View Full Version : Lornius Corporate Challenge Rules and Regulations

Max Dirks
03-02-16, 12:33 AM
Welcome to the Lornius Corporate Challenge, Althanas' infamous 2v2 tournament.

Here are the Registration rules: Registration begins Tuesday, March 8th, 2016 at 12 AM EST. Only 8 teams (16 players) are allowed to register. Participation will be determined on first come first served basis. Players must register for the tournament in teams, but only one player needs to post in the registration thread. Individual signups are not allowed, so please find a partner prior to registration Only one character per player may participate (i.e. multiple characters are not allowed - pick your best character). Match ups will be determined at random and a bracket will be published before the start of the first round. There is no AP requirement to participate.
Here are the Combat Rules: The tournament will begin on Tuesday, March 15th at 12 AM EST. There will be three rounds of combat. Each round will last 2 weeks and will be followed by a week for judging. Typical Althanas Battle Rules (http://althanas.com/world/faq.php?faq=battles#faq_battleintro) and Tournament Rules (http://althanas.com/world/faq.php?faq=tourney#faq_tourneyintro) will apply. This means no bunnying or powergaming. In addition, all characters must be registered and character abilities and items will be fixed at their pre-tournament levels for the duration of the tournament. Players who do not post will be disqualified. If one player does not participate, his partner may continue. There are no posting time or order requirements; however, inactive players will be docked story, pacing and wildcard points as applicable. The first poster chooses the setting. There is no requirement to acknowledge the tournament in your thread. Battle will continue until both character have fallen, the posters have agreed to a mutual conclusion or the time expires
Here are the Judgment/Rewards Guidelines: Each thread will be judged like a normal battle, and the team's score will be determined by averaging each player's individual score. The group with the highest team score will then advance. The winners of the tournament will receive 6,000 EXP and 20 AP each, second place will receive 2,000 EXP and 15 AP each, and the third place will receive 1,000 EXP and 10 AP each in addition to normal battle rewards.
That's it. If you have any questions, please ask them here.

Storm Veritas
03-02-16, 06:29 AM
Why are the rules different than the rules cited HERE (http://althanas.com/world/faq.php?faq=tourney#faq_tourneyintro), which clearly states there are up to 24 team slots available, and that a player's vote determines seeding?

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
03-02-16, 07:12 AM
Why are the rules different than the rules cited HERE (http://althanas.com/world/faq.php?faq=tourney#faq_tourneyintro), which clearly states there are up to 24 team slots available, and that a player's vote determines seeding?

I'm guessing those rules are either outdated or superceded by Dirks's post above.

03-02-16, 07:42 AM
Who will be judging?

Storm Veritas
03-02-16, 07:46 AM
That's fine and completely reasonable, but underscores the need for centralization of information. When admins/mods are putting in the hours to create new content and work their butts off, using a centralized source would eliminate these potential points of conflict.

On a related note, the FAQ that was linked to is a FANTASTIC splash page / starter, and deserves a hotlink button on the top banner. It's exactly the type of clear, condense, centralized info that I've been clamoring for - now we just need to make sure everyone sees it.

Presuming this thread's rules are the go-to rules for the tourney, we're good to go.

03-02-16, 08:28 AM
Question: Is there a consolatory reward for participating, and are there rewards for making it through the rounds, or just top 3 rewards?

03-02-16, 08:39 AM
Will the threads required to be battles, or can we have threads that are not outright fitefitefite?

IE: Can we have a thread where the two teams race to escape an area for example, or try to swindle the others?

Max Dirks
03-02-16, 08:50 AM
Who will be judging?That hasn't been determined at the moment, but probably Logan.

That's fine and completely reasonable, but underscores the need for centralization of information. When admins/mods are putting in the hours to create new content and work their butts off, using a centralized source would eliminate these potential points of conflict.
I'm not going to change the core rules each time I veer slightly off the established set. In this instance, there are not 24 active players on Althanas, and we only have the moderator resources to allow 16 maximum participants.

On a related note, the FAQ that was linked to is a FANTASTIC splash page / starter, and deserves a hotlink button on the top banner. It's exactly the type of clear, condense, centralized info that I've been clamoring for - now we just need to make sure everyone sees it. Until yesterday, if you clicked "Guide" at the top of EVERY PAGE, it would take you to that FAQ. Now you can click through to it VIA the Guides and FAQ forum. Your inability to find it, frankly, is on you because it was in the most visible spot possible on the site FOR YEARS.

Question: Is there a consolatory reward for participating, and are there rewards for making it through the rounds, or just top 3 rewards?Nope, only the top three teams will receive rewards.

Will the threads required to be battles, or can we have threads that are not outright fitefitefite?

IE: Can we have a thread where the two teams race to escape an area for example, or try to swindle the others? There has never been a rule mandating that tournament threads be FIGHTS. That's simply how they've played out in most instances. Keep in mind though that if all four players aren't on the same page, it could reduce the overall score of the battle. If two acknowledge the tournament and are looking to fight whereas two are looking to set up The Big Short, there might be some issues.

Keep the questions coming.

03-02-16, 09:26 AM
You still get EXP and GP as per normal for completed tourney threads. While there isn't an exact "consolatory" prize for 4th place or anything, there might be some form of moderator discretion involved. I won't say what, but you should all participate. It will be worth it.

03-02-16, 11:55 AM
How are we justifying the tournament from an in-character standpoint?

Is this a tournament being held where participants are aware it's a tournament?

Is it Citadel sponsored like the Serentii? (this one I was told is not Citadel)

03-07-16, 11:00 AM
In the Tournament guide, it says the first Tournament was the Serentii Invitational. Whatever happened the to the Tournament of Champions? That was a fun tournament. :(

Max Dirks
03-07-16, 11:09 AM
The Tournament of Champions was primarily a collaborative tournament between Althanas, GUA, and Animeleague that caused numerous behind the scenes headaches. It also turned out that one of the winners was evidentially plagiarizing. If our numbers ever get up again, I might consider another ToC, but until then I'm content running through Althanas' set tournaments: Serenti, LCC, Adventurer's Crown and either the Cell or a "new" tourney on a rotating basis.

03-07-16, 03:24 PM
If I post an attack at another character who doesn't post at all, am I allowed to bunny the hit? In previous tournaments I was penalized because I had thrown an attack at someone who came at me and couldn't post because they stopped posting entirely.

03-07-16, 04:04 PM
The Tournament of Champions was primarily a collaborative tournament between Althanas, GUA, and Animeleague that caused numerous behind the scenes headaches. It also turned out that one of the winners was evidentially plagiarizing. If our numbers ever get up again, I might consider another ToC, but until then I'm content running through Althanas' set tournaments: Serenti, LCC, Adventurer's Crown and either the Cell or a "new" tourney on a rotating basis.

Ahhhhhhhhhh. Makes sense.

Rayse Valentino
03-07-16, 06:30 PM
Can you bunny the actions of your partner at the start of the thread? Can you bunny them when they're not engaged with the enemy and not under any attack?

03-07-16, 07:50 PM
Generally, I had thought that bunnying with permission from character's respective authors was allowed.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
03-09-16, 12:09 PM
I've only just spotted this, but the rules say the combat begins on Tuesday 17th March. I have the 17th down as a Thursday.

So is it Thursday 17th March or Tuesday 15th March?

Max Dirks
03-09-16, 12:28 PM
It starts Tuesday. Must have been a typo.

03-09-16, 12:28 PM
I also had another question. I have noticed that a fair number of us who will be participating have pending character updates. Will these be addressed before the start so we can enter the tournament with the latest builds?

Perhaps a new thread in this area for Q&A should be created.

Max Dirks
03-09-16, 12:39 PM
If I post an attack at another character who doesn't post at all, am I allowed to bunny the hit? In previous tournaments I was penalized because I had thrown an attack at someone who came at me and couldn't post because they stopped posting entirely. As it stands, no you cannot. Impermissible bunnying is illegal, always. If you find yourself waiting on a reply from someone who's gone inactive, you should write it as a miss. Logan is considering making an exception to this rule if it becomes a problem, but I don't think it will because we allow partners to freely write out the missing player. If we do make an exception, we'll give you ample notification of the change.
Can you bunny the actions of your partner at the start of the thread? Can you bunny them when they're not engaged with the enemy and not under any attack? With permission, yes. In fact, I see no reason why you couldn't bunny them (with permission) when engaged and under attack. Keep in mind the major drawback of this is that if you bunny the character, you risk losing significant character points for doing so poorly. I recall in a previous LCC tournament, I allowed Thoracis to bunny Dirks. He had Dirks spout a cliché oneliner when I was playing Dirks off as gruff and determined, so we lost points for the inconsistency.
I also had another question. I have noticed that a fair number of us who will be participating have pending character updates. Will these be addressed before the start so we can enter the tournament with the latest builds?We'll obviously try, but character updates take a significantly more time to approve than new player builds, especially when players are trying to rush bazaar transactions or metagame abilities to gain a leg up over their potential opponents. Thus, I can't guarantee you'll get through, no.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
03-09-16, 02:58 PM
It starts Tuesday. Must have been a typo.

Thanks mate.

04-07-16, 10:15 AM
As noted in all of the judgments for the LCC in Round 1, the following rule is being applied for wildcard:

For every 24 hour delay in reply to an opponent's post (unless the second teammate of said opponent posts next sequentially), a point will be deducted (beginning at a full 10). This is to encourage quicker posting where possible.

Also, from the point forward, editing of a post once submitted is allowed SO LONG AS the edits come prior to the next sequential post - even if that post is a teammate's. Edits after the next sequential post will result in a point deduction in clarity.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
04-07-16, 10:26 AM
Sweet. When does round two start?

04-07-16, 10:39 AM
4/8 at midnight Eastern (12:01 AM Eastern on 4/8).

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
04-07-16, 11:01 AM
4/8 at midnight Eastern (12:01 AM Eastern on 4/8).

Thanks buddy.

Max Dirks
04-08-16, 09:36 AM
There was a miscommunication on round openings, so you'll now have until 4/22 at 12 PM EST to finish :)

04-08-16, 09:40 AM
Miscommunication = Logan's getting old and forgot to open the threads. You're welcome.

Max Dirks
05-10-16, 12:24 PM
Sorry for the delay in LCC judgment. Logan had something come up, and I've been taking extra time with the remaining judgment to match his judgment style.

I should have it out within the next day or so. Thanks for your patience.

Skie and Avery
05-31-16, 08:12 PM
Dissinger and I are pulling out of the LCC. Rev and Hysteria, you guys were fantastic and I look forward to seeing you go against Storm and Rayse. :)

06-01-16, 05:30 PM
It was great writing with you. We'll have to do it again some time. Sorry to hear about the drop-out though, you guys were good.