View Full Version : Swords Price Check

06-09-16, 01:32 PM
Would like a price check on two swords, one damascus and one silver.

Also need an enchantment to make the silver sword tier 3 strength.

Artifex Felicis
06-10-16, 09:47 AM



"Wake up, Hawl!"


"It is time to fleece!"



"Hello!" The best bazaar merchant is standing on her box, already putting two swords on the table.

"The damascus one is gonna be 300!"

"The silver one can also be 400, if you just want a really thin coating of silver, and probably won't hold any enchantment, or last long when it comes to fighting werewolves. But I think you want the real silver sword, which is different! That one is going to be 625! That'll make it basically the same thing as the first sword, but all of it'll be silver! I bet it might tarnish quick though..."

06-10-16, 11:22 AM
A mysterious figure with "Ben E. Factor" scratched on a name badge peeks through the door of the shop.

"If the lad doesn't have enough gold to pay for the swords, then I shall cover the rest!"

With a toss of his bony, warped hand, a smattering of gold coins hit the floor with a symphony of soft metallic pings.

I'll cover the difference.

06-10-16, 11:36 AM
Anubis nodded his thanks to the stranger, turning to the merchant. He fumbled through his coat hastily, producing a coin pouch to shove it into the merchant's hands. "Now," he said, "shut up and take my gold coins."

Artifex Felicis
06-10-16, 12:21 PM
"Wah!" The small bazaar girl reacts, holding her hands up to protect herself! After she remained alived and untouched by spooky skeletons, she relaxes.

"Alright then, I think... I think that'll be enough...."


720 gold from FEZ!

305 gold from BlackandBlueEyes

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
09-26-16, 02:29 AM
Transaction complete!