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11-15-06, 06:50 AM
Well since I'm an artist, I might as well get a thread started here too.
I don't have much else to show at the moment other than my avatar *points to it*
Just finished it tonight as a matter of fact. Drawn and colored entirely by mouse. Took about 3-4 hours I think.
I'll have more once I dive through my art folders and decide what to put up. So stay tuned.
Hope ya like the avvy in the meantime.

11-15-06, 10:37 AM
Ahh, yes...

Oh, wait. Oh, oh, oh. I knew I forgot to tell you something!

As advance warning, you may become beseiged by a throng of art-whores who will post here asking you for some of that awesome loveliness you ar so proud of. If you can handle the requests (and believe me, they can literally bury your social life on an active day) or fend them off on your own, go for it.

I learned that the hard way when Yamihara made me open a couple of art threads here.

Good luck to you, Silvermaiden. :D Hope those guys don't pounce on you before you've braced yourself. ;)

EDIT: By the way... Awesome avvie! :D

Cyrus the virus
11-15-06, 10:58 AM
Hey can u plz draw Izvilvin!?!?!/ :D:D:D

Nice avatar, well done!

11-15-06, 11:10 AM
Sadly I don't often do requests. I do either commisions or art trades.
With all my business, I can't take the time to do art for others for free anymore. but I might make exceptions from time to time. I guess we'll have to see.

Cyrus the virus
11-15-06, 11:42 AM
...I unapprove your character.


11-15-06, 11:53 AM
Hahaha. That's a bold and wise move, Silvermaiden. I wished I went down your path long ago.

But if I did that, my free avatar wouldn't have been made for INDK and a lot of other people!

((Yesh! Competition thwarted! ;)))

11-15-06, 04:47 PM
Like I said, I guess we'll see. Sometimes if I'm inspired to do something enough, I will, depending on what it entails. It's nice to know that my work is considered "requestable" though.

Well for now, i have some of my pixel art up on my image hosting site, so I'll show a few of those off too.

Hand drawn and scanned, then made into pixel form and colored. This is a pic of my online alter ego.

And here's a few avatars I'd made for her for other forums.

http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-2/97391/newsilveravvy2.gif http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-2/97391/compsmash.gif

That's it for now. More to come later.

11-16-06, 06:48 AM
I must say the pixel arts you'e made are quite inspiring. Especially the avatars :D

The art style is also a tad different from the one you're using... But that's probaby just me being overly critical. ^_^;

Nice art!

(Speaks to himself: Oh, no! She is a strong one in the Way! Best be on your guard for more of her art!)

11-16-06, 08:06 AM
Well I don't use just one style in my artwork. I have a distinct style that I use solely for my personal works, but for the most part I do anime art. Not just one style either. I draw in several anime styles from cute and chibi to semi realistic anime. Same with my pixel art.

Corvus MacCallum
11-16-06, 09:12 AM
And for a little outside supply Silvermaiden is also the one that drew both the pics of Corvus in my profile,though thats part of the business rather than a request heh.

11-16-06, 10:00 AM

I am humbly serve. :)

Great job! Don't let the art whores here break you in like they did to me, OK? ;)

11-16-06, 10:20 AM
Great job! Don't let the art whores here break you in like they did to me, OK? ;)

now I feel really guilty... I'm really sorry raven, I never meant any harm.

to silver: I really enjoy the style, reminds me of those anime rpgs like Lunar Silver star story, really Enjoyable and gives me sweet memories of those games. Oh and if you have any furry art, would you mind putting that up?^^ I'm not asking you to draw any, just if you have some lying around or something.

11-16-06, 02:16 PM
Bullshit Raven. You asked to take requests so we'd all love and praise you. If you want to learn a lesson from him, just remember not to promise more than you can fulfill, and remember to always finish your requests or we'll eat you babies.

Nice work, though you should link those pictures instead of posting them straight on the board, might mess with the site. Other than that, good.

11-16-06, 07:15 PM
Well here are a few more examples of my Anime works. I'll post links instead this time.

These first ones are pictures I drew as fanart to give to some of the guests at the AnimeVegas Con. I've been an attendee since it's inception. This last one was only the fourth we've had.


This was a commision I did for someone at my workplace.

And last for now, this is a fanart I did just because I wanted to. I'm a big fan of the MegumixSanosuke pairing in Rurouni Kenshin.

11-19-06, 11:27 AM
Mmm, wow. The MegumixSanosuke actually does look like it was done by the original artist!

...Well, asides from that little glitch in Megumi's kimono sleeve, but that's ignorable. :)

The second one cracks me up good. XD Do you have a website where I can worship your godliness? ;)

No, seriously. They are really good. Keep up the good work! :D

11-19-06, 10:16 PM
Glitch in the sleeve? I don't see what ya mean. Could you point it out to me?
And yeah, I get alot of crack ups over the second one. That was actually a fanart gift I made for Sonny Strait, the US Voice Actor of both Krillin and Hughes. I gave it to him at the last AnimeVegas con.

And no. No site yet, but since I have gotten so many requests for it, I'll try to put one together.

11-19-06, 10:57 PM
wow, your art is amazing. i love it all. just sayin' i'm now a big fan :D and i hope to see more soon :p

EDIT:I really enjoyed that third pic, because it's true..short people are awesome!!

01-06-07, 01:49 AM
Sorry for not posting anything lately. But have a couple new items.
First is some sketches of my character, Delfa, to give people a better idea of what she (and Mare) looks like. Still need to draw her fully dressed though. I'll get to that soon.


And this is Ataraxis' award request pic for winning the "All Time Groaner" Award in my Worst Joke Contest.


01-06-07, 05:37 AM
Eh, hehe. I apologize for master Raven. ^_^; I think the "glitch" he meant was the fact that Megumi's yukata sleeve opening isn't exactly as large as the sleeve size. You know how he is, he's an art critic as well as a starving artist. ^_^;

Oh, yes! And welcome back! Wow, those are great pencil works! The reward piece has a lot of really nice shading, too!

Raven: Yeah. I'll admit that.

Hey~! Go use your own ID, Master Raven! *Glares*

01-06-07, 10:07 AM
Wow. Just wow. I didn't expect it to be done so soon, nor did I expect it to be so damn goooood! I'm an artist myself, but this is some insane capturing of the essence. I commend you greatly!

Oooh, she's beautiful! *hugs little Lily*

Thank you, Silver!

01-06-07, 01:37 PM
Thank you for the praise. I'm glad you liked the pic, Ataraxis. And yes, I make it a rule to always get award/request pics done as soon as possible to keep people from waiting.
Still working on the trophy icons though.

And here's one more new pic I forgot to add last night.


01-11-07, 03:29 AM

Wow, you're really good. I want to request an avatar art from you (pixel art, I wish. I really like your pixel art. The one with the side-view girl. XD) But I don't have money for commissions and stuff. Siiiigh.

Oh, and if you're thinking of puting up a site, you can start with deviantArt if you want. (:

01-11-07, 01:42 PM
No thanks. After what I heard from a few people, I don't trust deviantart.

01-12-07, 02:05 AM
Hmmm, how come? I think dA is pretty nice. If you're worried about your art getting stolen, I think it's pretty much the same chance to being stolen anywhere else. :p

01-12-07, 03:21 AM
Actually, there is a lower chance of your art being stolen from Deviant Art because when you make an account there and place art of any kind the purpose of Deviant Art is that any content within its parameters that follows the rules is, upon submitting, copyrighted to the owner.

So, in simpler terms, DeviantArt assures you that your ownership of your art is 100%, while posting somewhere else is kind of flimsy. I have even heard that the DeviantArt contract holds up in court. Apparently some starving artist decided to sell his art and stop starving and there was an issue about it. If I can find the article again, I would show you it.

I'm not a Deviant Art sponsor, so I don't truly care if you use it or not, I simply don't want you to be mixed up.

On subject, I love your art, but I think Ataraxis's entire picture seems like it is leaning to the left a bit, and her legs don't look to actually be on the chair, just kind of in front of them. I'm as bad a critic as Raven, sorry, but other then said comments I think you are amazing.

Skie and Avery
01-16-07, 09:21 PM
The only time I've seen stuff done as cleanly and nicely as yours, it was traced with a lightboard. This stuff is amazing, and I can see why you would only do commissions. I really like, even though I watch none of the anime work you've been inspired by.

01-19-07, 03:10 AM
O_O I WANT AN ART TRADE TOO. An avatar art trade? I want that pixel art too. Please? The side view one is reaally nice.

Sorry about the rest. I shall get to them now. I have no more excuses. You may burn me at the stake.

01-21-07, 11:22 PM
The only time I've seen stuff done as cleanly and nicely as yours, it was traced with a lightboard.

Someone asked me once if I used a drawing tablet. heh.
No, the fact is I still draw everything by hand and scan it in. I don't have the luxury of a tablet or lightboard.
My stuff is usually always black and white, but in exceptional cases, such as my avatar, I will do colored stuff too. In which case I still draw and scan, and then color with Photoshop.

The Prophet of Zane
01-22-07, 01:06 AM
I was wondering if you'd like to do an art trade when I got a drawing tablet. I don't have access to a scanner, but if you'd like to see an example of my character designs, I'd be happy to link you to a drawing I managed to take a pic with my cell phone and put online that way.

01-25-07, 01:15 AM
Sure. You can post the link here or PM it to me. Your choice.

Skie and Avery
01-25-07, 01:20 AM
Nah, this is your thread, so I'll PM them to you.

02-04-07, 09:43 PM
Very nice artwork. I'll be happy to do an art trade with you later on.

But I'm tied up with something else momentarily, ok?

None So Blind
02-08-07, 12:43 AM
Okay, no problem.

02-08-07, 11:26 PM
Geez, if that's what it takes for people to quest with ME around here, I'll take up that offer!<------- from Ciel's thread.

I'll take you up on that if you like.