View Full Version : [Elthas Solo/Chapter 4] A Silent Promise...

09-04-16, 03:55 PM
(Continued sometime after the events of: Chapter 3 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30860-Solo-Chapter-3-Old-Gods-and-New-Streets-3)

The crackling fires snapped and burst with magical properties as they lit up the cavern's wall.

There were several goblins present in the cave system of the Goblin Cove.

The Goblin's shaman began the ritual work days earlier, their scouts having gathered the necessary ingredients for the rite. The Goblins were a green skin lot, short in stature but furious of heart. Their society was superstitious and dedicated to the old ways. The Goblin leader, a Goblin by the name of Mrokys, ordered the current rite be done at the whim of a vision. The leaders of the Goblin tribes were granted visions from The Thaynehood themselves. Some good, some bad, but all of them...influential. Mrokys spoke of a man in the shadows who would lead their people to victory against the guards of Scara Brae and unite the tribes.

This figure in the shadows was a being of incredible power...

And so...Mrokys ordered the shamans and druids of his tribe to gather the ritual items needed to conjure the specter in the dark.

The unformed land...The Antifirmanent as it was called in The Thayne Codex was a place of untold wonder and danger.

The Elder Shamans of his people were quite gifted in the mysteries involving The Thayne Codex and so...the rites were handed down from generation to generation in a verbal and song sort of way. With the Hume sacrifice at the altar fashioned for that purpose, the Shaman spoke to The Old Spirits in communion. It was fascinating for Mrokyss to watch the summoning and binding rite take place. One of the older Shaman, a Goblin named Prothess looked at Mrokys as he sat on his throne.

"The ritual is underway. My agents have gathered the belongings pertaining to his life." Prothes said calmly.

"He fell at the hands of Yosef Terrentius...according to the old legends." Mrokys said calmly. He was a strong and older Goblin, facing his last days. Only interested in seeing this final act done.

"Yes...my Father oft spoke of the great conqueror Yosef Terrentius. He initially escaped the prison island of Lornius..." Prothes said.

"Lornius..." Mrokys laughed darkly. "The Humes are desperate to summon it's power once more." Mrokys continued. 'Once we have bound the spirit of the legendary Elthas Belthasar to do our bidding...they will not be able to stop us."

"He might attempt to resist." Prothes mused out loud. He was rubbing his long lock of a beard, it was braided. "But my Shamans have a plan in place to bind him."

"How did you acquire his earth-bound remains?" Mrokys asked casually.

"It was a most difficult task, but I will not bother you with such sordid details." Prothes said calmly. "The final aspect of the rite is about to begin."


Mrokys looked at the unfolding events with genuine interest. He was standing above the altar where the sacrifice was made to conjure the power of the shamans. He'd insisted on being present when Elthas was summoned. The chanting had gone non-stop for hours as the rite was reaching a fever pitch. It was the old magics...power that wasn't that dissimilar from Necromancy. Mrokys saw that the old gods accepted the ritual sacrifices placed around the alter by The Shaman.

Prothes oversaw the final steps of the summoning rite.

"The spirits are with us truly..." Prothes began. "Oh ancient ancestral forces, please accept these humble offerings placed by the keepers of the old ways. Please bind to us at the presence of his mortal remains...the one called Elthas Belthasar." The gathered appriitions responded upon hearing the chosen name. One of the floating elder spirits move towards Prothes.

"You have bound suitable offering of blood and sacred items." The spirit said. "From The Twisting Nether...we will bring you the one you have summoned."

"My will be so!" Prothes commanded and waved towards all of the gathered Shaman.

Present around the alter were relics of long-forgotten power related to Elthas's life. Two daggers made of mythril, a fedora hat that was one of Elthas's favourites, and most importantly and idol emblem that was a depiction of a woman of the past. A woman named Hylda Terrentius. The mortal remains of Elthas's body were reacquired for the rite, and present at the altar. The gathered Elder Spirits reached into The Twisting Nether and chanted in their native tongue.

A moment later...

There was a brilliant flash of light and Elthas Belthasar's wraith-state form manifested from the rippling pools of the twisting nether.

Quickly, The Goblin Shamans worked to bind Elthas.

Symbols that were ancient runes written in the text of The Thayne Codex locked Elthas to the Goblins.

Elthas resisted immediately, but the power was too great and the act of being pulled from The Twisting Nether was a powerful one.

"Why have you summoned me...?" Elthas suddenly asked from the great beyond.

Purple arcane symbols manifested around Elthas, and locked him place...insuring Goblin dominance.

Prothes looked to his leader and nodded.

Mrokys walked slowly towards the symbol prison that held Elthas in place. "Son of Clan Belthasar." Mrokys began. "My people are in need of your power."

Ethas looked down at The Goblin leader. For the time being...Elthas accepted the situation at hand. "What is thy bidding my Master?"

"My people have sought you out from The Twisting Nether." Morkys said calmly, all eyes were on Elthas Belthasar now. "In exchange for helping us defeat our enemy, my people can offer you great power."

"I have power." Elthas said, but continued to speak. "However, I will gladly accept more."

"You have been asleep for a long time, Son of Belthasar." Mrokys said calmly. "It is time for you to reawaken in service to us."

"So it shall be done." Elthas said carefully...

And so, in the shadowy depths of The Goblin Cove...the pact between Goblin and Wraith was made.

To what end...? Only time would tell.

12-28-16, 05:24 PM
Elthas considered the pact between Goblins and himself quite carefully.

He had been dormant for some time...trapped in The Void. The Goblins freed Elthas from an eternity locked away in that prison. Elthas carefully studied the Goblin leader...the one called Morkys. Morkys seemed to be the Goblin in charged. He would remember that detail for when the time came. For the moment...Elthas would obey. Elthas studied the Goblins around him for a long moment...this tribe seemed to be a much darker...angrier and hungrier tribe. Elthas considered what could have happened to augment them in such blood thirsty ways. These were not like the Goblins that Elthas had ever heard about before...these were significantly different and had a purpose. Elthas watched as Morkys ordered his companions to finish the last parts of the ritual work. It was done and Elthas was so sealed. The fates of the Goblin tribe now were tied with Elthas, they were one and the same. Once the ritual work was completed, Morkys looked at Elthas.

"Elthas." Morkys began. "You were summoned so that you could help us defeat an enemy." The Goblin rubbed his well defined chin for a moment as he spoke. None of the Goblins seemed afraid. "But after that there is much more work to be done." Morkys continued to rub his chin. "Are you ready to work, Son of Belthasar?"

Elthas pondered that for a moment. He was simply glad that he had been freed from The Void. "I shall do whatever is required." Elthas meant that. Once...he had honoured the Old Alliances between Men and Elves. Though Goblins were different and far more tribal...they were still a group of people that needed his help. He was simply glad to be of service once more.

"Good. Then we can begin immediate to get you working. I can offer you power...Elthas...but most importantly I can give you that which you currently lack. Purpose." Morkys said calmly. And perhaps...he was reinstating the rules that Elthas already knew would affect him always.

"Which is the Enemy that must be slain?" Elthas asked. Curious to see why had been summoned in such a way...after such a long slumber.

"A man named Croy Estagon." Morkys responded. "He is a Hume in the service of Scara Brae who hunted my people down for a long time. He has Goblin blood on his hands. For this crime he must be killed. That is why you have been summoned."

"This Hume must have a high position of authority for you to summon me in such a matter. What else is he that he has warranted such a fate?"

"The man is a Guard Captain under the employ of Scara Brae."

"How do you want me to slay this man?" Elthas asked.

"The methods for his dispatching are yours to choose. However, once he has fallen I require his head on a pike to show the Scara Braeans that we have returned to power."

"A pike? I do not possess such an item." Elthas said carefully.

"One will be given to you by the Goblin that will accompany you on your job. You will not be working alone." Morkys said calmly.

"Very well." Elthas responded. He suspected that the Croy person would be difficult to dispatch out right. But with some help...things could go quite smoothly. Elthas looked around the room for a moment and considered how many Goblins there were. Roughly forty or fifty were in that large cavern that he could see. Then, he returned his attention back to Morkys. "When am I expected to begin?"

"You may track Croy down now. But understand something...there will be many of those Humes with Croy. Skilled at that. You will be tested, Elthas. I expect that you will return alive."

Elthas nodded calmly. "In that case...since it is now my duty...I shall act." Elthas said and prepared to take his leave. One of the Goblin warriors walked up towards him, heavily armed. Elthas assumed that was going to be his partner for the mission.

Morkys waved his hand about and several of the symbols that were underneath Elthas vanished. "If you want power you will work for it. Remember that."

Elthas nodded and prepared to take his leave when the wards on the ground allowed him to.

12-28-16, 05:55 PM
"Do you know where the target is...? Elthas asked as they made their way out of the Goblin Cove.

The Goblin nodded quietly, he was a being of few words.

Suddenly...as they were leaving the Goblin Cove something happened.

"There!" A gruff voice yelled. "Never thought this would be so easy." The voice said after that.

Elthas shot a glance towards a group of Humes...one fit Croy's description. Why is this happening...why are they here? Elthas thought to himself.

"So it's true." Croy Estagon suddenly said. The big Hume walked towards The Goblin and Elthas. "I never thought I'd see the day that the Goblins would use the Old Magic again. They must really be desperate." Croy stepped away from the group of about six soldiers that were with him. They were all emblazoned with the Valeena family crest. Croy brandished an elegant broadsword made of the green metal called Plynt.

Elthas looked up at the evening sky for a moment. It was not pitch black yet, but it was still getting dark. There were twinkling stars and the constellations of Althanas lurked over head. Elthas looked at Croy Estagon for a moment. He studied the man's dark brown eyes and blonde hair. It was wild and rugged. He wore heavy armor, and carried a shield along with his sword. Why is he here...? This smells like a set up of some sort. Elthas was quickly becoming angry but wanted to hear the Hume out. Though he was bound to the Goblins...that didn't mean he couldn't act on his own.

The male Goblin with Elthas drew his own sword, Goblin make and looked at Croy.

Etlhas and the Goblin were both hesitating...something was not right.

Croy paused a few paces before Elthas and his Goblin partner. "The Scryers in The Temple of the city reported an unusual activity tonight. So it would seem that they were right...for once. Tell me, Wraith...why are you in the employ of these savages?" Croy was looking direct at Elthas with an amused expression on his veteran's face.

Elthas considered the question that Croy asked quite carefully. "...That is not your concern." Elthas would not reveal his own agenda to a man like Croy. Though he was bound...he still had his own agenda. And the target was currently right in front of him and his companion.

"I believe it is." Croy responded. "The Temple Scryers reported that a great danger was summoned tonight. I am here to prevent that danger from doing whatever it is going to do...especially if it is in service of these savages." Croy explained. "And what do I find...but a spirit with a Goblin in tow. Or is it the other way around?" He laughed and the soldiers with him also laughed.

Elthas shot a look towards Croy. "You should govern your tongue." Elthas began. "You are in a very dangerous position at the moment and I am all keeping my friend at bay." Elthas motioned towards the Goblin warrior at his side.

"Contrary to what you might think...spirit...I believe I am in a perfectly adequate position to do whatever I please. Including slaying your new friends and you as well!" Croy said calmly.

Though Croy's fate was already sealed...Elthas did feel pity for the Hume. "You do not understand what is happening." Elthas said calmly. "I was summoned to claim your head." Elthas looked at Croy once again. "You are Croy Estagon are you not?" Elthas asked.

At that point, Croy frowned deeply. "How do you know my name, spirit?"

"That is not relevant." Elthas snapped back. "What is relevant is that you've placed yourself in a very real danger." Elthas summoned up his spectral daggers at that point, and they manifested in his hands. He was gripping the handles carefully. He pointed one of his hungry blades at Croy. "You are currently the target, and you have handed yourself right to our weapons." The Goblin readied his own two swords. He was dual wielding two swords at that point, and had the needed pike for the operation on his person. "Croy. For the crimes you have committed against the Goblin Nation...you are hereby judged to face death!" Elthas called out to Croy.

Croy kept his sword and shield at the ready. "You're that determined to do this then?" The green blade had a glow about it. "If this is what you want then there is no way around it."