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View Full Version : Looking for Help

The Phoenix
03-04-16, 07:29 PM
Elisdrasil is going to quest soon looking for the Lorestones of Nyx, relics stolen from his old order after their destruction. Here is the basic story I'm envisioning:

We travel to The Keeper's library to learn where the stones are. Learn of a monastic order that has them. Maybe Aleraran? Alerarian? Whatever. Go there and find them less than hospitable. Screw it, sneak in. Oh noes, they bad guys. Fight out, destroy the cult hq. Head bad gys escape (airship?) and we have to take them out. Do so. Get loot. Yay.

Keeper will join for a bit, maybe longer if needed, but that's on me.

Any takers? Will be starting within a day or two. I'm highly motivated. All levels welcome as long as you're open to suggestion and critique.

The Phoenix
03-06-16, 10:02 PM
The thread is up and I'm still looking for someone else to join me. If the first post intrigues you, why not give it a go?

The Lorestones of Nyx (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30841-The-Lorestones-of-Nyx)

03-07-16, 07:05 AM
I would be happy to assist you in this either as Drumheller or Bard, if Bard I can supply multiple NPCs, where as Drum I can only be Drum.

The Phoenix
03-07-16, 09:17 AM
I'd love to have either along with me. Bard's NPCs would probably provide better numbers when storming the lair, but Drum seems like he'd be easier to add in since we're headed to a big library to start.

03-09-16, 06:54 PM
I'm willing to help dood.

I just need to wait until after Elthas's Wraith form (The power I'm currently trying to get) is approved.

After that I'm good.

UNLESS you want me to use my level 5 profile for this???

In which case I can fit Elthas in somehow. :D I'd love to help you out bro!!!

The Phoenix
03-09-16, 08:38 PM
I'm willing to help dood.

I just need to wait until after Elthas's Wraith form (The power I'm currently trying to get) is approved.

After that I'm good.

UNLESS you want me to use my level 5 profile for this???

In which case I can fit Elthas in somehow. :D I'd love to help you out bro!!!

Either way man. You're welcome to join. I've just about finished Phoenix's post to start the whole shebang. We'll go from there.

03-09-16, 08:43 PM
Right, coming in as Drumheller.

The Phoenix
03-10-16, 06:39 PM
Ok, so I may have gotten a little carried away and turned my post into three. But now we're ready for the next poster to introduce themselves!

Kell Winters is the Keeper as a projection. Feel free to bunny any characters but be open to editing if need be.

I was originally just going to have Elisdrasil and Kell leave Elissa but the more I wrote the more it made me sad to do so. So now we have a late teens elf NPC coming with us! Yay? Dont be mean but if you want to write her, be my guest. Also, we dont know she's there at the moment.

03-10-16, 10:21 PM
I'm gonna join in the thread hopefully in the next couple of nights buddy thank you for being patient with me.

Just gotta work out some logistical stuff with Elthas being there and what not.

Anyway buddy, I look forward to working with ya!!!


04-14-16, 05:17 PM
Pav, we're moving this thread forward since Bard can't participate at this time. Any other takers? We've now got room for one more.

04-15-16, 03:52 AM
I'd like to get in on this, if you don't mind Krugor and Elisdrasil being in two threads at the same time.

Don't know if that'll cause continuity issues. Otherwise, I'd love to join.