View Full Version : Recruiting non-LCC participants

03-14-16, 09:11 AM
I've run a few tournament related threads in the past, but this is the first time I've decided to run a tourney-based thread while not participating in the tournament in question. Since a significant percentage of our active players are going to be wrapped up in the LCC, I thought it'd be nice for the rest of us to have a friendly thread to hang together in.

The thread will take place in Lornius at the Corporate Challenge Gambling HQ. Announcers and color commentators will be giving the blow-by-blow of each battle as they receive updates on the Eternal Wiretap. Officials will be collecting wagers and changing the odds as favourites and underdogs jockey for position. Businesses will have booths selling and advertising unique products from across Althanas.

How do you fit in? Any way you want!

I'm not going to make any effort to police this, but I ask that only non-LCC participants join, which includes alts. However, all eliminated competitors are welcome to join in once they are no longer competing. Take a load off, have a drink, and tell the sympathetic ear on the next stool about how you missed that final slash by a hairsbreath, or how the judges are obviously slated in so-and-so's favor.

This will mostly be a casual RP thread, however at some point there will be a heist! Parties unknown will attempt to steal the funds amassed for gambling purposes. Will you make a grab for some cash in the confusion, or help the guards restore order?

I'll post the initial setting which will be the main ballroom of a decrepit palace rented out for the occasion (or something similar). Players will be free to move in/out and around the castle, and add to the setting and cast of NPCs as they see fit.

Basically this is a little unofficial fun for those of us not involved in the tourney, and hopefully this companion thread will encourage us to read along with some of the battles so we can have the announcers say funny things about what's happening.

Post here if you're interested! Questions/suggestions welcome!

03-14-16, 11:08 AM
I am definitely interested in this little thread idea. Likely doing some announcing.

03-14-16, 11:29 AM
YES PLEASE! Seeing as how I'll be judging, this will be an amazing opportunity to throw shade at people, and also to have some fun.

03-14-16, 11:30 AM
I'll be doing something.

03-14-16, 12:30 PM
I am definitely interested in this little thread idea. Likely doing some announcing.

Haven't seen you around in awhile... got an active alt?

Awesome! The cast is filling out already :D

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
03-14-16, 12:38 PM
Excellent idea. As soon as Flames and Chris have done the dirty on me, i'll be right on it.

03-15-16, 06:58 AM
It'll be great to have you drop by... but, I wouldn't count yourself out yet. Attrition is one of the biggest factors in an LCC match, and I'm not sure Flames and Christoph will keep up with you and Optic... especially since I don't know who optic is!

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
03-15-16, 07:44 AM
It'll be great to have you drop by... but, I wouldn't count yourself out yet. Attrition is one of the biggest factors in an LCC match, and I'm not sure Flames and Christoph will keep up with you and Optic... especially since I don't know who optic is!

Optic is Gnarl / Ayithe: my real life best friend.

I appreciate the compliment but I would like to remove any doubt at all from anyone's mind about Ashes to Ashes. They've come prepared, and they're up for it. We'll be taking them very, very seriously.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
03-28-16, 12:33 PM
This still a goer? I'd love to be involved if we don't get through!

03-28-16, 01:48 PM
That's a good question.. I've lost some momentum but there's still plenty of time left. Could be we'll start it off with the second round, who knows.

Les Misérables
03-30-16, 03:16 PM

03-30-16, 05:37 PM
Nevermind that, it's actually here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30931-The-Lornius-Corporate-Convention). I'm writing Phyr as an NPC.

03-31-16, 02:34 PM
Double post!

It hadn't really occurred to me that by putting this thread in Lornius I'd be excluding everyone under level 5... if you're below level 5 and would like to join please post here, if I get 2-3 people I'll move the thread to Corone.

03-31-16, 02:44 PM
Raises hand.

Max Dirks
03-31-16, 05:52 PM
Everyone who's posted here can access as their mains because they are either level 5 or moderators, which grants auto Lornius access.