View Full Version : Freja the Fierce.

02-29-16, 12:21 PM
Name: Freja Siggy Anders

Nickname/Alias:* Sig, Siggy

Age: 22

Race: Nordic

Height: 5'5

Weight: 135


Personality: My name is Freja and I am unlike other women. I do not do dishes, nor do I sit and let the men fight. I am at the front lines ramming my arrows down my enemies throats. I wish to enter into the place of my people, Valhalla. My family was slaughtered and I will exact my sweet, swift vengeance on the men that did it. Cursed they may be to never enter Valhalla and fight at Thor's side! I do not kill people that do not deserve to meet the end of my spear, arrow or sword.

History: My history is short, I was born, raised by a shield maiden and Viking warrior. I had siblings, one day I was fishing by the creek. Screams where heard, blood was shed and there my family laid in a pool of blood. I was left a lone, nothing more than the hatred in my belly to fuel me to keep moving.

Appearance: Hair long and golden blonde, down to the middle of my back maybe a bit longer. My frame is petite, my breast are ample enough to catch a male's eye. My ass round and firm from all my hard labor, legs long and strong.


Bow and Arrow Maiden: Though my aim true, I have not the proper weaponry with my arrow not up to standards. My arrows slant casting them to the left. So this only allows me to hit my targets half of the time and the impact shallow when it does happen.

Tracking: I am able to track most things; animals, humans. I am rather well at it though nature can get in the way sometimes. Washing away the evidence of anything being there, leafs hiding them underneath.

Hand to hand Combat: I am well at fighting hand to hand, fist to fist or body to body. Though when out weighed or witted I am not always on the winning side. When the Gods are in my favor I can win a fight that is liking to able to be won.


Seer: When the Gods allow it I am able to see little snippets of the future sometimes just images others little scenes. This only will happen true if the person that the vision involves chooses that direction. Tending to take a toll on my body the visions only come once or twice in three days timing. Rendering me weak and a bit winded.

Equipment/Weapons: An oak bow and arrow, the arrows are not centered and are dull. I also have an iron dagger that is rusty and dull as well.

Max Dirks
02-29-16, 01:27 PM
Great, I'll assume your arrowheads are iron then.
