View Full Version : Memoirs of Transition: A collection of meaningless drivel by Shinsou

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
02-23-16, 11:35 AM

It appears that we have reached the edge
A zenith where the reality of the present and the needs of the past collide
We laboured for pleasures we had but now, exhausted, we settle for "the devil you know"
We are the architects of a vicious circle

We have allowed ourselves to be butchered for a price we just don't care about
And will never understand.
Now, it's distrust in information and fundamentalism of opinion.
Caught in a cataclysm of boredom, with a fanatical devotion to that which does not matter.

Where have we been all this time?
The rise, the fall, the fatal decline.
Waiting for all this to unfold
But in the end the pieces are only as good as the whole

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
02-23-16, 01:16 PM

Come with me
On a journey through my mind, you'll see
Come with me
Let's imagine what could be instead of this atrophy

I've got a lot of questions
I'd rather not hear the answers to
But i'll ask them all the same
I'll do whatever I have to
That face that I've not seen in years
What the hell would it make of me now?
The boy, the ghost, the man
In for a penny, out for a pound

Can you take that step, that definitive step
To cross the chasm that does nothing but divide us
A hurricane of glass to add to the memories