View Full Version : 2016 April Vignette

04-14-16, 10:17 AM
Your character becomes the target of a Fae pranksters latest mischief, how do they respond/ resolve the issue?
Final date for submission is May 14.

05-02-16, 03:34 PM
Puck is his name, mischief is his game.

Known by many other names - Robin Goodfellow, the Sprite, Loki, Ate - he sprightly skips around the forests and woods, bringing play and roguery in his wake. He takes the form of what you deem him to be, but many see him as a hoofed and horned being, goatlike, satircal, nature-loving. He plays the pipes, lulling his victims into a false sense of security and replaces their heads with those of donkeys, or plants them into the ground like trees. He sews their shadows into clouds, and makes queens fall in love with paupers.

Curiousity led him to the pond by the copse, where the faun knelt and drank. Upon first sight of her, with hooves and horns like his usual self, Puck the Trickster became excited. His eyes widened with joy, upon his face blossomed a grin, and his hooves he knocked together in a joyful leap. With no weapon in hand he danced his way to the edge of the trees, and ducked behind an oak trunk when she heard the noise.

Turning, she scoured the foliage with frowning eyes. A tilt of the head showed that she was not fond of this game, and perhaps even inquisitive herself. Purple hair had she, clumped together in a lumpy plait down her back, and great black horns sprouted from her brow, far darker than the jolly Puck's golden ones. She had a sword, not pipes, and reached for them in suspicion whilst she continued to look for the source of the noise - the source of his clippity-cloppity hooves.

Puck leapt into the air again, clapping those feet together. The sound made her stand, and he giggled as he spied her. He danced, merrily, disappearing in a flurry of flowers from behind that tree to right behind her. Merry - he was there, and he stood mirroring her steps as she started angrily towards the tree he had previously been. So much rage had she, so much irritation. Yet happy he remained. She marched and he mockingly followed; left hoof after left hoof, right after right, on and on and in synchoronisation so their sounds became one and the same.

She got the to the tree, and again he leapt. Clack!

Swiftly the faun turned, but Puck, the Fae god was gone once more. Only lilies fell the to the floor. Ire and fire came to her eyes, boiling muchly and greatly. More did he laugh, far more audible this time and swiftly she began to turn, the sounds echoing around her.

Ha, ha, ha! Clack! Clack - clack!

Twisting in tight circles she flailed out with her sword in crazed arcs, losing all patience. Around her he played the trick of the vanishing mischief-maker, so that blossoms began to rain down like a constant wave. Soon the ground was filled with pink and white petals as he began to blow on his pipes.

Toot. Ha, ha, ha! Clack!

Toot. Ha, ha, ha! CLACK!

"SHOW YOURSELF!" she screamed.

And he knocked over the back of her head. Down, down she fell down, seemingly dead as he danced around her body.

Clack, went his hooves. "Ha, ha!" went he. Round and round the faun he went, laughing merrily.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
05-19-16, 03:47 AM
Due to the lack of entries, Philomel wins by default!

Philomel receives 900 EXP , 200 GP and 2 AP.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
05-19-16, 03:57 AM
All EXP, GP and AP have been added!