View Full Version : [Solo/Chapter 3] Old Gods and New Streets 3.

03-10-16, 12:38 AM
(Moderator Note: Continued after the events of: ~Chapter Two~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29639-SOLO-Old-Gods-and-New-Streets-2) and is part of an ongoing series!!!)

Elthas had become a wandering spirit.

A relic of the old world, there were secrets that needed finding.

His shadowy, wisp-like form was the physical manifestation of his current state.

Appearing as a wraith, Elthas had taken the various traits of a young one of his current kind.

He stood in the middle of a clearing, deep in the depths of Ruild.

The swirling cloak he wore, moved with the wind and created a mysterious and menacing form about his person.

The cloak he wore as a wraith seemed almost alive.

He'd denied final judgment and chose to make his own destiny carved with blood and the promise of tomorrow.

He'd fought a deck stacked against him and won.

Yosef Terrentius, the man who first killed Elthas Belthasar was not dead...and enemy that Elthas himself defeated.

The wraith stood in place for a long moment, many days passing by as he planned his next move.

Thoughts coursed through his mind, thoughts and possibilities. He knew that his current state was bound by the rules that worked, sometimes against him. Sometimes in his favour. Always present. The rules of his kind would always be a thorn in his side. So for the time being, he found himself in the quiet clearing and contemplating. As he stood there, he considered what to do, and where to go. In the other place, somewhere in the Antifirmanent, Seth Terrentius, and Hylda Terrentius awaited his return. That would only occur when Elthas was done his current work. He'd gone too far already to stop at that point, and there were far too many evils in the world of Althanas. Elthas considered where to go from there, all he knew was what he'd learned on his own. Further, he had acquired a considerable amount of lessons from Seth Terrentius.

The information at his disposal would allow him to get where he needed to go...

But that was the thing...where?

After some time passed...

"I knew I'd eventually find you if I searched hard enough." It was a familiar voice. The voice a man who was once an ally. John Winshire. The powerful wizard that assisted Elthas with the rebuilding of The Great Tree of his people. "You've been busy, Elthas Belthasar." John said, he kept a respectful distance.

"John Winshire..." Elthas said calmly and slowly turned to face his former ally. "It has been many years since the last time I saw you. You have aged well."

"Elthas." John said in response. 'This is not a social visit. Ever since the night Yosef Terrentius was killed, that area of Corone has been in complete chaos. There are no accounts of what happened. The town Yosef took command of in his life has since gone abandoned. Corone is weakened." John said with a grave and serious voice. "Once. You honoured the old allegiances and saved a man's life." John continued. "That man's life was Seth Terrentius. You risked it all to save an old man you knew nothing about."

Elthas frowned. The memories of the night he rescued Seth Terrentius came back in his head, he hated having to relive the past. "I trust you did not come all the way out here to take a trip down memory lane?" Elthas asked. A part of him wanted to flee.

"I'm getting old, Elthas." The man named John Winshire lowered his hood and Elthas was stunned at how much he'd physically aged since he last saw him.

Has it really been that long...? Elthas wondered to himself.

"There's too much work that needs doing and I cannot do it on my own." John Winshire continued. "An old enemy of yours has resurfaced. A man named Theo Terrentius." John suddenly said.

Elthas frowned, and quickly became angry. "Theo..." He whispered in a hushed voice. "What do you need?" Came the sudden response, he answered that without really thinking about it.

"The Prophets of Apocalypse are moving against us even as we speak. The Great Tree stands, as a key to their ultimate defeat." John kept talking. "As I said earlier, Elthas Belthasar. Once, you honoured an allegiance between Men and Elves." The man said. He suddenly knelt before Elthas. "I beg of you, please honour that old alliance with us. Honour an old man's dying wish. Please. Help us. One last time."


Elthas moved in silence as they entered the area where The Great Tree sat.

He was certain he would never see it again...there he was, years later.

There was no way for Elthas to know how many years had passed, time flowed different for his kind.

Elthas could see the glow of The Great Tree even before he entered the township that it belonged to.

Many houses were built around the expanse of The Great Tree.

Elthas looked around and much to his disbelief, saw a community of Men and Elves.

There was no way for Elthas to know the current year, it didn't matter to him.

He was surprised at one thing, the gathered folks were not afraid of him.

There were many tradesmen and workers that rebuilt the town his people once lived in.

Elthas's eyes looked around carefully, some faces he recognized from his previous encounter with John Winshire.

Others were totally new settlers.

Elthas felt uncomfortable facing The Great Tree in his current state.

Is this wise? He wondered to himself.

John Winshire guided Elthas Belthasar to the location of The Great Tree.

"You've done an excellent job rebuilding the place." Elthas said casually.

"It has taken many years of non-stop work and labor. The project has helped unite the people of Men and Elves. Where once, Corone stood divided in civil war. Now there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon."

Elthas paused for a moment. "What do you expect to accomplish here? The Great Tree has been reawakened, why do you need my help?" Elthas had to know the reason why.

John Winshire looked at Elthas calmly. "Theo is an old enemy of yours...we do not have the means to fight what he has become."

Elthas had a serious expression on his face. "What do you mean...?"

And it all began with that simple question...

A tale of vengeance on an old enemy...an enemy that laughed in the dark.

03-24-16, 11:13 AM
It had been two days since the we rose the flags aristocracy in the relic town. The mixture of elves and man accepted our aid with open arms, warm smiles, and rashions a plenty. The small band of Monarchy soldiers that accompanied Ioder work like a well oils machine. They came answering a call for help from the wizard Winsire.

"It was really nice of that family to give use their house." Runner said as he walked down the narrow hallway from the back room. Everyone was sitting around a large table in the living room. Their bannors hanging from the walls and parchments scattered about turned this place into a regulate headquarters. Ioder sat at the head of the table with his men on either side.

"Its only temporary," Alfe the silver assassin said as Runner sat filling the last chair at the table. "We won't be here long."

"Just until we find that bastard and kill him." Another added. The group went on like this for a while before the daily assignments were given. Ioder divided the his group of six subbordinates into three teams. Runner, Alfe, and Kyle each were given tasks and a recruit to train, everything is a learning experience.

Ioder didn't include himself in his plans to find Theo Terrentius. Instead he planned to spend time today investigating The Great Tree, maybe it's magic would reveal to him anything about Moonwing. Since his fight with the great dragon and after absorbing her soul she still lives. Within his torrent of souls she retains her individuality, her influence and pressance ever present.

He needed to try to clear his head, she wasn't evil in her intent. But having such a beast within him makes it hard to interact with people, this complicated things. It was better off that his men worked with each other rather than relying on him this time. And besides Alfe is a compitant second in command, he can handle it.

As he strolled through the rather busy town Ioder focused on trying to contact his friend. He could easily do this and function also though looking on he would appear distant. "Beast!" Ioder's mind cried echoing into the void within him. Admist a torrent of swirling souls one voice cried back with great rage.

"How dare you command me in such a way." The dragons soul roared back at the seraph. "I am no pet of yours, and one day I will be free from this prison." She hadn't yet come to embrace her new eternal existence. And Ioder hadn't ever encountered a soul so strong to keep it's self within him. Their relationship was a mysterious an special one.

"Apologies M'lady, I meant no harm. Besides we need to learn how to live with each other." Ioder said to her as he made way to The Great Tree. "Maybe the magic of the relic tree can teach us a thing or two that may help. Symbiosis is a new idea to my too M'lady."

"If you think some tree will just turn me into some happy dog, you sorely mistaken."

"No I will convince you to aid me myself. I need no help from a plant, magic or not. I will prove to you that I am worthy." Ioder and the dragon talked on for a while as morning turned into noon high.

03-31-16, 11:50 PM
Elthas rose from his place of deep thought and personal meditations.

Oft those days, he thought of where he was and what he was doing.

It seemed that, try as he might, he could not avoid crossing paths with The Great Tree.

Elthas listened to the specific ebb and flow in the large church-like chamber that was at the base of The Great Tree.

In truth, it was a relic of the old world.

As much as Elthas himself was such a relic.

Elthas watched Ioder as he approached The Great Tree's inner hall, he'd been given permission to freely come and go.

Elthas knew that The Monarchy could be trusted, they had contributed resources and much needed manpower...earthly affairs that no longer concerned him.

John Winshire's estate was no in charged of the growing town that was built around The Great Tree.

Those were matters that didn't concern Elthas either.

What did concern him was The Great Tree itself.

The Great Tree had a pulse, an energy field that resonated within the very air of the township. All who lived there were touched by the power of the old tree...even Elthas himself. He sat in deep meditation singing in the old language. The language of his people. Forgotten were the old elders of the Ruild Elves. Elthas sang a mournful song of sorrow and loss. Present were towns folk who came to pay their respects to The Great Tree and listen to Elthas's teachings. Mysteries of the old world. Elthas's eyes glowed as they spotted Ioder. The mysterious benefactor of The Monarchy. Elthas respected the fellow. He has power...I must keep my true intentions and motivations guarded. Elthas knew the rules of engagement were different with extremely powerful folks. He did not want to endanger The Great Tree. And so, he would do everything in his power to ensure the safety of the growing township and it's citizens. Elthas's eyes narrowed as he observed Ioder entering the chamber. People that were present in the chamber spoke in hushed whispers. There were no more Ruildian Elf elders present that could bestow the old ways on the current generation.

Elthas was all that was left, or so he thought.

Elthas rose from his sitting position in a corner against the bark wall.

He stared at Ioder with a mixture of respect for that power, and a mixture of something far different.

A more primal emotion lurked in the wraith's eyes, hidden, but there.

Several of the gathered individuals in the chamber looked at Elthas as he rose.

The whispers intensified, but were whispers of respect and admiration.

A hint of fear.

Elthas moved gracefully, flowing through the air, towards Ioder's position.

"You've come." Came the deep voice from the wraith's person. He had no lungs, and no physical organs. He was a wraith currently existing in the physical coil of the mortal world. Bound by the rules of his existence. Elthas bowed his head gently towards Ioder as a sign of respect. "The Great Tree pulses with life once more." That shadow was visible on Elthas's face once more. Perhaps the reason he helped save The Great Tree was a selfish one. But he had saved it none the less and was now bound to it in many ways. Elthas walked along side Ioder. "The Great Tree has always been here." Elthas said explaining things to Ioder that would be of potential use. "It has power." Elthas could still hear the whispers of the gathered parishioners.

At that point Elthas noticed that John Winshire, friend and ally, was present with the gathered.

Elthas nodded to his friend.

"John." Elthas motioned towards Ioder. "What news do you have of Theo Terrentius's where abouts?" Elthas asked.

"I've received a document addressed directly to you." John said looking at Elthas. "It bares the symbol of The Terrentius Estate."

Elthas frowned. "He clings to the old ways."

John shook his head in the negative. "Matters are complex now. It's not a simple cat and mouse game, Elthas." John handed Elthas the document.

It was a fancy envelope with the familiar Terrentius Estate wax seal.

Elthas held the envelope in his hand for a moment, he could barely feel any of the texture of the object.

"Theo..." Elthas said in a hushed whisper.

"Read the letter, it probably contains instructions." John said in an usually aggressive voice.

Elthas frowned and looked at his friend. "You are not your usual self today. Did something else happen?"

"I will discuss that with you at length later." John promised. "For now, we must prepare. Yosef Terrentius was merely the beginning."

And so, Elthas opened the envelope and removed the parchment from it.

Elthas's eyes narrowed as he read the contents of the letters.

The letter was written in blood.

In my possession is a relic of incredible power.

Yosef Terrentius, the one we freed from Lornius, was merely a pawn of a much greater agenda.

Even now...our agents move quickly against the desired target.

Though the Prophet has fallen in battle...

We still act of our own free will.

Come...to the place where it all began, Elthas Belthasar, if you dare.


Elthas crushed the letter in his hand.

The place where it all began... Elthas frowned deeply. He knew exactly the place. Ground Zero. The Terrentius Estate...

Elthas looked at Ioder at that point.

"I know where we must go." Elthas said calmly.

Though his eyes told all, he felt a terrible rage and hatred towards his old enemy, Theo Terrentius.

05-26-16, 01:03 PM
Memories were precious.

They often told the truth...and sometimes, just sometimes, they hid it.

Elthas stood there calmly, he wasn't certain who he was looking at.

Did the monarchy not send help? Elthas thought to himself.

He could have sworn he saw somebody, but maybe it had all been in his head. Only the usual folks who gathered at The Great Tree were present. As well as his friend, John Winshire.

"Are you all right, Elthas? You seem troubled by something." John stated.

Elthas shook his head. "I thought...no...something reminded me of something else just now. It's not serious, just an old memory." Elthas looked at the spot where the strange entity had once been and there was nothing there. He checked again just to make certain it had just been in his head. After a few moments passed, Elthas felt confident that the fleeting memory would not linger. The Monarchy...that was a matter that Elthas would deal with later. Had it really happened? Elthas wasn't entirely sure anymore. Maybe he was just tired. He moved towards John Winshire. "John, I know where Theo is."

John looked at Elthas with a stern expression on his face. "Where do you think?"

"A place, in my time, was referred to as The Terrentius Estate." He shook his head. "I'm not sure what we will find there this time though." Elthas moved to placed a comforting hand on John's right shoulder. Strangely, John did not resist and merely looked at Elthas with a calm expression on his face. "That's Ground Zero, Theo will be there." Elthas said carefully.

John rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "By my understanding there hasn't been an Estate like that for many years now." John said carefully. "However, if you say it's there, I am certain we can find whatever is at the location currently."

Elthas nodded. "John...if Theo is what you say he is now...this is gonna get messy." Elthas paused for a moment. "I don't want you and any of our allies to get hurt in this matter...if you don't want to come. I can totally understand the why of it." Elthas was sincerely concerned for his friends...

John shook his head. "No. I will accompany you, it was my own hands that earned you this task. I will see it through. I just need a bit of time to prepare." John said calmly. "I have to make sure matters are taken care of."

Elthas nodded. "I can linger a while." Elthas stared ahead for a moment...thinking about the past. "I am certain he will wait there for as long as is needed anyway. It's how he operates."

"Very well. Elthas, I will have everything completed as soon as I am able to. My last great work." John said and walked away before Elthas could respond...


Elthas spoke to the gathered followers of The Great Tree.

A few hours had passed.

John Winshire was busy taking care of earthly matters...Elthas suspected.

He is going to his grave...at least he thinks he is...I will protect him to the best of my ability. Elthas was talking to the gathered followers about various subject. The Forest Elves that were present, Humankind, matters of life, matters of The Thayne. Elthas was not an expert, but he had accrued sufficient knowledge to teach on a smaller level. The ghostly instructor carefully weaved words that would inspire a new generation of leaders. Surprisingly enough, teaching and story telling came quite easily for the wraith. He spoke and people just listened...he sang, and people listened. He lost his bard powers in death, but he could still sing. So every so often a humble song was requested by one of the gathered followers and Elthas would comply. It helped pass the time, but Elthas had only one matter on his mind. Theo Terrentius. How do I deal with him...my old enemy? Even life the man did not want me to be with Hylda Terrentius. Even in life he directly opposed most things I attempted. So how do I deal with that rancor now? Elthas thought to himself as he spoke.

At the end of the first night, John Winshire approached Elthas after the sermons were over.

"You're getting better with the lectures." John complimented Elthas.

Elthas thought about that. "I just talk from the heart...and people are listening. So the memory of my people does not die out." Elthas said carefully.

"Theo...what made you hate him so? Were you not allies at one point?" John had to know so he asked that of Elthas.

Elthas paused for a moment, unsure of how to answer.

"Elthas...?" John asked.

He nodded after a moment or two passed. "A story for another time my friend. It's more complex than simply hating an enemy, that I can promise you. When we meet Theo...there is a favour I wish to ask of you." Elthas said.

"Name it." John said in response.

"I want to confront Theo directly on my own. There is a matter that I have to settle up with him...an old matter." Elthas said. "He caused me a great deal of suffering a long time ago...such sins cannot stand." Elthas continued. "If you will allow me this chance to settle this matter with Theo...I will offer you a plan."

John thought about what Elthas was saying for a long moment. Then answered. "A plan you say? Go on."

Elthas did not know how his plan would work on someone like Theo. He only knew he had to try. "Theo would likely have taken over an old, large house. I want you to take your finest Pyromancers with you. I want you to destroy the building after five minutes have passed and level the fucking place. That's the only way to be certain that his followers will be taken out as well." Elthas was deadly serious.

For a moment, John Winshire wanted to protest. He wanted to scream at Elthas for even suggesting such a plan. However, there was more than his own selfishness at play there. He wanted things to remain as they were...Elthas by his side. I asked him for help. I dragged him in this mess...this isn't just about me. John thought to himself thoughtfully. Then strangely enough he agreed with Elthas's plan. 'I'll give you the time you need. You just confront Theo. Elthas...get that son of a bitch for everything he's done to us." John said.

Elthas nodded. "I swear. I will end everything that was started so long ago. The night I saved Seth Terrentius....that's when it all began." Elthas hugged his friend. "John ready your men then. I will meet you a The Terrentius Estate. I intend to go first. On the morrow. You and your men follow me at a distance."

John had a grim expression on his face. "Elthas...just come back to us once you're done."

Elthas merely looked back with an uncertain expression on his face.

It was do or die time.

06-10-16, 01:48 PM
They arrived at The Terrentius Estate...or what it had become some time later.

It was a week's worth of travel time.

Elthas traveled on foot, running at best speed and John Winshire and his cohorts were travelling a few hours behind on horse back.

Elthas saw what the old estate had become, once it had beautiful marble structures in the Corone architecture of the time. It had tremendous archways and other notable features in it's prime...but now...it stood a pale shadow of what it once was. Elthas took a moment to look around, sticking to the shadows. There were several individuals in the ruins, carefully patrolling under whoever's leadership. They have Terrentius markings on their attire. That means they are tainted by Theo... Elthas immediately noticed one aspect of the individuals in the ruins. They...were not Hume. His eyes narrowed and he thought back to his limited training of The Thayne Codex. He tried to recall the pages of that elegant tome, studying it in his head. One particular entry spoke of the followers of N'Jal. The Forsaken, and The Spider Magi. They are two cults. Separate and yet connected. Both followers of N'Jal. Maybe I could have joined them at one point...but my goals do not coincide with N'Jal's... Elthas pondered. Maybe I can negotiate with them on some level and get them to switch sides away from Theo's influence? He shook his head at that grim thought. No...they made their choice. I made mine. That's all there is to it.

Up ahead, Elthas saw a small patrol consisting of two Undead.

Theo...this place is what you have become. Am I to guess that you are also a Spider Magi now too? Sold out to a bitch of a Thayne that wants to eradicate all life? I find this comedic in some ways. I'd laugh if I were so inclined..but there's a darker purpose afoot. Elthas looked off into the distance to one of the larger structure. It was likely where Theo and his lackeys would be present. He claims to possess a Relic. Let's test the validity of that claim. Elthas emerged from the shadows of night and stalked towards the nearby Forsaken.

Once he was noticed, Elthas paused...but did not attack right away.

Elthas was lead to a familiar structure, that was a large gathering hall. He noticed Theo sat on a fancy chair. Elthas did not attack right away, the Forsaken were present going about their business. There were hushed whispers in the dark as they looked at the wraith approaching Theo. He is different from the last time we met... Elthas approached Theo and paused a few paces away. He looked directly at the man, studying the robes the fellow wore. Markings of that bitch Thayne, N'Jal. Elthas narrowed his eyes. He is Undead now. Time has not sat still for us. I will have to be cautious here... The man sat on his tarnished throne, ruling a dead people. Elthas saw him open his glowing red and look up towards him.

"You've arrived." Theo said in a surprisingly calm fashion. "I'm actually surprised to see you. Did my whore of a daughter really mean that much to you?"

"Theo. Time has not treated you well." Elthas began. "It is not wise of you to speak so coldly of Hylda." Elthas continued. "Things are different now for us, Theo. For you, for me. For everything." Elthas lowered his hood to reveal what he had become...Wraith.

"You were even denied becoming a Childe of N'Jal?" Theo said suddenly. "Elthas. You were always pathetic. Why did you not traverse the light to face Final Judgment? Why are you here to torment me?" Theo asked. And rose majestically off his chair.

"You do not understand a single thing do you?" Elthas said to Theo. "Yosef Terrentius is dead." Elthas's face shifted for a moment with vast, and uncontrollable emotions. "The Souls of Seth and Hylda Terrentius are safely out of your reach." He continued to speak. "The Great Tree pulses with life once more. Whatever it is that you're attempting to complete. I will undo with my own hands." Elthas promised.

The whispers in the large chamber, the great hall of the Terrentius Estate, became louder as several of the Walkers present suddenly stared at Elthas.

They were unsure how to proceed.

"You defeated Yosef?" Theo said. "That's unfortunate."

"It's my understanding your ally, Nenkulor Shima, also lays dead." Elthas suddenly said. "The prophet you sided with."

"What!?" Theo walked forward towards Elthas. "Slain by your hands?! You're a fool if you've done that." Theo seemed sincerely angry.

"It wasn't my blade that bit him." Elthas explained. "We crossed paths a time ago...very briefly. It ended in his death...after he tried to blackmail me and I double crossed him. anyway."

"Elthas!" Theo suddenly yelled. "You have no idea who he was!" Theo said with a burst of anger. "You've screwed up everything!" Theo removed a weapon from a scabbard, it was an elegant mythril sword.

It was forged in the arts of N'Jal and glowed with a dark energy.

Elthas hesitated...he wanted to make Theo suffer. "Why the outburst Theo?" Elthas asked. "Isn't this what you wanted? To face me in the place it all began?"

Suddenly, several presences that were previously unknown to Elthas phased into the chamber.

They all wore robes that were similar to the one that Nenkulor wore.

There were six new figures all together, they pulsed with power.

The leader looked at Elthas, then at Theo.

"Theo. You have challenged this...thing...to a trial by combat have you not?" The Prophet of Apocalypse asked of Theo.

Theo sighed. "I have and he has answered the Writ."

The Prophet of Apocalypse looked solely at Elthas. "You know the rules of the Trial correct?"

Elthas listened and shook his head no. "I am unaware of the traditional rules." He said truthfully.

"The trial is to the death. We may watch but cannot intervene. No one can intervene. You...Theo...you are on your own. If you understand the rules of The Trial we can begin." The Prophet said calmly.

"This is as it should be Elthas." Theo looked at Elthas coldly, his weapon at the ready. "The place where it all began." Theo said calmly.

06-20-16, 03:03 PM
Elthas's eyes narrowed, and one hand immediately went to the handle of one of his spectral daggers. He did not draw the weapon just yet. His eyes observed the events as they began to unfold. He noticed Theo turned his attention right at him. Elthas kept a neutral expression on his face.

Elthas saw Theo raise his left hand in a closed fist.

"No." Theo said calmly. "I have summoned this one here. I want your warriors to stay and observe only. I will deal with the enemy myself." Theo said. Then he returned his attention to Elthas. "Elthas...old friend..." Theo said coldly.

"We're on speaking terms then now, Theo?" Elthas responded. He kept his attention on the old man.

"It's nostalgic for me to see you here, in the place it all began." Theo said calmly. "Back then you saved my Brother. Seth Terrentius."

"I know. I still honour the old ways despite what you have become." Elthas explained. "Your Brother and Hylda are safe and away from you and your people. Away from your influence and any further harm that you can inflict." Elthas said.

"Hylda..." Theo began to say as if he'd just eaten something that had a bad taste. "You were really that smitten by her?" He asked. "You know...we were gonna marry her off to Yosef Terrentius before you arrived."

"Yosef." Elthas repeated. "Yosef is dead." Elthas growled out.

"No matter." Theo responded. "He was a simple means to an end...and placed you in your current predicament."

"Your predicament is not much better." Elthas said. "You have summoned me. What do you want?" Elthas asked.

"You're mistaken." Theo said. "My current situation is one with a great deal of potential. One I should have embarked on some time ago..."

"You did not bring me here to discuss theology. What do you want?" Elthas repeated.

"My Thayne...N'Jal, demands your ultimate destruction. Elthas. But...that's not what I want." Theo said. He stood up and walked towards Elthas.

Elthas stood his ground, he did not like what he was hearing.

He remained quiet as Theo laid out the ground rules of their encounter.

Elthas stood in place as Theo walked forward and paused a pace or two away.

"Elthas. Long ago you honoured the old alliances and saved my Brother." Theo continued. "For that, I shall be grateful despite what happened. My people here...The Forsaken...are followers of N'Jal. I am using them to rebuild the old Syndicate out of this ruin."

That's his plan...?{/i] Elthas thought to himself. He continued to remain quiet, listening to the madman's plan.

"I'm going to be frank, Elthas. I want you on my side." Theo suddenly said. "I had to do everything in my power to summon you to this location."

ELthas's eyes narrowed to thin slits at that point. [i]He is making an interesting case... Elthas thought to himself. He spoke at that moment. "What do I get out of this?" Elthas began. "I mean...you must have something you can give me." Elthas said calmly.

Theo turned to look towards one of the Forsaken. "Memon."

Theo summoned one of The Forsaken, but The Prophets intervened.

"Remember the rules..." One of them said angrily.

"I will destroy you as you currently are! There will be no mercy for the one who killed Yosef!" Theo continued. "So here's the offer Elthas. In life, you served The Terrentius Estate. In death you will serve me directly. If you refuse to do so...you will die the final death." Theo said.

Elthas frowned....

He stole a glance at The Prophets of Apocalypse who were observing and keeping The Forsaken at bay.

"You...want me to join you?" Elthas asked, without really understanding why. I cannot join this creature wearing Theo's identity. He and his ilk follow N'Jal. Elthas shook his head. "What if I refuse your offer?" He asked. "What if I intend to stab at you from Hell's heart?" Elthas suddenly said, and the gathered became very serious.

Elthas had chosen.

06-27-16, 01:37 PM
Elthas saw something in Theo's eyes he had never seen before.

That something was like an ugly demon, revealing it's face for the first time...fear.

Fear oft drove otherwise sane beings to do horrible things to one another.

Elthas stepped forward for a moment but stopped.

The Forsaken reacted and drew their weapons...they would protect their leader.

Elthas watched as Theo realized the gravity of the situation.

"You must fight!" One of The Prophets suddenly yelled.

Elthas spoke at that point. "No. Theo it is you who made the mistake. The mistake was made when you ordered Xu Bellaparte to kill Hylda Terrentius." Elthas spoke with a deadly serious tone of voice. "I have fucked up a lot of stuff in my life. This time...I will right that wrong. No matter what it costs me."

Theo looked at the gathered Forsaken, unable to call on their on aide. "So be it." Then he looked directly at Elthas.

That's when it all started happening.

Suddenly, a small group of Forsaken scouts ran into the chamber, running past Elthas, but The Prophets of Apocalypse spok.

"No interference!" One of them yelled.

"My lord. We're under attack!" The leader of the scouts yelled.

"What...!?" Theo suddenly asked, his world crumbling around him. He looked from the scout, towards Elthas. Theo turned towards Elthas as The Forsaken scout was kept at bay by the Prophets. Theo looked at Elthas as the outside attack began. "Friends of yours?!" Theo asked.

Elthas shrugged. "Doesn't matter." Elthas responded. "Things have changed, Theo. I have changed. I'm going to hold you accountable for everything you did to me and Hylda." Elthas said.

Then the explosions started.

The gathered Prophets looked about carefully and stared at Elthas. "The Trial must commence!"

They were distant at first, but every passing moment the explosions got closer.

Elthas grinned darkly. "Theo Terrentius the hour for you to face judgment has arrived." Elthas readied his spectral blades.

"Very well then. Old friend." Theo prepared his sword and moved into a tight combat stance. He charged at Elthas.

The explosions started to get closer, screams were heard outside.

Thank you John Winshire...I will remember your deeds no matter what happens. Elthas thought to himself.

The remaining Forsaken began to look around nervously.

The Prophets of Apocalypse continued to keep The Forsaken at bay even as the outside attack intensified.

Elthas gave John Winshire very specific instructions. Elthas knew that John and his companions would destroy every last one of the Forsaken present. Elthas only had to destroy one of them...their leader. After that the rest of it would not matter. Observing the weapon Theo held very carefully, Elthas prepared his power so that he could react to whatever Theo attempted. I have to be careful when they activate the relic. Elthas thought to himself. Elthas felt a tremendous power pushing through the air and originating from the relic itself. It was time. Elthas lunged.

He moved gracefully forward, his wraith form capable of advanced movement feats.

He swung his left dagger forward and towards Theo...

...And the trial began.

06-29-16, 09:32 PM
Then it happened....

John... Elthas thought to himself with a smug smirk on his face. The attacks came in all at once as explosions started to barrage the old main building of The Terrentius Estate. It was a large mansion, but the power John and his cohorts wielded would not be denied. Vast magical energies pounded the old building which was falling apart from disrepair. Blasts of pure arcane hatred cascaded through the old, mistreated walls. Immediately holes started punching through the walls, the old Radasanth architecture falling apart. A part of Elthas regretted giving that order to John Winshire, but Elthas knew he needed to win the battle. As he stood there a powerful blast of energy ripped through the old building, and several of the Forsaken were knocked on the ground. Elthas couldn't see John outside from the layer of dust and mortar that now caked the air.

The Prophets of Apocalypse gathered themselves and looked at Elthas for a long moment.

"This trial is over." One of them said.

Then the Prophets vanished into thin air, their task complete.

Elthas looked at Theo who stared around in a panic.

Elthas shook his head. "You never were that great of a leader. These things that are with you...you always liked bossing people around. Never did your own dirty work." Elthas said with that same smugness. He looked towards the unclaimed relic.

Several more Forsaken were burning up into ash.

Arcane energies blasted through the air in rapid assault.

Elthas looked at Theo. "They'll kill all of us you know." Elthas was only partially bluffing.

"Who is doing this...?" Theo had an expression of extreme panic on his face. "Tell me!" Theo commanded.

Elthas shook his head again. "What does it matter? You're done Theo. Nothing or nobody will come to rescue you." Elthas had a dangerous expression on his face at that point. Elthas looked away from Theo for a short moment. His mind was Hylda Terrentius, the woman he had shared his heart with. Before everything went bad...he then returned his gaze to Theo. Theo was already attempting to run away. "No where for you to go Theo. This is the end for you." Elthas then threw one of his spectral blades at Theo's back. It whirled through the air with hungry intent, glowing with power. The darkened blade zipped through the air skillfully and connected with the intended target, Theo's left leg. The Forsaken leader fell forward as the spectral blade plunged deep into the man's hamstring. A splattering of black blood exploded from the impact of blade and leg. Elthas began to move, and the world felt like it was slowing down to him.

The explosions were becoming louder at that point.

More frequent, and more deadly.

Elthas stopped right in front of Theo. "For Hylda." Elthas said...


When John Winshire entered the largest building of the old ruin, he was on full assault mode.

His spells crackled through the air as his companions also cast their own magicks.

John made his way through the entire compound, looking for his friend. Elthas Belthasar. The screams of The Forsaken filled his mind with a cold dread, but he did not let the feeling stop his righteous mission. He blasted another Forsaken into ash with the fire he was capable of summoning. The arcane fires burned white hot through the tainted air. John and his main assault group powered through the building, and made their way towards the main chamber. The gathering hall that Elthas spoke about. There were several burning bodies present, Elthas was not present. John saw the body of a bigger Forsaken that was still struggling to face his final moments. The man had serious injuries to his person and was beyond saving.

"Theo!" One of John's companions said.

John walked over towards Theo and knelt down at him. Elthas has done a good job of breaking this man and leaving us the scraps...thank you Elthas. John spotted something that he had not seen in a long time. The object glowed with a power...that object caught his eyes.

He walked towards the relic and picked it up, he'd encountered several of The Thayne relics in his lifetime. This is how they meant to defeat Elthas...with one of these fucking things. John picked up the object, and willed it off. It closed down it's power, and John returned his attention to Theo and his companions. Someone else prevented The Forsaken from ever using it on Elthas...I am glad we found it instead.

Theo was broken and merely kept saying Elthas over and over.

"Destroy him." John ordered.

And he kept the relic for himself...to be handed down in his family from generation to generation for safe keeping...


The Terrentius Estate burned as John and his cohorts made short work of the ancient ruins.

The Forsaken screamed through the air and burst into ash one by one, without a leader...they were dreadfully weak.

Elthas stood atop a large hilly area of Concordia Forest that overlooked the burning estate.

For a long moment, he simply stared at the burning structures without saying or doing a damned thing.

Fires licked the sky and smoke traveled upward, along with a horrible stench of old death.

"Fitting." Elthas heard the voice of Seth Terrentius behind him. The human he'd saved long ago...the ghost form of him at least. "Theo lead to the undoing of the old place. It's just pretty fitting." Seth said.

Elthas turned away from the destruction of the place he'd once called home to see Seth and Hylda Terrentius's specters standing before him.

"I closed the circle." Elthas said calmly. "Now what do I do?"

Seth Terrentius chuckled at that. "My boy, you're free now. Of rules and control. Of guilds, of old governments, of laws that bind you to said governments. You are your own kingdom."

"My own kingdom..." Elthas repeated, he liked the sound of that.

"You start here." Seth said. "Right the wrongs Theo and his cronies created. You are destined to make your own fate."

"What about you two?" Elthas had to know.

"We will always be with you." Hylda responded with a soft smile on her face. "Thank you Elthas...we can finally rest because of you."

"It's been a long time. A long time since I've held any kind of peace in my heart." Elthas responded. "My work is not yet done."

"We know my boy. I hope someday you can find the path you so long for." Seth said calmly. He looked at his old brass stopwatch. "It's time my boy."

Hylda walked over towards Elthas Belthasar one last time. She placed her hand on his face one last time. "I love you...Elthas Belthasar. I won't be too far away from you ever."

Elthas nodded. "Be at peace my friends. Vengeance is ours." Elthas watched as Seth and Hylda vanished into thin air, leaving arcane residue..."We beat him...Theo Terrentius. We beat him together."

06-29-16, 09:59 PM
Elthas stood there and began to sing.

In the tongue of the old Elves, the old forest Elves.

At the current age of Althanas that was a dead language.

Elthas sang as The Terrentius Estate burned, it was rather a fitting end to a dark portion of his life.

He did not hear the boot steps of John Winshire and his companions as they walked up the hill towards Elthas.

John observed in silence and closed his eyes, listening to the song that Elthas sang.

His companions merely stood a few paces behind watching the wraith as he sang.

When Elthas was done singing, he turned his attention towards John and his friends. "In life, I was a bard at one point."

"It shows, Elthas." John Winshire said with a soft smile on his face. "We killed every last one of those rat bastards."

"Thank you John." Elthas said calmly. A soft wind came in from the East. Elthas looked at his friends...friends. That's one thing I've not had for a long time. He wondered about something just then. "John...what do we do now?" Elthas asked. "There are many dangers here in Concordia Forest and around the world of Althanas."

"We start here." John walked towards Elthas at that point.

Elthas did not resist or retreat, he trusted John Winshire...the man had a strength.

Elthas and John shook hands at that point, as friends and allies.

"You have great honour Elthas Belthasar." John said calmly. "I am thankful to have met you."

Elthas looked at his friends. No. His family. "We have to protect The Great Tree." Elthas said quietly. "I believe that is where I am meant to be."

"I'd like you there." John said. Suddenly, he looked up at Elthas. "I feel very tired. We all used a tremendous amount of manna." John said calmly. "It grows late with the hour, but we'd like you to accompany us back to The Great Tree." John said.

"Of course I will. I've concluded my business here anyway." Elthas took a look at the old ruins one last time. The place he'd called home for a large portion of his life. The fires in the ruins were still burning hot, but only just then dying down. Elthas nodded to The Terrentius Estate one last time. "Good bye." Elthas said at last. And was able to close that terrible chapter of his life...


Sometime later...

Elthas lived among the living...and they accepted him for what he was.

He'd proven himself to the people of The Great Tree time and time again.

Elthas was an instructor those days, and taught the children of The Great Tree. They approached him without fear, and without hate. Eyes eager for the old ghost's knowledge. Elthas looked at the students. There was a combined group of Hume, Elves, and other races of Concordia. A couple of Dwarves and two Orcs were present too. Of varying ages. Elthas looked at the students with a smile on his face. He'd never considered teaching before...and naturally filled the role well. He spoke and the students listened to him. As he spoke he often thought back to Hylda Terrentius...and his lectures were about life and love. Of peace. Of living together as one people of Althanas.

He'd changed his appearance after Hylda and Seth passed to the after.

He no longer had his long and flowing platinum coloured hair, and was bald.

His spectral fedora hat was placed on a table nearby, strangely enough, the wind seemed to pass through it.

Elthas spoke calmly and the students with their eager eyes listened.

"Class. Today I am going to tell you a story." Elthas said calmly.

"What's the story about Master Belthasar?" An Orc asked.

"A story about life and love. A story about...a woman named Hylda...Hylda Terrentius." And Elthas began to sing to his students about the only woman he had ever loved...

07-28-16, 09:16 PM
Elthas had a dream.

As he stood up from a state of half-sleep he saw something that he hadn't seen in some time.

Though for Elthas, sleep was never a true sleep...it was a state of dreaming.

He sometimes saw things in between the land of the living and the realm of the death, The Firmanent and Antifirmanent.

The Thayne Codex stated there were many layers of reality. The Firmanent and Antifirmanent were merely two of many. When Yosef Terrentius killed Elthas so long ago, the weight of vengeance weighed heavily on his black heart. Elthas did not seek final judgment...instead he sought Yosef as a means to avenge his own death. To complete the cycle of disastrous events that comprises his life.

It was late at night that night...he'd lost track of the days and even the years.

Time no longer mattered.

It simply flowed eternally forward towards whatever purpose The All Thayne held for everything.

Or maybe there was no purpose... Elthas thought to himself. Maybe this was all some child's crazy experiment...an experiment gone awry. Maybe...just maybe we're all flowing chaotically in the wind. Heading towards disaster... Elthas stole a glance at The Great Tree, it pulsed with life. His mind swirled back to the time of his life when it all began...Xu Bellaparte. His mind was woven intrinsically towards many lives at that point. He wasn't a nameless Adventurer that was in the shadows any longer. He had a purpose...dind't he? I have to protect The Great Tree is that not why I am here?

On every woman's face...he saw Hylda Terrentius.

The vision was maddening and he did not know if he could stand living like that any longer.

Then, before him, was an Orc. One of the many students who attended the sermons Elthas gave as a token of education. Elthas looked at The Orc, he was older at that point. Well into adulthood. Had so much time passed so quickly? Elthas remembered himself and nodded carefully towards The Orc. "May I help you?" Elthas asked, he had to know the reason the young one had sought him out.

"Master Belthasar." The Orc greeted in his deeply accented voice. "I have an urgent problem which needs your assistance."

In his mind, Elthas saw the fated night he saved Seth Terrentius...

"Are you well, Master Belthasar? I seem to have lost you briefly..." The Orc said.

Elthas shook his head and reality settled back to some state of normalcy. "I apologize. Of course, I will help. Tell me what seems to be trouble you my student?"

"There is a visitor who claims to seek an audience with you." The Orc said with growing agitation.

"A visitor?" Elthas asked.

"You must come quickly, there is no time to waste." Orcs were always serious, and the young one was not any different from his peers.

And so, Elthas followed The Orc towards an uncertain future...

What Elthas saw next soured his mood.

A small group of robed figures were present at the gate of the town growing around The Great Tree. The robes had familiar markings and emblems. The markings were all too familiar for Elthas.

"They are Prophets." Elthas said coldly. "Everyone, move away from The Prophets of Apocalypse. I will speak with them personally."

Immediately, the town folk moved away from The Prophets.

"Elthas Belthasar..." The leader of the group said calmly, his voice seemed to resonate, it was a familiar voice.

"I remember you...the night I killed Theo Terrentius..." Elthas would sigh if he had to. "I don't have time for this shit..."

"You will listen to what we have to come to say." The Prophet said calmly.

"Speak quickly." Elthas responded, his agitation growing. He stood directly in front of The Prophets, attempting to block their main entry into the township itself.

"You caused the death of our Master...Nenkulor Shima." The Prophet began. "A problem has arisen because of that action."

"It was not my blade that bit your leader..." Etlhas was suddenly becoming very angry.

09-10-16, 04:19 PM
Wind coursed through the township with a mourning sound that it carried.

Elthas stood before the Prophets of Apocalypse in silence carefully considering what he'd just learned.

"You've created a potential power struggle, Elthas. One that is not so easily resolved..." The leader of The Prophets said. He continued to speak. Nearby, several of the gathered townsfolk were observing Elthas and The Prophets. All together there was a considerable group of Prophets of at least six members of their ilk. "However, after careful consideration we have come to a dangerous conclusion that my companions decided to bring directly to you."

Elthas frowned, he did not like where the situation was going. "What sort of conclusion?" Elthas asked. "You were wise to bring this matter before me before anybody else was harmed by your kind." Elthas said. He was having a hard time keeping his anger in check at that point.

"This is probably not something you want to hear, Elthas. But you have left us with very little choice in the matter. Our organization needs strong leadership and the recent events has left a vacuum in our upper echelons. After some careful debate and discussion there is one only one way to repair the damage caused by our late leader." The Prophet paused for a moment and looked back towards his companions. One of them nodded calmly towards their leader and the leader continued. "Elthas. It is with great consideration that I bring to you a proposal. We need you to lead us." The Prophet suddenly said and his companions nodded with agreement. "You were touched by Nenkulor Shima on some level and you were present several times during his scheming. You did not know it some of the times...but you two were connected on some level."

Elthas frowned deeply...but was strongly considering their proposal. His face reflected the swirling emotions he was currently feeling. "Your group has tried to kill me several times in my existence, you caused the death of my companion in life, and you tried to end my tribe. These acts are unforgivable..." Elthas began saying.

"But Elthas..." The Prophet responded.

"BUT." Elthas said. "Granted the current circumstances I can no longer place my town or my people in danger." Elthas looked back at the gathered towns folk for a moment as if to say good bye. "If I allow you clowns to continue unchecked you will cause me and others more problems." Elthas looked at The Prophets. "State your proposal and I will carefully consider what you are offering." Elthas said.

The Prophet nodded. "We humbly request you lead our organization." The Prophet said without malice. "You will become exposed to our way of life, and we can offer you and your current allies our protection." The Prophet continued. "Further...there is this." The Prophet ordered one of his companions to bring a small case to his person. The companion did so, it was some sort of an elegant jewel box. "This belongs to you, Elthas Belthasar." The Prophet handed the jewel box to Elthas.

Elthas took the item, hesitating only a moment. "What is this? Some kind of a jewel box?" Elthas asked.

"Open it." The Prophet said calmly.

Elthas did so, carefully unlatching the locking mechanism and opening it. His eyes immediately went wide and he dropped the box when he saw what was inside. An elegant amulet with a locket slid out of the open jewel box as it fell. "That is..." Elthas started to say. But he recalled at that precise moment everything he had lost because of the locket and his battle against Storm Veritas...it was real after all. Elthas looked at The Prophet. "How did you get this item?" Elthas had to know.

"Nenkulor Shima gave us the means to find it, we arrived shortly before The Trading Company folks did. I'm sorry Elthas. But this was our trump card." The Prophet continued. "If you do not accept this offer we will lay waste to everything and everyone here. We will destroy the wards protecting The Great Tree."

Elthas was stuck at that point...he knew they meant business. He took another look back at the township and The Great Tree that lived within it's boarders. He knelt down for a moment and clutched the signet necklace bearing the ancient Belthasar clan symbols. The Symbols were etched on a locket that contained certain items of import to Elthas and his family. Elthas lifted the signet necklace and and held it against his chest. "You have some balls doing this to me. After everything your kind has already cost me. However, I am honourbound to provide safety to the people currently in my charged. Once I was a leader of The Trading Company. I lost that because of you guys. But now I have a chance to redeem myself."

The Orc and several townsfolk walked towards Elthas and The Prophets.

"Is everything all right, Elthas?" A Human woman asked.

Elthas did not turn his eyes away from The Prophets. "Everything is not all right. I must tell you all something." Elthas said, and he turned partially to face his companions and keep The Prophets at a safe distance away from them. "These folks require my skill for some time. I must be going with them on a long journey. Many of you will not understand why for a long time. I might not return for many years...until I deem it safe." Elthas said, he continued as he was looking at his friends' faces. He had sorrow on his own face. "But before I live I wish to ask something of you guys." Elthas said.

The Orc responded. "Anything, Master Belthasar."

"Keep The Great Tree safe from harm at all costs." Elthas said, and with that, he tipped his fedora hat gently towards his friends. Then he moved towards The Prophets casually, but swiftly. "I am ready to go." Elthas said calmly.

The Prophet nodded his head. "You're making the right choice." The Prophet said. "We shall take you to where we can begin our current plans." The Prophets all gathered around Elthas and placed their hands on his spectral body.

Somehow, Elthas could feel the warmth of their bodies against him...he did not like it. He held the amulet, his mother's necklace and the weight of the past in his hand.

"This will hurt a lot." The Prophet said.

Elthas did not even scream as reality shifted and the teleportation energies ripped through the clearing...

10-30-16, 11:31 PM
Elthas's sensory array reverted back to normal.

When reality phased back in, the wraith saw where he was currently in. It was a town somewhere in Corone itself, the scent was still the same. One of many smaller outlying villages that they've taken over. That would be my first guess... Elthas looked around and saw several of the cultist members present, including the group that was with him when he was teleported against his will. Elthas spotted the leader standing in front him, but keeping a respectful distance. Elthas held his mother's locket in his possession. So, they arrived before The Trading Company did. I suffered much because of that. Someday, I will make them pay for what they've done. Elthas thought to himself, but accepted the situation at hand...

The leader walked over towards Elthas and spoke. "We've been building since the time you've encountered Yosef Terrentius, and Nenkulor Shima." At that point, the gathered group of cultists stood up and all of them surrounded Elthas. "I'm going to be frank. Elthas. I don't expect you to come willingly, so we've come up with a plan."

"...I'm not amused." Elthas said.

The man before him shook his head. "Elthas. The reason we've summoned you here is because you encountered Nenkulor Shima. We know of your encounter with him, and furthermore, we know what happened between you and Yosef Terrentius. In life, Yosef was one of our devout followers. We know that you carry Yosef's spiritual essence within you." The man stepped closer towards Elthas. "Because of that, is the reason that we have invited you here to join us."

Elthas considered the information he'd just obtained. I consumed Yosef Terrentius. Maybe, that can be an even bigger advantage than I thought? Elthas pondered all that he'd just learned. "You think that you can communicate with Yosef Terrentius through me?"

The man before him shook his head. "No that's not what I'm saying at all." The man continued to talk. "I am saying...you ARE Yosef Terrentius. You just don't know it yet."

Elthas blinked. He didn't feel any different, but he knew that the cultists that followed Nenkulor Shima were master manipulators. They were also skilled liars and there was no way of knowing if the man spoke the truth. Elthas rubbed his chin..."What do you hope to accomplish here?"

The man stood directly in front of Elthas at that point. "We have prepared for a long time for this moment, Son of Belthasar." The man continued. "So this is the reason you have been brought here. You will become Yosef Terrentius for us." The man suddenly said.

"If I refuse?" Elthas asked.

"You don't...you don't really have a choice here." The man said quietly. And it all went south from there.

01-18-17, 03:39 PM
Elthas tensed up at that point.

It was more of an instinctive reaction than anything else. "If you are intending to commune with my enemy, I refuse to help you." Elthas turned away at that moment, but it had already begun. There were several robed Prophets all around Elthas in the chamber, and they had been casting a ritual well in advanced. To Elthas's horror, they cast a ward of some sort that kept him trapped within a circle of glowing light. Elthas reached out with his gnarled hands and the glowing energy zapped him quickly. He was trapped. This can't be! Elthas immediately thought to himself and he saw that the circle he was standing on was small one that limited his full movement range. Further, the wards were presently flowing in the energy of light preventing him from escaping. He could not even travel back to the Antifirmanent, he was trapped in the Firmanent itself. Elthas felt a rage at that point, and drew his daggers attempting to break ward with his power. There was a burst of light and energy, and Elthas had to recede and move away from the warding wall.

The circle on the ground glowed with the symbols of the Prophets, a language that Elthas was not familiar with.

He looked around quickly, the Prophets had all gathered in number.

"You're trapped now, Elthas. We need your cooperation in order to proceed. You might as well submit." The Prophet said calmly. "We have planned for this day since Xu Bellaparte and Yosef Terrentius fell."

Hearing the name of his ancient enemy sparked a memory in Elthas's fractured mind. He saw the last few moments of Xu Bellaparte, and recalled his ally, Philomel, had assisted him in Xu's downfall. Elthas looked at the speaking Prophet staring at him with near insanity in his eyes. His face was shifting rapidly with chaotic emotions. Elthas was keeping himself at a good distance from the walls of the circle, and the energy of the circle itself. The bursts of energy that he caused to happen whenever he interacted with the wall, was a lesson in pain. He sheathed his spectral daggers after a moment or two but refused to give in. The mention of Xu Bellaparte stirred up old hatreds in him. He narrowed his eyes and looked right at the Prophet that was talking.

"You've made a grave error bringing me here." Elthas said calmly, he was terrified, but he was trying to be strong and brave.

"No. Elthas, it is you who have made the error. Did you think you would get away with the deaths of Xu Bellaparte and Yosef Terrentius? Did you think those people were yours to take away from us? I think not. You are going to help us, even if you don't want to." The Prophet signaled to his chanting companions. "The hour is upon us my brothers." He raised his hands, and began to chant loudly in a language that Elthas did not recognize. The symbols that trapped Elthas within that circle of energy began to glow brightly, like a spot light...and sent a rippling wave of power through Elthas's spectral body. "You...will SUBMIT!" The Prophet yelled, and their true attack began...

Elthas blanked out, and lost all sense of consciousness.


When Elthas awoke, he found himself in a familiar void, deep within the farthest reaches of his mind...

He could hear his spectral heart beating in the distance, a constant drum beat. As he awoke he saw a familiar face before. The man wore a white robe, but it had the similar symbols of the Prophets of Apocalypse. Yosef Terrentius looked down at Elthas Belthasar, as he stood up from the moving liquid darkness. There was no sky, no stars, no moon. It was simply a void. Perfect and serene. The Void. Elthas stood up and looked at his enemy. Yosef had a calm expression on his face, and was clapping softly. There were no other memories, or specters in Elthas's immediate sight. He was alone with the insane man. Yosef looked away for a moment, as if staring at something in the distance. Then walked towards Elthas, looking at the Elf carefully. Yosef was now standing directly in front of Elthas.

"Funny that we keep meeting like this." Yosef said carefully. "Please understand, I never hated you." Yosef was speaking, and Elthas had no choice but to listen. "When you left, the old man took steps. You know of whom I speak." Yosef said.

"Xu." Elthas nodded.

"Yes." Yosef shook his head. "He always was a paranoid fuck and never trust your family." Yosef rubbed his chin as he talked. "There are always more parts of the story than you might realize. More sides to the coin, more truths to the events. Some lies, but many more truths that you do not yet understand."

"What do you want from me?" Elthas asked, he was surprisingly calm.

"Now you're getting it." Yosef had an amused expression on his face at that point. "Seth taught you well." Yosef began, speaking as a teacher would speak to a student. And not as an enemy. "Everything in this pathetic excuse for an existence is a Contract. It's all give and take, you take, I take. What's the difference?" Yosef said.

Elthas was familiar with the nature of Contracts. "Go on." Elthas decided it best to play along.

"I became a part of you long before you actually killed me. The old man took steps. But that's not why I brought you out here. I brought you here so we could talk." Yosed said. "I have become strong in your mind, I wasn't ever weak. But I am stronger now. And together...we can defeat the Prophets." He explained.

"Why now...why help me now?" Elthas needed to know, he had to know.

"Because we're the same now. You'll understand in time. But when you consumed me, I became a part of you. It has taken some time, but I now occupy a part of your mind. I am not yet strong enough to act on my own you understand." Yosef paused for a moment, but the continued to talk. "We have a common situation now. We share the same host body. But on your own, you cannot possibly beat them. Their power. The prophets have planned for this day, they think they have gained an ally. But all they have done is to upset and rupture matters. You shouldn't have come here." Yosef said. "I'm surprised that you weren't more careful."

"They threatened to harm people I care about." Elthas explained.

"Oh. Now I understand, that was the weight they held on you." Yosef walked and stood right next to Elthas. "Elthas. I can help you. But you must be willing to relinquish control for the briefest of moments." Yosef explained. "The Prophet's purposes do not coincide with what we want." Yosef explained.

"We...?" Elthas asked.

"Me and you." Yosef said. "Something has become clear to me in my time within your mind. Something that I failed to see back then. We could have been allies at one point and worked together to beat their conspiracy." Yosef put his hand on Elthas's shoulder. "But the matter that has become clear to me now, is that we can beat them now." Yosef tapped the side of his own head. "In my time here we have both grown strong. You have a power that resides deep within you. But I need your permission to harness it." Yosef said.

"Permission? Relinquish control?" But Elthas knew one thing. Yosef meant to help him at that point...they had become a dual entity inhabiting one body. Elthas carefully considered everything he had just learned. "What do I need to do?" Elthas suddenly asked.

Yosef nodded. "Take my hand, Elthas and together we will defeat our enemies."

Elthas conceded, and gave Yosef his hand, they shook hands. But Yosef kept holding his hand.

"Now then. Give. Me. Control."

And Elthas did just that...

01-23-17, 03:56 PM
The prophets channeled dangerous forms of magic with the circle that surrounded Elthas.

The ward symbols were flaring up with incredible energy and lighting up the room. Each of the prophets in the chamber were chanting loudly and in unison with one another attempting to rest control. The wraith's body writhed and twisted against the agony and pain it was feeling. The leader of the prophets used the power at his disposal. Flaring light blazed in the air as a result of the potent energy bursting against the walls of the circle. It was a mind-numbing assault. The prophet was yelling at that point at the top of his lungs in the language Xu Bellaparte had taught him. The Prophet's body glowed with energies, they all glowed. They were in the process of attempting a full containment spell. With the warding symbols locked in place the final parts of the ritual were beginning when something happened.

One of the neophytes noticed it first...

"My lord, something is wrong..." The young prophet said with a notable fear in his voice. The other prophets were slowly noticing it too, but perhaps, it was already too late.

"We have fought our whole lives for this very moment! Continue the rituals!" The leader yelled, he was still in a daze as he yelled that. Chanting the entire time...

The transformation within Elthas happened all at once...

"It's all wrong..." Another neophyte said. He was beginning to doubt the ritual's success...

Powerful energies began to cascade around Elthas. At first, it was a simple dot of energy. But soon, it became rippling tendrils of darkness. Where previously, Elthas was on his knees with agony, he stood up very very slowly.

"I see now." Not Elthas suddenly said. "I can see clearly."

The Prophet saw it far too late. He saw what Elthas had become. His face was in fact, two faces, split in half in completely even harmony. One half of Elthas's face was that of Yosef Torrentius, the very being they were trying to summon. The other half was Elthas's own face. They meshed together in a perfect, horrifying union. As if they had always been together. Not Elthas looked around the room for a moment, even as the pulses of energy from the circle and wall were bombarding him. Not Elthas smiled terribly. His eyes were filled with an insanity that was terrifying to behold. His pupils were dilated, and energy rippled out of his eye balls. A pulse of energy flared out of Not Elthas, and then it began.

Not Elthas spoke. It was many voices all at once, Elthas and Yosef Terrentius at the same time. Elthas's side of that misformed face was crying tears of actual crimson blood. The Yosef Terrentius side was crying tears of black blood. Then, Not Elthas tensed up completely and yelled.

"This world..." Not Elthas said. "...Weak creatures like you are not meant to survive. You are to be food for those like me!" Not Elthas began to float above the floor, a few inches off. Then he acted. The Dark manifested around Not Elthas's arm and formed a weapon. Muscles and tendrils of shadowy energy popped and ripped through the sleeve of the robe he had. Not Elthas grew one gigantic shadowy arm and his fingers became as potent claws laced with spectral magic. Not Elthas screamed with something akin to madness. He floated forward. A small group of the acolytes and neophytes of the prophet yelled in terror. Some fled. Elthas's claws began to slash against the energy wall. At first, there were merely sparks of light. But after several slashes, something happened! Cracks in the wall began to manifest. Not Elthas slashed repeatedly at the walls, and cracks in the spell began to increase in size and diameter. Soon, Not Elthas smashed through the wall that bound him in place, causing him pain and agony. His horribly putrid arm had become a weapon. The circle's potent energies began to swirl into residue as the event happened. Slivers and cracks shattered into the air as the circle of light faded away and the wards were silenced.

Not Elthas looked at the leader of the Prophets.

"You have created me..." Not Elthas said with a small hint of sadness. "In exchange. You will know the suffering that you have given me. You will know pain and agony." Not Elthas promised. "You will die a thousand deaths before it is through." And Not Elthas began to take his vengeance...

02-10-17, 06:52 PM
There was an eerie silence in the chamber.

Torn up bodies were present and the more recent ones were still gasping their final breaths. Torn at the hands of Not Elthas. Not Elthas looked at the final victim he'd torn apart with his massive arm and watched the man die. In one fell moment, Not Elthas had taken a decisive victory away from the Prophets of Apocalypse. The arm began to revert to it's normal state as Not Elthas reverted back into the mind of Elthas. Like a caged beast.

Elthas's eyes returned to normal and he witnessed the destruction his union with Yosef Terrentius had caused...

What have I become... Elthas immediately thought to himself. He noticed a survivor crawling away, attempting to escape his fate. For a moment, Elthas felt sorry for the man. He moved towards him as he crawled slowly. "What do you have to say now...?" Elthas asked.

The man stopped moving and turned to face the killer.

"Haven't you already proven your point...?" The man gasped out. Blood was trickling out of his mouth. "You've already bested us..."

Elthas sincerely pondered what was being said by the Neophyte. It's true I could just let him go...but then he'll just become powerful again someday. He will become a threat to everything I hold dear. Elthas shook his head. "No." Elthas began. "Things are not so simple anymore." Elthas once let the Prophets escape and had paid dearly for that. This time...there will be no escape... Elthas knelt down towards the neophyte. "I do feel sorry for you. But this must be done or your ilk will never leave me alone." Elthas decided to seal the man's fate.

"There will be others after you." The Neophyte said, accepting his fate.

"I will be ready for them." And Elthas snapped the man's neck...


There were bodies all over the room.

Elthas had simply stood there for a few hours not sure of where to go next or what to do.

It had ended with lots of blood, and Elthas had not felt happy about that. He felt sorrow and guilt. If I had not done this...they would have kept coming back...for the rest of time. I had to send a message to their echelons of power. Elthas carefully considered everything that had transpired. His union with Yosef Terrentius, and the emergence of that terrible...thing...within his mind. Elthas could not remember anything that happened when the other self took over. That's what disturbed him the most...he'd caused all those dead. And he could not remember.

Elthas would have burned the temple of the prophets if he was able to.

Someday they will be back and in greater numbers... Elthas thought to himself. He began to move calmly so he could leave the temple.

"Where do you think you are going?" A voice asked of Elthas Belthasar.

"Far from here." Elthas snapped back and turned to look at the owner of the voice.

Without realizing it, Elthas was back in the Antifirmanent. He was looking at the Jester that started it all. "You." Elthas said calmly.

The Jester clapped at Elthas. "You've done well. You defeated the Cultists and defeated the Archons."

"That was a different adventure, how did you know about that?" Elthas asked.

"I am always with you, watching." The Jester said carefully. "You've become quite interesting to me."

"What...do you want?" Elthas asked.

"I want what I've always wanted." The Jester said carefully.

"And what is that...?" Elthas wanted to know.

"You're not safe here and you need to get a move on." The Jester said suddenly.

02-16-17, 12:21 PM
Elthas carefully considered what the Jester was saying.

"How do you know I'm not safe...?" Elthas had to know.

The Jester suddenly pointed behind the him. "Look..." The Jester said carefully.

Elthas turned around. Though they were in the Antifirmanent, Elthas still had to be cautious. He was still standing in the shadowy version of the same chamber he was just in. He didn't notice it before, but there was another ghost standing before him. This ghost, wore a smile on his face.

"I have longed for this moment..." The ghost spoke.

"Who are you...?" Elthas asked.

"Elthas!" The Jester yelled and suddenly grabbed Elthas.

The shifting of reality occurred and the Jester teleported Elthas and himself somewhere else...far away.

As Elthas materialized out of the place he was just in, he saw the ghost fire off an attack spell at him!

Shit!!! Elthas had almost been caught completely off guard.


They were standing in a temple ruin far away. In a different location of the planet.

"Where...are we...?" Elthas asked as his senses returned to normal.

"Far away from Corone." The Jester said calmly. "I brought you here so we could talk. There are things I need to tell you." The Jester explained.

Elthas stood up to his full height and looked at the Jester. "Go on, I'm listening."

"Let us start from the full beginning." And the Jester began explaining to Elthas exactly what had to be explained....

The End

~Spoils Request~

Not Elthas-(Pure Questing Power/Ability) After he fuzed with the enemy; Yosef Terrentius, Elthas unlocked the ability to transform into a horrible form. This form has a the mental locks of Elthas removed and is a combined presence of Elthas and Yosef. The Wraith appears as a half face of Elthas and a half face of Yosef. Further, Elthas's right arm grows into a large spectral weapon. The material composition of this arm is roughly the equivalent of roughly titanium (If I am allowed to get this if not I will settle for Plynt) and can power through lesser metals/etc. Elthas uses the arm in this state as his primary weapona and it has the attributes of his spectral daggers. Further, the state is a temporary berserker mode state. With Elthas's mental locks completely gone for the remainder of the transformation he goes completely rage mode and will hack at anything in his way...friend or foe. Elthas can use this form for about two-three turns per outburst. Since this is a new ability he can only summon this form once per thread for now...later on he can perform it for longer intervals. Once again, this is purely a quest or story mode ability. Can't be used in PVP :) I'm keeping this as fair as possible. :) Anyway that's about it from me thanks in a advance!

02-24-17, 05:18 AM
Judgement Title: Old Gods and New Streets 3 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30860-Solo-Chapter-3-Old-Gods-and-New-Streets-3/page2)
Judgement Type: No Judgement

Elthas_Balthasar (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?15053-Elthas_Belthasar) receives:

1880 EXP
180 GP

No AP cost.
Plus judge's discretion.

Note: Spoils are being dealt with with admin supervision alongside RoG.

02-25-17, 07:59 PM
All rewards have been added!