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Shifters Shadow
03-09-16, 02:46 PM
Name: "Shifter" Has become his only known Alias.

Age Unknown

Sex Male

Race: Human

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Class: Assassin


Key Features of Shifters Personality:

[Selfish] – Shifter cares not for what he’s doing providing it’s within his own desires or interest to do so.
[Opinionated] – He is right, he is always right. His opinion is law.
[Arrogant] – Shifter believes he is better than others, this heavily effects his decisions.
[Manipulator] – Shifter will manipulate others without care for how it effects them.
[Desensitised] – Killing, hurting, blood and pain, these are all too common to matter anymore.
[Sneaky] – Constant thoughts that are sly or malicious pass his mind, he is always looking for something interesting. If he can get away with something, he will.


[Leather Studded Attire] -

Shifter wears a long sleeved studded leather black patched top, with half a hood attached to the top, something he has never bothered to sort out. His pants are constructed with the same black leather creating patchy but well-made attire. His boots are made from a tough hide of an unknown animal, but it is durable and water proof.

[Self] -

Shifter is light skinned but with strange darker patches that mark his body like old wounds. He has short dark hair and black eyes, with distinct features, making first appearances a rather handsome man.


Quick List:
• Iron Bladed Braces
• Iron Hook Swords
• Iron Serrated Dagger
• Metal Water Canteen
• Leather Equipment Strap

Iron Bladed Braces

Shifter has two iron braces under his long sleeved top, one on each arm. They remain hidden under his clothes but, he has a long slit down his forearms which allow for the concealed blade to be used. The blade is only thin at two centimeters, but reaches from his wrist up to almost to his elbow. This blade is kept very sharp and is meant for close combat use, for quick and dangerous attacks and making quick kills, perfect for unsuspecting people.

Iron Hook Swords

Shifter has two Hook Swords, these appear similar to normal swords, with sharp blades, but the ends bend over like hooks giving extra uses that Shifter needs in his work. The handles are also protected with a small cover that comes over the hand and have three spikes protruding from them, this allows Shifter to strike his opponent from both ends of the weapon. The top of the swords are re-enforced allowing Shifter to use these to hold his own body weight, this comes in use for climbing and similar activities.

Iron Serrated Dagger

A small serrated dagger of little value. This blade is small at about six inches, but is sharp and light for easy, quick use, a prime weapon for an assassin. This dagger is double edged, but smooth on one side and serrated on the other.

[Metal Water Canteen]-
A round canteen with screw lid. Made from steel for quality and durability.

[Leather Equipment Strap]-
A brown leather strap is wrapped around his shoulders and back across his back, crossing over in an X. This contains various clips and holsters for carrying weapons and other items he acquires.


Weapon Trained - Shifter is well adept at using his hook swords, daggers and other small weapons.
Thief – Shifter is a better than the average thief.
Stealth – Shifter is silent in movement, being light footed and nimble.
Climber - Shifter is an adept climber, able to climb rocks or structures others cannot without equipment.
Fit - Shifter is physically fit.


Shifters Shadow

Shifter can turn into a flat shadow. This allows for the greatest of stealth.

Shadow Form Stats:

• Shifter cannot touch a person, or interact with an object. He simply moves along the floor, walls or even ceiling.
• Shifter cannot be touched in this form either.
• All his clothing and weapons are morphed with him. They cannot be adjusted until returning to normal form.
• Shifter cannot pre-hold a weapon or object in this form, it must be sheathed or holstered.
• In this form Shifter cannot simply pass through objects, but he can slide through paper thin gaps.
• This can be activated at will within the day light, but he has no control under clear moonlight, which forces him into his form.
• This can be activated for a maximum of five minutes during combat, and must wait a further five minutes before being used again.


Growing up

Shifter, originally known as Michael, grew up within Knife's Edge of Salvar. Being from a poor family, he became infatuated with those who ran the city, led the thugs, and commanded for the Royals of Salvar.
At a young age, he joined a group of thieves and learn the tricks of teh trade to survive beyond that of just being a kid. This escalated into a full life of custom, and as he grew up, he continued on with the band of thieves known as the "Salvic Knives", he soon got a name for himself, the clever ever reliant thief who was yet to be caught.
In his later teen years the Salvic guard clamped down on the thieves and rogue groups of Knife's Edge. Michael was one of eight teenagers to be given the job of distracting the guard while the elders worked their smarts. The whole plan was foreseen by the guards, who counteracted the plan and laid waste.
The Salvic Knives were killed, slain and arrested. Few escaped. Michael was captured, beaten and stabbed, taking a long road to recovery within the cells of Knife's Edge's prison. Yet, his escape, a long time coming was the forming of his new identity.

The guards described his escape as the work of a shadow, killing several guards and then escaping unscathed. Michael returned to what remained of the Salvic Knives.

Becoming a Shadow

Upon his return Michael learned that there was more to the Salvic Knives than he ever knew before. Now he was a man, and a talented proven soldier, he was to become something more, and they would make him into it.
Meeting the head of the Salvic Knives, a man he never knew existed, he was restrained, and forced to drink a black liquid. It knocked him cold for three days, but when he arose, he was no normal man, whatever the potion was, it had changed him. Under the moonlight Shifter could now turn completely into a black mist of shadow.

Michael lost his name, and became known as Shifter, a famous assassin that no one could see coming. If the Salvic Knives sent Shifter after you, there is no escape, as his name continues to add more bodies to his list.

Max Dirks
03-14-16, 09:28 AM
Sorry for the delay on your profile!

For Shifter's Shadow, I'll need you to specify a shorter duration for use in combat situations.

Please let me know when you've edited and we'll go from there.

Shifters Shadow
03-19-16, 02:48 PM
Added in a time frame for battles as requested.

Max Dirks
03-21-16, 09:17 AM
Sorry for the delay.

Everything looks good, except since you have 5 weapons (which I'm allowing because you only have two starter abilities), they'll need to all be iron to begin.

Shifters Shadow
03-29-16, 08:24 AM
Thanks Max. All fixed as Iron.:cool:

Max Dirks
03-29-16, 08:35 AM
Looks good, approved!