View Full Version : Signs of the Gods

02-29-16, 02:22 PM

The winter chill was oddly enough set off with a spring breeze. The color slowly returning to the land, little snippets of green show through out the vast ocean of browns and white. The warm gust of air wrapping around my body like a sign from the God Odin. I am on the right path to finding what I wish.

"Freja Siggy Anders, quit your day dreaming girl and move your ass!" Floki billowed as I stared out towards the land of Raiaera. Glaring towards the mountain of a man that accompanied me; so much for peace this fine morning. "Shut it your ugly brute before I shove my dagger so far up your arse you will be my puppet!" I hollered back causing a thunderous laugh in response. A sinister grin leapt across my face before jumping down fluidly, landing next to the big oaf.

"Let us keep moving than!"

Shoving off the ground I pulled ahead of my company looking left to right. Bending down I picked up a leaf, letting it crumple in my hand; it again meeting the ground. Holding my nose up I inhaled deeply, drinking in the scents that surround me. The crisp winter air mixed with the smell of the upturn fresh soil assuming the farmers have now been able to break ground.

"Floki, get your slow ass up here!"

"Blast damn it woman, some of us can't move like the wind like you do!" The six foot seven inches of flesh finally met beside me moments later. Mumbling as he hunched over out of breath, "come on you fat man let's go!" Grumbling more I pushed at him, willing him to move faster. "How is it that you can shove your cock in anything that moves yet can not even go on a simple journey?" Another thunderous laugh came from my companion as he shook his head.

"Come girl we are almost where we need be."

Cards of Fate
02-29-16, 02:44 PM
The death screams of the local wildlife were haunting.

Vincent Cain stood silently and watched as three massive wolves with moss-matted fur ripped a large mountain elk apart with ease. Absently, he chewed his lips as he contemplated the damage these ferocious beasts could do on an armored soldier, or anything for that matter. The hounds quickly stripped all the flesh from the poor creature, leaving nothing left but partially dissolved bone and a pool of liquefied muscle.

"Alastor, Cerus, Atlas, Heel!" The Emperor snapped. The three hounds snapped to attention and bolted towards their master, digging their paws into the dirt to stop themselves as they halted right before the scholar. "Good puppies," Vince muttered patting each of them on the head and pulling a handful of acorns from a satchel at his hip and tossing each beast a few. They snapped them out of the air and let out playful barks as they began to pant, acidic drool leaking from their black lips.

Five months had passed since the purging of the Red Witch from Liderqualme, since the fated day Vince had slain the traitor to the Tarot Hierarchy. So much had happened all at once, his promotion to leader of his ancient order, the disappearance of his old boss...

It was bizarre that Vince had managed to find time to tame the most feral of creatures known to Raiaera. The three Dur'Taigen with him were the Alpha's of his pack, a large group of about thirty or so beasts. He had begun to take the more obedient hounds out of the cursed forest to go hunting and catch some fresh meat, a trial to see how well he could handle them in smaller missions.

So far everything seemed to be a success.

Atlas, the largest of the three let out a small yip to catch Vince's attention. "Yes boy?" The scholar inquired kneeling down. "What is it?" The hound pawed the ground and sniffed the air before letting out a small baleful how.

He smelled intruders, possibly Aleran spies.

"Find em!" Vince snapped, "But don't engage unless I say so!"

02-29-16, 04:51 PM
Floki simple ramblings where on the brink of driving me insane. Hitting him with the butt of my dagger in the stomach just to shut him up. "Enough with the damn talking! I want you to just shut the hell up, yammering away about nothing." His talking turned into groaning causing me to laugh a little at the pain I had inflicted on the giant brute. Sighing softly I pushed forward knowing he would catch up soon or later. The forestry thinned out slightly causing me to halt, holding my hand up closing my fist. The big bloke behind me stopped suddenly as well. Pebbles littered the ground around a small creek that ran over the rock, the singing of birds had stopped. Signs of enemies or a threat approaching, turning my nose up to the air. Inhaling deeply I couldn't tell exactly what but I knew the scent had changed and not simply because we were by running water.

"Floki, something or someone is coming be ready."


That said I gripped my dagger tightly unsheathing it from my left thigh holster. Flipping it in the air only to catch it again, the blade held on the inside of my forearm. Glancing at Floki he gripped his battle axe in hand a glint of excitement in his brown eyes. It had been more than three fortnights that we have shed blood and we craved to bathe in the crimson liquid of our enemies. The sound of pounding paws stirred slapping against the water, leaning back on my right foot giving my left foot leverage. The beasts came into sight charging forth before circling us like vultures. Kicking my foot out towards the jaw, catching it slightly with the tip of my foot. Yelping as it's companions growled closing the circle around us tighter. Floki had his back to me, his form towered over me easily as he swung at one of the monsters.

"Damn, Floki your aim is horrible no wonder you have no sons!"

Floki chuckled but only to have a wolf creature nip at him in warning. The pack animals seemed to be stirring us some way though not keen on wanting to flow but not having a choice. Yipping and snapping at us if we tried to go a different way than what they wanted. After a few more twist and turns we were only a few meters away from a lone man. "Ahh so this is where the pups wanted us to come." Floki billowed as he gripped his battle axe ready to throw it. Holding up my hand he dropped his axe to his side once more mumbling protest.

"Call off your pups before I slit their throats and pull their lungs out. We are here just as you told them to fetch us."

Cards of Fate
02-29-16, 06:59 PM
Vincent eyed the two before him with slight amusements. He had found vikings instead of Alerans apparently, especially one with no manners. He felt the visions of fate stirr slightly in the back of his mind, haphazardly letting the scholar know that this was possibly more than a mere coincidence. He turned his sapphire eyes once more over the stranger pair, the man standing only a few inches over him, and the woman a head or two shorter than him. They looked tough, but he had three of the deadliest predators known to this side of the world on his side.

"A lot of talk ma'am," Vince cooed raising his arms in a calming manner "for someone who wouldn't be alive if I hadn't told them not to kill you." he waved to the green wolves, acid dripping from their jaws as they circled. "The acid that drips from Atlas over there..." Vince continued motioning to the largest of the trio, "...has eaten through steel." He snapped his fingers and the three hounds broke formation and returned to Vincent who promptly tossed them each an acorn.

"Anywho, my name is Vincent Cain. I just needed to make sure you weren't Alerian spies." He chuckled for a moment and with another snap of his fingers, and a shower of blue sparks, he pulled out a decanter of amber liquid in one hand. The other seemingly reached out and pulled three cups from a shower of blue as well. "Perhaps hunting dogs was a bad way to start off, care for a drink?"

03-01-16, 03:15 PM
"I have smelled Floki's breath in the morning after he poured enough ale down his throat and bedded whores the night before and survived. Their spit would not be as bad."

Floki shoved at me causing me to stumble but laugh, tossing my elbow into his gut. "Your breath is no better woman! Non the less don't want to make this she devil angry with your empty threats." His thumb jabbed towards me causing me to roll my eyes at the name she devil. Looking or more like examining the wild beast, their color of green slightly matched the color of my orbs. They are indeed lovely to look at of all things, uncommon to anything I have ever seen. They looked as if they belonged to the forest or maybe the Earth itself. It was indeed an interesting thing to stare at and yet all that hard work for a simple nut. Watching how they react to the so called alpha command them and they obey.

"Freja, Freja! Dear Gods woman stop day dreaming. The man was offering you a drink!"

Tilting my head slightly which caused my blonde locks that were half up in a tight puffed out braid whilst the rest fell freely around my face to sway. Eyeing the man I arched a slender eyebrow. Send rabid beast after us than offer us something to drink, simply seems strange to me. Looking over at my sack of meat for an escort, his shoulders broad and strong, his sharp jaw line and dark brown hair. He also eyed the cup the man offered a stern look on his face as he tightened the grip of his axe.

"Floki you drink first so if it is poison you only die instead of us both."

A small giggle left my lips as I looked back towards the man before me that was somewhat offering us some strange sign of hospitality. Though I was indeed thirsty I simply wasn't going to take the first drink and die. Loosening my hold on my dagger, flipping it in between my fingers skillfully avoiding to cut myself. The big bloke glared at me and shook his head furiously glaring, cursing me in our native tongue.

Cards of Fate
03-01-16, 11:12 PM
Vincent raised and eyebrow at their skepticism and filled the three cups effortlessly, snapping his fingers once to dismiss the decanter and taking one glass with his free hand and effortlessly draining it in a single toss. Grinning he offered the other two with an outstretched hand. "There, if it's poison I will die before you." He crossed the gap between them with several strides and handed a glass to each of them, wary of any sudden movements.

In truth, Vincent Cain didn't need the wolves if push came to shove. He had fought worse in his days, and had even played a roll in killing would be dark goddesses. Two vikings that he could cut down before they had their weapons drawn didn't scare him too terribly much. Instead he chose to bask in the brisk sunlight. Spring was coming and the mountain snows were beginning to thaw. Soon the air would be filled with the mating calls of birds, and the trees filled with squirrels scrambling to discover their troves from the past fall.

The scholar took several steps away from the group and fetched the decanter once more from thin air, pouring himself another glass and shrugging. "Now then, since I've determined you are not in fact spies, who are you and why are you crossing the border illegally?"

03-02-16, 02:43 PM
I watched him drain the cup with little to no effort than simply closed the gap between us. His hand out stretched offering the cup, if it were poison it would have kicked in by now; right? Floki the dumb brute took the cup with out a second thought and drained it. A sigh of relief left his cracked lips before letting out a ghastly burp. Rolling my eyes I took the cup he still offered me, sniffing the liquid inside it almost smelled like ale. Licking my soft pink lips I eyed the man one last time before taking a long swig. Swallowing it a soft moan caused me to tilt my head back in satisfaction with only having drank water from streams here and there. Another few swigs and the contents were gone before I knew it frowning sadly inside the glass. I hadn't realized that being on the run for so long I would miss the little things like drinking ale and enjoying carefree things. A small pout sauntered across my lips as I sighed softly before looking at the unknown man.

"Sorry can never be to careful with somethings, where I come from I once watched a Princess poison her own brother for nothing more than a simple disclaim over the throne."

Shrugging slightly I offered my cup to Floki who also shared the same sad smile I had. Taking it from my grasp before sheathing my dagger that was on my upper left thigh. My face twisted as I had realized I hadn't introduced myself or my companion. "I am Freja, Freja Anders and this is Floki Lorinbrook. He is like a body guard that doesn't do much but bitch and complain because he is getting old a fat." As on que his thunderous laughter shook the earth damn near as clutched his stomach bent over. Shaking my head at his annoying laugh waiting for it to die down which didn't take long as his laughter turned into groans as I yanked on his beard.

"Nice to meet you Vincent Cain, thank you for the drinks."

Pursing my face as the conversation went straight from light greetings to heavy questions. Illegally? I really need to start listening to all that he says.. This lack of sleep is getting too me.. Chewing on my lower lip unsure of how or what to act like with such a loaded questions. "Have you not heard of wonderers? Do you not have merchants that simply walk the land? How do you illegally cross a boarder when myself and Floki do not know where the hell the boarders start for one land and end for another?"

There were lots of questions that need to be answered and this man better give them to me as my defense is now on high alert. "And also what do you intend to do with us Vincent Cain since we are breaking your law? I promise I will not go down easy for simply not knowing the silly rules of this foreign land." Arching my eye brow my face remained blank but on the inside a storm raged on as my heart thundered in my chest awaiting such answers.

Cards of Fate
03-04-16, 12:00 AM
The scholar raised an eyebrow at the fiery woman's words, either she was much stronger than most, incredibly brave, or plain stupid. A smile crossed the scholar's lips, her temper reminded her of himself a long time ago, when this world was also fresh to him. He snapped his fingers and muttered a few hushed tones to the hounds before they set off in a sprint out of the clearing, howls trailing behind them. "Trust is very important when it comes to travelers meeting for the first time. Whatever you're looking for, I doubt you'll find it any further east from here. The land beyond is known as Raiaera, if you did not know, and it's currently a shell of its former self." The scholar stretched and cracked his neck, letting out a grunt as he did so before continuing.

"Unless you're looking to earn glory in combat with the unending hordes of undead that plague the land, you'll find little else here. The purging of the Red Forest is long over, so there's no glory to be found there." The wind gusted slightly through the clearing, causing the scholars cloak to flap slightly in the breeze. "Tell me, from where do you hail? What do you seek? Perhaps I can help you?"

(Short Im sorry, when we get into whatever we actually intend to do my posts will get bigger.)

04-02-16, 11:19 AM
"You don't not just give trust to a stranger, that is how someone dies. You Vincent must earn mine and Floki's trust as we must earn yours. Though this very intense conversation simply lends to us just arguing in circles." Sighing softly I slightly leaned against Floki, the endless days of rough traveling slowly starting to drag me down. Floki wrapped a beefy, protective arm around me supporting more of my weight than I was. My forest green orbs wondered to the wolf like beast as they followed their leaders command. A soft smile dances across my pink supple lips, oh what it is to be free, to only answer when called and follow a few orders than released to do as you please. A small nudge brought me back from my day dreaming. Glancing up at Floki he looked worried, his leathery aged face etched with concern as I gave him a soft smile or reassurance.

Clearing my throat I felt a small dry spot, "I don't wish for any of that, just a place to lay low and regroup is all." Standing up straight again Floki still kept a warm hand on my shoulder giving it a small squeeze. "It doesn't matter of our past, there isn't anything there for us any more. I come from an old land where Vikings rule. Floki and I fled from someone that wants to rip my heart from my chest and eat it." Floki let out a small growl of disgust while spitting on the ground mumbling a few curse words in our native tongue. Patting his hand to calm him down before looking back at the male known as Vincent. "We don't want any trouble but I didn't just flea my homeland to come to another just to be locked away."

Glancing over at where the beasts had run off too I lifted my nose up into the air sniffing slightly. Glancing over at my companion he nodded before he ran off into the woods. Chewing on the inside of my cheek I looked back at the male that seemed a bit confused.

"There is someone coming so unless you summoned back up you better getting ready for whatever is coming because there is about-" Closing my eyes I focused and sniffed again smelling three different scents that seemed off. "Three people and there is something off about their scents that is off..."

Cards of Fate
04-08-16, 12:11 AM
The scholar chewed his lip as his mind raced. Who else could possibly be lurking in these mountains? He snapped his fingers and pulled out an ornate Damascus blade from a shower of blue sparks. He silently cursed the fact the he had dismissed his hounds so quickly, such a fight would be infinitely easier with a pack of hounds at his side.

"I have no clue who they could be, but given the nature of this territory we should be ready for anything ranging from undead to dark elf spies" he flourished his blade a bit and cracked his neck. "I hope you're as good with blade as you say you are."

(Its short but I felt bad for making you wait so long. Bring the baddies in and we can start cracking skulls!)

05-14-16, 09:24 AM
Tilting my head up slightly as the breeze picked up slightly causing the weird scent to invade my nose. My finger tips danced with excitement on my blade as I chewed on my lower lip anxiously. I knew they were getting close as Vince spoke of my sword skills, an almost sinister smile swept across my pink lips. "Wait and see," bouncing on my toes as I could feel the adrenaline washing over my small curved frame. My breathing hitched slightly as my vision slightly blurred, the throbbing in my head slowly returned. Fumbling with my a small pouch tied to my hip I fished out a small vile. It was as if time was against me because I knew the people or things that were tracking us were lurking in the shrubs. Gripping the rubber cork with my teeth spitting it out and chugging down the contents. My face twisted with disgust as the bitter liquid eased my aching head instantly.

Glancing over at the male again, I caught his intense gaze nodding my head at him. A small twig snapped alerting me that whoever it was simply hid in the shrubs. My fingers found their home around the hilt of my blade as I slowly drew it out. My sword was nothing special but it held a special place in my heart as it was my mother's sword that she had made as a girl. Pursing my lips together a did a high pitched whistle waiting to see if Floki had gotten his clumsy self into position. A few moments had passed by and I sent up a silent prayer to Odin that my over grown companion hadn't gotten lost or worse taken out. Another whistle, low and long answered my call as a grin spread across my face.

"Here goes nothing," I murmured to myself.

Slowly these long lengthy human like things came sauntering out of the woods. I had never seen people, or creatures that looked like this pointed ears, long silky hair that billowed with ease in the wind. Their black cloaks were a sharp contrast against the bright colors of forestry behind them. Tightly my head slightly I watched as they moved, they glided as if a boat on sea simply skimming over the water. The leader of the other two was in front his face lowered slightly casting a shadow over his face. It was like he knew I was confused on what he was or questioning simply what the hell was going to happen. His gaze turned upward and met mine, his brightly green colored eyes almost looked like they were shining.

"What the hell..."

Just as spoke Vince breathed out a word that sort of sounded like elves. Glancing at him I than quickly looked back at the trio with curiosity. For a moment nothing seemed to happen as I was starting to get antsy, "what is it that you are here for?"

Cards of Fate
05-20-16, 04:06 PM
The scholar wasted no time ascertaining their origins. Their cloaks bore the symbol of Alerar's military; a bold move on this side of the mountains. His eyes narrowed at the drow before him, each with ashy gray skin, and eyes of coal. His stance tightened, he extended his blade.

“What purpose do you have in Raiaeran territory?” He inquired, his voice cold and authoritative.

“What good is a country that cannot stand on its own?” the elf growled back. “We’re here to find good places to set up logging camps when you’re country crumbled under its own wei-“ The man hadn’t even had time to finish his sentence before Vincent’s blade was at his throat. The scholar did not slit the man’s throat however, he only smirked.

“I highly suggest you look for timber on the other side of the mountains friend, you will only find your death here.” The Drow didn’t even blink as they drew there blades to strike at Vincent. The Emperor simply blinked backwards in a flash of blue, safe from their blades before sizing up his opponents. The three seemed to spread out, looking to cover more ground and draw Vincent in.

The scholar opted instead to take several steps back and flourish his blade. Two of the men broke off to attack the woman and her guard, leaving Vince with one left. With a grin he dashed forward and swung his blade at his foe. The elf met his blade with his own, and attempted to deflect his blade. The scholar grinned and placed his full force behind the blade and sent the spies blade flying from his hand. Vince grinned as he watched his foes eyes fill with dread.

He plunged his blade into the fiends stomach and watched as the life drained from his eyes. “I told you…” Vince grunted. “You would only find death here.” He pulled his blade from the now dead man, and a fountain of red spurted forward caking the scholar.

Grunting, her turned to see how his new “friends” were doing.

06-03-16, 12:25 PM
I watched closely as the two talked or rather barked threats at one another, the air was thick with animosity. I was not nervous for the blood of Odin flooded in my veins. My hand shook slightly confusing my advancer to make it seem as if I had fear in my heart, he was sadly mistaken though I had the heart of a warrior and wouldn't back down from a fight. A sinister grin seemed to slip across his thin lip making his face look more menacing than the calm collected look he had just worn. His lengthy limbs moved fluidly as we circled each other almost sizing one another up. Flipping the sword around in my hand adjusting the weight slightly as the circled started to grow smaller and smaller.

I was starting to grow antsy at the simple fact of Floki not coming out of hiding yet. The other elf seemed to watch his companions engage as he sat back waiting. Just as my doubt almost grew over the edge Floki's deep, chest rumbling battle cry rang out. He jumped from the tree over head landing on top of the on looking elf. I made the number one mistake that usually cost most warriors their lives, never take your eye of your enemy. I found myself on my back and not in a pleasuring way with the air forced out of my lungs. Quickly regaining my composure as best as I could I watched the cockiness consume the male. The tip of my tongue traced my slightly drew lips as the etch of determination lay on my brow.

"Let's do this."

Just like that our bodies collided as he jabbed me in the ribs a few times, swinging my sword at him aiming for his chest as he moved at the last second. Grunting I thrust my sword again and again barely missing him, this cat and mouse game growing tiring. The poison that was in my body slowly working against me as the elf disarmed me. I watched my sword land with a solid thud a few feet away from Floki, hand to hand combat I can do this.. He swung quickly grabbing for me which I blocked smoothly, the next strike was as quick as a snake going for the kill. That deflection didn't go as smoothly as the first one having me stumble a bit with my footing.

Recovering once more we collided again but this time a felt a small sharp pain in my shoulder, I hadn't realized he had unsheathed a small dagger that he had embedded into my shoulder. I hissed, the pain a more burning sensation as he had a look of triumph on his face letting his guard down. Just as he did I jumped at him positioning one hand under his jaw and the other slightly under the crown of his head. Turning us as I see the look in his eyes trying to figure out what was happening. Spinning around I climbed up sitting on his shoulders I twisted my hands as he fell down like a falling tree. My chest heaved up and down as I looked around noticing Vincent had ended the other scum bag.

"Floki," my voice was shaky just like my strength. Looking around my legs wobbled under the weight of my own body, falling to my knees I yelped slightly.

"I'm here Freja," out came the large sack of meat a few cuts and bruises as he dropped to his knees examining my shoulder and the rest of me. Batting away his hands "I am fine Floki just a little weak.." "It's that damn poison I told you we should have asked the seer for help!" I gave him one stern look warning him it was not he time since we had company. Looking over at Vincent than back at Floki I pushed myself to stand up, my legs still wobbling slightly.

Cards of Fate
06-03-16, 07:20 PM
The scholar hadn’t had time to intervene before the giant of a man came to the woman’s rescue. He did, however, have time to retrieve a roll of bandages and a flask of water from his little pocket dimension. Closing the gap, the scholar glanced over her wound and turned to the man.

“Do you mind if I treat this?” the words hung in the air for a moment before the giant nodded. Vincent proceeded to pour a little bit of water into the cut carefully in some vain attempt to clean it out. Althanian first aid was a messy process compared to back home on Earth. Before he would have gotten an entire first aid kit, cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide, wiped it down with sanitation wipes. The whole nine yards really, instead he had to make due with water and wrapping her injury in a linen bandage. When it was all said and done, he took a moment to catch his breath and look over his handiwork, and to reflect on their earlier words.

“Pardon me, but did you say you had been poisoned?” The scholar inquired raising an eyebrow. “By whom? And with what?” This complicated things. If the woman was sick, or dying from some unknown poison, he could not sit idly by and watch as she suffered. “I happen to know an excellent healer, so great he can even bring people back to life in fact. Would you allow me to escort you to him?”

06-04-16, 11:44 AM
I watched has Vincent worked, his hands delicate yet diligent with the task at hand. Watching his eyebrows draw in when he tending to think hard about something. "Do your people usually look like they share the genes of Gods? You have a beautiful look about you, some what dark and mysterious. " Before I could understand what was happening my tongue was spilling out all my thoughts. Thankfully Floki clamped his hand over my mouth that had betrayed me. "Poison..." Floki mumbled under his breath as he grinned, I knew he was enjoying me making an ass of myself but he knew he would pay later had he let me ramble on. When I was all patched up I pursed my soft pale pink lips slightly at how well he had done, yet how stiff my shoulder felt. Not sure if it was the blood lose or the poison I started to lean slightly, maybe the two bloody things were working together against me.

My lips formed into a thin line as he had heard what Floki had said about the toxins in my body. Floki dropped his hand clearing his throat uncomfortably. He looked at me than back at the man that inquired some knowledge about my dark past. Chewing on my lip I nodded telling him to go ahead and spill about what had happened. "I need to sit.." Black dots danced like little fire flies in my vision and my chest tightened slightly impairing my breathing. "Deep breaths Freja, in and out. Here sit down and close your eyes and breathe." Floki guided me into a sitting position my back against the trunk of a large oak tree.

"She was poisoned almost seven days ago, we were fleeing from our home land after her family had been slaughtered. An enemy of her father had paid one of their slaves to poison them but the slave must have not put enough toxin in their food. It was taking too long for the traders liking so Rollo took matter into his own hands and killed her father Ragnar, her mother Alliah and brother Brenan, Freja was out tracking a deer for food when she had heard the screams."

I tried forcing down the large lump that was forming in my throat. Tears welled up as I could still remember that day, "I- I held my brother Brenan as he choked on his own blood from the gash in his chest. Floki pried me away from his body as he had tried helping my father fight but he promised to save me and take me away. I don't know what I was poisoned with but I am growing weak and starting to see things that aren't really there, I have no control over what I say almost as if I was drunk." Wiping my eyes as the tears had spilt over my cheeks, the aching in my chest just a fresh reminder of how alone I was.

"If you think you can help me I will take it, I can't pay you but I will be in your debt..."

Cards of Fate
06-04-16, 03:18 PM
Vince simply chuckled as words spilled out of the woman’s mouth. He’d been on Althanas for a long time, it had changed him. It had forged him into a much more handsome and defined man than he had been. He’d gained confidence, smarts, and skills beyond his wildest dreams, but it had also made it humble.

“Thanks, I’m Italian so I get this kinda bronze look going when I’m out in the sun too long.” Vince didn’t know why he was explaining his earthen genetics, but he felt he needed to help the woman save some face. He watched as Floki lowered her into a sitting position and listened to her story intently. The wind whistled overhead, and chills ran down his spine as she recounted the savage fate of her family. The scholar found his fists clenching unknowingly, his knuckles turning a sheer white.

“Fucking hell.” The words left his lips almost as a hiss as he glanced down at the woman. Such sorrows were the tragedy of the world, even the strong could not escape the brutality of the monsters in human clothing. “Don’t even worry about needing to repay me, this sort of work is my usual calling.” He extended a hand to the woman to help her up. “I’d be more than glad to assist you in any way. If it is within my power to aid you in seeking a cure, or in exacting your revenge, it will be done.” He locked eyes with the giant and gave him a nod as he raised the woman to her feet.

“The healer is no more than two days away from here. Do you think you can make it that far? The terrain is rough, but my hounds and I are familiar with it.” The scholar let out a high pitched whistle, and the baying of the monstrous hounds could be heard in the distance.

06-05-16, 12:55 AM
"Italian," I sounded slightly like a purring cat as I repeated the word. "Sounds sexy and exotic, I bet you are great in the sack." A small girlish giggle came from me. "Freja what are you a bitch in heat?" Shrugging my shoulders I eyed the man up and down, I wanted to rip of his shirt watching the buttons scattered on the ground along with my ambitions. Down girl, down... but I would indeed ride that Italian stallion and tame him. Shaking my head I tried to snap out of my sexual desires for him. My attention quickly drawing back to Floki as he told the story of the undoing with my family.

I chewed on my lower lip slightly as Floki had told my story and I had finished. Crying to me was a weakness and I was showing it now in front of two tough males. Wiping at my eyes aggressively as if it was going to make the damn things stop with the water works. My eyes surely red a slightly puffy now from the tears I was hoisted up, feeling uncomfortable at the fact of everything. Focusing on how Vincent's hands were rough yet warm and consumed my own. His grip firm yet somehow gentle, I was finally standing trying not to look like a new born doe just finding their footing. I wanted to break the ice of the awkwardness that I felt was floating thick in the air. Blurting out at our close proximity and his lovely, delectable form; "if I told you had a nice body would you hold it against me?"

I could see the surprise wash over his face slightly as I wanted so badly to catch his lips with my own. My Gods am I forming a crush for this hunk, I sure am! I was having an internal battle with myself when he asked if I could make the travel. Nodding gently I faltered a bit stepping away from the two. "We should get moving than if it's that fair away." I knew the rosiness in my cheeks were starting to slowly drain and I was getting weaker so the faster we got to the healer the better. Glancing at my escorts as his pack of dogs, wolves whatever they were rounded the corner.

Once all settled in we started off on foot, I continued to push myself as Floki took the lead following the wolf like creatures Vincent in the middle and me a little behind. I could feel sweat starting to collect on my forehead and my shoulder which I had been stabbed seemed very stiff and ached. I groaned slightly huffing and puffing to push myself to go a little bit faster to keep up with the rest of the party.

Cards of Fate
06-05-16, 01:42 AM
The woman’s strong advances caught the scholar off guard, and he struggled to keep his composure. Vince tried to keep his face from blushing, but he got the strong sense that he’d failed miserably at that. ‘God, that poison must be really toxic…’ the scholar thought to himself. He mused several other cheesy ways to respond, but he figured the dirty looks the giant was giving him were enough of an impetus to stop. He simply offered the woman an arm to lean on and ushered them to set off.

“You see, the healer happens to work with my organization.” Vince mused as they walked. “We’re…kinda unique. We study magic and myths and do our best to use them to better the world…” He wasn’t going to tell them everything, but he figured he needed to let them know something. “He happens to reside at my base of operations, but the last leg is going to be incredibly dangerous…” he mused. He tried to keep his eyes off the woman he was helping, but couldn’t help but let his eyes wander every now and then. She was attractive, almost like a Valkyrie from the Nordic tales back home. In fact, Vince half wondered if they were even from Althanas, or another realm just like him. The idea of another realm lost wanderer intrigued him; perhaps the walls that lined the reality the occupied was extraordinarily thin?

As they walked the sun began to set, and they ended up at the bottom of the mountain range by the time darkness fell. Keeping Freja’s condition in mind, they stopped and made camp. Vince had tasked the hounds with fetching firewood, doing a surprisingly good job for such a complex job. Vince simply pulled several flasks of water from sparks of blue. He didn’t happen to have any food on hand, but they could trap something in the morning to break their fast. As they settled down, Vince faced an interesting struggle.

He felt that he should post up close to Freja, in case of an attack or if she needed help. But given her actions earlier, he was perhaps slightly afraid she was going to make a move on him. As the fire crackled and flickered, sending shadows dancing to some invisible beat, Vince decided to sit about five feet away from the woman and her giant companion, leaning against a tree. The stars shone bright above, filling the sky with millions of brilliant diamonds.

“Do your people have any stories about the stars?” Vince asked after staring at the sky in silence.

06-05-16, 01:48 PM
The trip had been long, tiring and hard for me; my body drenched in sweat as we finally made camp. My joints begging to stop, rest and let them heal properly. I felt filthy and needed to bathe and I was going to find a stream to bathe in, glancing over at Vincent he seemed distant yet still concerned. "Floki I want to wash up, I heard and smell fresh water close." Floki looked like he was going to protest for a moment, "Frey..." I held my hand up stopping him from speaking any more. I looked at Vincent winking at him playfully, he was a beautiful man and I found myself drawn to him but it was also amusing watching him squirm under my advances. Lifting my head up towards the sky I inhaled deeply following the scent of fresh water.

Walking through the forest the wild life slightly quiet as most creatures sleeping but a few snippets of sounds here and there. I knew the stream was coming closer as the sound of rushing water became more clear. It was a small stream but it would do for now, I awkwardly undressed with my bum shoulder. Wiggling off my shin high leather boots, I let my toes spread in the damp soil, unclasping and tying my skirt fell to the ground a small pool around my feet. Taking off my shirt I tossed it away from me hissing slightly at the tightness and protest it was trying to do from moving. Bathing in the moon light I sighed the sadness of missing home and belonging no where like a nomad. Stepping into the stream I bit down on my lip to hold back from squealing from how cold it is. Adjusting to the cold water I walked deeper into the water wading about waist deep.

My teeth chattered slightly as I let the water rush down my back and breast washing away the dried, sticky blood. Undoing my hair it well down in long blonde waves, dipping my head under the water to wash away the grit from today. No longer feeling dirty I walked towards the shore, the wind whipped against my body causing me to shiver some. A twig snapping drew my attention, "whoever is out there I hope you are enjoying the show." I slowly dressed leaving my shirt on the forest floor wrapping a jacket made of bear hide around me. It was a small hike back to camp but I felt better and my body slightly relaxed. From the looks of things Vincent and his wolves had found the fire wood they were looking for. Floki offered me another shirt as I turned my back to the two allowing myself some privacy though I was not shy about showing off my body. I was after all named after the goddess of fertility, my exposed flesh grew goose bumps as I shimmied into the shirt. Turning about around I wrapped myself in the bear hide shielding my already showing nipples out of the cold.

I smiled fondly of the question that Vincent asked after we all settled in around the fire, I loved the stories my mother would tell me about the earth and the stars. Floki spoke first, "we have many stories of the stars, some say it is all the Viking warriors that had lost their lives in battle some say it was Odin's gift to the love of his life Freja." Floki smiled down at me knowing that was my mother's favorite story she used to tell me when I was younger. I some how drifted to sleep soon after to the soft low rumble of Floki and Vincent chatting.

"She's a tough girl you know?" The big brute glanced at the foreign lad than towards the small woman that was like his niece. "She has been through many hardships and battles never backing down against any man or woman. She has always been so feisty and full of life, lately though her spirit has been fading some." His brown eyes lifted frown the sweet innocent looking face of Freja as she slept back towards Vincent. "She likes you, yeah the poison is making her say things without thinking but she has always been very blunt, unfiltered like her father..." A sad smile creased the old warriors face. "I'm warning you she might be a hand full for a lad that is Italian, not even Viking men could handle her." Laughing gently he stroked her wet blonde hair, she stirred slightly snuggling deeper into the animal hide.

Cards of Fate
06-08-16, 09:10 PM
While the Valkyrie had wandered off to bathe, the scholar scoffed indignantly as they both ignored his question. “Guess not, he mused aloud.” He rose to his feet and began to fiddle with the firewood brought to him. Vince had spent several minutes building an elaborate structure of twigs and dried grass. After a moment he took a step back and grinned turning to Floki. “It’s the Istien University!” He exclaimed. Without blinking he snapped his fingers, igniting the flame with a shower of blue sparks. “And now it’s gone, call me fucking Xem’Zund.” The scholar chuckled at his own joke for a moment, not making eye contact with the Viking who probably had no idea what he was talking about.

“I need to go piss.” The scholar stated flatly as he wandered off. He had not paid the woman any attention as she had stalked off, so without knowing it, he had ended up perhaps ten feet from her as she bathed. Normally this wouldn’t have been too much of an issue; Vince would simply walk away when she rose. However, the scholar had his pen out and was busy draining its ink when the woman rose from the river to reveal her full glory.

‘Oh my’ the scholar mused internally. ‘She lives up to her name…’

He finished, and as he was turning away a twig snapped noisly underfoot. The woman made a comment, but the Scholar was already back at camp with a single flash. The giant eyed him oddly as her sat down.

“Hug fucking snake.” The scholar commented. “Was gonna bite my ankle, and then we’d be two down.” He fidgeted for a moment getting comfortable. When the woman returned he forced his eyes to stay glued to the flames before him, he’d already gotten way more than he’d deserved.

As the woman slept soundly, the giant confided in him, that despite the venom, the woman acted this way normally. That she’d actually been hitting on him with her usual bluntness. The thought was enough to panic the scholar a little bit. This woman liked him? Why? Not even Vince liked Vincent that much, despite all of the airs he tended to put on. What if she found out she didn’t like the way he ate his food? Or maybe she didn’t like giving desert to rodents nearly as much as the scholar did? She barely knew him!

He spent a moment and cleared his throat, trying not to sound like a wimp as he spoke. “I guess I’ll have to think on this…I’m not used to being so openly courted…” he cracked his neck. “You can go to sleep, the hounds are set to patrol the surrounding area in shifts. They’ll keep watch and alert us if we’re in trouble…” he peered at the flame once more and chewed his lips slightly. She was a pretty woman, but he barely knew her…

‘I barely knew Luna, yet I let her seduce me into her apartment and almost suck some of my life energy out of me…’ he mused once more. Without a second thought, he let his eyes close and allowed sleep to take him.

06-08-16, 11:17 PM
The sun peaked through the clouds shining down in my face almost if to say get up lazy bones! Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I stifled a yawn pushing myself to a sitting positon. Looking around I noticed that Floki was still snoring loudly and that Vince was no where to be found. First initial thought was that he fled after having put up with us for too long. A small frown claimed my soft pink lips, feelings of loneliness started to set in. Attempting to brush it off I stood up still having the blanket draped over me as I nudged Floki with my boot. Feral sounds came from the hunk of man as I kicked him this time to get him up. Shaking my head at him I looked around seeing if I could spot Vincent but he was no where in sight. Chewing on my lower lip I looked towards the sky letting the sun's rays kiss my face with it's warmth. "Floki wake up, Vincent is gone. I don't know where he went but looks of it he has been gone for a while now."

Floki sat up still mumbling incoherently about sleep and what not, a rustling in the bushes brought my attention back to where it needed to be. Grabbing my dagger from its place on the inside of my right thigh I took it out flinging it towards the direction of the noise. It hit the trunk of the tree as the figure came into view. "Oh Gods Vincent! I could have imbedded that in your head!" The built man held up a few fishes he must have caught in the fresh stream this morning. "I went to get some food before our long haul to the healer.." Shaking my head at him I walked over yanking the dagger out of the tree. Struggling to get it out of the tree it was buried deep in the thick wood. The foreign beauty came up behind me, his form towering over my own as he gave one strong pull before it dislodged from the tree. Turning around we were face to face, mere inches away from one another, I could feel his cool breath fan across my waiting lips. Quickly he handed me my dagger and stepped back, a small breath left my lips as I had just realized I had been holding it.


I placed the dagger back where it belonged, stroking the dying fire to bring it back to life so that we could cook the fish. I took twine from my boot and wrapped it around some sticks to make a roaster of some sort. After the fish were gutted and cleaned I cooked them, we ate quietly before breaking down camp and heading out. It took a bit to get going and to set a steady pace but after a while we were moving along. I was still sore and weak from the poison and loss of blood

Every now and than Floki would check on me calling back asking how I was holding up. I would always reply with some smart comment but as we trucked on the terrain grew rougher. My pace started to slow and the pain in my shoulder started to grow, not wanting to seem weak I pushed myself harder and harder. "I need a hot bath and a soft bed and maybe a warm body laying naked next to me to top it off." Glancing over at Vincent I chuckled softly at my own day dreaming but the giggling soon turned into a coughing fit.

Cards of Fate
06-10-16, 01:07 PM
The scholar had spent the rest of the day in almost dead silence. The woman kept making jokes and japes, but he could tell she wasn’t doing particularly well. They had left the mountains at morning and had hit flat land. In the distance Vincent could see the foreboding edge of the Red Forest, its massive trees towering in defiance to the horizon. Their leaves were a mottled mix of crimson and brown, the curse slowly fading and allowing nature to take its course.

The sun was overhead as they hit the edge of the foreboding forest, the leaves obscuring the sun. The scholar stretched for a moment and sighed. “Welcome to hell, this last mile will be the most dangerous yet.” The scholar turned to the two Vikings and chewed his lips. “Everything in this forest is built to kill, it’s where the wolves were born.” Vince gestured to the hounds. “They’ll be running around keeping the wildlife busy with the rest of their pack, but we still need to keep an eye out for vines, evil soul sucking flowers, and deadly butterflies…” The scholar began to stretch, limbering up for their upcoming ordeal.

“I’m thinking one of us should carry Freja, there’s no way she’s going to be able to make this trip unassisted.”

06-10-16, 04:57 PM
My lungs felt like they were on fire as I couldn't do anything but gasp for air only to choke on it. The violent movements from the coughing spell made my bum shoulder jar as a new pain erupted. "Son of a hag," I cried out gripping my shoulder only to have a slur of curse words come out in my native Nordic tongue. I straightened myself back up as Floki seemed to be grinning like a solider that had just entered a whore house after being on the battle fields for two years. "Freja, you have your mother's beauty but your father's temper dangerous mix that is." Scooping me up in his arms with out a second guess as if I was light as a feather. "What are you trying to butter me up for you big sack of meat?" Next thing I know I was being thrown, closing my eyes I waited for the impact of the ground. To my surprise the only thing I felt was another pair of strong arms catch me bridal style.

"Floki if you sold me for two barrels of ale again I am going to cut your fucking cock off!" His brown eyes sparked with mischief, "I am pretty sure I could sell you for more than two barrels here Freja!" Glaring back at him I turned my attention back to the male carrying me. His mouth twitched into a smile as he started walking without even saying a word to me.

Letting the tip of my tongue trace over my plush lips I let him carry me into a forest that seemed be dripping with the color red. "What the hell is this place.." It was a rhetorical question but my dear companion that carried me took it upon himself to break the silence he had been giving me since this journey had started this morning. "It's the Red Forest, I was telling Floki about it while you seemed to be coughing up your lung." Stick my tongue out at him as if I was a small child I laid my head on his shoulder welcoming the break.

We had walked for a while the only thing breaking the silence was the breathing of the giant oaf, Floki. "I am not weak.." Vincent simple nodded before I picked up a scent that didn't belong to our group. "Why do I smell cherry blossoms and vanilla?"

Cards of Fate
06-11-16, 11:05 PM
The scholar furrowed his brow for a moment as he sniffed the air. As far as he could tell there wasn’t a strange scent, that’s when the vine swooped down. The scholar tensed and ducked beneath the crimson, razor sharp tendril and let out a hiss.

“RUN.” Above a massive scarlet flower hung from several rotted branches, several vines slithering about. The scholar eyed several rotten spots along the graceful looking petals, it was dying with the lack of Pode’s curse to sustain its corruption. Several more tendrils shot out for Vince, who dodged them expertly. Without turning to look at the giant, Vince put the pedal to the metal and took off. In theory he could fight this creature, but his hands were occupied, and he wasn’t sure Floki could deal with a creature of such power. His feet dug into the crimson moss at his feet, driving him forward as his stride opened up. Each step flung Freja and him flying down the path at breakneck speed.

Vince was a human racecar, propelling them faster and faster, the trees melted into a blur as the wind whipped through his hair. He’s left Floki in his dust, but the hounds had swooped in to take care of the flower, and would help him arrive to the base, Vince had Freja to worry about. Finally, after a minute or so of dead sprinting, the scholar broke into a large clearing and sighed. The grass beneath his feet had turned a lush green, and the outer limits of the clearing had somewhat normal trees. Before him stood a mountain of emerald leaves, towering over the scholar. They shivered for a moment before bursting into the air, a verdant storm of razor sharp blades. In the center, a radiant orb glowed for a moment before it was concealed by a clump of green, the leaves condensed into a vaguely humanoid shape, flittering about wildly.

“Bertha!” The scholar called out. “We have a guest coming, he’ll be with the Dur’Taigen, let him in when he gets here.” The leaf golem let out a groan like creaking timbers and stepped aside revealing a large marble slab. The scholar approached it, Freja in hand, and simply tapped it with his foot.

The smooth, flawless, marble shimmered a bit before it began to rumble. Black lines formed, and soon the entire thing collapsed on itself, becoming a grand staircase descending into the earth. The scholar took a deep breath and descended into the darkness, praying that the first Ai’Brone would be able to help.

06-11-16, 11:49 PM

The statement was short and sweet before Vincent took off like a bat out of hell. The weight of carrying me did not seem to slow him down as he pumped his legs faster and faster against the crimson ground. I tried to peer over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of what we were running at but it was no use. "Floki!!" I hollered but he didn't answer, fear started to set in tightening my chest. "I can't loose him he is the only family I have left.." My voice thick with tears, my head started lulling as my vision blurred. "I- I can't breathe Vincent.." The scholar seemed preoccupied with running away from whatever was posing a threat to us.

I tried to concentrate on anything but the tall red trees past in a blur making my stomach turn with an uneasiness. I closed my eyes clinging tightly to the muscular man, for the first time in many years I felt helpless. I snuggled closely into Vincent's chest but my breathing was still constricted. I was slowly starting to loose consciousness, feeling my body go limp until the blackness consumed me as a whole. My last coherent thought, please Odin let Floki survive and Vincent get us somewhere safe..

When Vincent finally looked down at the woman he carried he noted that she had passed out either do to the speed he was running or the toxin working its way further into her body. The scholar gently swiping away a piece of her blonde hair that had fallen into her face. She looked peaceful but he knew that wasn't the case with this little fire cracker.

Cards of Fate
06-12-16, 01:37 AM
The House of Cards was dimly lit as Vince approached the first floor. The silence was deafening, save for the pounding of blood in the scholar’s ears. He quickly turned on his heels and went down another set of stairs, hurrying quickly. He silently cursed the size of the massive underground base. He hastily scrambled down flight after flight of stairs, cursing the architect with each step. Finally he found himself on the third floor, turning to head down the eastern wing. Standing at the end of the long hallway was a statue of a man made out of dark granite. His eyes stared forward, unblinking as the scholar approached.

“Ai’brone…” The scholar exclaimed, picking up his pace. “I need your assistance.” The statue sat silently for a moment before his granite eyes blinked. A slight glowing coursed through his body as he took a step forward to meet the scholar.

“Afternoon Mr. Cain,” The monk boomed, his voice a deep baritone of grinding rocks. “Who is this young woman?” He asked.

“A stranger I met in the mountains, she’s been poisoned.” Vince replied extending his arms. The monk took the woman into his stone arms carefully, glancing over her.

“She’s ingested nightshade…” he cooed as he turned and walked away. “The poison is far along, but she is capable of being saved.” The monk kicked open a large set of double doors. “Leave it to me,” The scholar nodded and took off back towards the stairs.

“I’ll be back with possibly another patient!” Vince roared over his shoulder. Without a woman in his arms, the scholar flew up the stairs in a matter of seconds and was back out in the bright light of day. His feet propelled him forward as he shot back down the path to where he had left the other Viking.

“Please let him be safe…” the howling of wolves filled the air, guiding Vince to the battle. He grunted and ran faster, clearing the distance in a matter of minutes. When he arrived, he found the giant slouched against a tree, the flower torn from its perch and in the process of being devoured by the pack of hounds.

“Floki!” The scholar roared,

06-12-16, 02:33 AM
Floki had been left in the dust, watching the two flee from the large flower as the large man grabbed his battle axe. Spinning around in one swift agile motion that was shockingly fluid for a man his size, he swung chopping at the plant. A loud battle cry rang out as he swung blindly at the blasted plant. The hounds howled off into the distance before bursting out of the bushes charging at flower. Swinging its large vines it released thrones coming right at the over grown Viking. Dodging as best he could he found one deeply lodged into his shoulder, hissing as a siring pain erupted into his body. "Damn it!"

The hounds circled the over grown plant taking turns lunging and ripping chunks from it. Pulling the throne out of his shoulder he pushed the pain into the back of his mind before charging at. Pulling his axe back with both hands he swung with all of his might letting his sharp blade crash done on one of it's vines. Slicing the thick plant it fell to the side lifeless shriveling up, turning a murky brown color.


Glancing back he heard the faint voice of Freja, he heart jumped with the hope that Vincent had gotten her away to safety. The distraction of Freja cost him dearly as one moment he was looking at the direction the two had left and than being thrown. His back met the trunk of a large tree, a sick snapping sound rang in his ears. Blood spilt out of his mouth as he coughed roughly, his head lulled up and down. Blacking out for sometime the next thing he knew was Vincent in his face. "Damn it Floki wake the hell up!!" Another mouthful of blood stained his now pale skin, "he- hey pretty boy.. late to the fight.." Vincent looked him over, the concern etched all over his face from the sickening green shade his skin was from the poison in the flowers throne to the broken spine and internal bleeding he couldn't see.

"Fre- Freja?"

"Fine, fine she is fine my healer is taking care of her." Floki's eyes were starting to roll into the back of his skull, "take care of her Vincent.. She will act tough after she finds out I am gone-" a coughing fit shook his body as he leaned to the side only for Vincent to carefully straighten him up right again. "Don- don't let her self destruct you hear me.." Vincent simply nodded at the man as he watched the light slowly drain from his eyes. Placing his hand over Floki's eyes he closed for the Viking allowing him to die in peace.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
06-12-16, 10:29 AM

Cards of Fate receives 1625 EXP and 145 GP!

Freja receives 1130 EXP and 155 GP!

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
06-12-16, 10:34 AM
All rewards have been added!