View Full Version : Wow.

Serus Tarsin
11-16-06, 12:36 PM
I've belonged to numerous sites, although mainly GiveUpAlready, in the time I've been rp'ing, and I have to say that I am more than impressed with Althanas. It's by far one of the best, if not THE best roleplayin site I've ever belonged to. For many reasons:

1) As I have said before:

Most of the other role playing sites I belong to are one extreme, excessively strict judging, or the other, judging so loose it's almost nonexistent. Plus, unlike certain sights, like in the above mentioned GUA, there's numerous cases of moderators and admins not practacing what they preach. By this I mean stuff like giving out unjust warnings, or criticizing someone's roleplaying and nothing else. I guess more of what I'm trying to say is that here, it seems like the "administrative staff" are actually here to help you, and not just laugh at or look down on you.

2) Unlike some rp sites everybody here seems to actually be kind most or all of the time to the other members. In GiveUpAlready for example, many of the members, mods, admins, etc. are just, to put it nicely, just plain old jerks. In one of the rp sections on GUA especially, people drop f'bombs repeatedly in a single post, and others seem to have nothing better to do than verbally attack other members. I'm so relieved that I haven't seen any of that here.

3) Another thing that I haven't seen here, which is also often a problem in GUA, is people god modding. Everyone here seems to respect other players, and doesn't try to make their character invincible.

So, I just wanted to say congrats to the people who made this site, and that I definitely hope to be a long term member.

Cyrus the virus
11-16-06, 12:54 PM
:D Thanks for the praise. Bahahaha!

We've got a pretty good thing going here, likely the result of years of love from dedicated, talented people. If there's one thing that could improve Althanas, though, it's a thumbs up smiley :( Siiiiiigh...

Storm Veritas
11-16-06, 02:06 PM
Quite fantastic praise, actually!

No need to bash GUA to lift Althanas up higher, though. I came from GUA, and knew a lot of great people there that are still there. Granted, there is a lot more flaming and trash-talk, but that's sort of just the way it is there.

I think the higher age of average clientele helps Althanas a lot. With judgments that are often critical, it is easy for judges to come off as mean while trying to help. I've found a lot of the less mature players simply can't handle constructive criticism, and don't stick around.

11-16-06, 02:23 PM
hehe thanks^^

guess maybe I don't really have a right to say thanks since I'm just an older member that hasn't really done much.

11-16-06, 02:32 PM
Glad you like us.

And I have to say, from what I've browsed of GUA, has shaken me to my core. So much gay bashing. That won't happen here, not with a good chunk of the staff being gay (Including me, who'll resent people like no tomorrow.)

Now write in Alerar.

11-16-06, 02:50 PM
It's true. He hits on everything that has a penis or looks remotely like one. I once saw him near a strangely shapped tree and...

Yeah, you grow to love us pretty quickly. It also helps that for the most part Tempers don't flare too terribly often without a reason. Something that, while annoying, is waaay better than "luk jsut cuz eets itnerwbs mens I dun hav to spelll correcttly and ur a fag" ((Ignore all of my spelling mistakes, I suck at it :P)) Still, thanks for the praise, always good to gain another Addict.

11-16-06, 04:10 PM
...With judgments that are often critical...

This is precisely the reason why I enjoy Althanas so much. The critiques are so much more helpful than GUA... the score actually reflects the quality of the writing, rather than the adherence to the rules (on GUA, you're likely guaranteed to lose a heavy amount of points just for doing something that's not in your profile - if you punch someone without having a skill for it, you're fucked).

11-16-06, 04:43 PM
It takes a skill to throw a punch? Is that humanly possible to not be able to suck at throwing even the crappiest punch?

11-16-06, 05:24 PM
Yay, for praises of Althanas!

Yeah, I do have to say. I've been at Althanas for quite a few years now and I have also been at numerous other places, so many so that half of them I've forgotten the names of. And no matter how long I stay away from this place I always end up coming back. Personally, I think it has some kind of magical black hole effect, or maybe a giant magnet. Once you get too close, you're screwed.

11-16-06, 05:53 PM
It takes a skill to throw a punch? Is that humanly possible to not be able to suck at throwing even the crappiest punch?

By their rules, it does. Retarded, isn't it?

Cyrus the virus
11-16-06, 08:46 PM

Even I, with a lack of honed skill, can do basic things such as fight effectively. To require that to be listed is to assume every character is a shapeless blob of useless carbon. Carbon blob? Bah.


11-16-06, 08:47 PM
guess more of what I'm trying to say is that here, it seems like the "administrative staff" are actually here to help you, and not just laugh at or look down on you.
We're kind of like a venus fly trap. We lure you in with our niceties and pretty scent, and then we eat you.

...I just keeeding

Anyway, thank you very much for your praise. Althanas, like many other RP sites, runs purely on the ongoing efforts of a purely volunteer staff and the constant support and dedication of an amazing set of users. I'm incredibly proud of our staff and their constant dedication, and am eternally thankful for the amazing community that has formed here. Both have kept me excited about Althanas for the exteen years that I've been here.

So thank you again very much for your comments. You keep us going.

Serus Tarsin
11-17-06, 07:50 AM
No need to bash GUA to lift Althanas up higher, though. I came from GUA, and knew a lot of great people there that are still there. Granted, there is a lot more flaming and trash-talk, but that's sort of just the way it is there.

Yeah, I wasn't trying to bash GUA, it just served as a good example for some of the stuff. Although there is a fair number of people who quite frankly suck, there's still a large number of people who are cool. However, I think I agree with you that the admins etc. has a lot to do with it. A lot of the older and/or "cooler" administrative people have either left GUA, or just pretty much stopped using it all together. (Anyone who's belonged to GUA for a while might remember Oak (a.k.a. Oakenshield) who was an awesome guy)

Plus, I completely agree with Atzar about the whole "punch thing". The whole way that's handled sometimes can piss you off quite easily. Plus it's not just using skills with that, but also HOW you use it. For example, if it's a "low" skill, and you somewhat easily kill someone with it because you took them by surprise, having nothing to do with your skill level, you still can't get away with it.

Storm Veritas
11-17-06, 08:01 AM
Oakenshield is also Althanas' all time most prolific writer. He has written here as Damon Kaosi, Molotov, Workout Wonder, and many, many other smaller characters. He has given an awful lot to the entire RP community both at GUA and here. As he is away now (either at College or whatever, I haven't spoken to him in ages), his absence is conspicuous.

Serus Tarsin
11-17-06, 09:10 AM
Oh really? Heh. Nice to now he hasn't completely dissapeared from the roleplaying community. I hope he comes back on soon.

(And, yeah, he gives A TON to whatever site he belongs to!)

11-17-06, 09:39 AM
Oh really? Heh. Nice to now he hasn't completely dissapeared from the roleplaying community. I hope he comes back on soon.

(And, yeah, he gives A TON to whatever site he belongs to!)

I dunno, I don't think he's really going to return here. his last big comeback sorta fizzled out without much happening. Sorta like a lot of older members that lose interest.

I have to agree our judgings are good but they still need to be better if we want to really help people improve their writing, though most judges now are better than they were but there's still saying a lot is wrong and not giving much an idea how to fix it. Also the scoring is a bit tilted to be harder than I think it should be. I still can't buy the idea that a 50/100 is good. Still they are more helpful than any RP site but there's always room for improvement.

Edit: yeah I almost forgot to say that judging is the best it ever has been since my coming here. No thanks to the rubric but Judges like Advenwings, Letho and Witchblade. I didn't mean to sound like a grumpy Gus but I do sometimes, I just think that it's possible for the judges to improve at judging like they do at writing.

11-17-06, 09:55 AM
Eh, once you know what's really wrong you can probably come up with ways to fix it or improve upon it yourself with a little thought.

It's a shame that Oak probably won't come back... I really enjoyed RPing with him way back in the day and I was hoping I'd get the opportunity again. Oh, well... but there's plenty of other people here that I'm really looking forward to working with. Namely... most of you ;)

We're kind of like a venus fly trap. We lure you in with our niceties and pretty scent, and then we eat you.

Well, you are a duck... I'd expect anything from a duck... :p

11-17-06, 11:22 AM
Hey, I'm a duck too, you know!

...Well! I was an Oregon duck! When I still lived in America.

...Uhh... What was the point in me pointing that obviously irrelevant point that totally distracts the point of this thread away from its intentional point? Yeesh!

OK, on a serious note: We judges do our best to help each writer to know where they can improve and give tidbits of useful tips to help them improve writing. It's not just the flashy sword strikes or sweet acrobatics that gets the character ahead. It's the story-telling that counts here. I've never been to GUA, but from the looks of things I think that was one thing that could be different.

Thank you for inflating our ego, Serus and Atzar. :D


11-17-06, 12:32 PM
I wouldn't be so pessimistic about Shyam. From what I could gather, he didn't say a definite goodbye to Althanas, more like farewell until he sorted things out, mostly school stuff I reckon.

Back on the topic of the thread though. It's small accolades like this that really lets us mods known that the time we spend on Althanas is a time well spent. It lets us known that Althanas is on the right track, even though there is always room for improvement. But if we weren't all striving to improve Althanas as a community and a writing site, we wouldn't get where we are now. Hopefully, you'll stick around, Serus and Atzar (and everybody else, of course), and contribute to Althanas with your writing.

11-17-06, 02:12 PM
Yeah, Shyam's coming back eventually. Last time I spoke with him he was just freakishly busy with school work, like, freakishly busy, or was about to be. His return didn't really fizzle out either. He did a lot of good for the site, roleplayed a lot, and still manages to hold the highest EXP. I think I'll tattoo his name on my ass or something in remembrance, right near the "Two drink minimum," and "Must be this tall to ride."

I agree with Letho. I'm glad to know my modship does something.

11-17-06, 06:15 PM
Edit: yeah I almost forgot to say that judging is the best it ever has been since my coming here. No thanks to the rubric but Judges like Advenwings, Letho and Witchblade.

I'M LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*hug, tackle, rapes Reiko*

11-24-06, 02:26 PM
Glad I'm not Jon.

Its nice to see you've taken a fancy to the site. Hopefully you'll enjoy your stay here. As an ex-moderator It kinda gladdens my heart to see someone enjoying the site I put work into.

11-25-06, 09:58 PM
Glad you like it, thanks for the kind words!

11-25-06, 10:10 PM
Althanas where even are rape victims have smiles on their face, no matter what kind of strange fluids end up gushing out of or into their bodies.

I really have nothing to add other than yeah Althanas is the best. The greatest thing is if you can make it on Althanas you can make it anywhere (trust me on this one).

11-26-06, 09:34 PM

Honestly...this is the only RP site that I know of...

Most others I run into are final fantasy ones or something about RPG's on a consle or something. Yeah, either that or I'm not looking hard enough.

But praise is good, good is praise. Yes...


11-26-06, 10:03 PM
I started on althanas like what 2 years ago pat? Yeah but I've been offered moderator status on other sites and I did it for like a week and then I was like screw this althanas is better. Like if you go anywhere else it's like a step down from what you're doing. We're sooo....organized and I love it!

11-26-06, 11:49 PM
Althanas where even are rape victims have smiles on their face, no matter what kind of strange fluids end up gushing out of or into their bodies.

strange thoughts entered my mind when I read that little bit....Shen's scared to go outside now....

And as for the Gay Bashing, I do shun and avoid homosexual males, I may call a person gay in a hateful manner, but I hold the same respect for gay people as i do straight people. I shun gay people for the same reason I shun gregarious women....I'm a recluse....I guess you could say I have a fear of being hit on. I'm really only open with people I'm VERY comfortable with.

That last sentence may seem ironic, seeing as how I'm being open where the entire world can read...but I've grown to be comfortable, trusting, and respecting of fellow Althanians. Those are qualities I very rarely find myself having for other people....

You are all good people. Easiest way to tell how good a person is a heart is to analize your reaction to an insult from them. I've seen people with insults that would have a whole realm in an uproar on WOW, that only merit a chuckle, a smile, and a witty rebuttal here.

The next nice thing I say about Althanas is the loose rules system. Now I don't mean that in a bad way, but like the one guy said, you don't lose major points for throwing a punch when hand combat isn't one of your skills... that is one of the more redeeming features of Althanas, with another one being the judging system, which is explanatory, equittable, and understanding.

I think I'm gonna stop now while I'm miles behind and repost this in the poll: What do you like most about Althanas? or whatever that title is....

@sere: well done on that phrase in your sig...

11-27-06, 01:02 AM
Yeah, I don't like ultra strict rules systems because I think it harms creativity. I think the best way to run RPing boards is through some sort of subjective peer-review process, which I suppose is how most boards run.

Serus Tarsin
12-13-06, 03:30 PM
Althanas where even are rape victims have smiles on their face, no matter what kind of strange fluids end up gushing out of or into their bodies.

:D Although Atzar and I thought it was pretty funny how everyone just immediately stopped posting for a while.

Anywho, glad to see that so many people either agree or are thankful of praise for Althanas. I was excited that this thread got so much activity.

12-14-06, 07:02 AM
You have no idea how much time we spend on Althanas despite the vicious beasts known as the Real World trying to force us away. ;)

*Me gets dragged away to the Study Table*

Myu~! No~! Wait! I still have two Judging Requests to finish! Midterms can wait, Nyu~! O[]o"