View Full Version : can this character work?

11-11-06, 12:52 PM
I want to make a character that embraces the steam punk genre. this'll make her mostly active in Alerar. But the thing is that I really want to embrace the genre, which including having a character that uses guns. But I'm not a consistently decent writer and only high scoring player even have a chance to get one and then there's the fact of the other gadgets.

The thing is, is it possible for me to pull off this character and is there any advice on how I can pull it off without having to earn every bit of the basics before I can start writing her the way I want. I'd rather be able to concentrate on more important things like the character herself instead of earning the basic things like having a gun man type character.

thanks for any help.

Cyrus the virus
11-11-06, 01:49 PM
What do you feel you'd have to spend a lot of time earning besides guns? I'm sure we can be reasonable about things that aren't guns, heh.

You could always start out with, say, a prototype gun that doesn't shoot bullets, but stones, at about the force a sling would. Use that as a starting point for the character too, I suppose.

11-11-06, 03:57 PM
isnt a gun that shoots stones at the speed and power of a slingshot a BB gun?

and yeah that character should work, I'm working on a character that uses gadgets myself.

11-11-06, 04:26 PM
that's a great idea Cyrus. I sorta wanted a prototype gun and slings are actually fairly decent weapons.

Slingshots are different, more common as toys while slings are an ancient weapon that was cheap to produce and actually effective. It's the weapon that David used to kill Goliath in the Bible. Thanks I think i can make her work now.

Cyrus the virus
11-12-06, 03:50 AM

I'm probably the coolest person ever because I helped out and stuff. Probably.

11-12-06, 10:11 AM
Ooh, another gadget, steam-punk character!

There are differences between slingshot types, I believe.

One type is the kind used by David to kill Goliath - using centrifugal force to launch small objects at the targets.

Another type works like a crossbow - a forked "stick" and a rubberband launcher. It launches rocks like a crossbow and you can actually aim like you would a gun.

As for the gun idea, you could have the character use a prototype that looks like a shrunken crossbow abd uses a spring to launch stuff out at targets. That should also work for relating to recoil actions and aiming. :D

I know, I know. I'm sticking my nose in where it don't belong. :p

If you want upgrades or other stuff, Mikami might be able to help get you started since she will be visiting Alerar once and a while. I'll see what she has in her story that will put her there. :D