View Full Version : Taking a Break

04-09-16, 11:30 PM
Hi guys.

For a variety of reasons, I am not mentally capable of being on this website at this time, so I'm stepping away for a while. I might need a week, I might need a month, I might be longer. If I had to give an estimate as to when I think I'll be back, I'd put it at mid-May, but you never know. Maybe I'll be able to return sooner, or I might need even more time.

Storm, I'm really sorry for vanishing on you like this. Good luck with the LCC to you and Rayse, and Echo of the Enemy will be my first priority upon my return.

Casimir and Redford, if you'd like to move A Knight's Tale on in my absence, please write Illara out. I will not be offended. Either way, I offer my apologies for holding up the thread this long.

I think all my other threads are either dead or in a-fib, but if my disappearance is inconveniencing anyone else, I'm sorry. Post a reminder about our thread here somewhere, and I'll look into it when I get back.

This disappearance applies to the Karuka, Taische, The Mongrel, Alydia Ettermire, and Siegfried accounts.

If you have my contact information outside of Althanas and want to talk (or you have questions on grammar or punctuation), please feel free to drop me a line.

I think that's all. So, I'll see you around.

04-10-16, 03:22 AM
Enjoy your time away. You'll be missed.

Gnarl & Root
04-10-16, 06:26 AM
Come back soon :(

04-10-16, 09:00 AM
Have fun Karu. Hope you get to clear your head. You'are a big inspiration for me so I can't wait for you and your band of characters to return. o(^^o)o(^^o)*(o^^)o*(o^^)o

04-10-16, 09:38 AM
You will be missed, and I agree with Ioder's statement completely.

Storm Veritas
04-10-16, 11:28 AM
Like I'm going to let you escape for long. ;)

04-10-16, 12:43 PM
Breaks are fun.

Do pop in chat from time to time, though. NiƱos like me need their e-madres.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
04-10-16, 04:14 PM
Take care. I hope you're refreshed soon.

Artifex Felicis
04-11-16, 08:16 AM
Be Safe, and clear your head! Sometimes you just need some time alone!

Skie and Avery
04-12-16, 01:54 PM

04-12-16, 01:57 PM
Take care. Althanas will always be here for when you're ready to come back.

05-17-16, 09:07 PM
Hi everyone. I'm back from vacation and all but settled into my new place, so I might be about ready to make a little bit of a comeback.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
05-18-16, 01:17 AM
Welcome back! Hope everything is settled now.

Flames of Hyperion
05-18-16, 02:07 AM
Welcome back - as Shin said, hope everything went well!

Storm Veritas
05-18-16, 04:36 AM

Good news!

05-18-16, 05:12 AM
Wb <3

05-18-16, 05:59 AM

Chat is lonely in the morning without you :(

Gnarl & Root
05-18-16, 07:34 AM
Welcome back Karu :) We all missed you.

05-19-16, 10:09 AM
Welcome back.