View Full Version : By the Docks (Jinx)

06-18-16, 03:54 PM
Corone was a location that didn't bring back very good memories for Cath, but she had business to attend to on the island. She'd bought a bow - from an otter nonetheless which was a bizarre experience - but no more perplexing than her life so far.

Radasanth was named the "City of Heros," and all along the streets stood statues of the heralded Knights and Diplomats who'd founded the city and helped to keep the peace.

Walking by the docks, where large ships lay awaiting cargo and passengers, the High Elf wrinkled her nose at the fish smell. And then simultaneously her stomach growled so loud that she could hear it, although on the crowded street no one else did.
Ducking into a tavern, she approached the bar and ordered the seafood stew, which came with various tentacles and other unidentifiable shellfish.

Beggars can't be choosers, she thought as she tucked into the stew with vigor. And at least she was free now. Freedom is worth every last bit of horrible kelp and catfish gruel, she thought smiling.

06-20-16, 04:16 PM
Radasanth… Jink hadn’t been to this city before. Not that he could clearly remember, anyway. As he walked past the docks, he was reminded of his own ship – the Catspaw. It was safely hidden away where he had left it… how long ago? He couldn’t remember. Just like he couldn’t remember most of the faces of his old comrades. He certainly didn’t remember the faces of the people whose forms were permanently on display all over the city. The last memory that was surfacing of this place… had nothing but a small village. And even that was a flyby from above. Just how long had it been since then? Decades? Centuries? He guessed the latter. It was truly a strange feeling.

The purple-haired cat man walked right into a bar. Was he hungry? No, not really. He wasn’t even thirsty. He just needed somewhere to sit and be lonely. Even though he’d met a couple of very interesting people lately, it just wasn’t enough. He needed to know what had happened in its entirety. He needed to remember old faces. The fact that he couldn’t only depressed him. So, he just pulled a chair up to the fire in the relatively empty room and relaxed, staring into the light.