View Full Version : Your birth right! [Private]

06-04-16, 03:34 AM
Such a place no Man would wish to go, willingly at least. Beholders, Dark Elves, Illithids, Demons and the rest of the stereotypical "evil" beings. It was all relative and opinionated really. The Underdark was very diverse place ruled by the Elder Brain. The closest thing to a god the Illithids and higher Ulitharid nobles had. Imagine a mass collective of knowledge with a arsenal of Psiconic power. I would be here forever trying to explain some of the rumors about the Elder Brain. One thing was certain though, The Underdark was shielded by this said Brain.

And I was scheduled to meet "him" soon.

Ophion Themis
06-04-16, 08:34 PM
Sitting in his carriage as it rolled across the countryside Vilic the merchant looked up at the sun beating down upon his bald head. He had crossed long and far, chased so many legends to reach the point he was at now. Vilic was on the verge of becoming rich. In his lap sat an open chest with a velvet interior. Sitting upon padding in it was a heart... Not some animal heart, but a still beating human heart with a dagger through the center of it. "Whoo wee, can't believe it was real this entire time." Vilic said a smile crossing his elderly face. Vilic was a human male approaching his late eighties and oh how it showed. His tanned skin was covered in wrinkles and age marks, while his forehead had multiple crow’s feet. "So long I searched..." Vilic had attained the rumored heart during his time at a merchants auction over twenty years ago, everyone and their mother in the Outlands had heard about the rumored Pavrus heart. A heart blessed by the magic of a Fae and if one were able to find the owner they’d have one to grant their wishes… At least that was the legend Vilic had heard.

Twenty years of chasing leads, twenty years of spending gold and reading up on Fae history Vilic had been able to find the last recorded residence of the Pavrus family centuries ago. However, Vilic had grown to old, even now his breathing was labored, he had tired of this chase and no longer cared for the heart, instead he had made a deal through a broker about meeting at the Pavrus estate to sell the chest and heart. All Vilic wanted in return was to see if the legends had truly been true while earning himself gold along the way in case it had all been a lie.

The Pavrus estate had fallen into disrepair centuries before, some said that the Fae family that inhabited the castle simply left and others say that the land was cursed. Vilic didn’t know the truth and knew so little about magic that he wouldn’t have a clue where to start. Frail arm raised he blocked the sunlight from his eyes and looked down a hill at the slowly crumbling castle. Time had not been kind to it and the ceiling was partially collapsed. Even from a distance moss could be seen clinging to the walls. The grass was still well maintained and the entrance to the castle remained sealed. Up ahead at the front of the cart the two horses neighed loudly obviously uncomfortable and ready to leave. “Steady… Steady.” grabbing the reins and keeping them in check. Now that his attention had been brought from the castle Vilic noticed the chest vibrating and could almost hear the thudding of the heart within. “So it was true…” Vilic said taking a second guess on what he should do. Sitting before him was a chance at power, riches, fame… Or was it just an elaborate ruse? “No I’ll go with the sure thing.” He assured himself.

06-05-16, 01:37 AM
Escorted by other Ulitharid Nobles I examined a large gate guarded by two large Illithid warriors. Respectfully I nodded to them and with a deep bow to the Ulitharid group they opened the gate and pointed down the cave. Their thoughts melding together with the source of all their knowledge. Only Illithids could enter the cave but only the Nobles could visit with the Elder Brain.

I cant explain how I know all this information, But all would be explained accordingly. Treading down the path I took note of all the dominated thralls the caves held. My eyes glared at their heads as my stomach growled. I hadn't "feed" since I woke up that day. If I were to continue I would want a full belly and clear mind. Stopping in my tracks the tentacles on my face flailed as I shouted.

" Halt! You there come to me!" I commanded a thrall to stand front before me. The other nobles tilted their head with a smile. They could see my flaw of flesh and blood. They were not any better than me but still they acted higher. It was in their nature as it was in my own as Noble. Engulfing the thrall and raising him to my hidden mouth. Tentacles fell descended to the thrall helping to keep him afloat. Soon their was a loud pop and blood leaked from the humanoids skull.

With his skull broken from the penetration of my sharp beak, My leech like tongue was free to instinctively do what it did. Feeding brought me pure ecstasy, something that I dont feel often. Memories began to flash in my cognitive mind as I finished up. Random memories of a past life, One i could not fully understand. Cut short from my wonderful feeling another cocky noble stepped forward showing much dissatisfaction from my rude manners. His name was Narl.

" Compose yourself and act accordingly! " Narl scolded aggressively as he pointed a tentacle in my face. My brow fell and my temper spiked. Narl could see all the signs of a incoming attack which was to be expected. Both our minds clashed in a psiconic battle within the deep inner mental. Their were no physical manifestations only a daring glare at each other. Occasionally one of us would shift position. The small conflict was ended when a strong foreign force repelled us both.

A loud voice growled a single command " Enough. "

Ophion Themis
06-05-16, 02:41 AM
Up above a full moon filled the sky lightning the lands and beneath it under a tree sat two beings. These two were Ophion and the woman he truly loved… Celeste. Both lay upon a thick quilt protecting themselves from the ground and cool breeze. Right arm wrapped around Celeste’s shoulders with her head buried in the neck of Ophion’s neck they did not move. Nor did either of them want to. Sweat was upon both their brows and a look of satisfaction upon their faces. Both their chests rose and fell from the exhaustion of what they had just done. No words needed to be spoken during this time, just the time spent holding each other said it all. Both their grips were tight on one another. “That was… Magnificent.” Ophion said slightly out of breath.

“I’d say. I didn’t imagine it would be anything like that.” Celeste said slowly shifting her body closer to Ophion. Now she rested atop him, her voluptuous chest pressed against his well-defined one. They fit together like a puzzle piece, leaning down their foreheads touched. “Promise me that you’ll always be mines.” Celeste said her green eyes not rising to meet Ophions, but instead focused on his lips. Her own full lips slightly parted a gasp escaping them as Ophion’s arms wrapped around her waists pulling her closer to him.

“You have been the only one I’ve ever loved… Since the day we first met you have been the apple of my eye.” Ophion said brushing a strand of black hair from Celeste’s face before moving to lightly cup it. “By the gods you’ve always been the most beautiful woman, even when compared to the Fae.”

Pressing a hand to Ophion’s chest Celeste stopped him from saying more. “More so than even Ivris?”

“What do you mean? Of course more so than Ivris, I am here with you.”

“It’s not you I’m worried about its….”

“It’s what?” Sitting up but keeping his hands on Celeste’s waist he looked up into those green eyes. Those glowing gems that seemed to drag him into a whole new world. One that he wanted to be a part of.

Worrying her bottom lip Celeste looked down and to the left not meeting Ophion’s eyes. About to speak again Ophion found himself being cut off as his lips met Celeste’s. With no warning Celeste’s tongue began to battle his own for dominance for a few seconds before Ophion broke the kiss not letting the passion distract him. “No tell me what is wrong?”

“It’s nothing… I was worrying about nothing. You are forever mines and I yours.” Celeste said rubbing a hand through Ophion’s black hair.

06-05-16, 03:19 AM
The Elder brain. That was the first time I had felt such a collective presence. Glancing back at the rest of the Group of Nobles I tilted my head as a eerie blur glow filled the next room. The sound of flowing water came to ear and a low mist rested by the entity known as the Elder brain. Such a rumored entity and as I stared at the mass brain tissue I could only ponder.

" You have been summoned to be informed. There are no words. Only something to show." The Elder brain said telepathically. With a twitch of its body a invisible wave pulsed toward us, it opened our minds. What are the Illithid? Where did they come from? What are their goals? Who is their god? All these questions were answered and more. The Elder brain was more than a massive chunk of flesh, It was a collective source. A living library! At the end of an Illithids life their brain was taken out and added to the Elder brain. This explained the Elders psiconic power and godlike knowledge. Amazing!

Instantly my thought grew inward with a dark wonder. What would happen if I consumed it? No doubt a stomach ache could occur but still the possibility of that much knowledge limited to a single being. The other group of Nobles remained idle absorbing the flow of more information that came in pulses of energy, It was like reading a book with seconds.

- " Interesting..."- I said within my mind as I backed away. I knew I was the odd one out on this one. To reject such knowledge would be insane if most had the option to accept, But a concern began to rise. It came to me like a splinter in my eye. If the Elder Brain was this strong with mind control, then what would stop it from enforcing its will apon everything in the underdark? It was considered a tradition of sorts to merge ones mind with the Elder Brain. Why?!

Taking a bow to the Elder Brain I dismissed myself. This cave I had to leave.

Ophion Themis
06-05-16, 03:44 AM
The scene shifts and sitting at the head table along with the queen he served a young Ophion looked over to Ivris. Across from him sat Celeste who had not yet touched the food sat before her. The entire table was spread with dozens of different meats and delicacies from across the lands prepared by the Royal Chef. During their youth Ophion and Celeste had always dreamed of being able to sit at the royal table during dinner. It was a common dream of all the slaves, and very few reached the pinnacle necessary for them to be able to eat with the Fae.

At the table many Fae of power sat, from kingdoms far and wide they had come solely for this day. The coronation of Ophion taking the spot of Court Wizard and his love Celeste becoming the high general of the Pavrus forces. It was the greatest honor a human slave could get in the lands of the Fae and to gain such prestige in a land that was biased against them was not easy. Day in and out they had been forced to train their abilities against those that had the gold and teachers to teach them. While they were forced to learn through hand-me-downs and experimentation. But finally by the age of 27 they had made it. Gabriels wavy black hair reached his shoulders and his violet eyes looked at those gathered at the tables down below. None of his family sat among the others of lesser stature. Instead they were forced to serve the food. Looking back to Celeste, Ophion saw her poke at a steak with her fork not yet digging in.

Leaning over Ophion cupped her hand in his giving it a gentle squeeze to draw her attention. No words needed to be spoken for them to convey their feelings. They had been together since they were children and just by looking in one another’s eyes they could almost always tell what one another were thinking. It was that Celeste didn’t want to go off to war, she wanted to stay at the castle with Ophion. To be with the man she loved. He didn’t want her to go either, but she’d always strived for such a lofty position and Ophion could not let her turn it down for him.

“It will be alright.” He mouthed. Feeling a strange sensation as though being watched Ophion looked over to find Ivris’ eyes on the two a bright flame behind those icy blue eyes that vanished instantly and was replaced with a kind smile. Raising a glass to those plump lips of her’s she took a sip from her glass eyes never leaving Ophion. It sent a shiver retreating down the young man's spine and put him on edge. But he returned the smile and raised his glass in a salute to the woman that he would spend the rest of his life serving and who had given him a chance where many other Fae wouldn't have.

06-06-16, 08:51 PM
Didn't take me long to find myself out of that cave. One one stopped me, none dared to do such a thing. Only action they preformed was a bow or nod as a I left. They were all beneath me, I paid them no attention. The underdark was a confusing place to be, one such a person could get lost in with ease and yet I knew it like the back of my hand.

Did not take me long to find a wizard of the arcane. A person who could help me leave this dimension. " Where can you take me?" I asked him glaring down at him. The wizard lowered his hood to look up at me, His dark purple skin I could barely perceive in this dark place. My best guess is that he was a drow.

" Hmmm? Where can I take you?! Heh. Where do you want to go? Corone? The Fae? Salvar? Give me a place." He snarked back at me. I could feel my brow twitch some. I did not like his tone. " The Fae sounds... Interesting. Take me their."

With a smirk the Drow backed away and began his work with alteration magic. Warping reality to make a portal. The fabric of time shifted as I watched the swirling motions continue toward the center. Finally the connection was complete and I could see the other side. Dashing into the portal I closed my eyes. Time as always relative when telephoning and though I could go into detail about how it felt and how it affected me, I wont. Sunlight beamed on my figure with a slight heated burn. That paired with the bright colors and suddenly I was regreting coming to this colorful Forest. Pulling a hood over my large head and hunching my stance I pouted some. Gripping my reinforced wood staff I headed toward the nearest civil sound that came to ear.

In this specific case it was a merchant.

Ophion Themis
06-06-16, 10:29 PM
Sitting in his carriage Vilic was getting more and more upset as time passed. He was stood up by whoever was supposed to meet him. The elderly man had been waiting for over an hour for the meeting to happen. Had it all been a trick? So many thought he was insane for what he had claimed to have. That it was all a nursery rhyme told to children preaching the caution one should have when crossing through the lands of the Fae and in dealing with them. No one believed about the Themis heart, no one besides Vilic and now he knew it was true. He had the proof and no one would believe him. "Stinkin piece of shit!" Vilic yelled ripping a straw hat off his head and throwing it to the ground his bald head shining from the beams of sun shining down on it.

The man was turning as red as a tomato, it was all so much to deal with. All the gold spent over these years. Finding someone willing to sail to the land of the Fae. Everything Vilic had done up to this point had been jeopardized due to his obsession with the cursed heart. “I’ll fucking do it myself.” Vilic said looking down at the heart and grabbing it. Hopping out the carriage Vilic was about to set off into the ruins of the Pavrus estate till he felt a strange since of dread. A chill retreated down his spine and the air grew three times colder before immediately returning back to normal. Eyes scanning the area Vilic seemed almost fearful to take another step. “Damn Fae and their magic.” He cursed.

Out the corner of his eye Vilic saw a large figure exiting the forest. The figured towered over him by a foot in a half and the cloak covered him. “Now he wants to show up?!” Vilic shouted stomping over to the approaching Illithid without even knowing what it truly was or what fate awaited him. “Listen up you dumb motherfucker! When you make a deal with somebody you better be damn well sure that you show up on time. I was about to be roasted by this dang sun and that’s not even counting this cursed Fae magic. I have half the nerve to charge you fifty percent extra, but since I have a since of honor I’ll cut it down to fifteen percent.”

06-07-16, 02:50 AM
What? What did he just say to me? Long tentacles shifted position in the slightest apon hearing such a ignorant remark, especially by a lowly merchant. IT was now so long i heard this too! Amazing what you could run into by simply traveling a wild Fae forest. I was already in a bad mood from the colorful environment alone and now I had to listen to this lowly prick yell at me? I will not tolerate this.

Approaching the merchant addressing me I reached for my staff briefly but stopping mid way and waved instead. I didn't want to beat this mean to death, No I wanted to humiliate him for speaking to me. This man would soon realize his ways. Removing my hood I glared the man coming toward me down with my pale white eyes. I made sure to make direct eye contact.

" Excuse me??!" I questioned before continuing to speak. " I do believe I am on time..." I smirked some as I played along. Scanning the man before me I began to form a plan of attack. Within a blink my plan was complete and brutally ready to execute at the right time. " Maybe I should leave and find what I want else where. Im sure I could find what I want with ease in Corone?!" I exclaimed some, My tentacles flailing around unintentionally showing my stowed away rage.

Ophion Themis
06-07-16, 09:51 AM
Vilic knew not what wraith he had incurred, and when the hood of Nulgath’s came down his skin paled three shades. From being as red as a tomato Vilic now looked as though he were a ghost. Never in his life had he seen such a being. No tales had been told to the elderly merchant of such a species which made him all the more fearful. He knew not what to do. His mouth instantly grew dry and felt as though he’d swallowed sand. Whatever other insults he had to say had been silenced with his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.

Hands clutching tighter onto the chest the knuckles turned white. Vilic was half tempted to run back for his carriage and make an escape. Forget the heart, forget whatever it truly led to. He wanted to get as far away from the land of Fae as possible and never return. On his hip sat a short sword but considering the merchants age he wouldn’t truly be able to wield it with the skill of a warrior. “Oh...” Not wanting to upset the creature more so than he probably already had Vilic decided to switch tactics. It would be what was most likely to let him leave the fields of Fae alive. “You’re right I just showed up a bit to early is all. You must realize sir I’m old and lose track of time easily.” Vilic said trying to release a lighthearted chuckle however, it came out strained.

“No sir!” Vilic shouted taking a step back as the tentacles flailed around. “I am the only one with the genuine Themis heart! I am the one who found it over twenty years ago!” Vilic shouted his honor offended though he almost immediately regretted it. “Look upon it and see my truth.” Vilic said sliding the key into the chest and with a loud clunk it popped open. Inside the chest sitting upon the velvet material was the still beating Themis heart with a common dagger piercing it. The unique thing about it was that the heart was still beating. Waiting no longer than a few seconds Vilic shut the chest locking it not completely trusting the monster before him.

06-10-16, 10:45 PM
First would go his sanity. With haste i leaned forward readied my mind for attack. The Psiconic stirred about my head and exploded forth toward Vilics own mind in the form of invisible waves. A massive over stimulation was the goal. To make this traveling merchant feel everything at once and dip him into insanity. If he was strong willed the stunning effect would wear off as soon as he could will it, but if he was weak minded... Oh boy.

Walking forward while focusing on my Splinter Mind ability I began to boast. " Imbecile. You are beneath me and petty. Tell me how do you feel?!" I spoke aloud looking down at the man. Stepping to close to this merchant I simply Observed. How would this one do? I always enjoyed this...

Ophion Themis
06-11-16, 05:46 PM
Looking at the weird creature Vilic eyed him carefully not sure what to expect, though the main thing he watched were the twirling tentacles that seemed to have a mind of their own. It was off settling to one who had never witnessed such a creature. "Now you see what I say to be the truth. Where is your gol-" Vilic said before his mind was suddenly assaulted by an invisible energy. The psionic attack tore at Vilic's mind as at first it seemed like he had gone blind. All he could see was white then came the loud ringing in his ear that brought the elderly man to his knees clutching at the side of his head mouth open in a scream. A bloodcurdling scream that reached high into the sky, it was so loud and straining that Vilic began to feel his throat go raw and bleed. The chest flopped to the ground rolling a bit away from the merchant who fell face first into the grass. Each time he screamed Vilic dug more into his flesh the fingernails beginning to tear at the skin.

Vilic wanted it all to stop but the ringing just kept coming and what followed was even worse. Before him as though time was replaying itself Vilic could see himself twenty years ago. A man that while elderly had everything a common man could wish for. A home, a wife, kids that loved him. It was all there before him and he had forsaken it when he had acquired the legendary Themis heart. Vilic had begun neglecting his shop in hopes of learning more about the Fae and finding the body the heart was connected to. His family began to believe Vilic obsessed, if he had simply just forgotten about the heart he would've been able to die around those he loved. The one silver lining for the prone farmer who lay twitching in the grass foaming at the mouth was he could see them. His wife waiting for him in the great beyond. Above a beam of sunlight shined through the clouds on the dying Vilic in a way accepting him into the afterlife. “Come to me” A soft voice said to Vilic who’s eyes slowly fluttered open tears pouring from them.

“I can’t… I nev-“

“Shhh, forget the heart and come with me.”

Finally giving in Vilic’s body flopped around three more times before lying still eyes glazed over.