View Full Version : Rp Interest

Ariel Vein
06-20-16, 10:39 AM
Hello guys! I was wanting to post here to see if there would be anyone interested in doing any kind of general RP with Ariel. You can find her character sheet linked under my avi. Just wanting to see if anybody would like to. For any reason really

Storm Veritas
06-20-16, 11:12 AM
Hi! I tried clicking the link and it isn't working, but was able to access your character sheet through your profile.

To fix the little bug, go to "my profile" and click on the "About Me" tab. For the profile link, the text should simply be "31176", which is the thread ID from your character sheet.

I have a lot going on right now, but would be happy to write with you if you can be a little patient on responses.

06-20-16, 11:32 AM
Here, an alternate link for your convenience: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?31176-Ariel-Vein-Lady-of-Perversion

Ariel Vein
06-21-16, 12:45 AM
@Storm, Sure, I can deal with that. We can talk it out here, or Via PM

@Lye, Thank you for that.

06-21-16, 02:27 AM
What sort of thread are you thinking? It probably wouldn't be with this character, perhaps my lvl 2 female steampunk tinker :p

Ariel Vein
06-21-16, 02:43 AM
Honestly, Anything at this moment. I am open to just about anything for the moment because story wise, she can go wherever she wants. While I do have a story idea on its own, it won't be directly related to these threads.

Unless someone may want to help with it.

06-21-16, 05:48 AM
Ariel...I'm always willing to rp with most folks I have many an alt.

So just drop me a line and we can get something going!

Ariel Vein
06-21-16, 08:50 AM
Well then, Tell me what alts you have, and we can work from there?

06-26-16, 07:37 PM
Sorry for the tardy response, weekends are normally inactive times for me.

Remedy is a trader, tinkerer and generally annoyingly optimistic. We could do a simple thread, we enter a shop without any knowledge of each other. The shop owners trap us (I'm think trap door in the floor) and we need to escape, kicking butt as we do.

It would be fairly short, maybe between 15 and 20 posts in total. What do you think? I can get the first post up if it's all good :)