View Full Version : What is a girl like you doing here? (closed)

06-11-16, 03:01 PM
Unnamed Harbor Town
Unnamed tavern
Room 12

Urgh. I hated waking up like this. My back hurt from the stiff bed I had been laying on. But it was better than the ground, and out in the cold night. Leaning up, sitting on the bedframe, I was rubbing my face with my hands. Trying my best to wake up. Walking out of the room, and down the hall to the shared cleaning room, I splashed some water on my face. Waking me up, I realised I was only dressed in pants. I am not sure how people around here were about modesty, but considering they worked on the seas or around people who may not be as modest as I was, I didn't think too poorly on myself.

I took a moment to look out of the door, and saw nobody. Making my way down the hall, I got into my room, and left the door open as I began to clothe myself. Really it was just pulling a shirt over my head, slipping on my jacket, and putting boots on. I kept the scarf off and sat it inside my bag. Grabbing the belt, I latched it around my waist, and let it hang on my right side. A simple iron sword. Nothing fancy as I got it from my previous work as a slave hand aboard a ship. Now, I was trying to find some kind of job so I could get more gold than what I already had.

Taking a hold of the door as I made my way out, I closed it, and locked the lock to prevent others from stealing what little I had. And began to make my way downstairs into the bar, and maybe get a drink before looking for work.

Closed to Darkest.Desires

06-11-16, 03:32 PM
"I am going to kill Meredith.." Camille mumbled as she pushed open the door to the grungy looking tavern. The Inn keep that she usually worked for begged her to go help out one of her friends that had just lost their only bar tender. Pushing open the tavern door the first thing that hit her was the thick smoke of cigars. Pursing her plush red lips she wafted through the bodies before making her way behind the bar. A large man met her in the middle of the bar. He was a rough, burley looking man, "the names Abram, thinks for helping me today. You keep all your tips and I will pay you at the end of the night." Nodding she shook his hand ending the encounter with just that before shucking off her coat. She wore simple black pants and a cream colored sweater that clung to her curvy form. The heel of her black leather shin high boots softly clicking against the dirty wooden floors.

"Hey toots over here!" Putting on her most pleasant smile she walked over to the man that cat called her. "What can I do for you?" The man's brown orbs swept over her figure with lust as he smirked at her. "Weeelll," drawing out the word while letting his eyes rack over her form, from her supple breast to her flat stomach and curvy hips. "Drink, what do you want to drink," Camille barked at him slightly demanding an answer. "Whiskey, I will have a whiskey on the rocks." Nodding she went to work flipping the bottle up with grace before catching it and letting the brown liquid pour out half way filling the glass.

Moving on to the next patron she offered a kind smile to the man that just sat down after making his way from out of the room areas. "What can I get you dear? Food or drink maybe both?"

06-11-16, 04:03 PM
After sitting down on one of the stools, I looked up to see a rather nice looking lady. Well, considering she was wearing clothing that clung to her, it was nice to look her over, but I didn't stay that long. No point since she worked here. It was her job to deal with creeps, and guys too horny to keep it in their pants. Her question of what she could get for me, I simply stated in a rather hushed tone.

Just some ale for now.

I let my eyes fall to the counter, and the various scratches and dent marks in the counter. Likely from long nights of drinking, and maybe a few fights. Keeping my hands on the bar, I let one of my thumbnails slide in one of the cracks on the bar. Just messing with it as I didn't really have anybody to talk to, and would be leaving soon anyways. Just wanted to wet my lips, and quench my thirst before leaving.

06-11-16, 04:31 PM
"Ale it is than," taking out a large mug tilting to the side slightly watching as it filled with the golden, ember liquid. Taking a butter knife in one swift movement Camille pushed off the extra foam. A small smile danced across her lips as she set down the drink in front of him. Humming softly to herself she wiped up a few spots on the bar as the owner came over. "Camille, Roy over there said you weren't really friendly with him when taking care of him." Sucking in her plump bottom lip she batted her long eye lashes before laying a hand on Abram's broad chest. "Well tell Roy the next time he eyes me as a piece of meat I will be taking one of his eyes as payment instead of his money." A sickening sweet smile graced her face as patted his chest before turning about around.

"Roy you hear that?" Abram boomed laughing in between words before heading towards the back room.

Eyeing the little snack that tried to get her in trouble she slammed her fist down on the bar. "Listen here, I don't need you trying to get me in trouble because you don't like the fact I called your bullshit!" The man flinched at the impact of her words and fist against the bar as he simply nodded. Pleased with settling that vendetta she went back to work flittering around like a busy little be.

Her midnight ocean blue eyes landed on the man she had served ale to a little bit ago. He looked sad, maybe lonely or lost, sighing she made her way back over behind the bar. "Why the long face?"

06-11-16, 05:01 PM
Taking a look as the ale was placed before me, I raised my hand to grab it, taking a few gulps as the bartender was dealing with the previous altercation of a man looking at her with his eyes. Her threats were very clear, and were not threats, but promises in my eyes. Her words were harsh, and to the point. Even for someone her size, she seemed well capable of taking care of herself. I would not want to cross her. Even more so when I turned my head to see the various reaction from people. I could see how she took care of herself. The way she made herself seem very strong, and not a person you want to mess with. While that may be true, everyone hid a teddy bear underneath their hard skin. She was no different.

It even showed when she came over and asked why the long face. I was in the middle of taking another sip of the ale and brushed the froth from my lips with the webbing between my index finger and my thumb. Once clearing my mouth, I looked at her directly and answered. mentioning her fist. With the amount of force she slammed down on the counter, she was sure to at least cause some kind of numbness in her fingers. Unless she was a special kind of person.

I would take a look at that hand of yours miss, but, as you ask, I have a long face for having to look for work in a place I would rather not.

06-11-16, 05:36 PM
Camille looked at him arching a slender eyebrow, seem my hand she thought what an odd request. She examined her on hand quickly, her skin kissed by the sun. Wiggling her small yet long digits making sure that there was nothing wrong with them. "Uh- sure.." Laying her hand over his own she watched as he looked it over. A look of determination etched in his brow as he let his fingers gently graze over her knuckles. A small giggle erupted from her as he quickly looked up at her. "Sorry it tickled..." He simply nodded looking over her hand once more, as she pondered the reason why he looked distraught.

Smiling she bounced up and down slightly, "oh, oh you can work! I mean it isn't all that glorious but Abram just lost his only bartender and I am a fill in so I wouldn't see why not!" She beamed at him proud of having solved his problem.

"Abram! Abram," she hollered as the big brute came hustling out, his beady brown eyes searching for trouble.

"What, what is it Cammy?" She grinned not realizing he would simply assumed was going by how urgent her tone was. "Sorry now trouble just need you to come here." He huffed displeased that he had hustled out from doing Gods knows what in that back room for no reason. "What the hell are you doing getting your palm read?" Her cheeks flushed a soft pink color not realizing her hand was still in his. "No, I have someone I want you to meet this is Mr..." Looking at him expectantly to fill his name in and release her hand from his slightly strong grasp.

06-11-16, 06:09 PM
Looking at her hand as she offered it, I could feel her soft skin. She did something to keep it smooth. Sun-kissed, and clearly was someone who liked being in her skin, I liked that, but was envious of it. I was a rather shy person, and as she had her hand, I felt like I was impeding on her space. Even then, she then started to offer me a job at this bar, even grabbing the guy's attention from the other room. I looked at the man, and instantly clammed up. I was confused. Why was she helping me get a job here? I was a rather small guy, not any kind of big build, and hardly an adult yet. Most of the fights I have been in were scraps, and were evaded by teleportation.

I felt like I should have done that now. As the man came into the room, she looked shy as he mentioned a hand reading. I snapped my hand to my side, and my other grabbed the ale and began to drink as she tried to introduce me. Looking between the two, the man looked at me with his hands on his hips. Standing up, I wiped my mouth with the back of my sleeve. Setting the mug down back on the counter, I gathered what I could and introduced myself.

Uh... name's Ignis. Looking for work if you will have me.

06-11-16, 07:33 PM
"Ignis, this is Ignis Abram! Give him a job come on you took Mer's word that I was a good worker without even seeing it." The big sack of man looked at Camille eyeing her up and down, they held each other's gaze before he finally sighed. "Damn and here I thought I was gonna steal you from Meredith, you're hired kid but if you steal from me or do anything to jeopardize this business I'll break your hands." Camille winced slightly at the harsh expression that the large mountain of a man said. Nodding towards Camille, "show him the ropes after he is done drinking his ale." Saluting to the large man as he sauntered off to his beloved back room, doing a little victory dance. Laughing she turned seeing the male known as Ignis, he looked a bit confused at her dance as she shrugged. "Alright get your little behind, behind this bar so you can learn the ropes." Humming she went to wiping out some of the dishes the dish washer had brought up. Turning them upside down to let others know they were clean before she placed them on a shelf under the bar.

Finally when the slender man made his way behind the bar, clapping and than rubbing her hands together she took a deep breath. "Luckily this tavern doesn't have many mixed drinks. Most will order ale, wine or beer." Nodding she seemed pleased by her play by play so far, walking towards one of the patrons that needed another ale.

"Take their mug after they ask for another, tilt it side ways as you are filling it. Slowly as the ale made its way to the brim you tilt it up right taking a clean butter knife to swipe away the extra froth." Handing him the mug she grinned excited to see how he was going to do.

06-12-16, 08:48 PM
As the woman was now almost jumping out of her skin as I stood there trying to not look like a fool, the man gave me the job? I mean, wasn't there some kind of prerequisite? Any kind of look-see into who I was. I could have been a wanted criminal. While I wasn't, it was just... strange, Sitting down, I finally realised I hadn't been breathing. I closed my eyes and started to breathe in as the girl was jumping over and over. Almost happy to show me I looked at the mug, and finished off the drink before coming around the counter and watching what this girl was doing. Hell, I didn't even know her name yet.

I was still carrying my sword in fact. While it was sheathed, I took the secondary belt off of my side and sat it underneath the counter. She then showed me how to pour the ale into the mugs that we had. I took a look at her as she did it for a man as well. Nodding my head, I decided to slow it down a little as I found a rag, and grabbed my used mug. I then washed it out with some water from the tap, and then dried it and sat it with the others upside down like it the others around it.

Alright, So what is your name?