View Full Version : It'll be a cold day in Salvar...

04-03-16, 03:19 PM
Alright, I need one or two of you guys to join Krugor on a Salvic adventure!

The Church of the Ethereal Sway sends missionaries to a small Skavian community in order to convert them and provide them with a little aid, including food and building shelter from the harsh environment.
Obviously the locals aren't too thrilled with this and Krugor, who joined the mission as a chef, faces some scrutiny from the Skavians to say the least.

When a raiding band of Orcs comes across the settlement we have to put up a fight and join the barbarians/the Church in order to defeat the bastards. However, as a magic user, Krugor (and maybe YOU) gain the full attention of the Church after the fight, who quickly set up a small tribunal where we face their judgement. After that the story progresses into a battle against the Church or an attempt to flee into the frigid lands of Skavia. We'll see how that goes when we get there!

It doesn't really matter if your character is a magic user or not or why he/she is in Skavia, the only thing I ask of you is that you're able to see this thread through till the end, since this will setup some major plot points for Krugor's story later on.
I'm also thinking at least weekly posts from participants, to keep the momentum of the story going.

If this sounds like something you would like to flesh out and work on with me, just drop a reply!

04-03-16, 07:35 PM
I should be able to join you, if you're alright with a kitsune who doesn't believe in gods or goddesses joining you. That said, I'm not entirely sure when I'll be deploying (It'll be twice) but I'll give you a head's up a couple days beforehand and/or try to write myself out temporarily when it happens.

04-05-16, 11:40 AM
Sure, that'll be fine! Thanks for joining. I'll get started on the opening post and we'll work on it from there :)

If anybody else wants to join, there's still room for more!

Les Misérables
04-05-16, 12:21 PM
I might like to give it a shot... especially if Phyr can act as the mages' counsel during the tribunal.

EDIT: Yikes, all of my threads have become active in one day... I should probably withdraw from this.

04-10-16, 12:39 PM
EDIT: Yikes, all of my threads have become active in one day... I should probably withdraw from this.
I understand, no problem. You're more than welcome to join if you do find the time.

@Arsoluna, the thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30960-The-Council-of-Blood)is up!

Still open to one more if anybody wants to join!