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03-09-16, 05:20 PM
Closed to Adonis.

The sun at its peak and the hint of Spring linger in the air. Short cool winds whipped around causing a shiver down my back. The short reminder that Winter is still here for a few more weeks. My wild fiery red mane flew like a flag billowing in the air which caused an orange glow on my milky speckled, freckled skin. I hadn't eaten in three days and the pain in my stomach almost sent me to my knees. Chewing on my lower lip I scanned the crowds looking for an undeserving person of their wealth. Another wave of hunger sent me hunched over clutching my empty belly. In the last month I had survived on a loaf of old crusty bread, beef broth that an inn keeps wife spared me and two strips of dried salted fish. My mouth watered simply at the thought of all these foods but left a bitter taste in my mouth for longing. The longing for a family, money, someone to care for her. A small whimper was suppressed as I pushed my lips together. Pushing myself into a standing position I wrapped my royal purple cloak tightly around my body. I used to be petite and small framed but now I am smaller, my cheeks sunken in more defining my face.

The wind seemed to ripe through me causing another shiver, the loose of weight from the lack of food didn't fair well for me. My crystal blue orbs desperately looked back and forth from the hustle and bustle of the street. People pushing past each other not paying attention to one another. How silly they are just going through out the day with out even noticing one another.

"Come on Ainslea... Don't get distracted now on them find one person with the wealth that doesn't deserve it and take what you need to survive!"

My pep talk was all but affective as I tossed my hood over my head, it casting a shadow over my face and shielding my noticeable red hair from any one. Blending in with the crowd was easy for me and being tiny helped as well. My heart galloped, slamming against my breast bone. Taking a deep breath, I was never good at stealing but I knew it is what I need to do. Not knowing who I am is driving me to do this. Okay, okay focus! I looked around spotting an old man that looked bitter and hated the world. His persona dripped of self loathing but also he wore many expensive things. The one thing that caught my eye was a gold pocket watch that hung from his pocket, some crystals or gems glistening in the sun light.

"I could eat and sleep on a proper bed for months maybe even a year!"

A small boy walked up to the man with an offering hand, he looked like I felt. Starved to death and in need of a proper bath. The old crotchety man shoved the small kid to the side causing him to fall. Anger started to bubble up in the pit of my stomach as I knew he didn't deserve any of it. Shaking of any jitters that I had I started to stalk my pray, slipping easily in between people. Drawing closer I eyed only the pocket watch as it swayed back and forth taunting me. All I had to do was unclip it and it would be all mine, I would no longer have to wither away into nothing. I could also share me momentary wealth with that poor boy that simply asked for a few coins.

Reaching out I easily unclasped it from his pant loop, the watch dropped into my waiting hand. Gripping it tightly I shoved it into a hidden pocket. Turning around I thought I was scot free until a strong hand gripped my hood which also gripped my hair. Shooting out my hand shot up trying to free my poor scalp that was now on fire. Being whipped around like a rage doll I was faced with the old man and what looked to be a younger version of him. "You dare try and steal from my father you bitch!" The grip tightened on my hair causing me to yelp, my eyes watering. I could hear galloping I wasn't sure if it was the sound of my heart beat in my ears or the party of horses coming that carried people on their backs.

Solar Haven
03-09-16, 10:04 PM
It was a rather long Trek home, Adonis hadn’t noticed just how long he had been away from home, or how far he had traveled. He was up near Radasanth last he knew. but now there was a small army of people riding horseback across open fields at full speed. The grass crunching as they galloped. The group stopped for a small break to let the horses rest and Adonis had some time to collect himself.

The exhausted man slumped down against a slope on the plains as he pondered what was happening. He was going home, Why was he going home? just because some pretty girl said he owed her one? or was it for the chance of seeing his mother again? he wasn’t quite sure. The fact of even seeing his father again turned his stomach, he was a tyrannical ruler, and didn't care about anything other than pure power. he killed people for even a false report of them hiding money from him, well the Kingdom as he put it, Everyone hated him but they were too afraid to speak up about it.

“Adonis?” A familiar and soothing voice inquired.

“Yeah Clara?” He smirked as he slowly sat back up, he hadn’t recovered completely from the magically induced oversensitivity but it was enough he could travel.

“why did you run away? i mean we have all heard the story by now. about the runaway prince and how he neglected his family duties and his people. But you don’t seem to be that man.” She sat gently down next to him.

“Well, if you ever get to meet my father i am sure you will put it together. it’s not that i didn't love the people. It's just i couldn't stand my father and i was too weak to do anything about it.” He cringed as a blast of cold air hit his face causing him to shiver and twinge in pain.

“We all have parents we don’t like… but he can’t be that bad that you would just leave everything and live a life of transient” Clara said as Kit started to wake up from her nap in the carriage where Adonis had set her down before they started traveling, he wanted to make sure she had a safe place to stay warm and sleep.

“My Mother was the only reason i stayed for as long as i did, She tried to keep my magic a secret from my father for as long as she could, she tried to train me to keep it under control. My father hates magic, he see’s it as a disease sent over by the elves to have humans kill each other over.” Adonis kinda looked down at his feet as everyone started to hand out some ration packs. “Even though all he does is kill and Butcher anyone who doesn't do what he wants. If someone could just dethrone him my home would be a much better place.”

“You are talking about Treason! I don’t even live there and i don't want to be associated with this kind of talk.” She said as she quickly shot to her feet.

“I am talking about the truth here, i am the Son of that man, the Prince, and i don’t care if i lose my title or not. The King must be de-throned at all costs.” Adonis said as stood up to go grab his ration pack.

The rest of the trip home went uneventful. Clara had a hard time keeping eye contact with Adonis but she kept looking his way almost as if out of concern. Adonis just focused on his horse as they rode across the plains. it wasn’t long before the outskirts of the city were visible. When he saw the stone houses ever expanding out along the plains he couldn't help but smile. The city sure was thriving without him. Maybe some of the old city folk he knew were still around.

They slowed to a slow saunter once they entered City limits. most people looking confused and worried at the seemingly heavily armed, small, army come riding through town. Some people seemed to recognize Adonis, either that or they were looking at him and whispering for nothing. Could of been for his looks, could of been because he was the only one that wasn’t clad in armor and weapons.

Once they were in the bustling city centre Adonis couldn't help but smile. So many familiar faces were still around. particularly the shop owners… and well he didn't particularly like seeing the two he did, but at this moment he was glad he did.

Junior had just accused and man handled a young woman who was clearly quite hungry and down on her luck. Junior was an old acquaintance of Adonis… they got into quite a few altercations when they were younger. Junior and his father Sigmund were just like Adonis’ father. If they didn't get their way they made it their way. Everytime Adonis and Junior fought Junior always did win. but that was before Adonis knew he had a knack for magic.

“Sigmund!” Adonis called out as he tried to fake some enthusiasm. and as he got close he quickly punched Junior in the gut. “Junior”

“Who the fuck do you…” Junior trailed off as he looked up and saw who had punched him. “... Adonis? The fuck are you doing here?”

“It doesn’t matter what i am doing here, what seems to be the problem here?” Adonis said as he looked at the lady with a sincere smile on his face. It occurred to him that if her eyes weren't showing signs of pain, she would of had beautifully ice blue eyes much like Kits.

“This Fucking worthless bitch here just tried to steal my father's prized watch from him!” He pulled back roughly on her hair as he emphasized the here in his statement.

“First off, call her that again and we will have a problem. Secondly, you mean the watch I gave your father for his birthday just before i left? The watch that the King has been looking for let’s say 7 years to be nice.”

“Junior, Let the young lass go, Can’t you see the Prince has returned home?” Sigmund sneered as he looked up to Adonis.

“But Father! I don’t care who he is, he never could stand up to me before i could take him out here and now, we can return him for the bounty and we could deal with this bitch at our leisure!”

“you never did know when to quit when you were ahead” Adonis chuckled as every fibre of his being hated what he was about to say, but if it meant getting out of this without a fight he would take it. “You see all these lovely armored people on the horses behind me? Yeah they are here to personally escort me to my father. so if you want to take my bounty for my safe return, you will have to go through every single one of them. OH! and not to mention what does my father do to thieves? i can relay a little information that you and your father here had stole his watch and we're keeping it from him all this time. I am sure he would love to know you guys kept it safe for him”

“Adonis… you, Have certainly grown up” Sigmund said as he chuckled. “Junior leave the watch with her, if she gets caught with it it’s on her head not ours.”

“But father!”

“No Buts! let her go and we will be on our way. after all i am sure the ‘Prince’ is going to want to get back to his father soon”

“No father! i am done being pushed around by you, this fucking whore stole from us and she will pay the blood price for it!” Junior clumsily felt around his pocket for a knife and tried to thrust it into the woman's back. Adonis had other plans for him. with a quick snap of his fingers a magic wall erupted between the two of them separating them and sending Junior back on his ass.

“Clara, mind taking this lovely young woman to my horse and giving her a ration pack? she looks like she hasn’t eaten in weeks.” Adonis said with confidence as he heard a bunch of hurried footsteps come from behind him. “Now Junior, there's poetic justice to that name you still haven’t grown up, you knew me as a naive prince who could barely lift a sword. Well now i am a Prince who can easily match any of our guards here and i can kinda use magic… so if i was you i would shut your fucking face before i shut it for you.”

Junior got up to his feet and quickly lunged at Adonis. Adonis sighed and sent out a full force punch for Juniors head, creating an unwall just as it was about to connect. now for poor junior what he did not know, is that an unwall triples the momentum of anything that goes through it. so Adonis’ punch would of felt like a brick falling out of the sky directly on the side of his face.

The crowd quickly dispersed around Adonis as he walked back to his horse where Clara had a shocked look on her face as she was watching this young woman consume this food at an alarming rate. Adonis chuckled as he remembered what it felt like to be that hungry.

“Hey there! My name is Adonis, and this is Clara. I hope Junior there didn’t hurt yeah too much, But i will say you got quite the eye for dangerous jewelry. that watch will get you beheaded faster than attempting to murder my father himself.”

03-10-16, 03:06 PM
My scalp was burning as he pulled at the roots of my hair, a small whimper parted my pink lips. I was too busy trying to pry this man's hand out of my hair before he made me have a bald spot. A voice that was smooth yet held authority in it brought my attention to a man standing in front of us. Biting down on my bottom lip so hard I thought I would draw blood. "Stop!" I hollered each time he made a point to tug at my hair when the Prince spoke. Wait, prince? My heart dropped in the pit of my stomach, with the thought of having royalty here while I was caught stealing. When he pulled out a knife I closed my eyes tightly awaiting the knife to carve me open. After a few moments all a felt was a small breeze of the wind.

What the hell....

The Prince offered me a kind smile as the old man told me to keep the watch. Beheading wouldn't be so bad, ending my misery of starving. Deep in my own thoughts I jerked away when a woman came putting her arm through mine. "Come on love let's get you food like Adonis has said before you blow away in the wind!" She was overly cheery and her being near me mad me uneasy. Pulling my arm away from her she looked slightly puzzled but plastered the same cheery smile on her face. Scurrying over she ushered us towards a large horse, digging in the saddle for a ration pack. Thrusting it towards me she tilted her head waiting for me to accept it. Taking it with a hesitation, sniffing it was my first mistake as I could smell the bread and cured meat in it.


I didn't waste time as I shoveled the food in my mouth in an unlady like manor. Meat in one hand and bread in the other I alternated taking large bites of both things. My cheeks resembled that of a chipmunk storing food in them, Clara offered me a pouch that I eyed again. Sniffing the contents inside it smelled like clean water. Taking a large gulp it coated my scratchy throat a small moan parted my lips as I didn't miss a beat with shoving my face full of food again. I paused momentarily as I heard the Prince address me, swallowing the large mass of food I had in my mouth down.


I didn't give him my full name simply because I didn' trust him. He could be one of those power hungry Princes that do as they please. Nodding towards the lady that had invaded my personal space just moments ago. Taking another large bite of the chewy bread than the dried meat I chewed it for a moment. I started to choke as he said something about killing his father himself. Coughing roughly I hunched over as it felt like a hunk of something caught in my throat. Chugging some water not so gracefully as it ran down my chin before I was able to breathe again.

"You are going to kill your father?" It was suppose to be a question but my voice squeaked, pushing my hood off of my face to reveal my fiery wild curly mane. My milky complexion that was littered with freckles, my high cheek bones making my face slimmer. My lips slightly pouty and pink but what was note worthy besides my hair was my crystal blue orbs that held innocence in them.

Solar Haven
03-12-16, 06:31 PM
“Wait.. what?” Adonis exclaimed as he seemed to choke on his words. “No, no i mean it as if you were trying to kill the King… you would get yourself killed for treason, that watch would get you killed just as fast if the wrong people saw you with it.”

He finally paused as he patted his horse and reached inside his pouch on his hip, He had planned to give the young lass some coin to help her out. Upon thinking about it and the area they were in? she could get mugged as soon as he turned around. He paused to take a deep breathe and soak in his surroundings. He hadn’t been home in quite a few years but it still smelt like home. The houses around them were all made of stone with thick thatch roofs. the road was fairly wide, almost too wide for a main street, But Adonis didn’t mind one bit. It was home, he was home, as much as he hated his father he loved this place.

Adonis kinda got lost in thought while watching Lea devour her food. If she was this hungry a few ration packs wouldn't be enough for her. He was going to need something much more filling and from how much she seemed to distrust people it would have to be a friendly place. Thats when it hit him.

“The Loose Moose.” He said out loud as Clara seemed to be slightly startled and confused. Upon seeing everyone's puzzled expression he decided to explain. “Look, i know you have to take me to my father to get the bounty he put out on my head, but what if we went to go get something to eat? you and the rest of your band of merry men can drink and get rowdy while i make sure Lea here gets fed. I know all too well the feeling of being out of food for weeks on end.”

“I need to talk to Stew, he does kind of make the decisions for us.” Clara stated as she started off towards the cart where Kit had finally woken up and was looking out the back. Her eyes locked on Adonis’ and she quickly leapt over the side of the cart and quickly came over to his side.

“Hey Kit, you have a good rest?” The prince said as he bent down and picked up his young fox, the silver in her coat shimmering under the blue sky. Kit seemed to focus on Lea as Clara came walking back.

“Yeah, Stew agrees, he wants you to show us where it is. but any funny business and he won't hesitate to hogtie yeah and bring you straight to the king.” Adonis nodded as he grabbed the reins of his horse and went to start down the path.

“I do wish you would come along, all you can eat or drink on me for as long as you are in the city” Adonis could tell that all the talk of taking him back to the king for a bounty was rather confusing. he decided to explain what was going on as he walked down the main road to the main intersection where a massive stone fountain could be seen. Sure enough there was no water running as they were just coming out of winter and it was a little too cold to run the water. “I am a run away, I figured i would get that out in the open right away, I ran away from home roughly 7 years ago to try and find a better life for myself. My father, the king, is a rather tyrannical ruler who kills everyone for the stupidest of reasons. He also hates anything to do with Magic, and well i am kind of a Mage so i already had a strike against me…”

There was a cool breeze that gently passed by Adonis, To anyone else these breeze might of felt slightly cool, to Adonis’ super sensitive skin it felt piercing. So cold that it caused him to wrap his arms around himself to try and keep warm as he shivered. Adonis looked up just in time to see the Guard captain walk inside the doors to the Loose Moose. It was rather evident who he was from his armor and how ornate everything was.

“... When my father felt like i was getting out of hand he brought three ‘criminals’ in front of me and ordered me to choose one to kill. There crimes were petty things, nothing worth killing them over. One had stolen a loaf of bread to feed his family, another had simply been sick on the wrong guard, and the third” Adonis paused as he looked at the sky for a quick second, his face was getting rather red for anger. “The third one was simply a homeless man who was sleeping in an alleyway. Instead of killing any of them i used my magic and attacked my father, creating a distraction for all three of them to get away.”

Adonis turned to his right and gently tied up his horse outside the Tavern. If this place was anything like when he was living here everyone in the group would find themselves having a fun time. He had spent most of his evenings here while he was still the prince. The swinging doors, however nostalgic, filled him with a sense of hesitation and he just couldn’t walk on through them. Was it that he felt bad for running away? How could he explain everything to everyone?

“You know what, you guys go on ahead i am going to catch my breath real quick before i come in. Lea? Mind finding us a seat, when i come in i will order us some food and drink.”

“Are you okay?” Clara asked as Adonis seemed to beginning to breathe heavily

“Yeah just …” Adonis stated as he had to think of the proper word. “... Nervous, that’s all”

03-17-16, 01:29 PM
Nodding as I accept his answer as best as I could, though what he had said before still had me on edge. Chewing slowly on the hunk of bread in my hand before looking up as the Prince blurted his answer out awkwardly. The girl known as Clara started to protest which the Prince interjected rebuttal before the poor girl could even finish her statement. The decision was made that they would go to a tavern called the Loose Moose, relief flooding my body as I would be able to rest. The uneasiness slowly crept in as well knowing that he was doing this for me so that I could eat.

Looking up our eyes met briefly as he watched me take another large bite out of the dried meat and than bread. My freckled cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk. My mouth went dry as I chewed slowly before forcing the clump of food down my throat were it sat uneasy in my stomach. Looking away my gaze fell to the ground as I caught my lower lip between my teeth gnawing at it nervously. My eyes locked on my feet until I heard him speak with such tenderness to someone named Kit. My eyebrow arching slightly as the fox moved like liquid so smooth and elegant as she moved out of her napping space. Her eyes locked with mine as she looked at me expectantly like I should know who or what she was thinking of.

Hello dear child..

A soothing motherly voice rang out in my skull as I stiffened looking at the fox accusingly. My glare was met with a head tilt slightly as I forced the air in and out of lungs. My chest was heaving up and down slightly as the thunderous roar of my heart pounded in my ears. There, there calm down or dear Adonis will suspect something is wrong. Taking the fox's advice I closed my eyes trying to calm down as much as possible. The woman known as Clara that looked more like a young teen came back after advising with the man apparently known as Stew. Glancing over at Prince as he invited me with to the tavern, please say yes, we have much to talk about. The voice pleaded in my head causing my back to stiffen up slightly and giving a robotic type nod. "O- okay.." My tongue seemed to be fumbling over itself as the word was slowly sputtering out of my mouth.

As we walked towards the large tavern I could already smell the stale ale, drunken mess and yummy food inside. Stopping short of the door as Adonis called after me, nodding my head slowly the fox slipped into the building next o me. Taking a deep breath I pushed threw the see of bodies, grunting every so often as I felt resistance. It wasn't too hard though as I was small, short and thin not like anerxic thin but thin enough. Finally finding a table that wasn't too far in the back but that was far enough from the hustle and bustle of the place.

"Alright you better fess up to what is going on, what do you want from me, who are you and what you know about Adonis."

The Fox nodded slightly before her motherly voice caressed my mind, I simply want you to be a companion to Adonis, he is lonely and caught up in returning to his cruel father and you have a pure soul. Things would be less detrimental with you being by his side. For who I am, well I am Val and also the Queen and mother of Anodis. He doesn't know that I am his pet fox and I wish to keep it that way for a bit longer. Adonis is a good man, he has been through a lot. He has a kind soul as you can tell he is taking you under his wing to help you. He would stop and help any one in need he will tell you a bit more.

Before I could understand fully why she had cut off in mid tale until the chair across from me moved causing me to jump. Running a shaking hand through my curly fiery man that was now deeply parted to the side. Looking up in shock my crystal blue orbs were met with Adonis warm brown stare. "Hi..." My voice came out as a small squeak making me sound way younger than I actually was. "Thanks for ya know saving me and stuff.." I blurted out awkwardly causing my cheeks to flush with color as my gazed dropped to my hands that were now folded tightly in my lap.

Solar Haven
06-11-16, 12:43 PM
Adonis sighed as he looked at the swinging doors finally sway to a stop. It had been nearly 7 years since he had been back here, he had seen many familiar faces and a lot of unfamiliar ones as well. In fact as he walked through the front door a gargantuan blob tried to run him over on his way out. Years of being by himself he knew he had to stand his ground. He flicked his wrist and put up a small wall behind him, just enough to get his strong footing. He Pushed back on the blob and caused him to fall flat in front of him. Granted when this man was lying down on the ground his belly still seemed to rise 4 feet off the ground.

“God damn, what is with everyone around here these days? No courtesy i tell ya” Adonis smirked as the bartender seemed to still be staring down at the mugs. Adonis shook his head, seamus was always a little too busy for his own good. Adonis snapped his fingers and caused a mug to float into the air and twirl a bit before flying towards himself, he grabbed it out of mid air and met seamus’ look of confusion with a grin “Long time no see Seamus”

“A...Adonis?” Seamus asked as he just stared at Adonis, his lower jaw hitting the floor.

“Adonis?!” A few other patrons echoed as Adonis walked towards Seamus and put the mug back down.

“Look, i am back for now, not sure how long. But while i am here. Can you make sure that she always has a room? I will pay upfront for quite a few months worth of lodging and food for her.” Adonis whispered to Seamus as he motioned to a booth in the back of the tavern. “I know what it is like to be living on the streets with no food in your belly. So i want to help her out.”

“Uhh… sure?” Seamus stammered as Adonis beat his hands off the bar and walked towards Lea.

“Perfect, we will talk in a bit Seamus. And if anyone asks i am busy alright?” Adonis raised his hand and gave it a half ass wave as he turned around to walk away. He walked up to Lea as she thanked him rather awkwardly. Adonis couldn't help but smirk cause of how much she reminded himself of him when he first left home.

“Don’t worry about it, if you were in my position i am sure you would of done the same for others. I don't sense an ounce of malice or ill intent coming from you. But then again, i wasn't the best judge of character. Kit is, and she seems to like you quite a bit.”

“You! Pipsqueak!” A out of breathe voice cried out as Adonis was forcefully turned around by some greasy paws. “Want to apologize?!”

“For what? You were in my way, i just didn't let you walk over me” Adonis said as his anxiety started to flare up a bit as now most of the eyes of the tavern were on them

“Maybe try moving out of the way!”

“Sorry, but with how big you are there is no way to move out of the way, it's all or nothing for you isn't it?” Adonis half smirked as he began to shake, he did not enjoy conflict but he knew sometimes it was needed to teach some people a lesson, Just like that mage killer Archie. “Now why don't you go sit on the floor somewhere? Cause i am sure none of these stools can support you anyways”

Adonis went to turn around to sit down in front of Lea when he heard a large grunt come from behind him. He immediately flipped two fingers up from his left hand as a wall of dust and dirt quickly formed between the blob of a man and Adonis. The meat hook collided with the wall of dirt and it immediately crumpled to the ground and dispersed, but not before causing the man to recoil in pain.

“Trying to strike a man, not just any man but a prince, when his back is turned? When will anyone ever learn?” Adonis sighed and looked down at Lea who seemed to be half watching and half flinching at the attempt to strike Adonis. “Sorry Seamus, this may cause a little bit of damage. Lea, if you don't like conflict, look away”

Adonis sighed as he turned around and lunged at the blob in front of him, swinging as hard as he could and created an unwall just before his fist collided with the blobs stomach. His first sailed into the man’s stomach and sent him stumbling backwards quite a bit and falling on top of a table that creaked and fell apart underneath his sheer Biomass.

“Now, anyone else want to have a go before i sit down to enjoy a meal? No? Good, leave me alone.” Adonis said as he finally sat down and nodded towards Clara and the others who quickly took their hands off of their weapon hilts.

“Now Seamus, the owner of this place, will bring us some food and drink here shortly. But i wanted to know a bit more about you? I mean i did kind of give you a bit of information about me, but i am sure you will understand if i don't tell you my full life story in the middle of the loose moose.”

Kit walked over and nuzzled up against Adonis’ hand as he leaned back in his chair, it had been awhile since he could just relax, and even though the tavern wasn't the best looking environment, it was made much better by Lea across the table from him.

06-11-16, 01:14 PM
My eyes widened in pure shock as I watched Adonis attack the man over something so simple as the two Alpha males bumping into one another. I caught my lip in between my teeth, the impact made me flinch but I couldn't tare my eyes away. Blow for blow the large man laid still, I sucked in a breath as the Prince barked out for another challenger. Squeezing my hands, my body was ridged with fear as he sat down his attitude changing at the drop of a hat as he focused on me. My red fiery locks fell slightly in my face as I looked at my feet chewing on the inside of my cheek.

"Violence.. that was a lot of violence.."

Look up at him love, he has to show that he is back now and won't take anyone trying to show that he is weak. He is a Prince he needs to show his strength, give him a chance.

Kit's velvety voice filled my mind as I bit down on my lip once more before glancing up at him, he offered me a soft smile. "Please I would like to know more about you.." His voice slightly pleading, nodding slowly I took a deep breath. "I don't remember much, I woke up in nothing but a cloak that said Ainslea Grace. I am unsure if that is even my real name or someone just wrapped my naked body in it. I was pretty beat up when I woke up. I needed money so I started to steal so I could survive." I realized that I was kind of letting everything pour out as if my mouth had no filter to it. "I killed a man, I was in a bard part of town. I didn't know I stabbed him with a large piece of splintered wood in his neck. The sound he made when he was chocking on his own blood was.. was.." I could hear my heart beating loudly in my ears and my chest felt tight, was the room closing in on me. "He said he was gonna rape me than sell me to someone for a sex slave I mean who says that?" I could feel the heat in my cheeks rise.

A set of warm hands touched my cheeks, his eyes were warm and filled with concern as his thumb stroked against my freckled skin. Leaning slightly into his touch I took comfort for a moment before with drawing from his touch.

"I- I'm sorry.."

The Princes face seemed clouded by an emotion I couldn't read. "I-I said more than I should have.." Glancing at the floor and than back at him I felt like I could puke from the silence he was giving me and an intent stare to match.

Solar Haven
01-01-17, 02:37 AM
Adonis didn’t know what to do or say. She seemed distressed when recollection her first few memories and then by just adonis stroking her cheek she seemed to instantly calm down. When she withdrew from his touch he hadn't noticed the look he was giving her as he was trying to figure out just what was going on. It could've been his magical sickness making it harder for him to focus or maybe his heartbeat that was still a mile a minute from his near panic attack minutes before with the blob.

“Lea, I don’t know what kind of man say’s that. Let alone do it. But as long as you are nearby i will never let that happen to you. I can’t stand men who think they are above women simply because of their penis… I mean like really, grow up it’s not even that big!” Adonis was hoping to get a chuckle out of Lea before he was quickly tapped on the shoulder. He turned around to see Clara standing there with a few drinks in hand.

“Umm. the man at the bar seemed a little busy and said that i seemed to know you and asked if i could bring the drinks over. I am sorry if i am interrupting something.” Clara stammered.

“It’s fine Clara, it’s better you then mister blob over there on the floor.” Adonis chuckled as he grabbed the drinks from Clara and put them down on the table. The drinks were a nice dark ale and adonis smirked as seamus seemed to remember adonis’ favorite drink.

“So Lea, a little more about myself? Me and Kit here spent quite some time surviving in the woods. I stumbled across her shortly after i left home. At first i didn't really pay much attention to her until i realized she was following me. It wasn’t until i woke up just before her one day to find her next to me sleeping that i realized she was as alone as i was. We struggled for quite some time until we started to work as a team. I would get the camp setup while she went and gathered some supplies for food and what not. Just before coming here i was actually captured and almost killed by a man who hated all beings who could use magic. I barely managed to escape and get away when Clara’s brigade of soldiers showed up. They knew who i was and she politely asked me to come back with them for the bounty on my head. She rather not have to attack me and tie me up. It apparently seems like my father has put quite a bounty out on my head for my ‘safe return’” Adonis sneered as he took another swig of his ale. “He is up to something, i just know it”

Adonis couldn't help but smile when he looked back at Lea’s face. It was so innocent and beautiful looking. It just instilled a sense of calm in him that he wouldn't of expected being home.

01-01-17, 07:45 AM
This feeling I had swelling up inside me was foreign to me, I had never felt this way before yet I didn't want it to go away. The sound of laughter parting my soft, pink pouty lips. Amazing how this man had swooped in like a savior to my rescue and now gifting me with jokes, food and kindness. I knew I should have been with drawn to him and any other person near me as this world had shown me there is no mercy for the weak, yet with this man, prince I felt safe and cared for. Glancing up at the woman that he had introduced as Clara earlier I eyed her than Adonis. Were they lovers? Clara's eye held a bit of twinkle every time she looked at the Prince, maybe it was for the money that was held over his head but I had a feeling it was more than that.

Are they lovers, Kit?

Glancing at the fox that I petted with a loving hand, our eyes meeting for a moment before she curled up in my arms. I don't believe so, are you jealous. Her voice held some amusement, scrunching my face up at her I looked back towards Adonis. "Well Kit sounds like she was sent from the heavens as your own personal guardian angel." Smirking slightly down at the fox which earned me a small playful nip before she allowed me to return back to stroking her back.

"I'll be by your side if you wish me too, I'll stay as long as you need to help you try to figure out whatever your father is planning." I could hear the sound of eagerness in my own voice as my cheeks were painted red. "I-I mean to pay you back for the kindness you have given me.."

Chewing nervously on my lower lip I took a long drink of the dark ale, the taste was bitter and hard to swallow. Coughing and sputtering I forced it down but all the commotion and movement made Kit jump onto the table and scurry into Adonis lap. "This taste awful!" Looking at the Prince I could see the amusement on his face as he watched me. Wiping the back of my hand across my mouth before taking another long drink forcing it down but not before making a gross face.

"That's um gonna take some getting use too I guess.."

I offered him a sad pitiful smile showing how embarrassed I was for nearly choking on the ale.

Solar Haven
01-02-17, 05:25 AM
Clara seemed to sense that she wasn't needed so went back to sit her with her boss and enjoy a few drinks of her own. Meanwhile Adonis and Lea had continued their talking and getting to know one another.

“Dark ale is a little bitter to most, heck most ale is bitter. Dark is more bitter but i find that the flavors it holds over the usual Ale makes it so much better. I use to drink this all the time here, Glad he remembered.” Adonis smirked as she choked back another mouthful. “After a little bit of time you will get use to it, you won't particularly like it, but the bitter won't be as strong.

It wasn’t long before Clara and Stew came on over to the table and Adonis knew that their time was up.

“It’s time Adonis, me and my men need to get going to our next job so we need to get you to the king to fulfill our current job.” Stew said as he looked down at Adonis who had just finished his third mug of Ale.

“Aye, who am i to get in the way of a working man, Let’s get going. Lea stick close to me when we enter the Castle. Wouldn't want the guards getting the wrong idea about you.” Adonis nodded as he stood up and brushed his hair out of his face with his hand before making it look suitable. The small army marched outside and to their horses. Most immediately saddled their horses where as one member seemed to fall off his horse as he leapt up with too much force and was a little on the inebriated side. The entire crew seemed to laugh including Adonis as he walked on over and helped the man to his feet before giving him a friendly grab on the shoulder before going back to his own horse.

Adonis undid his leather armor and shook it in the wind, getting a bunch of dust off of it while his bare torso got some well needed fresh air. He was sweaty after being in the warm tavern but he wasn’t smelly. For some reason Adonis never did smell bad. After he was done shaking off the dust and whatever else could of been on it he put it back on and strapped it on tighter than usual. He then bent over and made sure his boots will nice and firm as well. He was going to see his Dad, worst case scenario he would be attacked. Best case scenario he was going to be judged quite harshly.

At this point Kit jumped up on Adonis’ horse and seemed to sit just in front of the saddle and looked at him almost saying that she knew what he was doing.

“Kit, come on now, i am not nervous, i am just making sure everything is in proper order.” Adonis’ said as he patted at his pants to shake off any dust or dirt that was there. Kit tilted her head with another Judging look. “Hey no! You know as well as i do that is not the case. Now stop looking at me like that we have a little bit of a ride ahead of us!”

Adonis mounted his horse and reached out his hand for Lea to help her up behind him they would ride into the castle together.

01-02-17, 10:36 AM
Standing up abruptly made my head spin a bit, either from the ale or just natural clumsiness. Grabbing the chair I had just occupied to steady myself. Straightening up I followed Adonis closely as we gathered outside, men jumping on to their horses quickly others gearing up for what seemed like a long hall. Wrapping my cloak tighter around my body as I felt under dressed, the small army's armor and under clothing put my rags to shame.

A dingy purple sundress and the royal purple cloak had seen better days. The gold threading that had been hand stiched with beautiful cursive lettering that spelt out my name strained with grit and mud. Takijg a deep breath to calm my already galloping heart in my chest I glanced sadly down giving myself a once over. My attention drew back to Adonis and Kit a small smile danced across my lips as the two "argued" with one another. Laying my hand on Adonis chest offering him a kind smile, "your heart says otherwise. It's beating against my hand pretty fast." Taking back with myself for pulling such a bold gesture I froze for a moment.


With drawing my hand from him, biting down on my lip as I mentally scolded myself for doing such stupid thing. Though the feel of his sculpted chest underneath my finger tips felt amazing I can't let that distract me. I am nothing and he is a prince... Stop while you are ahead Ainslea.. The harsh reality sucked but I knew it was true and though he was being kind I would never hold a title high enough to even drive such naive things. Stop this little crush before it gets you hurt... My inner voice was crude but realistic.

He likes you, I can tell Ainslea.

Glancing up at the fox I shook my head, I can't hold him back, plus he was just being kind Kit. J-just let it go. Gripping Adonis hand he had offered, he hoisted me up with ease. Taking another calming breath I wrapped my hands around his waist looking at him to make sure he was okay with it. He gifted me with a soft smile that if I had been standing would have made my knees weak.

After riding for a while the rhythm was kind of peaceful, the sound of galloping of the horses' feet clashing with the ground. Laying my head on the back of Adonis, I closed my eyes for a moment drifting off.

Solar Haven
01-11-17, 08:41 PM
As lea wrapped her arms around Adonis’ waist he couldn't help but smile, he had never felt a gentle caress from anyone besides his mother, and that was years ago, The last bit of riding took about half an hour through the busy streets to get to the castle where the King sat upon his throne. As they approached the rather imposing stone structure Adonis gently shook his shoulders and tried to get Lea awake as Stew reported to the guard at the front gate.

“Mercenaries reporting back with the Prince as per the Job”

The guard was rather shocked to hear of the success of the mission and leaned to take a look at Adonis who was in the middle of the traveling pack. He smirked and nodded at the guard.

“Very well, I shall inform the king that you are on your way with the Prince” the Guard said as he turned around to tap on something on the wall that seemed to glow before he spoke and then quickly vanished. He was sure he was seeing things. His father would never allow magic or anything that could be considered magic anywhere near his ‘perfect’ kingdom. Would he?

As the band of horses and heavily clad men rode towards the garden that was directly connected to the stairs that went up into the throne room Adonis couldn't help but begin to notice subtle things. The top of the fountain had a faint magical glow to it as it seemed to spout water, but the water itself did not connect to the fountain. It seemed to appear just a little bit away from the tip. Then there was the Hedges that every now and then would get a faint glow around them and disappear a few seconds later making the leaves seem almost moist like a fresh dew had just happened. The Stables for the king's horse was in view from where he was and as the horse ate out a bucket a faint light could be seen re filling said bucket and when the horse lifted its tail to poop it seemed that the poop vanished just as it left the horses ass. Nothing ever touched the ground or made a mess. It was ‘perfect’.

“Gentlemen and Prince, the King would like for you to wait here in the Garden for a moment longer, he was not expecting someone to fulfill the job of bringing the prince home and as such must prepare some things. He will be with you shortly” A robed man said as he leaned over the top of the stone landing at the top of the stairs, staff in hand. “Make yourselves comfortable”

Wait a staff? None of the priests the last time he was here would use a staff, any clerics typically did not use a staff either just a small chime. Could that be a Mage as a the King’s Emissary? Where exactly was he? It wasn’t long before softly jumped down off his horse and offered to gently lift Lea down as well, when she was down on the ground he just felt more at home holding on to her and so once he had let her down he rested his hand on her lower back and anywhere he walked he lightly pushed her that way as well. They both decided to walk to the fountain first and take in the air of fresh flowing water.

“Adonis? Are you sure the King is who you say he is? When we were in the basement with Archie you claimed he hated magic, that it was sent over by the elves to cause humans to fight among themselves and make us weaker as a race.” Clara inquired as she could see Adonis was just as confused as to everything that was going on.

“I … I don’t know, When i was last here there was no form of magic allowed anywhere near the city. Let alone in the Keep itself.” Adonis said in shock as he couldn't help but look around, his hand still resting on the base of Lea’s back.

“Gentlemen, The king is ready to see you now” the Emissary had returned and spoke from the landing as the crowd began walking up the stone steps. Adonis seemed to hesitate as the base as he looked over into Lea’s beautiful eyes and let out a nervous smile.

01-11-17, 10:04 PM
Groaning softly I forced my lids open. Adonis had dismounted the horse before lifting me down with ease. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I glanced around. Catching my lower lip between my teeth I could feel my heart starting to speed up.


My voice was lost as a robbed man called out that the King would be with them briefly. Breathe dear.. Glancing down at Kit I nodded quickly. My crystal blue orbs darting quickly from left to right, checking and taking in my surroundings. “Wh-what's going on,Adonis?” Looking toward him for guidance yet he seemed just as lost as I.

“Don’t worry Lea, we are … in my home i think” He said as he looked around puzzled. His hand laid gently on my back for support. My stomach started to flip with excitement, shaking my head I had to stay focused. We as a group made our way from stairs to inside the large castle. “This way,” the man called out as the group was ushered inside.

My breathing was starting to slowly accelerate. My hands clasped together tightly infront of me. I was terrified I would break something. Everything sparkling not a single speck of dust which was odd for such a large old building.

“It's all clean.. Not a single smugg..” I said softly though in these large halls my voice seemed to carry.

“I like to keep a tidy castle dear,” a deep voice boomed easily filling the large area. I damn near jumped out of my skin as the large group parted like the sea. I felt exposed as a large and I do mean large man strutted up to Adonis and I. As he drew closer each wall torch he passed seemed to turn on with nothing igniting them. My mouth hung open as my soft features twist with confusion.


“Magic, my dear.” The burly looking man held a smug look on his face. Glancing at Adonis everything about him was tense including the hand that was placed on my lower back. “I am the King of this humble abode.” As ride as it was I couldn't help but stare up at the man. “N-nice to meet you, your majesty..” I felt like a church Mouse compared to this brute towering over me.

“Please the name is Leofric,” he reached out gripping my hand and pulling me away from Adonis. A small squeak left my lift as his tug sent my small frame stumbling. “Ainslea…” I gasped as he kissed my hand making my skin crawl.

“Father,” Adonis voice drew Leofric’s attention away from me. A breathe I hadn't realized I hadn't been holding in came rushing out. Running shaking hands through my fiery mane as I turned to watch the two stare at one another. The feeling of Adonis’ hand slipping from her back as he side stepped in front of her, slightly shielding her from his father’s view.

Solar Haven
01-18-17, 01:14 PM
“You put a price on someone returning me home. Why?” Adonis’ voice was surprisingly stern and resolute. “If you do not give me a proper answer i am leaving”

As much as the King wanted to make an inappropriate joke he realized that his son was stern and firm in his words. Something that had never been seen from Adonis before. He sighed and lowered his gaze to the floor.

“It is about your Mother.” Kit who was hiding behind Lea perked up and looked around her leg. “She is no longer with us.”

”He actually told him?” Kit let slip into Lea’s mind.

“What do you mean no longer with us? Where is she Father” Adonis asked with a very pointed question. Assuming that his father had done something to remove his mother from the picture.

“She died a few years back, not long after you left. I tried to prolong her life as long as i could through any means necessary, even magic, but nothing worked.” There was a sadness to the kings voice but not one of sorrow.

“You? You allowed magic around your precious Kingdom?” Adonis scoffed as he looked at the torches on the wall that lit themselves as they had walked past them. “If you really did Allow magic here just to save Mother then she would still be alive! There is such a thing as Healing magic!”

“Adonis…” Leofric tried to start speaking again when his son cut him off.

“No! You didn’t even bother trying to save her did you? You did this all to make you stronger, to make you seem more intimidating to the neighbouring nations. You never once cared about me or my mother. All you cared about was yourself!” Adonis’ rage was near it’s limit. “Where is she buried”

“In the Hall of Ancestors…” there was more of a sorrow in his voice then Adonis ever though his dad could ever show. But adonis wasn’t going to apologize. This man didn’t deserve an apology for anything.

“Take me to see her” Adonis snapped as Kit jumped up onto his shoulder and nuzzled his neck to try and calm him down. When his father stood up and began to walk down the hall Adonis reached out to hold Lea’s hand as he walked behind his father. His hand was shaking, at first glance it might of seemed to be from range but inside Adonis was crying. He needed something to ground him to reality or else he was going to break down. And Lea was the only one that made him feel calm.

01-19-17, 05:43 PM
I couldn't rip my gaze from the two as Adonis hollered. Catching my lower lip between my teeth my heart broken for the kind Prince. Each time his voice rising I couldn't help but jump. This was a side of him I had never seen. Oddly enough it didn't deter my feelings for him but made them stronger.

Glancing up my gaze met the kings, looking away quickly. There was something about that man that made my skin crawl. My mind filled with the sound of Kit’s voice making me gasp. Shit Kit you can't do that I about screamed… Taking a deep breath I glared at the fox for a moment, my gaze softening as soon as it hardened.

Kit we have to tell him.. He is so broken I can hear his heart break every time he speaks… Looking at at Adonis I wanted to reach out and hold him though I knew I couldn't hurt me even more.

No, not now.. He needs this emotions to full him to stand up to his father. It hurts me too but not just yet Lea please… Sighing softly I nodded as Kit jumped up nuzzling Adonis. Chewing on the inside of my cheek I was fighting just telling him anyway. Though I was afraid he wouldn't believe me.

His hand slipped into my own, gripping it tightly as if he was gonna disappear. “Ad-Adonis..” My voice we soft as if I was talking to a scared child. Drawing his attention to me I cupped his cheek, my thumb stroking his flesh soothingly. “It will be okay I promise..”

Turning we started to walk behind the king, following to where the body of the Queen was. As we walked I continued to rub my thumb against his hand. I was still terrified of being here but I was trying my best to be strong for Adonis.

My feet carried me down a long corridor, going as fast as we could Adonis dragging me to keep up. Large wooden doors were swung open as the group hurried in. Large granite statues of the passed kings stood at the head of crypts. My breath hitched in my throat as a chill ran down my back.

Adonis’ grip tightened slightly as we neared the end of the room. The last crypt held a golden glow, lit with candles. Flowers single and bouquets placed everywhere. A single woman statue stood glorious and breathtaking. Her hands slightly outstretched together holding a candle lit. The glow of the candle casting shadows across the stone face.


I uttered his name as I looked at the broken man before me.