View Full Version : The New Eiskalt

03-17-16, 03:15 PM
It's about time I upgraded Eiskalt! Ladies and gentlemen, I'm currently working on my little country's wiki and lore again! I'm currently working on new key locations, the government system, bestiary, upgrading history and culture, and factions. I was wondering if anyone interested could provide tips and advice on this. I have a good idea on where I'm going, but I'm always open to others opinions and advice.

Here's a skim over of what's new:

- The Democracy has finally won over the Monarchy and is Eiskalt's official government. New laws and customs are being laid - and there's a new election going about for the nation's first official chancellor. The broken country is suddenly filled with optimism, and the fragments of the country are beginning to recover. The government has issues running around though concerning disease and malnutrition. There are also talks about what to do about any remaining Neanderthals. For four centuries Eiskalt's Neanderthals have been discriminated against and persecuted. There have been talks of giving the Neanderthals a portion of land and finally leaving them alone - although many elder humans who grew up alienating them disagree. It's an ongoing debate.
- Society is moving on from the set up of small settlements devoted to mining. There are currently five major cities on the map, including a booming settlement just around Stahl Gate. The underground city Felstarke is the official capital of the country. Another city, located in lower areas of elevation, Einfrieren, has become very industrious and is a great place for metalworkers, carpenters, and all crafters to form. These cities are generally guarded by some type of wall. Most walls are lower tier and made of wood and common stone. Felstarke, however, has a large, solid stone wall.
- The country has begun opening up to outsiders more in hopes of encouraging trade and forming new alliances. Stahl City, the growing settlement right next door to Stahl Gate, has become a merchant's dream for trade and culture. - However, be warned, Eiskalt's growing military is still wary. In fact, they are more cautious of danger than ever.
- The disease wreaked forests are being explored and mapped by the government, bounty hunters, and government paid explorers. New creatures and twisted regions are rapidly popping up in the once well known coniferous forests. The large region officially dubbed the Great Immergrün Forest, is an ideal place for traveling adventurers and warriors who are looking for danger and excitement - heck, these adventurers are given rewards for completing quests and mapping areas there!
- Eiskalt's government is planning on creating a unique group of warriors as high tier protectors and guardians of the country. Adept and skilled, these warriors would have at least one warrior posted at every city and settlement. Most government actions concerning these warriors, however, are left in the dark. Rumors do say that they will have standard equipment and that a ranking system including sages and apprentices are included.


Also, I have a little essay on Felstarke.

A massive city in the mountains and the current capital of Eiskalt, Felstarke is a vast city. A large portion of the city is next to one of many mountains in the upper elevations of Eiskalt, nearby Stahl Gate. In one of the hardest hit places from Briarheart's plague during the war, the city is bordered by a massive, stone wall. This wall has many lookout towers guarded by archers. Inside the city, streets are filled with traders and even farmers. It is a bustling place of trade and agriculture.

However, this is literally only scratching the surface of the city. A majority of things actually happen INSIDE the mountain. Caverns were drilled into the mountain, and there are currently two levels to the mass areas still being drilled into.

The first level is where majority of homes for citizens are located. Stone houses identical in structure, these two story dwellings serve as surprisingly comfortable hearths for families. Since this level of the cavern is only for homes, and not businesses, it actually is the most sanitary place in Eiskalt! Throughout the level is a large, underground river. The fresh water river is a massive asset to daily life.

The second level is separated into two places. The majority of the level has a surprising purpose - with the temperature warm and the river fresh, soil has been introduced and farming has been birthed. Commom underground foods like potatoes, carrots, peanuts, and mushrooms are currently being grown by the millions, supplying not just Felstarke, but the entire upper region of Eiskalt with enough food to fill hungry stomachs for the first time since before the Eiskalt War. Natural, bottleneck Eiskaltian plants also are abundant providers of unique foods found nowhere else in the world.

The second part of the level is the governmental branches. Large homes and government buildings for the entire Eiskaltian Democratic Government can be found here. Once a third level of the city is dug, there are plans to move the government there, alongside building more homes for the ever growing population.

03-18-16, 05:55 PM
Here's some more stuff I wrote up.


A little explored region of Eiskalt, extremely mountainous. It was (mostly) untouched by Madison Freebird's curse. Unknown to Eiskalt's human populace, it is is one of the few safe refuges of the Neanderthals who have even built a city there.


A newly developed human subspecies of Eiskalt, Rhovanians are mostly similar to the average humans. They do have one or two unique traits though...

Rhovanians have an unusual diversity in eye color pigments. The usual blues, browns, and greens can be found, but the colors of red, orange, pink, and silver are much more common. Rhovanians usually have black, white, or red hair. The tips of most Rhovanians hair are naturally crimson. Blond and brown are rare hair colors. The skin is usually pale.

Rhovanians have distinctive traits that make them different from humans. Rhovanians are immune to diseases of any source. They also have powerful eyesight, having nocturnal vision. They have incredible observational skills linked to their eyesight, able to catch a movement from the corners of their eyes. They also can develop almost unnatural farsight abilities with practice. Rhovanians have sharp fingernails and eyes that are a tad bit larger than the average human.

The Rhovanians may be a distinctive human branch off, but they were brought up the the culture of a human dominated Eiskalt and share many cultural traits. Their technology is at the late medieval period, and they commonly use metallic weapons to fight. As natural of all Eiskaltians, they are skilled in mining ore and crafting. The Rhovanians have been attempting to branch further from humans and are attempting to develop their own artistic and ethical traditions.

The Rhovanians were actually a single group of people in a small village during the Eiskalt War. When Briarheart unleashed a plague on the country, the entire town was affected... in surprising ways.... Genetic mutations flourished and by the end of the country's civil war, the Rhovanians were existent. When they rejoined the rest of their human kin, the Eiskaltians were all disturbed and confused. The Democracy gave the Rhovanians citizenship and human rights, but gave them a separate city to live in apart from their human counterparts. One of five growing cities of the recovering Eiskalt, Rhovania was birthed in the lower elevations of the mountains. The Rhovanians currently are taking advantage of their adept immune systems and are the leading researchers in the nature of the plague that devastated their country.

03-18-16, 08:58 PM
Aaaaaaaand here's some Bestiary!

- Eiskaltian Drave: I hope I'm allowed to use the draves from the wiki... The only differences really are pure white and possibly thicker fur. They are an extremely successful predator and scavenger species, even surpassing the dire wolves.
- Dire Wolf: The primary and dominate wolf species of Eiskalt, these massive wolves thrive in the mountains and hunt in packs. They are major competitors with the draves.
- Megaloceros (Irish Elk): These are the massive variant of deer, compared to the smaller mountain deer. They are widespread, and that's a good thing, because all predators big and small love them!
- Short Faced Bear: Unlike most carnivorous of Eiskalt, these incredibly large bears are pure scavengers and one of the most successful animals in Eiskalt overall since the plague that dramatically changed the entire country during the war.
- Smilodon: One of two "big" wildcats found in Eiskalt, smilodon live in prides and are widespread throughout the entire country. They only seem to be absent in areas where the solitary Eiskalt Tigers set up shop. Smilodons are very successful, right up there with the short faced bears, draves, and cougars.
- Mastodon: Because mammoths are overrated. Thriving in the forests and even lower mountains, mastodons are the most successful herbivores in Eiskalt thanks to their gigantic size that leaves adults out of the menu for most predators. Mastodons are, however, considered a delicacy on Eiskaltian menus.
- Giant ground sloth: Another massive herbivore, giant ground sloths are solitary and widespread creatures of the forest.
- Arctic white fox: Small but tricky, these nimble and agile foxes are widespread, successful predators and scavengers. They even hang around civilization like cats and dogs. Unusual but welcomed behavior from the shy fox, as they do good work with the pests.
- White Cougar: Cougars similar to those found in the Americas. They are usually white furred for camouflage. Unlike the larger smilodons, they are solitary and hunt in rougher terrains and higher mountain elevations. They are not considered "big cats" like the smilodons and tigers. Their smaller sizes and extremely solitary lifestyles have contributed to how much they are flourishing in the wild.
- Eiskaltian Tiger: A massive species of solitary tiger that is rarely seen, as it lives in deep forests. They are actually white, not orange, so they blend in.
- Rocky Flying Squirrels: Grey colored flying squirrels. They have uniquely adapted as cliff side dwellers, not tree dwellers.
- Mountain Deer: A species of nimble, solitary deer, these white furred creatures can be found in the lower elevations of the mountains. It's a good thing they are common and breed rapidly, because they seem to be the favorite meals of smaller predators like cougars and dire wolves.
- Bloodbirds: Monstrous ground birds even larger than the cassowary, bloodbirds are muscular, ugly, and seem outright evil. With feathers ranging in colors from white to cyan, massive beaks rumored to be strong as steel, and blood red eyes, bloodbirds are predatory monsters capable of bullying even other large predators - that are all mammals. Bloodbirds are nightmare evoking.
- Kitty kits: Marsupials the size of - and physically similar to - the common house cat, kitty kits live in herds and hang around the forests and even civilized areas. While, like dogs and cats, they have proven to be good at bringing down pest populations, kitty kits themselves have become a bit like pests themselves. Kitty kits are white with black stripes on their lower backs. They have large, bulky tails made for jumping more than balancing.
- Madison Bear: A branch off of the now almost extinct silver bear, these descendents of of the once common omnivorous bears have kept their silver color - but are more muscular, have a green tint to the tips of their fur, and have developed immunity to the acid sickness that has polluted the once healthy streams of the mountains. They even have turned the plague to their advantage... these grizzly sized bears have developed venom glands in their teeth and are officially venomous. The new branch off of the silvers have been dryly named after the person who caused the plague in the first place: Madison Briarheart.
- Treejumper cat: These wild felines are tiny... and adorable. Credited as the "cutest animal of Eiskalt," the treejumpers lead rather interesting life styles. Agile and swift, these long tailed, brown and white fluffballs live in prides like smilodon. It's not because they need help hunting, they are extraordinary hunters together or separate... they need help defending themselves from their predators. Bloodbirds and bears commonly seem to look at them like yummy, cute little chicken nuggets. These cats have taken to pride life to watch each others midget, cute backs. Treejumpers further more live in trees. They sleep and even hunt up there, their diet consisting of birds and tree dwelling rodents as well as bugs. Treejumpers are phenomenal leapers with incredible balance, as well as extra long and powerful claws, so they thrive up in the trees - away from the massive, flightless bloodbirds. If you ever do want to reach out and pet a cute, fluffy treejumper though, be warned. You may have not just one cute, fluffy treejumper maiming you... you may have an entire pride of cute, fluffy treejumpers maiming you. Not so cute anymore?

04-01-16, 02:15 PM
At a Glance... Wrote this for organizational reasons.

Welcome to Eiskalt, a snowy, mountainous island neighboring Salvar. A relatively small and young country, it is surprisingly developed. The typography consists of mountains and rocky terrain, most of it covered in thick, coniferous forest. The frigid nation is poor and in poverty, thanks to the Great Eiskalt War, which was immediately followed by a civil war. Currently, the nation is all united under a new government, the Democracy, which has already been making tremendous and positive changes to the laws of old nobility. Eiskalt is in a new age.

However, poverty still reigns outside the new cities, especially in the Stahl region and outer valley of Eiskalt. There are many issues causing political unrest as the first election in the country's history transpires. The equal rights of the Neanderthal race, the Plague, trade and outside communications, amongst other things are harshly debated. Meanwhile, the government has been attempting to find out more about the unexplored wild... and so far has found alarming discoveries - new animals and monsters, magic, new mines and resources, and many more odd and exciting opportunities.

Travelers may find a lot of adventure in a country of crafting, battle, mining, and more. Eiskalt still holds several mysteries, and the country itself is dramatically changing rapidly.

Things to remember when role-playing in Eiskalt:
- Eiskalt is a Recovering Nation: The last two decades alone has morphed and changed Eiskalt more than the previous four hundred years. The constant changes in government and rulers though, was only the first stage. The massive blows came in the forms of the Eiskalt War (referred to as the "Great Eiskalt War" within the country itself) which crippled the country, releasing a colossal plague and leaving the valley in ruins. As if this war was not bad enough though, a civil war almost immediately followed to decide where the almost dead country would go politically. At last, a democracy won over the nation and yet another political reform is taking place - much more successful and positively accepted than the others before it. Eiskalt is finally starting to recover from the nightmare of war and chaos - and already is seeing rapid development.
- Eiskalt is a Young Country: Compared to other countries that are older than time, Eiskalt is still an infant. The country is currently only about four hundred years old. Being a junior country - and a recently crushed country - Eiskalt has only just become a household name for the war with Alerar and is generally looked down upon.
- Eiskalt Still Holds Many Mysteries: Eiskalt is home to still unexplored mountains, vicious wilderness, and cradles of magic. Eiskalt's plague has, furthermore, brought new changes to nature, especially in lower elevations and the valley. The archaic Neanderthals to this day practice sorcery and alchemy, and magical hotspots even rumored to be linked to the Tap has been recorded. This region holds a lot of magical wonder despite the human populas itself having never explored magic.

- A New Age: A new government, a transforming culture, and changes in nature's ways all are signals that the era of noble families, third world villages, and valley dwellings is over. The newly united nation is moving on to greater horizons. More massive settlements are being made in the mountains, there is an upcoming election for the new chancellor, the exploration and research on the relentless wilderness carries on with excitement, and the recent warming up on age old issues such as outsiders and even the Neanderthal race is promising. Eiskalt is drastically changing, and that's not a bad thing. It's a great thing.
- Economic Development: More than ever, its mining of unique metals and various areas of crafting are boosting the once lowly nation's economy. Trade, crafting, and even technology and science are giving the entire population sudden job options that are increasingly keeping optimism and long lost dignity on a rise. The people - and the budgets - are coming back to life.
- Violence is Common: Even if Eiskalt is making a comeback economically and ethnically, battle and gore is still common. More and more, hopeless and furious Eiskaltians turn to crime as a way to handle their problems, and lives still pay for it. If skirmishes and thug life aren't splotching the white ground red, the forces of nature are. Wildlife, including mega fauna predators and mutated life from the plague; alongside the natural disasters like blizzards and earthquakes, all have accounted for injuries and death in the already crippled county.

- Stahl: The only way to even get into Eiskalt aside the hazardous passages of the mountains is Stahl Gate. Stahl Gate itself was destroyed during the Eiskalt War. However, the study walls and proud gates are once again being rebuilt. Good progress has been made, and the wall is starting to take form. Meanwhile, just on the other side of the gate, workers and businessmen have settled into the new Stahl City. Stahl City already is becoming even larger than the country's own capital, and it's a massive economic success for crafters and merchants.
- Felstarke: The new capital of Eiskalt, Felstarke is embedded into the side of one of its country's many mountain ranges. In fact, most of the city is in the mountain - Felstarke is underground.
- The Great Immergrün Forest: A majority of the inward landscape away from the humongous mountains are dense coniferous forests. This massive stretch of forest has been dubbed the "Great Immergrün." The lower elevated region of Immergrün, close to the valley, was heavily hit by a horrific plague during the Eiskalt War, and even the animals and plants are mutating rapidly to adjust. This has given rise to rumors of terrifying monsters.
- Verbotenfels: A little explored mountain, described as the largest in Eiskalt, Verbotenfels is a dangerous, steep mountain with many dark predators and aggressively defensive prey living within the slopes and ridges. Most of Verbotenfels is unexplored - by humans. The archaic human relatives, Neanderthals have survived and made themselves at home within the heart of the mountain. It's almost completely unaffected by the Plague.
- the Valley: This super valley used to be the most successful region of Eiskalt, but now... it's a toxic wasteland. The most brutally hit region of Althanas from Madison Briarheart's plague, this valley hosts the ruins of the two cities Tyranta and Unum, a green lake choked of most aquatic life, the eerie remains of farmland once prosperous, and many untold, mysterious, and dangerous creatures. This mass graveyard is tough terrain for even experienced adventurers.
- Einfrieren: A city located on the side of a small mountain, bridged across several plateaus and cliffside roads, Einfrieren is a bit smaller than Felstarke and Stahl, but it probably has the best scenery! Surrounded by thick, coniferous forest from every side, the city only has a protective wall at the foot of the mountain. The city has grown rapidly, thanks to its natural resources drawing massive work and developing new, paying jobs.
- Rhovania: Another great city like Felstarke and Stahl, Rhovania is the industrious home of a human sub-species branched from "normal" Eiskaltians thanks to the plague. This city is, like Felstarke, being drilled underground.

- the Skia Warriors: Only a rumored faction, core to the government, these are the supposed protectors and warriors of Eiskalt. These elite warriors have little known information about them, but rumor has it that they have a mentor and apprentice system and use the same signature weapons. They could be spotted by wearing a cloak with the Skia symbol on it... whatever that symbol is.
- the Crafter's Guild: A massive guild formed in Stahl, this mass organization is dedicated to organizing and distributing currency and goods, as well as improving the crafting skills of individuals. Once again, there are one or two supposed rumors, including the possibility that the government would like to gain control of the independent guild.
- the E.L.A. - Eiskaltian Legal Agency: The top dogs in snuffing crime and violence, the E.L.A. are the crime detectives and justice bringers of Eiskalt. They are not fighters, but are excellent detectives and crime solvers. Once again, rumors run around concerning them. Apparently, they have asked Skia Warriors for assistance with arresting dangerous foes.

04-09-16, 08:51 PM

I have a lot done concerning geography, culture, politics, and wildlife/ nature, but I've been looking into the geography, history, and all things magic and Althanas-wide lore. Bard suggested that Eiskalt was tectonically(?) cut off from Salvar. Looking at the map recently provided of Althanas, I can actually see where the two regions could fit together like puzzle pieces. However, concerning the differences between the two regions both in culture and landscape, I still question.

- Salvar is well known to be anti-magic. However, Eiskalt is naturally a massive magic well, according to my plans, and has strong infinity with it. So basically, even though the people of Eiskalt have only drabbled in magic here and there throughout history, there is currently a large, untapped potential. I'm pretty sure that Salvar and Eiskalt split geographically before the anti-magic movement in Salvar's civilization, but Salvar doesn't appear to have the same magical qualities as Eiskalt - let alone having a populace okay with it.
- The bottleneck effect has allowed the unique development of animals and monsters throughout history, I already made a list of beasts in Eiskalt, do they bear any small resemblances to Salvar, since Eiskalt was once connected to it?
- As far as I know, Neanderthals were never recorded in Salvar. However, Neanderthals not only are native to Eiskalt, but actually developed there long before humans migrated by boat. Unless I'm missing something, Neanderthals are solely in Eiskalt, and it was not Salvarian adaptation, as Neanderthals are genetically different from them (us.) Why were/ are Neanderthals in Eiskalt, but not Salvar?

I also have questions about Eiskalt overall, and once again would appreciate any help developing the answers.

- What kind of magic is in Eiskalt? What's the physics and science behind it? I know most geography related magic is deep within the mountains, but what's the nature of the magic itself? Neanderthals are skilled magicians, and frequently have always used magic in their culture to make medicines and other potions (I first wrote this in my thread "On the Concept of Hatred,") but how did they learn and harness these powers? The Tabor and Icebreaker families can be traced to just the beginning of human settlement there, suggesting they discovered or obtained their genetic abilities there.
- While Neanderthals are a nomadic, tribal, and quite intelligent race that originated in Eiskalt, humans actually migrated there around four hundred years ago. They took control of the land and developed it into a civilized country called "Eiskalt." Eiskaltian human eye colors vary, but these slim people commonly have dark hair and pale skin. Tan skin and brown hair is less common, but in one or two distinct groups, which once included the just about extinct Tabor family, it's a thing. Where did these humans migrate from? Salvar? Corone? Kebiras? These people have medieval technology, so it can't be a tribal human branch.
- Eiskalt is a goldmine of minerals and ore. What happened to make it such a small but plentiful hot spot even after four hundred years of non stop mining?

06-13-17, 12:18 PM
Gonna keep working on this.

06-17-17, 03:22 PM
Are any moderators willing to help write history and proof-read/edit the wiki with me? I only have history left. The natural resources, plantlife especially, could be tweaked too.

Everything else is done.