View Full Version : better to be the hammer than the nail.

06-25-16, 01:52 PM
I'd like to know if the shield purchased here http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30237 can have an enchantment added that allows the shield to, upon thought command, transform into two large dehlar warhammers sized for John's hands. They would be of the same material characteristics, and the mass of the dehlar used in the transformation would be the same. I'd like to be able to do this at-will as well please, and I'd like the transformation to be rapid.

Cards of Fate
06-27-16, 12:07 AM
So if we're talking the same material here, then we're going to be looking at 1,688 GP.

06-27-16, 12:10 AM
Cards of Fate has offered (rather graciously) to convert 8 AP into gp in order to pay 800gp of the price of this upgrade. I will pay the remaining 888gp.

Cards of Fate
06-27-16, 12:24 AM
Man what a swell guy!

Transaction complete!

8 AP from Cards of Fate
888 GP from Fitebear.

Please link here as proof of purchase.