View Full Version : Chat Rules (NEW) Please read.

Tobias Stalt
03-05-16, 02:52 AM
Hello, ladies and gentlemen of Althanas!

Since the inception of chat only a few years ago, we have been remiss in adding any specific rules or regulations, based on the idea that you're all adults (mostly) or mature enough to conduct yourselves with some manner of decorum! Sadly, this isn't always the case. In an effort to make your Althanas experience the best it can possibly be, and to make the fastest means of forum communication warm, welcoming, and (relatively) safe, we have decided to give you some guidelines for how to act in chat.

I. Common CourtesyYou may not agree with everything that is said. That's fine. No two people are the same. This does not give you just cause to antagonize another user. Sarcastic comments are allowed within reason. Anything that becomes a personal attack will not be tolerated.

II. Rules of Engagement for Civil Discourse.
A: DO NOT harass another user because you do not agree.
B: Cursing is allowed, but please attempt keep it to a minimum. You're a writer. Have a vocabulary that extends further than obscenities. Some of the other users are not fond of foul language. Try to acknowledge and respect that in your dealings with them.
C: Insults are not to be tolerated. (This does not include insults made in jest.) (This DOES include belittling someone's thoughts, beliefs, or work)
D: If someone dismisses you, don't continue to engage them. Leave them be. At this point, you are the one creating the problem.
E: If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything.
F: Treat others the way you'd like them to treat you.
G: Do your best to set aside what it is that you want, and take into account what the other person is seeking. If there is no way to peacefully reconcile your two ideas, come to an agreement. If you cannot do so amicably, seek arbitration. Any of our moderators would be happy to oblige you.
H: If it does get nasty, you're getting kicked.

III: Special Clause: Moderators Staff takes up their position in service to the userbase. Because of this, the better part of us are held to a higher standard. If you have a discrepancy involving any of the staff in chat, please contact one of the red named chat moderators with the time and date of your conversation and we will work to resolve the issue. (This clause does not inherently apply to Max Dirks, who is the owner/operator of Althanas.com and thus is entitled to act in whatever way he sees fit, and he does not answer to any of the moderator staff.)

IV: Regarding on site issues We would prefer debate about problems be kept on the boards themselves so that they can be quickly navigated to and reviewed. (Such as the AP debate.) If you must talk about these things in chat, please refer to the Civil Discourse RoE so you know how you need to be talking to each other. There is no call for a mob mentality in chat, and riots will be quelled quickly with whatever measures are deemed necessary (Up to a permanent ban from chat.)

V: Whisper etiquette Generally what is said in private should be kept private, unless someone is harassing you or making unwanted advances. If that is the case, please contact a red named moderator immediately.

We hope these rules make your experience on Althanas a more fun, less stressful one.


Shinsou Vaan Osiris
11-10-16, 02:25 AM
Tacking onto the end of these rules, I'd also like to add a couple of points that apply to this particularly sensitive post-election time.

Whilst 99.99% of you are responsible, mature people who know better there are always the minority that get involved in what I would describe as extreme political flaming.

Already I have had one or two complaints about "off site" issues between members on Facebook. Unfortunately, because we cannot prove these incidents took place there is very little we can do about it but please note that ANY sort of provable trolling, flaming, verbal abuse or bullying on here will be met with zero tolerence.

As always, we can only moderate what is communicated on the site either via posts or chat but please be assured that we will not stand for any type of harrassment or bullying of any kind, period. There is nothing wrong with a sensible debate but cross the line on Althanas and you'll be in for a bad time.

It's a shame these sorts of posts have to happen. Luckily, most of you are decent people. So we should be fine. :)