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05-16-16, 04:44 PM
So... Hi! :D I am quite evidently new. You can call me a lot of things, but I guess Lincoln works. I've been roleplaying for like, 2 years now, and I've stumbled upon a magical paradise where I think I can improve quite a bit. I'm an angsty teenage girl with a serious case of rp addiction, who loves to write, loves cake, food in general and music. Yup! ^-^

05-16-16, 04:54 PM
Welcome, Devyn! So glad to have you here. As a fellow cake lover, I think you and I are going to get along just fine.

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

Storm Veritas
05-16-16, 04:54 PM
Welcome! Things are mighty quiet around here and I am always happy to welcome a new face! Let me know if I can help.

05-16-16, 05:02 PM
Thanks for the welcome! If I have questions I'll ask, and yes, fellow cake lovers need to stick together. :)

Gnarl & Root
05-16-16, 05:35 PM
Welcome to Althanas :)

05-16-16, 05:44 PM
Thanks! :)

05-16-16, 05:57 PM
Hello and welcome!

Just a real quick heads up on your profile, (I used to admin, and old habits die hard) I saw that you wanted to start off with twin iron pistols. I'm not sure if it is expressly stated (I will have to refresh myself) but a character cannot start out with firearms. You are more than welcome to purchase them after you've accrued some gold, but they are quite pricey.

That being said, you may (or may not) want to adjust your abilities. If you'd like to keep the abilities as is, you can and they'll apply once you get your hands on some firearms.

If you'd like more help, feel free to contact a red name or a Cards of Fate. Cards is our resident operations hero, he's usually the fastest to respond.

05-16-16, 06:39 PM
Oh, geez, I didn't know that! Yeah, I'll adjust my profile now, then, and I guess adjust my abilities as well. Thanks for the heads up and the welcome! :)

Cards of Fate
05-16-16, 07:26 PM

I went ahead and left some feedback on your profile for you! I should have read this thread first and answered one of my own questions, but such is life!

If you want someone to write with I'm coming back from a weird sorta writing slump, so Im all hands on deck to write!

05-16-16, 07:29 PM
Hey! Yeah, I guess this answers the gun thing... I'll just edit that out, I guess, and then specify + edit the other things that you asked in my profile. And yeah, once I'm accepted, writing with you sounds great! :D

05-16-16, 08:20 PM

If ever you need somebody to write with, John is usually available, even more so now that I don't have to worry about school. I like crafting a good story, cooperative or competitive. Welcome to Althanas, I hope you have as much fun as I have had

05-16-16, 08:32 PM
Hi, and thanks! I hope so too, and maybe once my character's approved, we can write together. :)

05-16-16, 09:47 PM
Good taste in music? Check.
Desire to better oneself? Check.

I'd say you'll fit in nicely. Welcome aboard.

05-16-16, 10:08 PM
Hi there, I play Captain Cain Jodin captain of the Peregrine and privateer for the Republic of Corone. Should you like a swashbuckling tale let me know :)

05-17-16, 05:40 AM
Hey, and thanks for the welcome! :D

05-17-16, 06:29 AM
Welcome to the club!

05-17-16, 06:41 AM
Thanks! It's nice to meet you all. :)

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
05-17-16, 06:52 AM

05-17-16, 06:53 AM
Thank you!

05-17-16, 07:52 AM
Welcome to Althanas. The home of anything and everything. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Joke: When you have the chance to get bigger, take it. Because cake is good.

Ayithe Solete
05-17-16, 07:57 AM
Welcome to Althanas! Hope you enjoy your stay :) Come on Althanas chat to say hi!

05-17-16, 08:06 AM
Thanks for the welcome! :) Hah. I laughed at that. XD

05-17-16, 01:49 PM
Hello Lincoln! Welcome to the site!

05-17-16, 02:29 PM
Hi, and thanks for the welcome! :D