View Full Version : evil quests

Lady Blackwell
11-14-06, 07:49 PM
hey, im fairly new to althanas but ive read back a bit more and i think i saw quest ideas well i have a few evil ones here if anyone wants to do them i will also add some good later on down the road.

1.Robber Knight Emok needs someone for an asassination. Bring him the head of his cousin.((taken by me and storm veritas))

2.Ruler Qizif is looking for unscrupulous companions to join him for a rampage

3.Prince Maw needs someone who thives in the shadows of the night. You should steal a valuable amulet by night.((taken by drake pm him ifyou wish to join))

4.Dark Lord Taz is planning a perfidious attack on an allied kingdom and is looking for henchmen to carry out this dastardly plan.

5.Prince Juju is looking for a dark knight to kidnap the lady of his competitor.

just call out the numbers you wish it can be a number of people you guys can choose just say in your selection post how many you want.

And now the good quests...

1.Prince Kumok needs a watchman to protect his gold from hostile intruders.

2.Blacksmith Zero is looking for a brave knight who is willing to lend his sword to the defense of a shipment of goods.

Storm Veritas
11-15-06, 06:15 AM
The first one sounds right up my alley. If you want more than just one other person let me know, otherwise let's go with it.

Lady Blackwell
11-15-06, 08:53 AM
If you want you can go solo, teamup with me, or choose other people if you wish. i just wanted to see how these would play out.

I need some evil quests myself so i will join you if you want.

Storm Veritas
11-15-06, 02:31 PM
I thought these quests were designed by you/for you, with others joining in. I'll gladly write with you, but not solo on this one. I don't know anything about what you're looking for in the quest yet.

Lady Blackwell
11-15-06, 04:18 PM
Alright but for people reading thread this are for anyone not just me i will help all who ask but theyre completely open for what happens in the thread u can fail or succeed it doesnt matter i just want a good read haha.

and veritas if it is alright can u start the thread im currently getting ready for one of cyrus' big dragon slaughter haha and my own personal character shaping thread so im really busy i will post as often as i can but i cant garuntee anything plus my school work so

Storm Veritas
11-16-06, 02:10 PM
Fair enough. PM me or post here with any details that you want me to adhere to, and I'll start up the quest in the next day or two.

Lady Blackwell
11-16-06, 06:05 PM
well doesnt really matter on details can be anything anywhere but preferably we get the request in a tavern by someone that comes in and requests assistance from everyone. and only us two accept?

Storm Veritas
11-17-06, 08:46 AM
Here you go, started in Alerar. PM me to discuss details if you're confused.


Lady Blackwell
11-17-06, 12:22 PM
ok and do you mind how many other people join or no? and if so state so here i could go with just us two.

11-17-06, 12:28 PM
the third one sounds like it would fit me perfectly.
dosnt matter if some one joins me but i would prefer to go alone.

Lady Blackwell
11-17-06, 12:40 PM
ok you got the third one and by the way people reading thread you dont have to work with me or anyone else.

Storm Veritas
11-17-06, 04:28 PM
The two of us will be fine. If more want to jump in, so be it.