View Full Version : A Call to PG's

06-16-16, 02:56 PM
To the former agents of Althanas!

I am Winston! No-wait, that's not right...

-- ahem --

Ladies & Gentlemen,

It has come to my attention that the clans known as "Power Groups" have seen significantly less activity. This announcement is to hopefully encourage new and old members alike to start considering new PGs and their affect on Althanas. In the next few weeks, a new event will unfold. This will provide plenty of conflict and purpose for groups to pursue influence on.

In the history of Althanas, we have not seen many groups that operate specifically in the favor of one nation or the other. Many of the militant factions of these nations are ran by NPC groups. What Althanas could use is new PGs that focus on supporting certain nations and their internal affairs. For example: A group of Zombie Hunters to purge the blighted lands and the undead generals that inhabit it for Raiaera, A group of Mage Hunters under the employ of the Sway to keep Slavar's streets magic free, A naval force to sail the seas and protect trade convoys from sea beasts and pirates for Scara Brae & Corone, etc.

Many of the groups formed have broad, encompassing purposes. I encourage you, the players, to integrate yourselves and others into the lore. Support a nation. Affect canon. Help civilians.

Chances are, they'll be needing it.

And much sooner than you think.

Good luck and safe adventures to you!



((Find more details about Power Groups and how to register one here: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?25879
Please note, that the information about HQs is out of date and soon to be updated.))