View Full Version : gift collecting with a dragon

03-30-16, 04:27 AM
Hi there person reading this!

So here's the deal, I have a multi-part plan to get my dragon character, Romis, healed of the issue that prevents him from transforming. He used to be able to transform between dragon and human form until an incident a good many years ago. Now he seeks to fix that issue.

Here's where you can come in. I'm looking for people to travel with him as he collects three gifts: air, water, and earth.

While I'm not a speedy poster, I would really prefer that whomever joins up be able to post at least once a week. I don't want this to take forever. I'm not certain right this moment if each gift will be its own thread or not, but that's totally a possibility.

You are welcome to join for all or part of the gift gathering, so long as entrance/exit isn't jarring to the rest of the story.

A special note, while I'm not overly concerned about how these score (for myriad of reasons), I am going to expect everyone to thoroughly proofread their posts. I will be proofreading everyone's posts as we go along (though I will stick mostly to mechanics/spelling and the like) and will PM you if I see something that should be fixed. YOU ARE WELCOME TO DO THE SAME FOR ME, but you don't have to.

How this gets judged will be a group decision when we get that far.

We will be starting in Corone.

Shifters Shadow
03-30-16, 07:52 AM
What is your dragon character? Can you link the profile so I can see?

Where exactly do you expect to retrieve these items from? My character is rather selfish, so wondering what he'll see as incentive to go along story wise.

03-30-16, 04:08 PM
character is Romis Heartsblood (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?8067-Romis-Heartsblood&highlight=heartsblood)

each item is in a different part of Althanas. Romis does not know exactly where or even what he's looking for. That is going to part of the quest: figuring out what the heck he's supposed to be getting

the gift of water is likely going to be some beautiful fish, earth a flower, and air a bird/butterfly/something that flies and is beautiful

Shifters Shadow
03-31-16, 08:43 AM
Hmmm...I dunno maybe 'm just not nice enough to be part of this one. Maybe if others join, so I have more to play off.

03-31-16, 08:56 AM
Sure, I'd be happy to locate at least one of the gifts with you. We can use Ray, an adventurous tech geek, or Jo, a capable knight in training with some healing abilities.

03-31-16, 01:52 PM
I'm certain that Luna would enjoy this! A gypsy-like kitsune couldn't possibly have any ulterior motives for helping someone out, right...?

04-07-16, 06:56 PM
Sorry for the long delay guys, I've been working on the opening post along with some other RL projects (namely, making a dress for a friend, and organizing a wedding reception for another).

We will be starting in Underwood with the Gift of Water. Presently, I'm thinking that might be found in Akashima. I'm open to suggestions of places and/or Gift. I was thinking the Gift might be living, but I'm open to suggestion on that as well. Keep in mind, that from the IC view, all Romis and his friend, Stella, know is that it has to represent water.

I will hopefully have the post up fairly soon. And I'm not picky about which characters join. I'm going to label this as being sorta-kinda open, with a PM.

04-08-16, 03:15 AM
I'll post in about 10 hours or so, or at least try to. Sleepy time now.

EDIT: posted, sorry for the delay.