View Full Version : Kayak Price Check

06-08-16, 01:12 AM
Dear Bazaar Judge,
I would like to get a price check on a simple kayak that can be summoned to any waterway using a special spell placed on Aoimoku's paw. All the spell does is summon the kayak when his paw touches water. Nothing special about the kayak besides it being blue.

Artifex Felicis
06-10-16, 09:42 AM
"That's pretty handy!" Hawl is amazed! Astounded even! "Though I'm going to have to make sure you know that the kayak can't fit in any small pieces of water. Only a places where a kayak could pop up anyway!"

"It'll be 150gp though!"

06-10-16, 10:36 AM
Thanks, need it for my story. I will be recieving it for a spoil and pay anything extra after my reward money is used.

Artifex Felicis
06-10-16, 11:34 AM
"I have no idea what you mean!" Hawl is easily confused. "But reference my store and bringa receipt and I will help!"

(Mention this thread in your judgement, we can move forward with this then)

07-27-16, 10:35 PM
I guess, I'll buy it here since the other place didn't notice my attempt to buy it. Here is the 150 gp that I owe you.

(Never got spoils from the thread so I'll buy it here.)

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
09-19-16, 02:36 AM
Transaction completed!