View Full Version : Finding Ietus - The Truth in the Lie

Ayithe Solete
08-23-16, 10:50 AM
(Closed to Lorenor)

Ayithe hung in the torturous position, her arms spread eagle and at full stretch. Her naked body pained and ached from her hanging position, never able to reach the floor beyond her knees and unable to break the steel bonds that held her in position. That burning design in her muscles to pull in her arms and bend her elbows was as excruciating, and inability to protect herself from even shame, let alone harm was one that broke her mentally.

The smell of burnt flesh arose from the dark shadows around her, and clouds of steam slowly poured up from the dark abyss and out of the spot light creating hole that gleamed in from above her. Her exhausted body lay limp but for the chains holding her in position, but her hands did not grip the chains as the chuffs dug and cut into her wrists from the weight of her collapse - her tired legs unable to hold herself up any long.

Her naked body dripped with a heavy sweat as her dazed focus stared down at the blood stained stone floor. Wherever she was now, wherever she was imprisoned, it was a place where humanity had not touched before. Her heir hung long over her shoulders and lay partially strewn over her face, heavy and damp with sweat from the over bearing heat that engulfed her naked skin. A deep tear of sorrow escaped her, one filled with regret for coming to this place for safety and answers to her lost love. She felt the tear as it ran down her warm cheeks, quickly making its way to her chin, until it leapt down to her naked breast and travelled down her free skin until gracing the dirty floor by her knees.

Ayithe wasn't sure how long she had been here for. She had come in search of a few things, but none more important that the reuniting of her lost love - Raslin. Yet he was not here and never had been, for whatever lies had brought her to this place, had since stolen her belongings, stripped her of her clothes, tied her up in these shackles and put her on display in this large dark dank room that held no suggestions to where in the world she was being kept. Yet while she could not protect her own dignity, while she could not hide her personal privacy, only one figure ever entered the room, only one figure had put her here, and she was yet to see anything that suggested he was human.

The loud echoing clunk of the metal door sounded to its unlocking and was quickly followed by the high pitched shrieking of rusty metal as it swung open. Ayithe's eyes tensed shut as she couldn't cover her ears, and the urge to cover herself up arose once again, she hated being seen like this, her own naked body, her pride and personal space removed and embarrassed just because one had the power to humiliate her.

The heavy slapping footsteps each burrowed into her fearful mind - was he finally here to exact punishment upon her? Would he hurt her and torture her? Beat her and cut her? Touch her and rape her? She feared them all, but none more than that latter. So far, she was relatively unharmed besides the position she was forced into, but fear, fear had forced its way into her mind as she contemplated exactly what this thing was to do to her. She was lost and alone and nothing and no one could save her.

A large thud sounded before her as the footsteps came to a holt. Ayithe lifted her tired gaze to see the being she only knew as Ietus stood before her. The large midnight black robes that shielded everything but the black boots that protruded from under the gown. He spoke as if human, but even his hands did not escape from the size and length of the sleeves from this robe. Like a dark priest of the Ethereal Sway his face remained hidden, nothing but a black hole with the occasional spark like a star in the night sky.

"I have decided upon what I want for you." The deep bellowing tone was rough but clear. He spoke slowly as he stepped aside his newly placed object.

Ayithe lay her tired eyes upon the small metallic constructed weapon rack that held only one weapon, a sword that upon first look was freshly made and cleaner than anything else within this horrid room.

"I have decided that I can make great use for yourself, and should you prove your usefulness..." He walked around her, casually ducking under the tightly pulled chain that held her in place. "Then I shall grant you a favour of which will reunite you with the man you seek."

Ayithe's heart skipped a beat at the promise. She wished she could be anywhere else but here, however, if he could return her to, Raslin. To the man she sought more than anything in the world, then everything would feel right again in the world. But what is he asked me to do?

"I have the power to do many things," he leaned over her shoulder to put a whisper in her ear. "I believe this will satisfy the reason you came here in the first place. To reunite... with him. Albeit nothing comes for free in this world."

The robed figure leant back and placed the chuff of his robe on her back. Placing specifically between her shoulder blades at the top of her spine. Ayithe cringed at the touch in the first place, though light and unharmed at first she was then struck with a unbearable pain that felt like a forced burn upon her. Her body tensed and no matter how loud she screamed, and she did scream, the pain did not stop until Ietus decided. Her body, while stiff and rigid for these few moments finally fell limp as the pain subsided.

Ayithe' heavy breathing returned as she relieved from the pain and all the pressure once gain returned to the cuffs that dug into her wrists once more. A new mark appeared on her back, a defined block capital I with a small sharp cross in its center. This was the mark of Ietus.

"I have branded you with my mark, and while I possess many abilities of control over you within my presence, this allows me to once press upon you my powers when you are no longer here." He wandered back towards her view as she recovered. "You cannot remove it, you cannot destroy it, so do not try. Should you not heed my words, I will summon you back here and punish you for it. Do you understand?"

Ayithe tried to hold back the tears, the agonising pain she felt already was enough to remind her that it wasn't worth pushing this any further. She was at his word. "Alright, I understand."

"Good. Then let me advise you of what I wish." He stood up tall before her, swished his arms nonchalantly and her chains just disappeared from existence. She collapsed with a heavy thud into the damp but warm stone floor. Pulling her arms in she held them across her naked body and chest, scrunching herself up into a tiny protective ball as he watched over her. "You will hunt something down for me. A creature that few have ever seen before, but it is only the first of which you must kill."

Ayithe didn't look up, but his words fell upon her ears as she tried to ignore the aching pain that took over her sore body. Ietus waited for a moment, then waved his arm calmed above her and the soothing relief that filled her body as the pain was pulled from her made her weep in relief. She stared at her wrists, once cut and bloodied, now healed and clean. Her arms, shoulders and back no longer ached and the tired feeling was lifted. She sat herself up, covering her modesty as best she could and looked up to her captor with a eerie feeling of fear to his incredible power.

"You will find it and you must kill it. Should you succeed in this task for me. Then I will not only grant you reunion with... Raslin." His voice slowed and teased on his name as the black void under the hood stared down at her. "But I will give you this sword, a sword made by myself within my own personal forge. This grants you certain privileges, but allows you to complete a certain task that I will continue to ask of you and your... Raslin. There is no negotiation. I will teleport you there, you will be returned to how you were when you arrived here and do not fear for being noticed upon arrival, no one will even be aware of it."

Ayithe felt herself feel light, as if lifted from the floor and hovering above it. A bright light quickly engulfed her position and the dark stone room disappeared along with Ietus himself. She closed her eyes and shielded her face as the high tone of a chime rang in her ears, rising higher and higher as she tensed in pain to its continuous nature. Then, it all fell quiet.

Ayithe opened her eyes as she felt the rumbling of a wagon, the cold breeze of a strong wind made its way inside but was halted by the blanketed wagon that carried her. The damp smell of wood after heavy rain was clear Ayithe realised she had been transported as quickly as Ietus has told her. The large and long wagon was rather comfortable, the seat cushioned and all luggage sat secure at her feet. A few others, mostly peasants in appearance, sat alongside and opposite her, but it was far from full. No one noticed her arrival, no one looked at her like she shouldn't be there - it was as if she was there all along.

She looked down at her hands, she was clean and fresh, unharmed and back to normal. Fully clothed and fully armed with all her weapons, her Darling skin attire, her disk blades and wrist guards returned as they were originally. The power of this being, whatever it was, was incredible. She still feared it as she felt relaxed upon where she now sat, knowing that Ietus could recall her at ease. She couldn't see the brand on her back, but she could feel it's warm presence.

How am I supposed to know what to do?

Though now free and painless, Ayithe couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling that dwelled within her, pulling her chest lace tight on her attire she then folded her arms over her front as she sat quietly.

08-23-16, 02:58 PM
In the long wagon, there was another of those crazy Adventurer folks.

He sat down against the floor of the the wagon and one of it's wall, meditating deeply in silence.

Others watched the strange Paladin, noticing that he was a mere apprentice of the old ways.

Lorenor had a glow around his body that came naturally. He also gave off a natural peaceful aura, part of his intensive training in The Holy Light. As he sat there, he did not mind the many humbled stares that came his way. He was used to it. His hood covered his bald head as he sat in place thinking of the past. Oft...his mind was on the man that brought him his current chance at life anew. Sei Orlouge. Oft, the Paladin apprentice thought of the mysterious psychic. The leader of the ancient and now defeated Ixian Knights. Lorenor was the last known active member of that old sect, or cult as it would be known in the future.

As he sat there, his mind was a storm of thoughts.

He thought of the current mission that brought him to Salvar in the first place.

I must become a member of the Ethereal Sway. Lorenor thought to himself. In order to practice magic legitimately in Salvar...one needed a very specific license. It was Lorenor's intent to get that license so he could train himself and others further in the secrets of The Holy Light. So at that moment, he was a 'prentice Paladin with no current rank in the old Order. He was practicing a rare form of Holy Magic that he acquired from his state of Reformation with The Ixian Knights.

Knowing that he was one of the last remnants of that old faction bothered Lorenor a great deal.

He wore signet emblems of The Ixian Knights that oft drew odd commentary from the local passersby. Lorenor did not let that much bother him those days. He merely held the scabbard of his weapon close to his heart, for protection. Lorenor had purged the taint of N'Jal during Reformation and became what he currently was. Unsent. As he sat there he considered the current situation. I am what is left of the old Ixian Knights. I must preserve what Sei Orlouge was trying to create... He thought to himself as he sighed deeply.

Nearby, the eyes of several of the other passengers in the long wagon were glancing at the apprentice.

As he sat in silence, he could hear the whispers of the nearby passengers, they were mostly talking about the mysterious 'prentice Paladin.

As the dreaming came to an end...

Lorenor sensed something different about the Firmanent outside. The energy of the countryside of Salvar seemed to morph into the mad and chaotic energy of a large city. Knife's Edge... Lorenor thought to himself as he felt the wagon begin to slow down. The crew that drove the wagon began to slow the horses down as a discussion took place outside. The guards were talking with the wagoneers, there were several wagons present. Lorenor listened intently as he heard the guards talking to the drivers of the wagons. After about ten minutes of discussion, the wagons were allowed to enter Knife's Edge when clearance was made with their proper documentation. The passengers were not bothered since this was the official caravan from other parts of Salvar and other regions of Althanas. Some of the passengers traveled extensively far to vanish in Knife's Edge and townships around Knife's Edge.

A guard approached the wagon and informed everyone that they could leave the wagon...

Lorenor looked at the guard as he stepped out of the wagon.

"You there, daft fellow." The guard spoke to Lorenor as he left the wagon. "I'm guessing you're one of them Adventurer types?"

Lorenor looked up at the guard and lowered his hood. He had glowing blue eyes, and was completely bald. His clothing and attire all bore markings of the Ixian Knights. "I'm merely a 'prentice Paladin." Lorenor said in a deep Radasanth accent. "I've come to seek out a license from The Sway."

"Have we not met before...?" The guard suddenly had a strange expression on his face. "Your eyes have a familiar aspect."

Lorenor shook his head. "This is my first time here...that I'm aware of." Lorenor responded.

"State your name, 'prentice." The guard said suddenly.

Lorenor nodded politely. "The name is Lorenor." He paused for a moment and continued. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, guard."

The guard motioned for several of his fellows to suddenly step forward and talk to Lorenor further. "Your name is the same as his..." The lead guard suddenly said. He turned and whispered a few things to his fellows. "May I see your documentation...?" The guard asked.

Lorenor nodded and complied. He removed a parcel signed by members of The Order, and containing a mark of The Ixian Knights...including the seal of Sei Orlouge. It was documentation and proof of who he was.

"It's him...but he's different now..." One of the other guards, a younger man stated.

"Before I give you clearance...Lorenor...may I ask if you have any other business here at Knife's Edge?" The guard asked.

"Is there some problem with my documents?" Lorenor asked...he was starting to feel a bit nervous. But once again, he complied with the guards. "I wish to conduct business with The Sway once I'm allowed to practice my arts in this great city." Lorenor said calmly, though his nerves were starting to get the better of him.

Another guard walked up to the small group that had assembled in front of Lorenor. He was carrying a document that bore Abbot Hugo's seal. The seal bearer spoke to the assembled guards.

"I see..." The guard said calmly and addressed his fellows. "This man has been summoned by Abbot Hugo." The guard had a serious expression as he handed the document to Lorenor. "Please report to Abbot Hugo at once." The guard could not believe what was occurring.

Was it really the same Lorenor as before? If so that would mean...

And so, Lorenor took Abbot Hugo's document and prepared to walk in the general direction of where The Abbots resided.

Somehow....Lorenor remembered his way there...have I been here before...? Lorenor thought to himself.

The guards were whispering to each other as Lorenor silently walked away.

The situation had grown mysterious indeed.

Ayithe Solete
08-26-16, 11:30 AM
Ayithe hopped off the back of the wagon. The large gates to Knives Edge were nothing special to observe, but the thick concrete walls and tall metal gate was at least adequate for purpose and somewhat intimidating in height.

Ayithe looked outwards from the open gate, the open world before her, like a rope that signified freedom she couldn't yet grasp within her fingers. The long flat plans just ran off until it fazed into a blur of blues and greys formed by the rocky ground and skyline merging together. Then slowly as if to remind her she was promised to this way of life, the large iron gates swung shut with a heavy crunch as they met. There was no way back for her now, she knew that as a certainty, and she had to deal with it as best she could emotionally.

Her lost eyes dropped the floor, the dirty mix of browns that formed the earth at her feet was just that, a piece of earth that carried her to her destination. A destination she was starting to believe was nothing more than a lie. Was she now promised to this Ietus creature for the rest of her life? To be under its law and power until she either died or it lost interest in her particular set of skills? She feared the worse, she feared she had lost her life and that meeting Raslin once again was never going to happen again.

She rubbed her brow as she felt her eyes tense, the emotions welled up within her and that part of her felt weak. She could not survive if she was weak, she had learnt that in the past, but now she wasn't very sure where her life would take her. Was Ietus telling the truth, or was it all a lie?

"Papers please." A male voice commanded from over her shoulder. A large chain mailed guard stood awaiting her reply with pen and paper.

"Oh," she turned a little startled, now distracted from her thoughts of woe. Yet, she held no papers or real answer for this man. Had Ietus' plans fell short already? "I didn't realise I needed papers."

The armed guard rolled his eyes rather irritated and huffed out a big sigh. "All members of staff or the public entering Knives Edge though caravan or otherwise through the Associate Gate, must provide all required documentation upon request."

"That doesn't change anything for me. I still don't have any paper work." She shrugged, confused as to what she could actually do from her situation.

The guard continued in this rant, no longer looking at the scroll he held in front of himself as he recited from memory the line he must have read a thousand times. "All normal members of the public must enter through the appropriate gate. You're on a work caravan, meaning you have work set for you here, or you are an associate of the Ethereal Sway, which in turn means you have the relevant paperwork to enter this area of town."

Ayithe held her silence for a moment, unsure of exactly what else she could express before being kicked out to the other entrance. Surely Ietus has bigger plans than just having her stopped at the gate, unless this was yet another task in itself.

"Wait." He paused himself in thought as he tapped his prominent nose with the quill pen. His eyes inspecting her, not for attraction but at how she was dressed and armed. Her attire, eye catching enough in the midnight black and blood red merge of Darkling skin, had brought him out of his routine set of questions and back to the reality before him. "You a mercenary?"

"Yes," she replied without thinking, but with a little hope that this was exactly what she had been waiting for. "I'm here for the... You know."

"Oh right! " The guards eyes widened in surprise at the realisation before switching his papers round a little clumsily and marking the second one with his pen. "Where's the other one?"

Ayithe almost stuttered she couldn't believe that it had fallen into place as simple as that, however, if Ietus was as powerful as he appeared, then maybe this episode was all about testing her own confidence to see if she could simply just walk in. Nervously she continued to be bold. "I know not of another. I am alone."

"Right. Then my apologies about this situation, after the arrival of that paladin and a couple of others causing trouble my mind was elsewhere. Anyway, please keep this topic to yourself and the others," he gestured to one side and led her away from the caravan. Ayithe glanced at the caravan behind her and noticed the few peasants being spoken to and then the large armoured fellow across the way. The caravan she had arrived on was only one in a train of several - so there was plenty for the guards to be dealing with.

A large somewhat rusted door lay ajar before her as they approached the fortified structure that protruded from the outer wall of Knives Edge.

"We're trying to keep it somewhat quiet until the situation is resolved. Hence why you've been requested so privately." He held the door open and ushered her in, "others are awaiting you."

The dim room was more than shaded from the sunlight, and it took a moment for Ayithe to adjust to the darkness. A small fireplace burned prominently at the head of the room, and a series of wooden chairs sat around a large multihued red rug before the fire. Four shadowed characters sat quietly under the ambience of crackling wood as Ayithe's footsteps approached and her vision adjusted to view who they were.

08-29-16, 07:41 PM
He was guided to the location where Abbot Hugo resided.

The entire time, he could have gotten there blind folded and completely on instinct...as if he was there before...

The guard that guided him to Hugo Abbot's locale kept glancing at Lorenor with a strange expression.

The Paladin did not mind the strange looks he was getting from the local citizens.

There were hushed whispers there too...

Once the guard stopped in front of the Meeting Hall where Abbot Hugo currently resided...he looked right at Lorenor.

"You knew my Grandfather." The guard said plainly. "He used to tell stories to me about the mighty Lorenor that met Denebriel. The dark Hero that saved Knife's Edge." The guard continued. "Seek me out when you're done speaking to Abbot Hugo. I would like to have a word or two with you." The guard gave a stiff salute and parted ways with Lorenor.

In front of Lorenor now stood a large structure that was built in Salvarn architectural prowess. He studied the building...but it was much newer than he recalled...or was recalling. I don't know this building, only the general area that it's in...the Abbots and other high level clergy reside around these parts. Lorenor studied the various statues and other noticeable architecture around the gathering hall. The doors opened after a few minutes passed, and Lorenor was greeting by a servant of the Abbots.

"You..." The young man said calmly. "Abbot Hugo has informed me of your arrival. Come this way Sir Lorenor you're to be granted a Hero's Welcome."

Lorenor nodded and walked alongside the young servant. "Abbot Hugo is right this way." The servant did his duties and guided Lorenor to the correct room.

The Paladin merely said nothing and was allowed entry to Abbot Hugo's chambers.

"This way please." Came a deep voice from within the chamber.

The owner of the voice was an older man, someone fitting of the grand title of Abbot.

The man had silver hair and a stern expression on his face.

Lorenor sensed a particular energy in the chamber...one that made him only a little bit nervous.

"Abbot Hugo." Lorenor said calmly.

"Life sure is strange wouldn't you agree?" The Abbot began. He sat at an oak table, Salvarn quality and well polished.

Lorenor's glowing eyes looked at the Abbot for a long time. "I have been here before haven't I?" Lorenor responded.

"Come forth. Lorenor. I want to show you something." The Abbot said calmly and removed a document, an old scroll, from his personal store.

Curious, Lorenor complied and walked up to the grand old desk.

The Abbot unrolled the old scroll and Lorenor was stunned by what he saw. "Is this your signature?" The Abbot asked.

Lorenor felt humbled by what he had just seen...ink signed by his own hands lifetimes ago. "It is." Lorenor did not even hesitate...as a Paladin apprentice he could not lie to a man like the Abbot.

"This document is over five hundred years of age yet here you are standing before me. Just as you were in this very same area, not in this building but in Knife's Edge talking to one of my ancestors." The Abbot smiled. 'It seems you are destined to be here in Salvar. You have come seeking documentation to practice The Arts legally here in Salvar have you not?"

Lorenor nodded. "Among a few other reasons. But that is the main reason I have come."

"Noted." Abbot Hugo said carefully. "Your documents have already been prepared by my ancestors hundreds of years before today. Insofar as I am concerned you already have permission to practice The Arts within our boarders. However there is one thing you must be aware of."

Lorenor frowned a moment but his expression remained otherwise neutral. "What might that be?"

"I have documentation passed down by the eldest in my family. From Father to Son. Father to son across the ages. You were once a Hero fighting in the Demon War of ancient history. You fell then, but that is not what matters." Abbot Hugo stood up and removed a small jewel box from his personal collection and walked over towards Lorenor, handing him the jewel box. "Open it." Abbot Hugo commanded.

Lorenor nodded and instinctively opened the jewel box. His hands moved on their own, memories of a past life guiding him the entire way. Once the puzzle of the jewel box was solved latches opened on their own as the mechanism was worked. Within the jewel box was small signet jewel. It was purple, probably once used by the Lorenor that Abbot Hugo spoke of. "It's an Amethyst..." Lorenor said and removed the odd jewel, remarkably flawless from the jewel box. "This is a perfectly cut gem. How is this possible?"

"My Grandfather gave me very specific instruction as he handed the jewel box down from generation to generation. This item you forged back when you gave your life to protect the world from the forces of Haide." Abbot Hugo continued. "You have now returned to Knife's Edge and I am able to complete the promise my family gave to you so many generations ago." The Abbot stopped right then seeing the expression on Lorenor's face had considerably changed.

"I know whose bloodline you descended from..." Lorenor suddenly said as his mind was flooded with memories of many past lives. Most importantly, upon coming in contact with the perfect Amethyst gem, Lorenor knew the truth. When Lorenor sat on his deathbed it was Abbot Hugo's great ancestors that stood by his side attempting to heal the Hero from the brink of death...but alas...Lorenor fell and fell to Darkness. "Your ancestors stood by my side the entire time...the entire time I died back then..." Lorenor suddenly understood why The Thayne had guided him back to Knife's Edge. "I have a duty to fulfill to you and your family Abbot Hugo."

"No. Lorenor, you owe me nothing. It is I who have a duty to you." Abbot Hugo knelt before Lorenor..."Anything you require...you let me know. I will personally make it happen."

"Rise. Abbot Hugo." Lorenor said calmly. "There is work that needs doing...we must get that work done." Lorenor said calmly. "I am here to stay. I have come to finish the work I started hundreds of years ago..."

"And in turn, I can fulfill the pledge my ancestors made to you." Abbot Hugo said in exchange...

And that's how the two became friends.

Ayithe Solete
09-07-16, 02:36 PM
Ayithe felt the intimidating feeling that came with meeting directly with a new group of mercenaries. Not only did she have to complete a task that she knew nothing about, but she would have to do it either in sync or against these other assigned hunters. They sat circled around the rug like a group of rough lords and knights, but they were nothing of the sort - far from it. These men, of which she became the only woman, were armed to the teeth with blatant weapons of various sorts that they displayed clearly on their hips and chair sides for everyone to see.

"A woman..." the first man groaned. "When I looked out da window I was hoping for the armoured paladin looking fella."

"Shame," she hissed with a clear frown, her eyes darting to his body as she attempted to pass back his disapproval. Then there it was, a man armed with a dagger rather than a sword. "I had hoped for a man who at least wielded a sword."

His focus flicked over to her as if in rage, but his bulging cheeks formed a grand smile as he scratched the inch over his surprised raised eyebrow. "Heh, witty. My apologies."

It wasn't the first reaction she expected from him, but at least she knew he was more than just a bull headed buffoon with a knife. This lightened the mood for her having expected no more than a group of brutes and no brains, so maybe there was something a little more from these men than her just expecting the worst.

The smug man to her right was rather tall and dressed in a light attire, knives littered his belt, boot ad forearm. Ayithe never trusted thieves and by appearance she had already decided that he was just that. The other three were a little heavier armoured, the heaviest in plate armour, while two wore large cloaks and carried long swords, the second of the two also bearing a crossbow that rested against his chair leg. Ayithe chose to remain standing.

The door flew open with a windy shunt against the stone wall, a few wisps of crumbled stone chipped to the floor and all eyes fell on the entrant. He stood almost silhouetted from the light, but as it closed the sun's rays lessoned and the solider revealed himself. Stood in a light plated armour which resembled a stripy jumper, it clinked and rattled with each step he took, while the rest of his body remained covered from hip to toe leaving only his goatee and intimidating face to stare across at them.

"Good afternoon, mercenaries. My name is Frankhurt, and I am your guide until you reach the gates of our location. It appears the very last of our anticipated have declared themselves a nonparticipant to this... event." He marched forward, his arms sternly by his side and his eyes inspecting them all constantly with an fierce authority. "This... thing. This shape shifter or changling, which ever you should wish to call it, have infiltrated one of our most important and vital establishments. This is unacceptable and must be contained.

Your number one priority is the high priest, Eckbar Ranceed, he and his entire family are within the estate, along with about thirty guards. Somewhere within the estate, of which you will not be advised, is this... thing. I do not care for it, I do not seek for its capture, only its death. Everyone within the compound is under scrutiny, and the high priest and his family are never to be left alone in a room.

You are here because you are the best of the best, the seekers and con artists, the deceptive and the detectives. You need to flush it out, you need to kill it before it kills the priest."

Ayithe listened to every word, and beside Ietus himself, nothing was more terrifying than a shape shifter. She had faced one before, but she wasn't alone and it took cannon fire, many swords and burning fire to bring the beast to its knees.

"Have you blood tested everyone?" She interjected confidently with her experience. It's blood is a different colour than that of ours."

"Yes, and we struck pretty much every object in the priests room, it's nothing and no one, until it appears and kills another man. He's lucky to be alive, any other questions should be saved for the ride over there. Time is of the essence."

Ayithe almost gasped with surprise, this shifter was taking the form of objects as well as people? It was frightening to think that these things came in different forms with different abilities. The last shifter she battled could only form that of another humanoid, and it's blood was purple instead of red. Were they getting stronger or was this just another type of shifter she was yet to encounter?

Frankhurt re-opened the heavy door, led them outside and directly into yet another smaller but sturdy wagon. A couple of small wooden boxes were quickly pushed into the rear and then Frankhurt hastily ushered them to step into the cleaner, armoured wagon so they could leave on their journey into the centre of Knife's Edge.

09-07-16, 08:09 PM
Abbot Hugo and Lorenor shook hands.

It was a friendship that would someday become the stuff of legends.

"The object has a familiar aspect to me." Lorenor said carefully. "I'm not entirely certain what it is yet, but I'm certain the answers will come." Lorenor continued. "So where can I begin while we are discussing these matters?"

At that point, a maiden in the employ of the Abbot entered the room and bowed casually. "Abbot Hugo, the incident in question has escalated." The maiden said with a troubled expression on her face. She was wearing a traditional dress, and had braided hair. Her hair color was black. She had traditional Salvarn Hume features.

Lorenor decided that she was pretty.

He turned his attention to Abbot Hugo. "You have an important office my friend, I can take my leave if that will be all?" Lorenor did not know of any incidents currently in the city, he'd only arrived hours earlier.

Abbot Hugo looked at the maiden and nodded. Then he looked at Lorenor. "Nay my friend. There is much to discuss and there is a task that I will require someone of your skill with before we can conduct any further dealings. Seems we have a crisis on our hands." The Abbot said calmly.

Lorenor listened to what The Abbot said, but his eyes went to the maiden...something about her eyes interested him.

They had a peculiar glow about them.

Abbot Hugo looked at the maiden for a moment then spoke. "You speak of the incident in The Ranceed House?" The Abbot asked.

"Yes I do." The maiden responded. "The place is on lock-down and Brother Frankhurt has hired a group of strong mercenaries to kill the target." She handed The Abbot a sealed document. "I was given instruction to deliver this to you."

Abbot Hugo had a troubled expression on his face and gently broke the wax seal. He looked over the documents from The Ranceed House. He studied the three page letter, carefully scribed. "The whole place is on lock-down at the moment." Abbot Hugo sighed. He looked at the maiden for a moment. "Is that all that you have to report on the matter?" He asked.

She nodded curtly. "Yes, Abbot Hugo." She responded.

"You are dismissed then, return to your duties and speak to nobody of this matter." Abbot Hugo then looked at Lorenor as the maiden took her leave. "What do you make of those with different colored blood?" The Abbot suddenly asked.

"Different color, or different texture?" Lorenor knew the fair skinned Elven tribes had varying colored blood from blue to green. Many other species of Althanas also had varying quality of blood. Lorenor frowned, he did not like talking of blood that much...it reminded him of his own black blood. Marking him as a type of Undead.

"Both matters." Abbot Hugo responded. "The researchers in our employ have discovered some aspects of a creature we are facing. It is some sort of a shape shifter, but we do not know the exact quality of it."

"Shape shifters tend to hail from Haide. That's bad business if you think there is one present." Loenor said calmly referring to his knowledge of The Thayne Codex.

"This one might have origins elsewhere and is dreadfully powerful. I don't have all the information, only what our agents have uncovered so far." The Abbot said.

"Origins elsewhere?" Lorenor considered the situation at hand. A creature not bound by The Thayne Codex's rules would present a problem indeed. Lorenor thought about what he'd just learned...but then another thought occurred. "You wish me to join in the assault against this mystery being?" Lorenor suddenly said.

"Consider it a favour from one friend to another." Abbot Hugo said. "My sources indicate that it is after high ranking members of the clergy. The last known indicators place it near a place we effectively call The Ranceed Estate." Abbot Hugo looked off to the side for a moment. "I want you to travel there in the guise of an Agent of The Sway you will have full permissions to pursue this creature." Abbot Hugo said.

"What if it's a Demon that is targeting people in Knife's Edge?" Lorenor had to know, which was why he asked.

"That's why I am sending you." Abbot Hugo responded. "Find the identity of the creature...and destroy it. Do not let it or anybody stop you." Abbot Hugo's expression suddenly became serious. "It's my understanding that it can be anybody...it copies people's appearances." Abbot Hugo said. "It's targeting an official named Eckbar Ranceed. Lorenor, this whatever it is must not be allowed to succeed with whatever it's planning. Do you understand?" Abbot Hugo was becoming very very serious.

Lorenor nodded. "Aye." He considered the situation a bit more. "Where exactly is The Ranceed House?" Lorenor knew parts of Knife's Edge very well...his instincts would guide him. But he did not know every specific location. Knife's Edge was a huge city. Lorenor needed a guide to the location.

"I will give you a document with the proper direction. Further...a group of Mercenaries is already on route. Do not interfere with them, but assist them if they engage." Abbot Hugo said. "One of our Agents hired the outside help."

Lorenor nodded. "Abbot Hugo." Lorenor began. "I am the reinforcements."

And Abbot Hugo smiled knowingly. "I will have a wagon or horse ready for you should you have the need."

"That won't be necessary, I'll walk. It will give me time to practice something I have been meaning to." Besides, Lorenor knew that he would not get tired anyway. "I will need the directions to that place." Lorenor said. The Ranceed House, wonder what secrets I will find there? Lorenor thought to himself.

Abbot Hugo scribbled some information down on a parchment paper. He then handed it to Lorenor. "Lorenor, strike it down at all costs. And Thaynespeed to you." Abbot Hugo said as he handed the document to Lorenor.

"Abbot Hugo, I will see The Sway's will be done." Lorenor said as he gathered the documents and began his journey towards The Ranceed House.

Ayithe Solete
09-09-16, 11:48 AM
The jeers and jokes echoed within the metallic wagon as they approached the estate, Ayithe still drew a blank on where she was exactly going, but information seemed lacklustre as they continued to keep things under wraps. She couldn't help but consider the reasons to why they felt the need to hide this. Was something bigger going on here, or were they simply trying to hide anything that made them appear weak to the public.

The bald at the end remained as silent as when Ayithe first arrived in the room, still yet to utter a word in her presence, assuming he had spoken before - surely he wasn't a mute. Then the smug one she had met briefly chatted away with the third, the man armed with a crossbow, as if they were old friends. Yet Ayithe sat in silence.

Silence, that one word had become the most depressing thing in her life and the urge to reach out and make another friend was always growing in her heart. She hated being alone, and at times the pressure of being under Ietus's control and having been wandering on her own for so long was starting to show. Ietus had refreshed her, as she had the most wonderful of sleeps - she didn't feel tired or unfit, there was no injury or aching muscles. She felt as fit as she ever had, but as much as this physical pain had been removed, it was impossible to hide the pain that dwelled within her. These men that now sat beside her were the closest to anyone she was going to get for now, yet she still struggled to initiate any form of discussion by herself.

Fuck you... She cursed her life, for nothing had ever been simple for her and this was just another struggle in a long line of troubles she had passed before.

Finally, after what had felt longer than it actually had been, the wagon jolted to a halt as the horses arrived at their destination and then the doorway opened to let to sun pour into the prison like wagon. She had already felt the heat in the metal frame, to feel it once again touch her skin was like persistent light tickle of a feather. She stepped out first and hopped onto the dry paved floor, the small paved road made specifically for this new establishment as it reached from the large gated entrance and right up to the building.

Ayithe looked around her in awe, the building was a grand difference to that of where she had started, the older military used building and entrance to Knife's Edge could have easily been a completely different place entirely. To her right, the grandest of water fountains, circular and tiered three times with a waterfall pouring outwards from the top and centre and finalised with a statue of a woman carrying an all seeing eye of the Ethereal Sway - she sat upon its lowest ring and ran her fingers through the cold.

Then before them all, the beautifully crafted and almost giant house - a mansion in size. The front door sat under a canopy of church inspired gargoyles up top marbled pillars. Archways were carved over each window and small decorations adorned the walls such as flowers and the occasional Ethereal Sway symbol that matched the fountain.

What is this place?

This walled enclosure was a mighty building to look at, and Ayithe knew full well if she hadn't been for this situation this was a place that would never have had the money or position to visit. There was something eerie about it, albeit pretty, but a symbol of influence that reminded everyone who was in charge here and who had all the wealth to empower it.

"Caw blimey, this place is fancy aye?" The smug faced man never seemed to shut up, commenting on everything - not that he was wrong.

Frankhurt walked up the couple of steps and looked back at them as they admired the view. "This will be our last meeting, so ensure you heed my words. Once you enter here, you cannot leave until either that thing is dead, or you are. There is no other way about it, but it is what you have signed up for, and you pay matches that trouble."

"Aye, get on with it." They all drew their weapons in preparation, accept Ayithe who just steadied her nerves.

"My best advice to you all. Trust no one, and suspect everyone. You only have one another to trust, so if you wander off alone you lose that trust, as it can look like and sound like anyone."

Maybe I should have gotten to know them better before hand...

09-12-16, 03:13 PM
(Small bit of bunnying, hope it's okay.)

There. Lorenor thought to himself as he looked at The Ranceed Estate.

The wagon carrying mercenaries arrived just a little bit before he had, and his location was only a bit closer because of Abbot Hugo's locale.

The man called Brother Frankhurt was speaking to the mercenaries as they prepared to enter the likely death sentence...

Lorenor saw that Frankhurt was not going to accompany them.

Carrying the documentation from Abbot Hugo, Lorenor knew that he would be seen as a high-level member of The Sway.

That position granted certain privileges and rights. Lorenor waited until Brother Frankhurt walked away from the group and began to make his way to another street. Lorenor intercepted and made his way to the man's position. Frankhurt paused as he realized he was being followed.

"Think I don't know you're there?" Frankhurt suddenly stopped walking but did not turn to face Lorenor just yet. "I know who you are."

"Abbot Hugo sent me." Lorenor said in response. "I want to know how bad things are in there."

"Why should I trust you?" Frankhurt said. "You didn't follow the official connections to end up in with the hired help."

"Because of this." Lorenor handed Frankhurt a letter. "It is permission from Abbot Hugo." Lorenor said calmly and continued. "Further, I want to see to it personally that the creature is dealt with."

"How much do you know?" Frankhurt asked.

The wind howled mournfully in the streets of Knife's Edge carrying with it the sadness of a generation. Lorenor explained all he knew and suspected he knew from past Haidian kind encounters. He explained how much of a threat the hired help was actually facing, and he explained that the creature's origins had to be discovered. Furthermore, Abbot Hugo had sent Lorenor to exorcise the demon to prevent it from hurting anybody else.

"You think the shifter is a Demon?" Frankhurt looked surprised for a moment. "You are more well informed than you appear."

"I have intricate knowledge of The Thayne Codex." Lorenor explained. "I am also a former member of The Ixian Knights."

"Then you know what's at risk." Frankhurt said calmly. "I must report to Abbot Hugo." Frankhurt continued. "I'll inform him of our meeting, and that you have been granted clearance to enter The Ranceed Estate. But make no mistake, the hired help may react hostile to you."

"Good." Lorenor said calmly. "That means they understand the gravity of the situation." Lorenor bowed towards Brother Frankhurt.

"Lorenor, there's a girl with them." Frankhurt said calmly. "She's rather peculiar and I'm not certain what she is capable of. Make sure you keep an eye on her."

"You're rather paranoid, but I understand. I'll observe carefully." Lorenor continued. "I will present Abbot Hugo's seal if necessary to win their trust." Lorenor bowed once more. "Give Abbot Hugo my regards." Lorenor said and walked back towards The Ranceed Estate. It was a walled mansion and built in the architecture style of the Salvarns after the Demon War of Althanas yesteryear. It was an old house and quite impressive. Lorenor decided he would get his introduction to the mercenaries over with beforehand and prepared to infiltrate The Ranceed Estate shortly after the others went in.

Lorenor caught up to the hired help and introduced himself. "Wait. I am here to help you guys. I am here on Abbot Hugo's behalf." Lorenor said, he was certain at least one of the hired help would recognize him from when the wagons first arrived at Knife's Edge. "You guys are after the same thing I am." Lorenor said calmly, he kept his cool and prepared his mind for the deed that had to be done.

Ayithe Solete
09-13-16, 09:33 PM
The men would greet him eagerly, enthralled by his appearance as a well armoured member of the Ethereal Sway, yet Ayithe as well as the archer of the group, would keep to themselves and speak not. She wasn't as eager to make friends here, in fact she hadn't been up to making friends since she had lost Raslin and been captured by Ietus. Maybe the world was grating on her and she was becoming more selfish and cynical - she wasn't sure but she did notice her desire to remain somewhat secluded from the rest. The archer was probably used to simply being alone on his ventures.

I recognise you... Ayithe knew she had seen him before, but her attention so surprised by her current position had left her unsure of what or where it was. It must have been at the gates, she at least remembered the sarcastic comment by the first of the smug mercenaries she had met. Yeah, it must have been there.

Still it didn't really matter who he was or who had sent him as Ayithe didn't even know who Frankhurt was, they were all foreign strangers to her, and even if she had known Frankhurt she didn't know this city, never mind the building she was about to enter.

The only thing that mattered to her, the only thing that had mattered, was getting the job done - finding this monster and killing it so that Ietus would gift her the reunion she so desperately wanted.

First things first! Ayithe stepped forward as the archer knocked firmly on the door. The bald man awaited patiently as Frankhurt watched from afar, seemingly keeping his distance from the residence entrance. Then, the large engraved door opened with a slow and gradual momentum, the all seeing eye seeming to turn and rotate to unlock the door as if to open into an sacred tomb. Ayithe watched confused to the dramatic locking system that seemed to be in place, and as she watched, it appeared the door was more than just a wooden frame, but an intricate locking system of steel bolts and lock.

A small slim figure appeared from behind the door, a butler of some sort dressed in a plain dark tunic which crumbled on the floor as he bowed in greeting.

"Please step in." He croaked with his old voice, the man clearly of an older generation looked well for his age.

Ayithe couldn't help but notice the two armed guards behind him; sword and shield in hand and dressed in a chain mail armour that looked mean, stained in blood and told everyone entering they meant business. They stared with a clear sign of exhaustion upon them, their statures slightly limp and their weapons lowered, but also with a hint of relief as their expressions relaxed and their furrowed brows flattened.

The guards look tired...

Ayithe peered behind her and past their new armoured associate, Frankhurt and everyone behind her had already drawn their weapons and stared right into the entrance Swords, maces, and bows all aimed right at their backs - this was a one way journey and no one was leaving until this was resolved. She felt the nerves swill around her belly, the awkward feeling that she was being forced to do exactly what she didn't want to. Yet, there was no turning back once she entered here and even speaking up now felt too late.

In slow unison they all entered calmly before the two weary guards and the butler, lining up along the front wall and abreast to one another. The first room was not the mightiest in size, but it was bigger than anything she had ever experienced. Tall marble pillars and decorated roof tiles, the hard stone floor not far from the likes of marble layered in a variety of colours and patterns, and then filled with a series of polished ornaments and furniture that were organised to fit around the two large doorways that left the lobby room. Nothing was short of extravagance.

"Welcome to the Ranceed Residence," the Butler greeted politely as the door seemed to shut with a heavy and conclusive shunt on its own. "This place was designed to keep people out, but as an fortunate grace also manages to keep people in. That is unfortunately the scenario that is applicable to yourselves, and will be until you can sniff out the intruder."

"Yeah, we've been told several times now!" The smug faced brute jibed.

The Butler sniffled and wiped his nose with the oldest and yellow stained of hankies as he stood before the group after a slow and steady limped walk. "My apologies sir, but this isn't some blasé hack and slash tournament that you've come to. This is quite serious. Heed my words and then head to task; you are answerable only to myself and the High Priest Ranceed himself, though you would be wise to listen to his wife or daughter. You are given power and permission to enter the entirety of this establishment and question anyone you see fit, but I highly suggest you do not embark on any missions alone, as trust within these walls is now your most valuable asset. So please, use whatever methods you deem necessary. Good luck."

Ayithe felt the energy in the room sink as low as it could, this was easily the safest moment they would all experience, to be in this room with a group of people who she knew definitely were not the creature. She probably wouldn't have that certainty again, though this Butler and the guards were questionable from the start, surely the Shape-shifter was smarter than that. Turning the look out the only window to the outside from the lobby, she could see the silhouettes of Frankhurt and the others through the blur of coloured stained glass. How long would it be before she could witness the outside once again?

I guess this is where it all starts. She sighed as the first mercenary and most vocal since she arrived spoke up once more.

"Alright. my names, Vale Ravenstone. I'm formally an investigator, my expertise lays with knives and torture. I suggest I lead this and you all fall in line. So, to start, lets head into the main room and speak to the owner then we could split into teams and get this hunt started."

He waited patiently for a response from the quiet group, his podgy cheeks grinning proudly hoping there were no challengers.

09-14-16, 12:32 PM
Ravenstone...had I not heard that name someplace before?

A memory flashed back to Lorenor's past, he recalled a time when he was just another servant of N'Jal. Locked in a battle between the light and the dark. Lorenor recalled a fellow by the name of Jake Ravenstone...maybe one of Vale's relatives. Lorenor looked at Vale for a moment and walked towards him. "Were you ever close to a man named Jake Ravenstone?" Lorenor had to know, that memory compelled him and the truth could become a liability.

Vale looked at the man with the glowing eyes. "Jake...Jake was my Father. How do you know about him?"

Lorenor shook his head. "It's not important now." Lorenor said. "But I want you to know that Jake was one of the bravest men I ever knew." He was lying a bit of course, but he could not tell this man that his Father was a servant of N'Jal.

Vale rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "You knew my Father..." Then he looked at Lorenor, with a very serious expression. "I'd like to have a word with you about my Father if we all make it out of this alive." Vale said calmly.

"Understood." Lorenor responded.

One of the other Adventurers walked over towards Lorenor. "Them marks you wear, you're Ixian?" Another adventurer asked.

"At one point in my life I was." Lorenor said. "But that was a long time ago."

"I had a grandfather who was Ixian." The man said in response. He nodded. "You're a good lad, kid. I can tell right away. Vale, if we're gonna do something about the shifter we should all work together on this matter and compare our notes first."

Vale looked at his companions, but he looked for a moment at the daft Archer bloke, and then Ayithe, their female companion. "Ixian, what have you been told about our target?"

Lorenor closed his glowing eyes for a moment, a shadow fell across his face. "I've been told there's a real possibility that our target may have Haide origins." Lorenor began. "It is only right for you all to know. Abbot Hugo informed me of the characteristics of the beast, and it is a very dangerous. It is better if we all stick together, instead of splitting into small teams. That's the only way to be certain." Lorenor instinctively could sense Evil. But that was one of his own secrets that he did not need to reveal until they had discovered the creature itself. The Light would guide him. Lorenor looked at all of his companions. "We should all stick together since that is the only way we can be certain that none of us have been caught by the creature's power." Lorenor said. It was a dark deed that they were about to embark upon.

Lorenor looked at Vale, the man was bloodthirsty but very, very intelligent.

"Agreed. We all stick together." Vale continued. "Ixian, do you mind if I take point? I'm more comfortable up front anyway." Vale said casually.

Lorenor thought about the proposition. The other Adventurers were keeping to themselves for the most part. Lorenor looked at Vale for a moment. "Vale hold your advance one moment." Lorenor said calmly. "We should speak with the present guards first." Lorenor proceeded without waiting for permission from Vale or any of the other gathered, he wanted to be absolutely certain. "You there, Guard." Lorenor began. "Do you remember the last time you slept?"

One of the guards in the main hall of the estate blinked and looked up at Lorenor. "Are ye serious man, are you daft?" The guard asked.

"You realize that everyone is under scrutiny at the moment?" Lorenor asked.

Vale understood where Lorenor was getting at and walked so he stood next to him. "Answer the question." Vale said, perhaps a bit more harshly than he meant to.

The guard sighed. "It's been a week since the last time many of us have slept. It likes to target people when they are at their most vulnerable."

"Has the estate been thoroughly searched.?" Lorenor asked.

"Thrice over." The guard shook his head. "Each time we find nothing, but I am merely a guard. We do as we're told." The guard said.

Lorenor rubbed his chin thoughtfully, trying to come up with a plan of some sort. "This might present an opportunity." The Ixian looked at the guard very very carefully. "Your name, lad."

"Robert. Robert Daenth." The Guard said calmly. He was really showing signs of fatigue but his loyalty to the masters of the estate was admirable.

"Make sure no one enters in behind us." Lorenor said. "Everyone's a suspect now. If you can keep our backs observed for as long as possible, I would be thankful." Lorenor looked at the gathered. "All right let's start the investigation. Nobody moves away...everybody stays close. If we can all stick with each other, there shouldn't be any problems getting through this." Lorenor said. He allowed Vale to take command of the group at that point.

"All right everyone. Let's be on our way then and proceed to gather information and clues." Vale took point and they started to mobilize.

The same adventurer from earlier walked next to Lorenor and looked at him with a friendly smile. "Aye, you knew Sei Orlouge?"

Lorenor nodded. "I knew him quite well, yes."

"Fella was a legend. Nice to see some of the old guard in this team. Feel safer already." The man said calmly.

"As long as we all stick together and follow the plan we should all be okay." Lorenor said carefully and began to walk with Vale and the others. Lorenor was thoughtful and began to concentrate in an attempt to locate the source of whatever demonic taint was present. If the target was indeed Evil or Demonic, Lorenor would know and would throw himself at it...

Ayithe Solete
09-16-16, 11:47 AM
It was a good thing, if not a little frustrating that some of the others were getting on, yet Ayithe as well as the archer had kept to themselves. The men could make friends and decide who was really in charge as much as they liked but it didn't change the fact that order and leadership had already failed to discover this creature.

Not that I really know what my own plan is... If its blood is really not showing, then how on earth do I reveal it? The thought plagued her like an insanity, and right now there was no clear answer.

Vale led the group to the end of the corridor which opened up into a large hall at the rear of the building. Designed with tall slim windows that reach up into the arching ceiling to let in sunlight, a mighty fireplace burned at the far rear of the room, and sat before it, the family and guards. The vast but single room had this ony one entrance, so it seemed to make sense to take safety upon such a room.

Wow, impressive... Ayithe looked around as they all slowed upon entry, no door at the entrance from the corridor, a perfect defensive position, or a back against the wall last stand.

Their foots echoed into the hall as they wandered towards the priest who sat in his red velvet chair. Yet he stood upon their approach and the Butler bowed his head in acknowledgment.

"Halt! Stop right there." The Priest held up his hand flat as his guards stood close to him. "You are close enough, be it in a new group I see, but I am free from taking unnecessary risks."

Vale stepped forward and bowed confidently. "Do not worry, Sir! I respect this boundary you have put up and this will all be over before you know it."

"Yes," he replied holding little hope with the new assignees. "I do hope you impress upon me with this, as one will be significantly compensated."

"Yes, yes. No offense Sir, but we have had this explained thoroughly."

Thoroughly insulted by Vale's impatience and ignorance to respect of his position he scowled with a clear furrowed brow, but he had to accept that these new mercenaries had a fair amount of power in this situation. Begrudgingly he smiled back and accepted this minor inconvenience. "May the power of the Ethereal Sway guide you to your purpose."

Ayithe couldn't help but notice the underlying hatred the priest held of them and their arrival. His hand waved them away with a disgust of them and their attitude. Unfortunately, Vale's rash reply and cocky stance didn't help, but then again, everyone but the bald and armoured new comer had near enough the same stance. It often came with the territory of being who they were, and Ayithe knew in herself she often did the same. She straightened herself up, standing level and straight rather than her usual lean onto the right hip.

The group circled up, sceptical eyebrows raised and ears open to the idea of the first plan of the day.

"Any ideas on how to locate this thing? We could group it and rattle some heads I reckon." Vale shouted his idea quickly before any other suggestions.

"I agree. Separating ourselves would be stupid." The second, punching his own hand in agreement, nodded and looked at the rest. "I guess we all agree?"

"No." Ayithe broke the agreement immediately. "You're all doing exactly what everyone else has done and then failed at. This thing has no real known weakness or display that reveals itself, and we don't even know how many people it has killed to get here. It's patient, it's not taking any risks and we know that much because the priest is still here and no one has left this building since its discovery." The seemed to fall a little silent as she expressed her different opinion, she clearly had a different method of thinking, but she at least had their attention.

"Aye, and what plan would you suggest?" The archer spoke for the first time, seemingly impressed with her own deduction.

"Go on," Vale listened with a pedantic look.

Ayithe continued, "I think we do spilt into groups and draw the bastard into making a move. It won't take a risk against a full group, so let's go into smaller groups and just see how patient it really is."

09-16-16, 01:56 PM
In his possession, Lorenor held an item given to him by Abbot Hugo.

He listened to Ayithe's plea, and when the Archer spoke it barely registered. He noticed that the members of The Ranceed Estate were already in a heightened state of emotion. The "priest" was not in Abbot Hugo's group....that much Lorenor could tell by the marks on the man's robes. He was a member of the sway, but not directly linked to Abbot Hugo. Lorenor looked at Vale for a moment, then Ayithe. She is interesting...but it is too dangerous to split apart especially so early in the story. Lorenor gestured with his hand. Then spoke to everyone present. He had natural leadership skills, and would use his skill set to it's fullest capacity.

"Everyone let's just calm down a moment. There's no need for any of us to wander off." Lorenor was gonna keep his power a secret up until they discovered the current mask that the creature wore. It could be anybody...but Lorenor was certain nobody in the room currently wore the monster's identity. However, the Priest held a different type of evil in his heart. Lorenor stared a the Priest for a long moment, trying to ascertain how much of a threat the man really was. Then, he looked towards Vale. "Vale, cover the door for me, I would a word with the Priest." Lorenor did not take kindly to the Priest using false pretenses disguised as Sway greetings and sayings. Lorenor walked right up to the Priest and the eyes of the Ranceed family nervously watched the Paladin.

"You weren't in the wagon on the way to this location." The Priest suddenly said.

"No." Lorenor revealed calmly. 'Had to get permission from Brother Frankhurt to join in the assault."

Beads of sweat trickled down the Priest's forehead. "Who are you?" The Priest asked, and suddenly moved his hand to touch the side of Lorenor's skull. "Show me who you are!"

Lorenor did not resist when the Priest attempted to enter his mind. Instead, he opened his mind to the last few hours, and days of his life to him. Flashes, images, past present and history.

"Impossible..." The Priest suddenly said as reality returned to normal for him and he was no longer in Lorenor's mind. "Abbot Hugo knew of your existence...this is treason!" The Priest suddenly yelled.

"Calm yourself man, there are children present." Lorenor said angrily. He'd revealed the truth to the Priest hoping to obtain a little more information from him about the gravity of their situation.

"Do you know who you are talking to?!" The Priest said with growing rage. "I don't care who you think you are but you cannot fool me." The Priest shook his head for a few seconds. "What you have shown me...I don't want it in my head anymore...TAKE IT BACK!!!"{/b]

[b]"You are the one who took without asking." Lorenor said plainly. If the effects of the mind union held any negative effect on him, Lorenor did not reveal it. He kept a stoic expression reminded of the times he used to interact with Sei Orlouge. "But in peering into your mind I have determined one thing. The creature is still on the estate property. It's fashion of killing is getting bolder." Lorenor pulled away from the Priest and addressed his companions. "I may have a way to find our target." Lorenor looked at Ayithe and smiled at her with a soft smile. He then looked at the rest of his companions, finally returning his gaze back to Vale. "But we must prevent it from harming anybody else if that can be helped." Lorenor nodded in agreement. "We split into small teams and make sure that we can get the son of a bitch responsible for all this."

The Priest was staring at Lorenor. "You were present for The Demon War. How could that possibly be?"

Lorenor paused and then turned towards the Priest to confront him. "Yet here I am before you. You tell me, you're the one who has Faith." Lorenor said with perhaps a bit more harshness than he initially meant to.

The Priest suddenly stared at Lorenor with hateful eyes. "I swear by my family's honour. That Abbot Hugo will pay dearly for his loyalty to you." He continued. "Once you get this job done, I want you gone from this place...do you hear me!?"

Lorenor sighed at that point. "I am not deaf, I hear you." Lorenor would remember the Priest before him. "If you place Abbot Hugo in any danger...I will see to it that you pay for it." There was an acid edge in Lorenor's voice at that point. He then turned to face Vale and his friends. "Let's decide on who goes in what teams." Lorenor said calmly attempting to calm himself down for the sake of his new friends.

Ayithe Solete
09-16-16, 09:50 PM
What the hell is this guy on? Ayithe didn't really get what this guy was doing - refusing to agree with her then coming back and repeating exactly what she wanted to do in the first place. This seemed like a power play, to try put himself in a place of importance. She didn't care if the others fell for it, she wasn't going too and all it managed to do was irritate her.

"Great," she started in a deep condescending tone. "Your dazzling intellect is astounding us all." She looked directly at him, his smug smile reminded her of Vale, and how they seemed exactly one in the same; smug, confident and arrogant in assuming they were the top dog. "How about myself and..."

"Faren," the archer replied to her acknowledging glance.

"... Faren go one way, and you three go the other. Besides which, I noticed two corridors going left and only the one going right. We'll take the right."

"Agreed, I saw the same. We can loop around once we've checked our side." Faren prepared his crossbow, standing on the end and loading the string behind his deadly bolt.

Ayithe rolled her eyes at the three and walked off with Faren close in tow. Causing friction between the group wasn't exactly the best idea, but Vale seemed irritated too, he just didn't have the inner will to argue with a man who seemed to have some earlier family connection to him. Still, they had all agreed on these tactics and now it was simply down to luring out the creature.

Faren paused by the corridor entrance, "just remember to holla if you're under duress."

Ayithe hardly paused in her walk, but as long as she could hear Faren behind her on the marble and stone floors she didn't feel the desire to turn round and check on him. He had looked a little older than the others before, but instead he had now come across a little more level headed to her and she felt better with him than anyone else at this moment in time.

Ayithe gripped the disk blades that rested on her hips, her primary offensive weapon, and wandered with a slow somewhat cautious walk. Her hips naturally swayed slightly from side to side as she walked, but only a fool would believe she was more for the eyes than she was a fighter. Doors adorned both walls, some open, some shut, but they were all suspicious and the more she looked the harder this task felt. Where exactly do I start? She peered into room after room, some big some small, but they all displayed a certain top degree of wealth and riches. She stepped into another room, only a dim light, washing basins and running water clear in the small room. Three guards appearing rather casual at first as they leaned against the wall and sat down to rest, then straightened up as the two approached. It was an odd feeling to consider armed men less of a threat than that of an empty room or open corridor - but she wasn't about to start striking all of the objects in the room just in case.

Faren held his crossbow up high in suspicion, while Ayithe, keeping her hand on her hips remained that little bit calmer.

"Mercenaries," one grouched as he returned to his seat.

"Why you guys stood here of places?" Faren asked over her shoulder. Though the room itself was clearly a wash room, why three men randomly stood there of all places seemed a little odd.

"One of you guys having a shit?" She just blurted out crudely.

The first of the tired guards managed to muster a smirk. "Nah, Priest Ranceed's son is. So we're watching and waiting."

Ayithe peered ever so slightly to their right and two stick thin twiddling legs of a child kicked out from behind the wall. Though a little lazy, they were telling the truth and were certainly close enough to take care of the kid, albeit he appeared just out of direct line of sight. She felt the urge to question them, but exactly what to ask was bothering her, they could just lie or not even know the answer and be nothing more than ignorant, and she would be none the wiser to the situation at hand.

"I guess tough times is an understatement?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

The tired looking men could well be too exhausted to defend themselves, never mind the kid, so maybe it was as simple as the fact that the creature did not require the kid at all. That could only be a good thing, no child needed to die as well.

The guard slumped and huffed, he looked rough, unshaven and sweaty, his armour a little lopsided after he had adjusted it from being uncomfortable, while his red tunic underneath seemed worn and over used. I don't think the boys a target, I'm sure of it.

09-19-16, 10:21 PM
Anybody else would have been pissed off or at least fuming at that point.

Not Lorenor...he was upset at the earlier altercation with the Ranceed Priest. Little by little, the puzzle was coming together. The girl walked off with the archer...Lorenor narrowed his eyes for a moment when the decision was made in such an abrupt matter.

"Not a friendly lot, I'd wager." Vale said calmly. Trying to ascertain the situation at hand.

"Can you blame them?" The second mercenary said calmly. "People's tensions are high due to lack of sleep, and what not. I'd be pretty pissed off too." Vale and the other mercenary were speaking to one another in a quiet manner trying to calm the tensions they felt.

Lorenor, however did not attempt to ward off his own fears.

Abbot Hugo...what have you done...? Lorenor knew there would be those who questioned Abbot Hugo's allegiance to him. But, that was not the problem...the problem was that there was a creature on the loose. It was extremely dangerous. Lorenor stood a few paces behind Vale and his companion, he was listening, concentrating. His body had a slight glow around it. He'd already been given permission to practice The Arts in Knife's Edge and in Salvar in general. As he concentrated something happened.

The gem in his possession began to glow.

Lorenor wrapped his hand around the item for a long moment. A perfectly cut Amethyst gem huh? Lorenor looked at the gem, peering at it's surface. The glow attracted Vale's attention and the man walked towards Lorenor.

"Hey that's a neat trick. How did you get that thing?" Vale asked.

The second man was not as daft as Vale was, and he realized what he was staring at. "The gem is flawlessly cut..." The man shook his head. "You're full of surprises Ixian," The man said and felt calmed down as the light filled the hallway with warmth.

"The Light will show us the way." Lorenor said carefully. He then looked right at the gem, with a very serious expression on his face. Lorenor's body glowed with a tremendous energy at that point. The light very warm and calming. "I think I have a way to track our mark." Lorenor held the gem in his hand, his body glowing brilliant as he took point of the team. "It's a technique Sei Orlouge taught me, long ago." Lorenor said.

Vale nodded and realized he had not felt that good in a long time...

Despite his serious demeanor...Vale was a good man.

"Let's begin our search in earnest." Lorenor said carefully.

Then he started walking forward, opposite the way Ayithe and the archer went. A part of him considered the situation at hand...his own connection to Abbot Hugo was probably a mysterious matter to them. They don't trust me and that's fine. It's this damned mystery that we have to solve. Lorenor concentrated, keeping his energy levels up as they walked slowly across the hallway. He peered into every room trying to find the culprit responsible for the Ranceed Estate's current plight. "Everyone keep together, I'll try to lure it out in the open." Lorenor said carefully. He was hoping his trick would reveal the identity of his enemy.

Ayithe Solete
09-20-16, 12:28 PM
The room itself seemed locked down, apart from the vent that led into the toilets, but Ayithe didn't know enough to know if it could really fit through there. It was these small fears, these small doubts that made her and everyone else paranoid. That only increased the danger in this deceiving place.

Ayithe and Faren wandered away and paused by the door, she hadn't really questioned anyone, neither had Faren and the same question seemed to return to haunt them. What exactly can we do Even if they had special honours to do what they were doing, the guards hated them, the family hated them and Lorenor's presence apparently didn't make things any easier.

Ayithe sighed and leant back against the wall, and just as Faren was about to talk, she huhed him by raising her hand to his mouth. Her eyes flicked towards the door as she tapped her ear to ask him to listen. Faren complied.

"You finished, boy?" The moaning voice of the first guard sounded.

The young boy, his voice a little high pitched sounded more like a screech and neither of them made out exactly what he said. A little distressed but commanding, the tired guards didn't sound too impressed but it gave thought to Ayithe that maybe one of them was the Shifter and trying to cause a stir.

"This is beyond our pay grade anyway," he continued. "We could muffle you and blame the Shifter."

Faron's brow furrowed, and his intense eyes stared back at Ayithe. He didn't need to explain his next actions as they stormed back into the room.

"STAND BACK!" Faren roared, holding his crossbow in their faces with his finger ready over the trigger.

"What the bloody 'ell are you doing!" The guard shouted back.

"We heard you, what kind of guard says that?" Faron retorted as serious as he could.
"A tired one. Even if we were really going to do it, you couldn't stop us. So clear off!" He gripped the hilt of his sword in a threatening manner, staring back fearlessly into the sight of the crossbow.

Ayithe watched carefully, each of the three guards placing their hands in a ready position for battle, this was the clear sign that these men and this situation was going to cause serious trouble with those sent to resolve the problem at hand. Still, Faren was right, and these men had made some nasty suggestions.

Faren didn't back down. "I think you lot should submit to some questioning before we leave."

"I think you should kiss my ass, Mr Mercenary!"

The frightening shunt and twang of the crossbow sounded, the bolt quickly lodging itself into the forehead of the argumentative guard before them. It wasn't clear to Ayithe if Faren had done it on purpose, or if by mistake, but as all their eyes fell upon the murdered guard as he fell backwards - they all knew what they were about to do. Swords released from their scabbards and an almighty roar echoed with a roar around the room, one rushed into Faren as he tried to reload while the second charged directly at Ayithe.

Ayithe stepped back, releasing his wrist blades while she dropped into the next room before the corridor as he lunched at her, his sword swinging across her front, she dodged.

Then a high swing, lunging for a kill strike as she almost stumbled into the wall, but she dodged.

Then a third time, bringing the momentum of his swing down only to meet the forceful block of her own blade, which sounded with a mighty clang.

She pushed back, stepping into his step, and sliced up into arm, her blade just nicking above the elbow but missing out on serious damage. He cried out as his sword fell from his hand and he pushed back, thrusting his other elbow into her face with a heavy thud. His weight was enough to push her back as she slammed into the wall behind her, and then grabbing her wrists in an attempt to out muscle her and stop her use of the wrist blades. While she was pinned against the wall, the strength of this large man a warning to why being trained in close combat was important.

His fingers fumbled around her wrist as she kicked at him, but his weight pinned her forcefully against her will. Then, with a bit of persistence he found the small lever which returned the blade back into the wrist guard.

He smiled as he felt himself besting her, then reached to her other arm, this time having less luck then his first attempt. She found her opening as he shifted to her other wrist and she kneed him hard, first in the thigh and then again hard into the same spot, he didn't want to more, but it gave enough room for her to adjust and then kick him harder than ever before. She reached around him as he leaned into her again to block her legs, and gripped her free hand into his jaw and tugged forcefully at his lips.

The excruciating pain forced him back as she pulled him off her as he twirled back like a ballerina. He roared in pain as her nails sliced into his mouth and as he winced in pain she booted him with all of his might in the gut. He dropped to his knees and she slammed him again with a powerful kick to the face - her boot slapping into his jaw and spraying a bloody mouth along the floor. He dropped flat for a moment.

"We're not here to kill everyone!" She pleaded to him and returned her wrist blade. "Stop this."

He stuttered on the floor, taking a moment gather himself and return his gaze to normal. "Okay..." he muttered as his mouth drooled with blood.

Ayithe rubbed her cheek, they blow hurt and had she been of a lesser strength it may have knocked her out. The clashing in the other room continued, fighting men who were brawling for their life and wouldn't stop without some serious intervention.

Suddenly, Ayithe was gripped from behind, the returning guard trying to choke her as he wrapped his arms around her neck. Surprised and confused Ayithe tried pushing backwards, leaning and elbowing as they stumbled backwards and into the doorway and then even further into the hallway. The empty hallway echoed out in a crash as they fell backwards, the man's arms not quite choking her as she blocked with her right hand. Finally, she pulled at her wrist guard and released her blade once more, the murderous hands still trying to choke her, she drove the blade into his thigh.

He roared out in pain and let her go, leaving her to sit up and pound him in the face with frustration, again and again as she smashed her fist into his face. He had betrayed her after she showed him leniency and she would make him pay for it.

Ayithe stood up, standing over his bruised and bloody face and gaping thigh wound, she stared down at him angrily. He was scum and she knew it, this coward of a man had learnt a lesson before her and she wouldn't trust him again. Even his tunic and chainmail stained with blood as his leg poured, he wouldn't last too long without this being seen by medical - something she wasn't even sure existed within this building.

"SHIFTER!" He cried raising his hand to point at her.

"Fuck you, you cowardice bastard!" He knocked his hand away in frustration.

"Don't move!" Faren called out, and while a small relief fell over Ayithe it suddenly became clear that his loaded crossbow was not watching him, but her.

"What are you doing? We just got into this fight together!" She felt her heart jump with fear to his glaring eyes.

"I lost sight of you... both of you." He explained, but didn't seem so sure of anything.

"We can't afford to go this crazy... Don't listen to his idiot!"

09-20-16, 05:37 PM

The glowing Paladin and his companions made their way further away from Ayithe and Faren.

They stopped into each room and questioned the occupants of the room if there were any...but for the most part this wing of the large house was empty.

Lorenor pondered if they had to search the entire large estate...the thought seemed rather daunting.

"No clues mate, nothing." One of Lorenor's companions said.

Vale nodded. "How about you, Ixian. Having any luck so far?"

Lorenor paused moving and listened to what the amethyst gem was telling him with assistance from the light. "Nothing yet. I am certain the thing is here. I just don't know where."

Suddenly, they heard a scream from further down the hall.

Without thinking on it...Lorenor and his companions ran down the hallway attempting to ascertain what was the matter.

"Shit!" Vale screamed as he was clearly frustrated by the caper.

Up ahead was a maid of The Ranceed Estate. Lorenor was not familiar with her and walked carefully towards her. "Thank the Thaynehood! Help, I found a body here." Lorenor looked at his companions and they nodded. Can't let this become an inquisition. Lorenor became aware that was likely what the shifter wanted. Lorenor looked at his companions. "Vale, stay with the maid." Lorenor was certain that the maid hadn't directly caused the horrifying scene he walked into. There were several bodies completely torn open in an other world fashion. Lorenor sighed, but he concentrated as he attempted to ascertain the truth. "it just happened." Lorenor shook his head. "Right under our damned noses." Lorenor looked about the room and studied the gem in his possession for clues. The bodies were horribly torn open. "It was here." Lorenor said calmly as he could.

"Ixian, are you all right?" The second mercenary asked.

Lorenor shook his head in the negative. "This style of killing. I've seen it before..." Lorenor recalled Abbot Hugo's words. It might be a Demon... Lorenor knelt down and closed the eyes of one of the victims. All of the faces were etched with complete and utter fear.

"They will need to be buried once we are certain." Lorenor took the gem and passed it before the blood of the workers. There was normal blood present, but something else had happened. In one part of the room there was a section of blood that changed color when exposed to the light. "It was here." Lorenor said again.

Lorenor knew the thing had to be close by but he could not know for certain. He looked at his friend. "Get the girl to safety..." Lorenor began.

There was another scream from the hallway. "Stop!" Was yelled by the female maid.

Lorenor and his friend ran outside to see Vale holding his preferred weapon pointed right at the girl. "There's no way of knowing...!" Vale suddenly said.

"Vale, stop and think." Lorenor looked at the girl. "She's not the shifter...there's no way it could be this easy."

"We can't trust anybody, Ixian. She was the first one to find this mess." Vale suddenly accused.

"I didn't do this!" The poor maid had a terrified look in her eyes.

Lorenor looked at Vale.

Then, from further down the hallway there were loud boots coming. "Shit man, more guards are on the way."

As if on cue, the Ranceed Priest and several guards arrived on scene and looked at Vale and the maid.

"See, what did I tell you!?" The Priest said angrily and in an accusatory tone.

Lorenor's eyes narrowed. "Vale, it wants to turn us against each other. Listen to me. We don't know who the shifter is."

"The guy who put us all on this nightmare job knew what he was doing. He knew we wouldn't trust each other. And worst yet, the Ranceed lot don't trust us anyway. So what's the problem. We do this bitch right here, and that covers our alibi." Vale said angrily, he was loosing his patience and his main blade was waving around nervously.

One of the guards walked towards the maid and Vale. "What has happened here?" The guard asked and looked past Lorenor and into the room. "By The Thayne, that style of killing...!" The guard disregarded all form of reasoning and logic and looked right at Lorenor.

"He's the shifter!" The Ranceed priest suddenly yelled.

Lorenor was about to try to calm everybody down when there the maid yelled a death shriek. He stared in a horrified sort of way as Vale killed the maid by slicing her throat wide open. She clutched at her neck for a moment in shock and died a few moments later, bleeding out. Lorenor looked at Vale with a shocked expression on his face. Everybody gathered suddenly turned their weapons on Lorenor, even those he considered friend.

The Ranceed Priest halted them by raising his hand and walked towards Lorewnor with a cold expression on his face. "You showed me something, Lorenor. Because of that I have to thank you. You have showed me that we can beat this son of a bitch and it doesn't matter who we accuse of being the shifter at all."

Lorenor shook his head as he looked at the Priest. "You're a member of the Sway." Lorenor said. "Why would you do this?"

The Ranceed Priest continued. "In the guise of an estate plagued by a mysterious killer...I could take advantage and destroy my enemies. You represent Abbot Hugo. How easy it was to lure him out in the open."

Lorenor frowned deeply. "We can still salvage this situation and come out together as Brothers in the Light." Lorenor was attempting to plead with the mad priest.

"What for? After this I'll have full control over The Ranceed Estate." The Priest smiled. "Any potential survivors of this incident will be killed by The Shifter, and sadly, I will become sole heir."

"No." Lorenor said. The Ranceed Priest looked at the gathered guards, Vale, and his companions.

"You will all be pardoned if you kill this Demon before us in the name of The Sway." The Ranceed Priest said.

However Lorenor was quicker. He suddenly reached out and punched The Priest in the face. Vale reacted but it was already too late. Lorenor had drawn his sword and placed it at the neck of the Ranceed Priest. Lorenor had previously placed his perfectly cut gem back in his packs. He drew his large sword in a quick movement. He held The Ranceed Priest in his possession, holding the man tightly.

"What do you think you're going to do!?" The Priest asked.

Vale looked at Lorenor coldly. "Guards, stop the shifter!"

Two of the present guards walked towards Lorenor and The Priest. "Not a STEP closer!" Lorenor stepped backwards into the room and prepared to make his way towards the single balcony.

"You're finished, Demon. Let The Priest go." One of the guards said in a gruff voice.

"How do I know one of YOU GUYS aren't the shifter?" Lorenor decided to fuck with their heads as easily as they were messing with his. Forgive me... Lorenor thought to himself. The balcony doors were open and a late night breeze entered the room mournfully. "I know you guys won't believe me, but I ain't the shifter. I can prove my identity whereas you guys can't. So I'm not safe with you guys any of you guys any longer." Lorenor knew. This is what the shifter wants. Once on the balcony portion of the house, Lorenor suddenly kicked The Priest forward, so he landed against the guards. Gathering his sword, and himself, he jumped off the balcony and prepared to try to meet back with Ayithe and Faren. He would stop anybody who got in his way at that point as he ran. Nobody in The Ranceed Estate was safe. He landed on The Estate grounds and there was shouting and yelling behind him. He ran the opposite way he walked to get to that point of the house, and searched for a room he could crash into. An empty room, he wanted to be certain there was no other members of The Ranceed Estate there. That Thayne Forsaken Priest. I'm gonna make the bastard pay, AFTER the shifter is dead. Lorenor was focusing as he ran. He knew he was on his own at that point and would have to come up with a back up plan once the identity of The Shifter was revealed.

He found a suitably empty room in the house, and jumped through the elegant window. The loud crash was a startling sound, but it could not be helped. He just needed time to get to somewhere safe in the house. There was a lot of shouting and yelling from a lot of different direction as The Estate itself seemed in an uproar. I cannot fail in this mission. Lorenor thought to himself. He ran through the hallways and made his way to the lower section of the building...he had to wait things out for a little bit so he could catch his breath. He simply ran to the basement without thinking about it another moment.

Ayithe Solete
09-21-16, 01:38 PM
"Come on," Ayithe pleaded to Faren. "By that logic I could accuse you of being the shifter..."

Faren paused as a bead of sweat ran down his forehead, he seemed over concerned about this, and Ayithe was afraid to make any sudden movements as she still recovered from her fight with some heavy breathing.

Faren's eyes shifted back to the bathroom door and then to her. "This situation is illogical... We've entered a building where people are giving up right beside us, thinking of extreme ideas to help set them free. How are we supposed to deal with this exactly?"

He appeared to be breaking under the stress, and hardly anything had happened. Sure threatening the kids life seemed ridicules, and there fight moments ago was rather dramatic considering the situation, but it was quickly becoming an intolerable situation. This place had already cracked, these people were already dead and now Ayithe and this band of mercenaries had walked right into it.

"We don't..." Her reply coming with a little deeper thought to their lives. "We only have to survive it... and that means trusting in one another."

"That's exactly what the Shifter would say..." He condemned her as the slight tilt that dropped from his crossbow raised to her once more.

"Don't do this!" Ayithe raised her hand before her in a defensive manner, a silent plead to beg for mercy as her worried jaw dropped open and her eyes wanted to cry through fear.

Then, he pulled the trigger. Ayithe flinched leaning back and dropped he shoulder - a knee jerk reaction that seemed fruitless in thought, but the reality was different. His nervous demeanour had caused him to be less than accurate, and while the arrow sliced along her left shoulder she did no more than tumble to one knee.

There was a silence of shock, Faren couldn't believe he missed, and Ayithe looked around to accept the reality before her. Her should bled lightly, but it was nothing more than painful, but minor wound. Her looked back up at him, his eyes stunned and ashamed of himself, and then she reacted.

She launched up and tackled him as he tried to reload, the slow and clumsy crossbow's biggest weakness. They crashed into the wall and Faren dropped his weapon, leaving him to repeatedly elbow her in the back.

THUD, THUD , THUD! His elbows crashed into her shoulder, he didn't intend on the wound at first bit it made sense to capitalise on it. She winced as he grabbed her shoulder wound and pulled her up, ready to strike her down once more, but Ayithe was ready, punching him in the gut and the face one after the other.

Again and again her knuckles pummelled his face, drawing a little more blood each time, and while not superior in weight and size Faren was no weakling. He punched her back, finally letting go of her now worsened wound and struck her hard in the face. She tried to block but crashed backwards over the lost weaponry in the earlier fight, and dropped into the bathroom.

BANG! The door slammed shut hard, and nd her dazed state Ayithe could hear the distinct rubbing of wood on stone as Faren blockaded the door. She rubbed the seat off her forehead and sat up, once again catching her breath as her face throbbed in an aching pain. Her shoulder caused repeated wincing as she moved, the agony of having his hand gripping and bashing it was enough to knock her silly. She wanted to scream out in pain, but while a few groans escaped her lips she did her best not to let him know he had hurt her.

She pushed herself up against the wall still facing the door, her heavy breathing slowly starting to calm as she rested. Then, as she had practically forgotten, her eyes lay upon the child who cowered in the corner. A spray of blood on his face, but it wasn't his, he was fine.

The poor kid... Being witness to all of this...

However, as she attempted to move towards him, the dreaded sounds of Faren called from the other room. "What the... Holy FUCK! LET ME BACK IN AYITHE!"

The door rattled as whatever furniture behind the door shifted, a few crashing of wood sounded and then screams. "ARGHHHHH!!!!!" Ayithe froze in a fearful stare at the door, her mind lost in the imagination of what was going on, on the other side. "ARGH!!!!!" He screamed again.

I... I... I got to get out of here...

Ayithe dashed away to the back of the room, the vent the only thing that seemed to be a way out of here. It would be a squeeze, he knew that much, but the stone vent had been crafted to not only vent out the smell but provide a fresh gust of air to a otherwise poorly lit and aired room. She looked back at the child, still curled up in a little ball of horror.

"Come on." She whispered as she knelt beside the boy. "My name is, Ayithe."

"But... But he monster..." The child cried a tearful few words.

"It won't get you. Not if you come with me," Ayithe held out her hand half way, urging the child with her sore eyes to join her. So he did.

Taking her hand she walked him to the vent as another loud crash thudded in the other room, but this time no screams or cried echoed through. She lifted the child in the first, and after a little unwilling moment and a small push, he went in. Ayithe hopped up, the gap barely big enough to let her get in, but the small vent was just enough for her. The rough stone scraped against her as she pushed through, the child leading slowly and quietly, and finally turning a corner to move completely out of sight.

A head of them seemed clear, the light of day apparent at the end, but a significant gap the only obstacle to get there. The child paused in fear and cried. "I can't do it!"

"You can! You have to or the monster will get us both!" Ayithe urged the child on, she couldn't squeeze past him and she feared what was behind her as much as the child.

"But I'll fall!" The child begged.

"Look, you go to because if..." Ayithe hesitate as she felt the vent crack, it what was happening? Was it collapsing in on them or was the creature forcing it's way in? The many thoughts and fears crossed her mind at this moment, but she had to move. She pushed the kid forward without consideration for his fears or even health, they couldn't stay here, she couldn't stay here. Gripping only his hand for a minor reassurance.

The child cried as she slid further to the edge, they were almost laying flat and even Ayithe's have was not enough to keep the child happy, he cried harder, his cried and sobbing would be clear if the creature had broken back into the bathroom.

Then, the crack again and the ground beneath them rattled. What... what the...

The vent base collapsed, not designed to have people crawling through it she felt her weight pull her down as everything shattered around her, and they plummeted to the ground.

Ayithe closed her eyes, she could still feel the child's hand in hers as he screamed, but his screams could not hide the crumbling noise around her and the air as it whistled around her.

CRASH! They hit the floor hard, their landing masked by the sheer volume of rumble that landed around them, and with a stroke of luck, their fall seemed rather short.

Ayithe rolled over as the child continued to cry, but dust filled the air and Ayithe's groans of pain echoed just as loud as the injured child's. Sitting up she looked around rather dazed, a trickle of blood ran down her forehead and her arm almost screamed in an overwhelming pain. The dust settled quickly and the room around her began apparent. She had landed somewhere below, in the servants quarters, but there were no servants. A small window adorned the wall near the ceiling and let in enough light to see, but the dust hurt her eyes as she coughed her lungs clear.

Ayithe forced herself to her feet, sore and weak was an understatement but she would do it anyway, she would never give up. She stepped over the crumbled debris and past the small and now dirtied bed - it had been neatly set up. Her disk blade lay before her and she checked to her hips to release one was missing, she must have dropped it in the fall, so she picked it up and went to leave.

Then the crying came back to her, and the child lay upon one of the beds, in floods of tears that had made pathways of rivers down his dirty cheeks. Each time she looked at him, she felt bad, this child knew nothing and was being punished by adults that should know better.

Ayithe held out her hand, "Come on, little one... We have to keep moving."

She wasn't used to looking after kids, or what to do to care for them, but she knew enough to know she didn't want to leave the kid behind. He must of been about five, at first she had thought older but it had become clear he was younger and this made her feel ever worse. He hugged her leg, and while a little frustrating to her, as she couldn't walk, she leaned down and wiped his tears away.

"Come on... Let's get out of here."

09-25-16, 01:31 PM
To say that he was having a bad day was an understatement.

Lorenor maneuvered his way to the underground section of the mansion trying to buy himself some time to regroup.

The stairs descended into the next section and the Paladin knew he just needed to think for a few moments.

As he considered the gravity of the situation he became disheartened that the Ranceed Priest had his own agenda and was taking advantage.

I'll deal with him later... The Ixian thought calmly. In general the situation had gotten south very quickly. He initially did not want them to get separated for that very reason. There was simply no way to be certain unless they could all keep an eye on one another. His plan was sound. Or at least, he felt it had been. He wondered how the archer and the girl in the group were holding up but he somehow doubted they had fared any better. As he considered the matters at hand, he recalled the things that Sei Orlouge had taught him on how to react in a dangerous situation. How am I doing now, my mentor? You'd probably be pretty disappointed in me. Lorenor found himself thinking about the situation extremely carefully. The Ranceed family had a lot to loose at the hands of the shifter. Lorenor was angry that the creature was able to function so readily and at ease with a compliment of guards and swords present.

It's toying with us... Lorenor had no doubt in his mind at that point that the shifter was a Demon. Or at least some sort of one. At last, Lorenor finished walking down the unusually long stair case. As he entered the next chamber he smelled vintage wine. The wine was a sweet scent and held a strong Salvarn quality to it's smell. Each region of Althanas sported it's own strong drink choices and Salvar was no different. The lower section of the large house was probably a complex and interconnected cellar area. Lorenor didn't mind. He just needed a few moments to think and gather his thoughts. The basement chamber would be a good opportunity to do just that. He decided he would let the temperatures in the upper section of the house simmer down for a little bit before he made his attempt to continue the search. He decided to search for a quiet corner in the basement, surprisingly well lit and decided to sit down for a long moment. As he sat down he focused on a few matters...namely everything that had just gone down.

Did you intend for this to happen...? Abbot Hugo...I could use a few answers right now. I feel isolated at the moment. Not that I have not been there before...but not like this. He thinks I am the enemy...but...I don't really know. Lorenor sat down in a corner and his body began to glow.

Nearby, a servant resting in the servant quarter saw the shining light and walked over towards The Paladin.

"You're one of the mercenaries are you not?" The house servant asked. "How did you end up down here?"

"Just needed some time to think...things got pretty bad for a bit." Lorenor looked at the woman for a moment. She had black hair and handsome, Salvarn features.

"How bad are things up there?" The woman asked and sat down next to Lorenor.

"Bad...just needed some space for a bit. Managed to only find a few clues." Lorenor thought of something. "How many of you workers are down here?"

"A few. But we rarely come up to the house unless called for and it's been some time. So we're just staying down here." She said calmly.

"Do you know of Abbot Hugo?" Lorenor thought he could reach the workers and try to assemble a group. His mind started running at that point with that idea.

"Yes He's a good man. And placed some of his Agents here in various parts of Knife's Edge." The woman said in a matter of fact sort of way.

"I've observed the creature's style of killing." Lorenor said carefully. "It seems to be picking us apart groups at a time." Lorenor said.

"Can it be stopped?" She asked.

"Maybe. But with everybody in-fighting...I'm not sure if we can win the day." Lorenor felt exhausted at that point and was glad that he found somebody he could talk to...that was not tainted by the situation above.

Suddenly, the girl leaned in close to Lorenor and did something unexpected.

She stabbed him in abdomen area, with a ritual dagger.

"No way to be safe...no way to be certain." The woman suddenly said.

Lorenor bleeded out from the piercing trauma. His face was stunned at the action....

"Black blood...it doesn't change color...." She said calmly and looked at Lorenor. "I had to know..."

"This has not really been my day." Lorenor admitted attempting to keep a humor about the dastardly deed.

"What are you...?" She asked. "You're clearly not the shifter..."

"You wouldn't believe me at this point anyway. But what does matter is that...no...I'm not the shifter." Lorenor said calmly realizing that the injury to his abdomen area had been severe and he was bleeding out. "I don't want to die alone." Lorenor suddenly said.

Despite the horrible situation, the girl stood by his side. She sat down once again next to him. "You're Ixian are you not? I recall those marks."

She was just trying to make small talk while Lorenor basically bleed out.

"A long time ago." Lorenor was feeling an excruciating amount of pain. As he sat there with the girl, he strangely did not mind her company. "You know...it's still somewhere in the house." Lorenor managed to say but was growing quite cold as he sat there bleeding out. Black ichor spilled out of the injury and he sighed...This is the end is it not? I just wanted to help... Lorenor was growing cold as he sat there and he considered the very real fact that the mission was a failure. I didn't get in the end after all... He shook his head. "You know it doesn't hurt that much."

Ayithe Solete
10-04-16, 07:15 PM
Ayithe with the child in tow wandered away from the small wrecked underground, dusty and bloody as she guided the child away from what she believed was certain death. The only intent on being to save the defenceless young boy, and while she hardly knew the child at all she knew it was the right thing to do.

What do I do now? She questioned herself again and again but there was no direct answer to fill the void of despair that she feared.

This creature didn't even have to do anything, the fear itself was spreading like a wild fire into the hearts of everyman and woman within these walls. Ayithe was frightened inside, but she wouldn't show it to the child. It was the very itself that was actually causing her to be strong and fearless in the face of all this terror - not that the child had any special powers and neither did Ayithe really know it, but the fact that she felt she had to be strong for the child made her ever stronger in herself.

Her arm ached under the blood that had smeared over it, her wound she causing some much unwanted frustration as it tried to distract her. The cold and quiet downstairs was very different to the upstairs of the mansion, no colour and a lack of light and windows. The small horizontal slits let in enough to remove the shadows but left a dull dim light to match the dark and lifeless stone grey walls of the servants quarters. They walked the corridors slowly and quietly, enough to hear the silent sniffles of the child as he tried not to cry.

Ayithe paused, staring down the next long corridor, using the open doorway to peek her head through like a thief peering to his exit strategy.


Each little sob and sniff felt like it was breaking her heart, she really hated seeing a child suffer this way, and as she knelt down to comfort him once again it finally dawned on her that she hadn't even asked his name.

"Hey... What's your name little one?" She asked with a soft, sympathetic tone.

"Ecbir," he whimpered as a small tear slipped from his watery eyes.

Ayithe calmly took his small hand in hers and them wiped away the tear once again. "Okay Ecbir, my names Ayithe... And I'm going to get you back to your dad. Chin up." She smiled as she looked directly into his eyes, waiting for a hint of acceptance or a smile, whichever came first. Ecbir nodded, but no clear smile graced his face as his cheek tensed into a small hesitant dimple - it was probably the best she was going to get. "Come on then."

Standing back up she peered back out into the corridor, nothing but the stillness of silence filled the emptiness and as scary as that seemed at this time they walked out anyway.

After a few moments of sneaking and lurking, they passed a few locked doors, and even as she knocked and pressed her ear against the wood, the voices that hummed inside never came to the door. She didn't blame them, the servants would be too afraid and the more she banged the quieter it fell - she couldn't afford to kick in the door like a crazed assailant, she had to stay sane.

It felt like a maze of rooms and corridors but few doors remained open and no footsteps echoed into the corridors as they limped their way back towards any exit they could find. Eventually, after what felt longer than it actually was, the open staircase to the next level stood before them. Better lit and featuring a little decoration of a couple of family portraits and a delicate table - more than any of the previous corridors. She felt herself gasp with excitement as a rush of adrenalin flushed through her body - freedom.

Yet, as she approached the stairs and the child's pace finally quickened to take over her, a few voices caught her attention, only quiet but something of sadness. She paused to listen as the familiar voice touched her ears and tempted her to turn around, conflicting with the fact she had Ecbir in tow and had intended on taking him to safety. She closed her eyes and sighed as she hated on herself to the thought of not just leaving, but something drew her back to the voices, maybe she could help, maybe they could help them - more people wasn't a bad thing.

The knight... She recognised the light glow that hued blue around him and instantly knew who he was. Surely the shifter couldn't replicate such an effect, and if she was right who exactly was that standing over him? He's injured...

"Stay..." Ayithe whispered directly as she pointed to a small crate within the same room. "with me, but don't go past that box unless I fall."

Then, without another word Ayithe charged forward, leaving the darkness of the corridor as silently as a shadow, her footsteps only becoming clear as she got close. As she figure turned their head to her their arm raised with a blade in hand, she almost left the ground as she arched a large swift kick to the temple - striking with a forceful blow that sent them crashing into the ground with an unconscious thump. Ayithe's wrists blades released as she stared down the assassin before her but as she waited, glancing back only to see the child still waiting in view behind her. The once threatening figure now lay motionless and harmless unable to once again rise to their feet - at least for a little while.

"Are you okay?"

10-13-16, 12:18 PM
(Edits per request)

The dimly lit chamber did little to calm Lorenor's mood.

As he sat there he knew one thing...I am going to die. But at least I am not going to die alone. Lorenor wondered where his day had gone so south. Most people simply accepted death as it happened...it was an every day occurrence on Althanas. Lorenor didn't really mind. What he did mind was the fact that a lot of people were being hunted by the demon. The Shape Shifter. Lorenor sat with the girl next to him as he bled slowly out from the piercing stab he'd suffered earlier. Then a voice called out from up ahead. Lorenor opened his eyes as a question, barely registered by his ears...was heard. He opened his eyes and was surprised to see Ayithe again.

Then, the girl that he was sitting next to was suddenly disabled by Ayithe.

"What happened to that Archer you decided to go with?" Lorenor asked.

He didn't know who to trust or what to believe. The Shape Shifter could have been anybody, and they had all walked into a death trap. "I'm having a really bad day." Lorenor was trying to face his end with a good and strong view. He wanted to go out with honor. He was hurting and the blood loss was too great. The girl who sat next to him was now on the ground completely laid out. Lorenor looked at Ayithe with a strange expression on his face...

He wasn't entirely sure why but he did not simply die.

Instead...he kept bleeding.

The endless ichor of black blood....

It was a part of who he was, part of his cursed destiny. Lorenor looked at Ayithe. "Why did you just do that?" Lorenor looked at the girl next to him for a moment, she was now on the ground hurt by Ayithe. Lorenor was stunned at that point and had no idea why Ayithe had done that...

Lorenor stared at Ayithe.

Lorenor was just trying to do the right thing and protect anybody he could.

So at that point...the truth didn't matter anyway. Lorenor sighed as he looked at Ayithe. "Just hurts like hell...the injury is not closing or anything. Wish I knew some of them healing arts..." If he got out of that mess intact, he would be certain to have a strong ale...

But for now...he just was concentrating on staying alive.

And for some reason, his body was reacting in a strange fashion to the injury. He did not know it, but his body had slow regenerative capacity that was starting to emerge. Lorenor did not have the strength to stand just yet, but the shock of the situation demanded he rest considerably and attempt to understand why Ayithe had attacked the girl.

"I'm no good to anyone like this." Lorenor said.

He felt disheartened by the situation, and what had actually happened. Lorenor looked at Ayithe.

"Is that the Ranceed kid?" Lorenor looked past Ayithe and was staring at the little boy...something was wrong...

But the important matter was attempting to figure out why Ayithe had knocked the maid out. "You probably thought she was the shifter or something..." Lorenor said quietly towards Ayithe. "Hey, I'm hurt pretty bad and could use some company until the time happens..." Lorenor did not want to die but he knew very little would stop that at this point...short of a miracle.

Ayithe Solete
12-11-16, 09:36 AM
Ayithe hesitated as the knight questioned her actions, his weary pale face looking weak and uncertain - if not a bit confused.

"She stabbed you. I had to take action..." Ayithe strokes a few stray strands of hair out of her face and paused in silence. "But yes, this is the child of the Ranceed family. I don't know how trustworthy they are... But he's only a child."

She wanted to keep moving, to keep herself and this child safe. It wasn't easy making decisions under this threat of death. Had this place been this way for a while? Had the picked off other mercenaries and knights that had come to stop this shifter? There was even a part of her that wondered if the shifter was real and if this wasn't a whole scenario created to pick off mercenaries, but that begged the question of why?

"I am no medic..." She felt the urge to state the obvious, the fact his wound was still bleeding profusely. "Can you stand and return to the fold? Can we try a new tactic and return the main group? We are all injured and fighting... Searching alone now seems stupid. And maybe one of them can heal you?"

Ayithe realised she hadn't answered his question about the archer, but her uncomfortable frown usually said enough. Labelling the man a foolish scared idiot would have been true, however, she felt no desire to recognise his existence anymore for he was more likely dead anyway.

"Probably dead. There was so much chaos that I just had to focus on saving the child and myself."

12-12-16, 09:43 PM
"Going back to the group now would prove counter productive." The Paladin said calmly.

Lorenor carefully attempted to stand. He noticed something about the injury...his body was regenerating on it's own. As he stood up he noticed just how much blood he'd lost. Yet, he was still able to function, able to maneuver and act. He didn't understand it all fully...but he had started to heal. Lorenor shook his head as he stood. He was wobbly in his movements at first. His eyes looked upon the boy and Ayithe before him. Lorenor was considering the situation at hand, and how badly things have gotten. "Did you get attacked?" Lorenor noticed there were several bruises on Ayithe...he wondered what had caused them. His eyes observed her carefully, and then he looked to the boy.

"You're a good kid." Lorenor said calmly. He was trying to make himself feel comfortable more than anything. He was already recovering from an injury...so he wondered if that would impede. He shook his head and clutched at the injury in his abdomen area. "Doesn't hurt so bad." He looked at the knocked out girl before them for a moment. Her body in a crumbled heap. "Really wish this mess hadn't gotten so bad." He then looked at Ayithe. "We need to recuperate and figure out what's our next move. I have a bad feeling about everything anyway." Lorenor was trying to avoid regrouping with any of the others...the Ranceed people had made their point and Lorenor did not want to engage them in front of the boy.

Plus, in his weakened state...he really wanted to get bandaged up and put back together. A part of him wanted to leave...but the rational part of him knew he could not and would not. "If there is a Monster here we still have to find it, for the boy's sake." Lorenor said to Ayithe. "Whatever you decide to do...I'll go with you. Don't want you to have to face whatever we have to face on your own." Lorenor said. He considered the situation at hand...he knew there was probably more going on than what he was told. Yet...there was no other choice but to continue forward and press on. Lorenor would use his power to defeat the shifter...

Ayithe Solete
12-15-16, 04:11 PM
"We are damned if we do, and damned if we don't." Ayithe replied in response to his hesitation. After all, they have to try something and sitting around waiting to die was not on her agenda.

Yet, as he went to stand and she almost offered to lend a hand, he not only stood but seemed a little better from those few moments ago. Was his wound not as fatal as it appeared? He was a little odd looking, those glaring eyes and even a strange glow seemed to come from him, although he wasn't the first person to display magical abilities in front of her. She hesitated to think something else, then answered him properly.

"Yes, we got forced down here after an altercation. The guards here are disillusioned to say the least. We all knew it wasn't safe here, but this place frightens me now. This boy won't last the night if things continue the way I have seen."

Honesty was a strong point of hers, but she hated it as well. She never liked admitting her fear, but this place was already taking a toll on her mentally, and what exactly to do with this child was bugging her. There was nowhere safe, nowhere they could lock him up and collect later, they were all inside and trapped with an invisible beast. All she could do was keep him beside her and protect him, because she knew in her heart she could never leave a child behind to die - she'd never forgive herself.

"I still believe we should head towards the main hall, splitting up was..." She didn't want to finish her sentence. "A mistake... I wish I hadn't suggested or backed it. But we should try re-unite before more of us die."

She gripped the child's hand and looked up to Lorenor, she hoped he would agree, if not, she had no idea what else he could suggest.

12-18-16, 07:47 PM
Lorenor nodded.

"That sounds like a plan to me. I would much rather accompany you and the boy then be left for dead down here anyway." Lorenor was scared. The whole situation had gone south very, very quickly. He took a look at the maiden that had been knocked out by Ayithe. None of this was their fault... He shook his head at that point as he considered the fact. He wondered how much of the situation was really their fault...and how much was the demonic creature they were after. Lorenor carefully considered the thoughts...and he realized he was slowly beginning to buckle under the pressure. I just want to help solve the case and get the monster before his spreads out of control. If it is in fact a Demon...it's possibly anybody could have summoned it. Lorenor didn't want to disturb Ayithe with any of his own observations. At that point he was not one hundred percent anyway.

Gathering himself, he proceeded to grab his gear and prepared himself for the next part of the ordeal.

He knew that some of the Ranceed people were taking advantage of the demon's presence and attempting some sort of a power play in Knife's Edge. The Paladin didn't take kindly to being sold out by the Ranceed people but that was beyond his control anyway. That was information that he was not privy to from Abbot Hugo. Lorenor motioned toward Ayithe to hint that he was ready to continue the journey. Though hurt and tired, he wanted to be certain the demon was dealt with. Lorenor was walking somewhat slowly at first but soon found himself able to move he was taking a few practice steps so that he could get used to walking with his injury once more. The injury was still painful...but it was healing on it's own. Lorenor was not sure why he was healing in such a way. Hadn't I lost the regeneration powers with Reformation? Or maybe something else was going on...

He shuddered at the thought. However, it would soon be time for smiting the Demon and Lorenor needed to be ready. For his sake, and for Ayithe and the Ranceed boy's sake as well. Lorenor found himself capable of walking normally after a few moments passed and decided that he was ready. "Let's go then...whatever happens at this point...happens." As he moved forward, he assumed Ayithe and the boy would follow. Lorenor followed his own instinct and made his way towards the staircase that lead up towards the main section of the Ranceed building proper. As he moved he recalled everything that had happened during the long series of events. He drew his sword and prepared for the worst as he moved forward.

Ayithe Solete
01-06-17, 09:24 AM
And so, with boy in her arms and mutant man by her side, Ayithe left towards the where they had all started - the main hall.

It seemed almost pointless, Ayithe had a slight limp, her baggage may have been small but a child was more than just a bag or item, and the large man beside her was still recovering. Like a trio of batter and bruised brothers they walked up the stone stairs and through the marble archways. Stepping over corpses and bodies, the only definition of difference being that some were just dead men, and others were mutilated into unrecognisable figures with gaping holes and lacerated organs that left them in a sea of blood that filled corridors.

Had it all gone to hell so quickly? Were they the only few left in a war they knew nothing about? Or did they enter a game of life and death for a single beasts entertainment? Ayithe tried not to look at the bodies, stepping around the gore an entrails and trying to imagine the beauty that this place once held. It wasn't that she hadn't seen a body or two before, she was stronger than that, but the fact was that only someone with a stomach of steel could look at this unholy horrific mess.

Ayithe covered the boys eyes but she could do nothing of the smell, the dense rotten must of dead men and women that only attracted the psychopaths and rats. Yet this was their path. If they tried to escape, even if they could break out of the foot thick front door, or leap the giant concrete walls that surrounded this place, the guards of Knives Edge would soon hunt them down - or maybe even the creature itself.

Finally, the archways broadened and the corridor merged into a lobby before the main hall, and where there was once talk and huddled fear, there was now silence and death. Ayithe froze still as she produced a loud gulp in her throat. The hall had become a massacre, a fancy wooden throne centered in the room now circled by a river of blood and countless dead. Yet sat upon such a throne was one man, slumped forward with his head on his fist, his gold rings digging into his chin enough to draw a small trickle of blood. He appeared like a king, but his face shrouded almost black he was not the same man that they had met before. His royal red robe hung off him eerily as his cold blood shot eyes peered up at their arrival, and then he began to laugh.

Even the boy did not approach his father as his little hands clung to Ayithe for safety. "What..."

"Bwahahaha," his deep bellowing laugh echoed like thunder throughout the hallway. "I must confess, I wasn't expecting anyone to return here just yet. I wasn't quite finished in my preparations. Anyway," he stood revealing his sinister smile and enormous size - larger and more frightening than any normal man, his body pulsed like water before it regained a solid strength. "Allow me to express my task here is already done... Yet, you all just keep coming in here like cows for a sacrifice. How can I resist?"

What drove such a creature? Why was it here and why had Ietus sent here to destroy it? She'd killed a shifter before, but the sea had helped back then, and the only sea here was that of blood it had made itself. Ayithe carefully put the child down and requested he stand back, the terrified child didn't want to let her go, but when such a danger lurked before them there was no choice.

"Lorenor, I hope you're well enough to fight." Ayithe's voice trembled slightly, but as she focused forward she gripped her disk-blades. She was as ready as she could be.

01-11-17, 10:52 AM
It had all come down to that.

Lorenor saw many ripped apart bodies, some in worst decay than others. He frowned the entire time and felt pity for the few allies he had made in the sad, sad story. He saw the faces of the mercenaries...mangled in masks of terror. He shook his head as he walked. And said a silent prayer for the victims of the monster. He walked, instinctively and they made their ways to the main hall. Where it all began. He was surprised that the man who had initially shown such hostility towards him was the monster. Or at least the body and current host of the demon. Lorenor could not help but shake his head in disgust. Lorenor was still hurt, but he had a mission. The sway had tasked him to exterminate the demon in the Ranceed household and he was determined to do just that. Once he was before the target, Lorenor considered the situation at hand. He could cast the rituals necessary to burn to the Demon and send it back to Haidia, or whatever Hell it came from.

Lorenor looked at the Demon.

He barely heard Ayithe speak. As a Paladin, Lorenor knew that this was the enemy. There would be no bargaining, no mercy, no excuses. Despite his injury, Lorenor summoned up every ounce of courage he could. For the sakes of the Ranceed boy, the sole remaining heir, he would be brave. Lorneor saw the power radiating from the creature, it was Darkness and not Darkness at the same time. As he considered the situation at hand, he readied his weapon. Lorenor recalled every time he had ever encountered a Demon, or someone truly evil. His body began to glow with the righteousness of the Holy Light. As he looked at the creature before him, Lorenor almost felt sorry for. His ally, Abbot Hugo, had warned him that it would be a very dangerous hunt. He had proven correct in that assumption. Lorenor looked at Ayithe with a very serious expression on his face.

"Flank it, I'm going to provide the necessary distraction." Lorenor considered himself a Hero, and he would die for the Ranceed boy. As he readied his weapon he walked slowly towards the demon. Lorenor's eyes locked on the eyes of the creature itself. "I've fought your kind before. You wear the masks of people cause you yourselves are pathetic." Lorenor recalled the Endless he fought back in Haidia that would take over the bodies of the fallen. They were parasites. Perhaps this creature is not so different from an Endless? Lorenor thought to himself. He finally covered the distance between himself and the demon. "I suppose this was your grand plan? So that the authorities would blame us for the death of the Ranceed leader?" Lorenor shook his head again. "Abbot Hugo sends his regards, monster." And Lorenor struck. He began by summoning forth one of his potent smite spells and ran forward with it, aiming his powerfully glowing weapon towards the mid section of the foul creature.

And so it would begin.

Ayithe Solete
01-26-17, 12:13 PM
Ayithe watched as the shifter just stood there, allowing the large frame of Lorenor to charge it down with Claymore in hand. The swords sky blue glow illuminated in Lorenor's hands as the blade raised in anticipation of striking its target. Yet as he launched into his assault the Shifter appeared to step into the attack.

It's skin moulded and liquefied as it turned its arms into long blades equal in length to that of the Claymore weapon that Lorenor held. Their blades clashed as the Shifter's mould finished and solidified for impact and sparks signified their greeting with a loud metal twang.

The creature still winced in some pain, Lorenor's blue glow was apparently more than just a pretty attribute. Their eyes met and the shifter snarled as they pressed swords into one another's and held a pose of strength as if to wait for who wilted first.

Ayithe ensured the child stepped back, confident she had found the sole perpetrator for this whole situation. She had faced a Shifter before, and fire was not its friend. She instinctively gripped at her necklace, the thought of flames ready to trigger into her very weapons. Yet, just as she went to close her eyes the shifter drew her attention.

It sleekly guided Lorenor to one side, letting his own confrontation push him to one side as he stepped past him to face Ayithe. Yet without a word he stepped into a charge, his focus on the very necklace she held close in her fingers. She almost panicked, gripping her disk-blades she stepped back, standing deliberately between the shifter and the child. One arm merge back into a human fist, and reached out for her - desperately grabbing for the necklace.

She sliced out defensively, the blade cutting up the shifter, but its effect seemingly nothing as its reach was only stopped by her own grasp.

"I know what this is!" The Shifter claimed as it drove its sword hand forward.

Ayithe smashed her diskblade into his sword, the two interlocking as they stumbled backwards and they crashed to the floor. The Shifters sword stabbed into the floor harmlessly and the two lay in a grapple as they tussled, fighting over the necklace, for some fear of its power seemed to provoke its concern.

Jamming her knees under its gut she tried to push herself free, but the overwhelming strength of the shifter pushed down on her, pinning, trapping and forcing itself to its goal.

"Lorenor!" Ayithe shouted, "get this thing off me!"

01-26-17, 11:12 PM
At that point, the true battle began...

Lorenor focused on his aura of vengeance and was gathering the power within himself. He knew his enemy was the shifter. The shifter foolishly exposed it's back to Lorenor and went after Ayithe, the Paladin would act. Harshly. For Abbot Hugo. Lorenor thought to himself and he leaped forward. His mighty claymore rotated through the air as he maneuvered his hefty weapon. The bodies created a horrible scent in the air, but Lorenor had to focus despite his injury...

In mid-air, Lorenor prepared a fully powered Smiting Slash.

As he jumped downward towards the shifter's back, the old Paladin struck. He summoned a fully powered Smiting Slash and attempted to to plunge his powered weapon deep in the back of the horrible creature. "So much death. You will pay for what you have done." Lorenor said. He was both tired and extremely angry. He'd already passed judgment on the horrible creature, and hoped he would never be forced to battle something like it again...at least not until he was considerably stronger.

As he leaped through the air and plunged downward his mind cleared...


"...Again." The trainer said carefully.

Lorenor did not understand why he was seeing a memory of the past, but it haunted him regardless. The past always haunted. He was back at the Ixian Castle, back as a newly reformed member of Ixian society. The reformed follower of N'Jal flinched when he saw his past self. But he played along with the memory.

There, as so many other times, there was the training center on the castle ground.

The old Paladin Order was part of the military wing of the Ixian Knights.

"You'll never reach Ietus like that." The trainer suddenly said to Lorenor as he trained against the training dummy. "You need more FAITH IN THE LIGHT."

"I'm trying." Lorenor said back as he had a thousand times over. Ietus was a myth, a legend told to the newer members of the Ixian Knights...had Lorenor really found heard the name Ietus before...? He swung again, attempting to perfect the swing that he was taught.

"The Demons will take away everything you love. Everything you hold dear, and they will do horrible things to you." The trainer said calmly.

Lorenor swung again. For the thousandth time that day. His hands were already bloody, his muscles were tensed and his body was on fire from the Holy Light.

"Such little faith in Ietus." The trainer said calmly.

"I've never even been to Ietus!" Lorenor snapped back and felt his anger and rage driving him to focus.

"Lorenor. What do you think the Reformation process is?" The trainer asked as Lorenor continued to slash the training dummy...

"Reformation...it is connected to Ietus somehow." Lorenor said calmly.

"Those who undergo the process, sometimes are connected to Ietus. But always, they have to pay for their deepest wish. What did you wish for, Lorenor?" The trainer taunted.

For someone like Lorenor, the price was heavy indeed. What did I wish...for...in that cold, dark cell? Lorenor sighed at that point. "I wished for my freedom from N'Jal."


And Lorenor exploded at that point with the rage he felt inside. What is...Ietus? A story...a myth...? Maybe Ayithe knows. She has to...I owe a debt... Lorenor thought to himself as he plunged his weapon deep into the Shifter's back. He released his most powerful Smiting Slash yet.

What did you wish for, Lorenor...? The voice repeated itself in his mind.

I wished for Freedom. Lorenor answered back in his mind as he burnt the creature badly with his power...

"I wished for Freedom. Freedom from N'Jal."

And the disturbing thought repeated itself once more. What was Ietus...how was it connected to Ayithe? Only time would give answers.

Ayithe Solete
01-27-17, 08:28 AM
The glowing claymore sliced with a furious determination from Lorenor, cutting down through the creatures back until it protruded from the other side. The angled blade now lodged awkwardly in its black, only inches from Ayithe's own stomach, Lorenor had now expected such serious impact, but the foolish Shifter had staked it all on stopping Ayithe's secret weapon that hung on her neck.

The necklace of fire that she had burned one its kind with before, and if she hadn't of been fortunate to hold it off for Lorenor's attack, they could have been in serious trouble.

"Argh!" The creature wailed as blood spewed from its back and chest, pouring down onto Ayithe as she winced in an uncomfortable and sickening moment. The urge to throw up swelled in her stomach as the thick red blood merged into a purple sticky mess. However this was their moment to take it down, one brought on by a mistake, but that didn't mean she would take pity and hold back. It was it or them, and she felt no desire to die this day.

Picking up her loose disk blade, she drove it into the Shifter's shoulder. The blade slicing down into a humanly fatal wound. She roared herself into a forceful kick and then managed to push the Shifter back, its grip weakening after the blow and then her powerful legs enough to knock it backwards and free herself. As the monster let go, the disk blade left her hand and erupted into a circle of magical flames that burned and charred the creature as it backed off. IT screamed and wailed with its arms and legs lashing out as it tried to dislodge the weapon, before finally knocking it the ground and stopping the flames.

Ayithe sat up, her focus on the shifter as it gathered itself and fell silent, its charred wounds and wounds pouring profusely with its own gunk of blood and gore. It's human shape only just holding together it awkwardly stood upright and two glowing red eyes peered back at them.

"Warriors, sent specifically to take me down..." The Shifter groaned with frustration. "How fortuitous that ones such as yourselves would arrive here to ruin my amusement. Or is that knowledge beyond your mortal minds?"

Ayithe tried not to respond or give away her motives for being here, but it seemed clear that this Shifter was more than just a killer without remorse. Why was it here? Why was it doing this murderous crime? Her mindful eyes, trying to think of why as she listened, met the shifters piercing and knowledgeable eyes.

"Your silence says enough to convince me." The shifter continued. "I will be slain even if I survive tonight. The war has begun, but at least my mission is accomplished."

"Murdering a family is no real mission. Murdering us is a mistake. You will die, not us." Ayithe retorted.

"A mistake? No. I'd call it a failure..." The shifter coughed and spewed some more purple gunk to the marble floor. "Yet you were not my target, merely an inconvenience of my own fun. We all die, my death will not affect the result of today's actions."

02-13-17, 01:34 PM
Lorenor had heard enough.

"You're all the same...DIE!!!" Lorenor had fought Demons before. He ripped his sword out of the body of he fell creature. Then, as it spoke to Ayithe, Lorenor struck. There was no more time for mercy, no more time for words. The Shifter was a terrible creature that fed off the misery and suffering of others. The fact that it had killed everyone proved that. In the same motion, Lorenor drove his glowing weapon in a powerful slash towards the creature's head. Lorenor intended to burn the thing alive. There was no suffering too great for the monster before him. It had earned it's fate simply by what it was. Lorenor was a Paladin, and this creature represented the enemy...

Nothing else mattered...

Lorenor swung his mightiest attack at the creature yet. At the same time, he released a final attempt to smite the beast with another, more powerful Smiting Slash. Lorenor was hurt, tired, but he had a crusade he needed to finish. Ayithe and the Ranceed boy's safety were a major concern for the old Paladin. This is a terrible situation. I have to explain this mess to Abbot Hugo. But where do I even begin to do that...? Lorenor thought to himself as he considered the situation at hand.

So many dead...and for what? Lorenor hated the idea that the Shifter had caused so much harm in such a short period of time. Just for it's own selfish enjoyment. Lorenor judged the shifter in one final action, and put everything he could into that attack. It was then or never. Lorenor looked upon the shifter with tremendous disgust. "By the light...be judged." Lorenor said angrily as he felt the righteous rage fill his heart and soul. In the back of his mind, he kept thinking about the Ranceed boy. This will affect him a lot. I will try to talk to him a little later and perhaps get him to join Abbot Hugos cause and put him in orphanage now that his estate will be in ruins. He will need help after this. I intend to help the boy and Ayithe in whatever way I can.

Then another thought crossed his mind. I need to find Ietus...I need answers. This Demon and Ayithe are part of the puzzle somehow...

Ayithe Solete
04-14-17, 03:40 PM
((Sorry for such a late reply, not had the chance to get back on Althanas in a while. I'll keep this small for now and talk to you when I get a chance.))

The shifters eyes met with Ayithe's as she watched Lorenor strike a final blow. It smiled a calm grin in her direction, a smile that Ayithe did not understand entirely, but if she thought about it, the Shifter had already slaughtered all these men, it had already slaughtered this family, and finally it had left a child - a child that could now sit in resentment to living a life without a family.

The long term effects were unclear, the motivations hidden, but at least she had survived. Hopefully, saving the child was the right thing to do - Ayithe at least believed it.

Knowledge? Ayithe thought about the words of the shifter, its lack of fear, its knowing grin that in losing its own life, it had achieved a goal it's existence was created for. She hated not knowing.

Ayithe patiently waited as it's body melted into the stone floor by Lorenor's feet. She'd ask if he was okay, but it was readily apparent. She calmed herself in the silence before the fearful weeping of the child became clear to her once more. She turned to comfort and held him in her arms as she knelt to hug. This was more than any child ever deserved to experience, for what lay in his future was now eerily unclear.

"Lorenor?" She glanced back at the warrior. "I think we should leave while we can. We shouldn't linger longer than needed."

Ayithe Solete
04-17-17, 01:49 PM
((Ending this quickly as Lorenor seems to have quit.))
Ayithe stared at the exit down the bottom of the corridor. Back to where they had started, but guards were replaced with blood, words with silence, and light with darkness. Wrecked and used candles lined the walls and floor, but none remained burning their warm glow.

Both Ayithe and Lorenor had to deal with the smell of death in the air, the strong dirty-iron stench hung in the still air - unshakable and unmoving as no fresh wind blew in. Ayithe limped slightly as they paused by the large Salvic decorated door of the Ranceed residence. It had been a frightening feeling when it first shut behind her upon entry, and even with the silence she feared what awaited for them on the other side.

Then, the world shimmered around her. Ayithe blinked and rubbed her eyes as she felt the world change. A flicker of a dark cave, and then return of the Ranceed's front door. Lorenor seemed oblivious as he pulled on the doorway, the large latch and bolt a little unusual for a door. Yet as she waited another moment, the world jumped in and out once again. Ietus was calling, Ietus was bringing her back. Was it all to end so sudden?

"Lorenor!" Ayithe reached out as she felt herself phasing away from their current position.

Lorenor turned to look but could only watch in confusion and disbelief as she faded away as if she was never there.

The wet cave walls filled her vision as she appeared to be back in the caves of Ietus. The walls as natural as any cave, but the floor carved and smoothed into a walkable surface. She looked up to the cloaked figure she recognised as Ietus. His shrouded face was nothing but a dark void, but he stood upright like a human and she could feel his presence staring across at her.

"Did I fail?" She asked presumptuous.

"No. I did, for I sent you there too late. You did enough, you killed it." Ietus replied, starting to walk away from her.

"And I saved a child!" Ayithe shouted as she followed with a hasty walk, their destination unclear.

"The child was probably better off dead. Now it'll likely grow up into the hateful vision that the enemy wanted." Ietus strode down a long corridor, his midnight black cloak masking whatever feet hid underneath. Then predicting her next comment, continued. "Do not feel the need to defend the young boy. Your motives are admirable, but this war is greater than any one life."

"You've never fully explained what you're asking me to do.... What I'm part of when I'm working for you." As angry as Ayithe felt over the child comment, she daren't argue. Ietus was too powerful to deny or refuse.

Finally, Ietus stopped by the next open room, and before her lay the sword he had shown her before she departed.

"Ah... Where to begin. So much to say, so little time." Ietus pointed towards the weapon rack that held the sword. "Pick up this weapon before you Ayithe, and I shall explain enough for you to proceed to your next assignment."

04-19-17, 02:59 PM
Name of Judgement: Finding Ietus - The Truth In The Lie (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?31307-Finding-Ietus-The-Truth-in-the-Lie)
No Judgement


Ayithe Solete (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?200-Ayithe-Solete) receives:
1625 EXP
190 GP

Mutant Lorenor (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?3023-Mutant_Lorenor) receives:
1320 EXP
165 GP

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
04-20-17, 08:02 AM
All rewards added!