Sometimes this can lead to odd effects when objects, beings, or equipment that are weak to magic are strengthened instead. Or worse, Azza is negatively effected by magic that was intended to aid him. Azza is aware of this. (Requires discussion with other participants in the thread to come into effect.)

(Hopefully that makes sense, I'm super tired :p)

03-18-16, 01:23 AM
I think I understand slightly better, though Azza already has something that is similar to that manner as Magic Incompatibility.

In trying to keep in line with her race concept, would it be possible to do one of the following instead?

Anti-Magic Overload - Areas or attacks that nullify or suppress a magic user's ability to cast spells are resisted and can be overpowered by Dovicarus Type Magic. Currently, the Azza's first attempt to cast Dovicarus Type Magic while suppressed under anti-magic effects will result in her current spell being lost. The next Dovicarus Type Magic will succeed and overload the suppression affect while physically manifesting Azza's "Unmasked Aura" for her level in minutes.

Reactive Mana Mimic - When struck with magic, Azza's body specifically, will consume a portion of the effect and redirect it back to the caster at 1/4 of the spell's original effectiveness. This trait only functions if the magic used affects the physical world and applies to both beneficial and negative effects. Currently can only happen (half Azza's level rounded down) times a day.

04-28-16, 08:07 AM
So, I should first apologize for my tardiness with responding. I think rather than ask another mod to take over it'll be quicker if we continue from where we were. Anti-Magic Overload seems perfect for what you're looking for.

In regards to the others, just a note on one ability. The First Barrier might need to change as you get quicker and level up. We can leave it as is for now.

Other than that, if you add in Anti-Magic Overload you're good to go!

05-13-16, 10:13 PM
I have swapped out Magic Resistance Duality with Anti-Magic Overload and reflected the changed on the second post as well. The exp from Matriarch's Wish (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26006) should be enough to cover the requirement for level 7.

Thank you!

05-15-16, 06:40 PM
Approved and closed. I'll move this when the xp comes through ^_^