View Full Version : A Nomad, and the Succubus (Private thread)

06-04-16, 06:14 AM
Bubbles/Luna Only.

There were many reasons why I decided to keep moving when I could have just gone back. Slowly over the year or so I have been learning about Raiaera. It was home to High elves. People who believed in Tap, or some kind of magical affinity for different variations of powers. Each one of them always said I had tap. Really because I would simply teleport around them. One in particular I had found was calling me a man who couldn't control the Tap, but somehow allowed me to use abilities. Almost as though he knew who could, and couldn't use the forces beyond my imagination. I moved on and just left the idea alone.

Moving on, I would slowly learn of the place I was in, and how it had been destroyed buy a Necromancer who had decided to leave ruins behind. Sure, the people here were rebuilding, but I had no reason to help. It wasn't my city, and I didn't even know where I belonged.

Walking down the road, the dirt that was picked up by my boots, and carriages that would throw it on me. My black and brown clothing absolutely covered in brown soot. I even wore a hood and scarf to cover my face from the dirt, and to prevent getting sunburned. Sure I could teleport for some reason, but I couldn't go long distances. Maybe I just needed to train a little harder. First though, I wanted to be able to teleport more than just a few times a day. It exhausted me to teleport at the moment. If I did it, the action was a last resort to what was happening around me.

What I needed was to be able to teleport all I wanted. I needed to learn how to do better. Maybe if I were to meet someone who could help me with that, or even just help me understand this Tap nonsense, then I could maybe make myself somewhere in this world, and where I truely belonged.

06-04-16, 06:26 AM
Hm. Paid drivers... If Luna had had her way, she'd simply fly wherever she wished. But this world wasn't particularly keen with that. Besides, ever since that incident three towns by she'd been forced to hide herself for a time. So here she sat, in the back of a carriage, fanning herself in the lazy summer heat.

They passed a few people walking along the road. But only one seemed to catch her eye. A young man, probably no older than twenty or so. Wearing black on a day like this? AND walking in the sun? Oh, that was simply hideous. She knocked twice on the front wall of the vehicle. the carriage came to a halt about five feet ahead of him.

Slowly, Luna leaned her head out the side of the back window. Her hair was loose and currently a wavy gold color. Her eyes were a bright, vibrant green. Two pointed ears peeked out between her locks. She was, of course, beautiful.

"You. Boy. Aren't you boiling in those clothes?"

06-04-16, 06:44 AM
I continued to walk on by. Keeping my thoughts together, and trying to figure out in my head what I would do next. In the next city, I needed to find a place to stay, and to eat. Maybe get a better sword than the one that was on my right hip. A very simple shortsword, The sheath was made out of animal hides that I had sewn together so I wouldn't cut myself carrying the blade. Hell, there were times when I had cut the sheath because I was too rough when pulling out my sword. As another carriage passed by, I found that it had stopped. Letting my right hand rest upon the pommel of the sword, I waited for a moment as an elvish woman stuck her head out of the window.

I was quite surprised when she asked if I was boiling in the black and brown clothing. Yes it was hot, but it was all I had at the moment, and about 200 gold. Which I needed to spend more on food and weapons to defend myself, rather than comforts of different clothing styles. I kept walking towards the carriage and even past it as I spoke.

"I am fine, m'lady. Be on your way before others see you talking to vagabond."

06-04-16, 06:49 AM
Luna opened the door of the carriage, stepping out. She was dressed rather nicely considering she wasn't wealthy. She had... ways of getting things.
"At least let me give you a ride to the next town. And perhaps some water. You look like you've been walking some time now."
Her voice was calm, and genuinely considerate.

06-04-16, 07:53 AM
The woman almost insisted for me to join her in her carriage. Offering me a ride, and even some water. I was very tempted to say the least. And I really didn't feel like trying to join with this lady who I knew nothing about. She seemed nice. Genuine. However I just felt wrong about it. I knew I was shy, and I wasn't one to simply take up on people and their offers. I wanted to just join her because it might be advantageous to join her in this carriage. Instead I went with my gut.

"Look, I am fine. It looks bad, but I have dealt with worse."

I turned away from her and kept walking. There was no reason for me to join her. And honestly, I had been someone who helped pirates raid small villages here and there along the coast. If anyone found out about that, I could put myself, and her in trouble. I was not willing to do that. There were times to help people, and times when to stay away. And honestly, I didn't know what time it was right to be doing either of those at the moment. I kept walking anyways because I didn't want to have to pay the woman later or even owe her. I didn't have anything worth of value.

06-04-16, 08:01 AM
Oooooo~... A loner type. Luna had always been fond of those that chose to shroud themselves in mystery and seclusion. There was always something darkly fascinating about them. A grin twitched at the corners of her lips. She reached back into the carriage and pulled out a decently-sized canteen. She walked quickly, catching up to him.

"Well then, at least take this. No need to get dehydrated."

As she reached out to give it to him, she met his eyes. Oh my... Such a uniquely beautiful shade of blue... Her own eyes glittered a bit.

06-04-16, 08:28 AM
As I walked on, I could hear shuffling behind me, and as I turned around to see the woman walking to me. Dress and very nice shoes and all. She carried a canteen with her as she made her way towards me. I looked her over and could tell she was a rather nice looking individual. I decided to break a little. Taking the canteen, I took a few sips and handed it back to her as she seemed to be beaming with delight. I just questioned it for a moment before saying my thanks and then turning around once more and walking away from her. Pulling up my scarf to cover my mouth and nose.

"Thank you for the drink, but I must be going."

There was no more reason for me to stay. I mean, she was someone who was helping a complete stranger, even if they could have easily drawn a weapon and stabbed her through. I didn't want that to happen, and I didn't want to be here when it did. I wanted to be somewhere else. Somewhere no one could find me.

06-04-16, 08:59 AM
Luna could feel a sense of urgency from him.... The quickness of his stride, the slight twitch in his already taunt muscles, the intensity in his eyes.... This man was running from something. Possibly looking for a place to hide...

".... Sir, I know that I am nothing more than a stranger to you. But you look like you could genuinely use help. Please, allow me to assist you."

She asked calmly.

06-04-16, 09:26 AM
She kept coming after me. Even saying she truly wanted to help me. I didn't want to turn her down, I was a person who was shy, but she kept insisting for her to help me. Even giving me water. I stopped walking away and breathed in. Breathing through the heat of the black makeshift mask when I had decided to turn around and walk towards her.

"Why is it that you want to help me?"

06-04-16, 09:30 AM
"Because you look to be someone who needs it."

She replied. Most people weren't usually receptive to charity these days. Luna hadn't actually fully realized this until just now, when she herself was in the mood to offer it. Was it so difficult to understand that she actually wanted to help?

06-05-16, 03:41 PM
Taking another look at the woman, she wanted to help me because I looked like someone who needed it. I didn't want people's pity. There was no need for it. They should be focused on someone else. Not me. Because of that, I was half tempted to draw my sword on her myself. But, She was a woman. She was genuinely trying to help. Pulling the hood off of my head, I took off the mask as well. Pulling it down around my neck, I walked towards her and bowed my head slightly.

"Um, thanks then. Where do you want me?"

06-06-16, 12:15 AM
Luna smiled.

"You can come and ride with me. We aren't that far from Beinost. I have a home there. If you need lodging for the evening I'll be happy to provide it for you."

She gestured to the carriage behind them.

06-06-16, 01:52 AM
She was even going to be providing lodging for the night. I was not really inclined to go with it. Keeping a tight grip on my sword, I moved towards the carriage that was mentioned. I looked at the woman again and then took the step up into the carriage. Adjusting the sword so I could sit down, I moved myself on the soft seats. It did feel rather nice to sit down instead of walking. I then waited for her to enter, and I kept myself quiet.

06-07-16, 07:29 AM
Luna climbed in and sat across from him. She knocked twice on the carriage wall again after closing the door, and they started moving once more. She studied the boy's face a moment. Such a handsome one~....

"I suppose strangers offering this kind of aid must be puzzling for you. Why don't we get to know each other a bit so you feel a bit more comfortable?"

She gently extended her hand in greeting.

"It's nice to meet you. My name is Luna. Or Serenae, if you prefer."

It might seem odd that she would reveal her true name to him, especially since she had already taken an alias. But she was The Devil now. This boy looked like someone that would prove an interesting companion. Perhaps a bit of honesty would coax him out of his shell. She might actually be able to let Vincent meet him. The Emperor was always looking for new allies, after all.

06-11-16, 01:48 AM
Taking a look at the woman, she gave out her name as Luna. Honestly, it was easier to say the first name rather than the second one. As she offered her hand, I took off my glove to be more polite and then shook her hand. She has a rather soft skin texture and was gently shaking my hand. While others may have bowed as some of the other elves do. I decided to let it slip out of my mind as she mentioned that it was weird for for me to be accepting others help. I agreed. It was weird for me. I knew I was shy, but I just was. I didn't like to talk to new people. It was just weird for me.

Yeah, just a little weird.

Taking a hold of my second glove, I took it off and shoved it into my pockets as I was sitting down. I removed the hood and scarf completely from my face to maybe cool down a bit in the shade of the carriage. Looking at the woman, I then spoke in a rather hushed tone.

Name's Ignis.

06-11-16, 04:38 AM
"Ignis. A unique name..."

Luna mused. She offered him some more water as the carriage rolled on.

"Well, Ignis, How long have you been traveling for? It can't have been easy on foot."

06-11-16, 02:48 PM
I was already taking up her time and space as she mused about my name. Now that she was offering water, I took it and began to drink sips from the canteen. I didn't want to gorge myself and as such, only did in small amounts. Everything in moderation as they say. Taking the canteen and letting it sit on my lap as luna asked about how long I have been traveling. I rolled my eyes and decided to answer.

Traveling currently when you saw me walking, a few days. Traveling in total, a year or so.